Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1955, p. 10

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By JANE HINDS Exnmlncr Womenl Edltor Mn Lnumnco Mellon la loud mmckcapcr She notice when Mr lflycnrnd lwln daughterv Hevrrlcynnd Barbm dont do he dusting nnd she cook gmd mm or her family Their llt 11v huusc 116 Peel X3 spa lvssly clean and everymlnn In its place Now that her chlldmn nrc nrcwn up and away all day warklnn thl mnuzlnxly young lunklnl grand mmhor nmuscs hmnl by hnvlni hurlxic mus as companlnn lIvs klnd 0141 nulsancc when Im trying lo some bnklnz He nu rlxm on my mind she re Hunks mmuy limc drus for lhls huuscwlle only 1n the evening when every ny nlsc 51mm around watch 1m television Then Mrs Mellon ulm hM been busy mnsl 01 her mu sawing clothes or her child xrn and horse and dnlnfl oLhm unk wllh her hnnds finds her er km That where the fzmudlun NnUnnnl lnallulle or lhx nllnd enlcrx the picture lhu Wllll the house where hv Imx livrd Inf ymr hal Mn mnvsllll In all her house wulk vllhnut nny dilflcully she unuble 10 dlstl gplah demjl nnd Mrs Molfion la nlrrmsl lolnlly hIlnd ml Imr mnulnlnu sight Lullm bxduy While shy luxlni fier nbfiny do n13 Minus le1 hnvn filled her spam HYIH cudan Braille mt the un swtr because xho has nnvcr been tuml book But doing ltnlhur wnklnlricnmy lacing billfalds wurklnx nn hundbnus and belt ur Chrislmn gillsis hclnlnz lur In live as In Illa Ihe has ulwnyn lived And Mlss Em Hv Ihllpnflhc CNID hnmc mach qu service lnnruclor wlm 13 Much lnx her how 10 Lb the cm XI nuw lulklnl nboul helpan her In hurn In An Ilmplc lewan again on her mnchlne hr backbone mva the NIH Men the ham lnln whlch Um lmchnr of lhe Mind on won more In need of ham Thu hHml plnfln mny nnl be Inm Illur wilh her surrounfllnfl and Blind HouseWiferflmks cleans looks After family Andfinds rafts Io FilI Her Spare lime MRS LAURENCE MELSdN does all her own cooking lEVITS liqulpyod wllh Chi MOST WANTED FEAIIHKEH ulomnllc oven rnnhnl II leleh wlm nuln uvln yumn lu lnmnllullr lvllIIIIMllu Aulninlllu llmn Mop Walth Man Mind mm mm fulum lhl umuflnn nuvnuyduund In Ihc nmnm Illcben lhv nulul eunvmlnm at man roohlnl wllh lhu In venllul oven mu wllh mm or HIT mix or llu The NEW SENSATION LIVE BETTERWITH THESE SPECIAL VALUES ELECTRIC RANGE SEE and COMPARE THIS VALUE SEE imdCOMPARE TIHIS VALUE Support the Canadian National Insfrifyfe for TheiBlihd Campaign life Which Opensllin YOurAreax on Mgnday April 25 belongings as Mn Mclson or may be living alone and dcspundum Blindness may have came on sud denly so that herc has been no chance slowiy become accus mmcd In leclng less ls easier or mnrrled wa mnn wllh chlldren who must keep on dolnz her housework snys Miss Phllpou There are many Irlcks hot she can leach to lhn slxhlless housewlle to make her tasks about the home easier Evan lenrnlnz the Brnllleulphnbetmnkes ll posslblu to put dlsllnzulshlnz labels on such confusing Items ns canned goods Eu moslly here ls husband who wlll hulld nar row shelves for one row of cans Hm wlll always be kept ln lhc some urdtl so thnl lhuy can be located by much ll ls very lm panum to keep hlngs ln the some place In home when the homemaker cannot see woman who ls lnlcrnslcd In hundlcmfll llke Mrs Melsnn can progress Ia such lnlxlcnle work as knllllnu crochellnx and posslbly weuvlnu always mullzlnn llmlln lliuns For lnslnnce very nu ma lcrlnl lx lmpasslble to work wllh ln lknlulng nml cruclmllng nnu fnlrlsle knllllnz or othr lnlrlcule puuurns ale ul There are not mnny llmllslu whul blind person can do lmw ever with he help nl hu CNIB This pnrliculnr hnuwwlle sllll keep up her lnmost 1n the sur dun ullhounh she can nnly wccd when plunls urelblu because xhc ls nlrnld mmnklnn veganblcs and flowers fnr weeds She makes II wnndcrlul lemon pic and she worknd hum nlck Christ mus on lenlhercnfl gills Theres no murh ma run touch her housework ls concerned ndmlu MIA Phllpuu who along wllh Mrs Nelson and cverml amen onion alley lmwl In the Barrie Hawllng Mud uny ovcry Snlurdny Glrll dld you dum Mrs sun ask Mr lwln daughters will b9 17 next mnnlh 5h her senslllvc nnncr over an able up and discover Ilzm cuvcr Inll I7 dull nl qultkly In In Ilkhl Id woman The lwlnl work ma Burrlc kal um Cunmllnn Gcncml Elcclrlc Co nlnnu wllh II McIA who lhclr tnlhor and hole elder bro ther Douglas L23 Mrs Melsnnl olhcr non Ronald CNR meg1 rapher Ardbng near Parry Saund and married wnh two children He 22 year old On Feb 23 ml yegr Mr and Mrs Mnlson celebrated the 2th anniversary or their menInge and H1 lnmlly held bl urprlte parly for them Mn Mclsons eye have grown much wursc In lhepnstypnr al though her slght has been falling rnpldly lor six or seven years Her eyes dld nul properldeevelop In her chlldhnod and her sigh hn always been sully The bid secretary or the CNIB or the County at Slmme and the Dlstllcu nt Parry Sound and Mus kckn Wl Elll Murdacm whose lerrllory is the 1an as that of Mlss Phllpnlt stresses the lmponnnce the home leechlnz servlce as rchnbllltullnn pruv nrnm Whether she leaching person to read in Ernllle or thread the needle 01 sewan mnchlne M15 pnnpnu ls ullan areal need In the communlly During he lust week cf Am nnd llu first wuchnf May the Can mlinn Nullunn Inflmuc Inr thL nllnd wlll be conducting its an nunl cumnnhm In this area suppurl lho sort survlcc Ll Elves Mrs Mnlson and many olher blind people Werelhcrc CNIB she mum suffer nniy wasted haurl 1M1 could be spun at an enjoyable hubby hm or ulhcr the scrvlce mums the dmcrcnve between useful and happy life and llfe of dcsnonderycy and hnlplessncss nutter wlth Gnndmother Misses Nnm nnrl Pnlrlcln flllchlc Turonln spam the Eaflcr hull dnyx wllh thlr Krnmlmolher Mn Binflhnm Mn Davl Webb and Janlu an spondlnu Ihis week wllh helr nunl In Mount Dennls Mn Edwnnl Gllmure nucnded the moral or her uncle Mr Dun SHE cleans but cuge torher Budgie coiflphnldnhgggs BOND HEAD Funenl Uncln Vllln Aunt MISS EMILY PHILPOTT CNIB home teaching servlce shows her pupil how to do The nuMbcr lwspllnl buds far Tuberculosis pallcnu nus bran greatly Increased of recent years cnn 1n Tnmnlo an Mcndnyl um visi Brown YPDannn large cxowd nucndcd he donu in lhc hall on Sulurdny luhl pnlon by the Anglican Yuunfl Pcnnlv anmnl 0mm Ira nuppllrd the mullc nmnmmpump wlnmlllc llmu nymmmIrI lull pllul IIIM ll vum IInr fluvullu lulu Ind rIuIvr AAA duim wrlnnr wllll lulumnlle pmum Inn You mun me he THOR WIHNGHI VAHIII Iotcnlly Ipnrnclnlu It value dont wnll Ate It only FOR THE TUBERCULOSIS PAIIENT WBINGER WASHER STRlKING NEW SUPERFLEX but number cases um um carcd Inr In their own homes Nursing the TB pnlcnt 1n the home requires spcuinl care ham to help me pulltnl recover and lo nralccl olhor members he am Hy sny SL Juhn Ambulanc at all posslble Im Tu pnllcnl xhnuld an la snnhorlum at few month at 1cm Tuberculosis ls ISuDHy praiunxed disuse Ind lmalmenl in lhc sanllorium wlli Much the patient lhc necemry mndlflcnunns in pnmmnl llvlng and particularly mausurm necessary to pruvcnl lhc mum of the ducnsuu mhm Al hnme he pallcnl should have sopuralc rcnm nun ls sunny dry and well vnnulnled Because nah nlr lsvory huncllclnl in UN lrcnl mum at this dlunsc he ldrnl mom ha nccus In vcmndnh whure the pallvnl bed can he wheeled when the vcalher ls sunnhle and Your Old Eleclric Washer Wonlun clothing mould be wnm Tho Nag Llula 5km In Town 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 230 leatherwork lacing by the pnllcnl This parllcularly necessary In some sun the disease when sweating lg com mon symptom The most Imporlnnt Actor In in lraMmcm ml donor wlll prescribe he nmoun acflvlty permuted the amount fluxes or the dlsmue Because tuberculnsll wrend by droplet lnfecllnnxpcclnl cum hnuld bellnkun 1n the home wllh spulum and nnsvul dlxchurzel Paper Ilssues mould be used ln pllCE nl hundkorchlels Spulum cum mndc at waxed paper should be changed mummy wrapped 1n newspaper and burned pullcm wllh Iubcrculasln should nvnld klsslng onion and should lnrn lo covcr Ms mouth when couxhlnx or ncczlna Thu plllcnl should hlva hl own dishes whlth should he wuhed apart from lhosc ol the rut the Inmlly All lqod scimu should bt wrnppzd In papnr Ind burncd Dlxhu hnuld be ltrnpcd and boll cd or ten mlnum bofnm waxhlnl Member of he pallcnll Inmlly and household should be exnmlned and me Xrnya nkcn n1 rovulnr Inlcrvull They xhould be nnrelul of Ihelr nwnjenllh mnklng mm lhnl lhny get plenly Ilerp lruh nlr and ngurlmlnz and mung rulcd hrnllhy body ma hm antenna nxnlnn TB Infccllnn Mr and Mn Rulsell Maw and children and Mr Ind Mu Albert Maw vlsltednn Sunday wnh the Normln Cgmpben nt Fluth 10 mafimhuiléflmnm FRIDAY APRIL22 George Bowser stat yo he the up nunln unm nn pneu mnnln Mr nnd Mrs mm Younm Emle calleu nn fiends here nn Mund VP Convemlon Ruben Goadlellow nnd Marz amt attendedlheYounz Pwplel Convenflon held Cenlnl United Church BanXe on Samrdny and Sunday Mr and Mrs Arthur qud To ronto visited Inn week wnh Mr and Mn ChurleMles Blmcknylnhtnlnx The home of Mn and Mrs Maur lcu Patterson was ruck with lightnjnz early Sunday morning nil Once mnnn uvnlll Hum the la the Km lnnlmznl III WI cllm lmmcdlnlnly dluvpc To mun null wn nmr nm II you In lml rumulmly nunt nrd will your Jul warm ll Nu rnI If my your many will mumu IIOPIIJNI MNIB DIHCOWAHED Vlnl llm lrlclmlollll qulcll In lrll nvpelm um Ihey un til In helped llul hc llvmlru cum nu Jew in ll lulu In rmnnlrltly Ihlny In In In Illll Inn ulclory It nm II fun rm mull mw Hun lhln nr mkwlm um Keel lrnnlmnfl pnlarm wnmlem mm mm prlvntv unminnllon In mm lrdmlulll lo dz mln he cumlllkm MI Imp Iml um or hll hlr linublfl Tue lumhlltllnn ll ury Ihumulh Ind him be nlml nqulnn no la la min HALIFAX March in In In lnltrvlcw here why Wllllnm Kuhn lnlemnllunllly Imonl lrl jchnbum Ind dlreflor the Keel Ihlr Expcrll Inld There no la mumM pulp dlmrdtn lhn CIUIE mos mrn Ind womanm low hulr lenl common son per mn mun rullu no om tank or called cmmll could camel all he Imordcrl uplllnerL nunNan Tho htlo Inn ltflKflllld lhll mull punplc Irv Ihuuul cl clnlml lhII hulr un be flown rm hlldln hrfidl dam to marum Knit Thus prlule dlmanstrlunnl wlll In hlld the Queum llolel on Tuedny ONLY Apr 10 12 Noon lo pm Famous Trichologist Will Demonstrate How To Grow Thicker Hair and Guarantees It Demonstrationto Be Held Here 1111 new mllhnd homa lnnlmnl or nvlnt Ind rowing thlckar hair will be demomultcd In Bum mum Ncsday ONLY Apr 24 EDENVALE bmvforlunumw did nm xakgnre Latndenrrenchen Mlas Chum and Mlss Gudsoe smdenl teacher from Nronto Tenohers College nm at he East School this week The dan at Bella Ewan In busy pluck these day as cnunh less numbers at fishermen young and old try hellluck Mr and Mrs Donald Fzrrler Mn and Mm Huge and dnulhter vhlted In Toronto on Sunday wilh the farmers daughter munmu The Inspiring Enslcr service the chlnn Hall which was held by Rev Rowe padre at 1h Canadian ALezlon LElroyBelle Ewart Branch 547 is to he tell awed lhl Sunday Aprll 24 by another evenlng service at 130 pm Everybody welcome All POI LIFEHME rlluill ullnw uur llrrclkml man Irmlmcm And In mm mm 11w mum mm In nu munn why My nnl luv lulr will flw IMI thulr IIVII Krllu IMIL Our firm II drnnlloly lml III IMIIIHOHL III denemh on no hullvldunl IIMVI Illhlll olmrvnllnn low Ilmule rului IIOWH YOUR mun II II mm nu ull Tleholnl IL Don flu mm llukl In mule nluln rm nuw dly ONLY Mull ll mum in Im The uhlln II lmllell Val do nnl lunlnlwm unmlnIlom pl Im In lmhnn ml at 0M I14 In niuy Mlcr llnrllnx lrcnlmcnl lhc por on mnku nullr mumu flux Kaela firm In Mulllnx Cny lo check th prourcsu cl mo hum lronlmenl We have no turnall lnr llltk lhlny bnldnw Keel emphulm It Ihem IA ml Ilw nm In null capb11 mnunu hllr Ind WI cm pmurm whnI 1mm In he mk Ida Thrm II mm min Kn wmll Io beIrrlnln ovmry mm and Wu mun krmwu II rrcuth Ippnrn IL 1M hmplu nr 5mm bummu nhnw up nu llm rmwn at he hurl Hm mmvlhlnn wrung Ind ll lhlnlld be lwu lmlelllo nuan llun 0n lop nlnmlc poweror he more dlslnnl lulurell lhc vnsl nzld nt ialnr power lnexhnusublu ynaurm ram the Inn will In llmn lrnmlorm dual lnlo Inm landl To Inmul lhc uppurlunlly normal henuhy Mir ma lhnu Mmll who no drwumely louklnu or hrln Independent rlclmlouhlt nle vhlllnu vnrluul clllu lhmugh cul Clnldn In tonducl exnmlnl llnn null 11an hnmn muman N0 CUREALL TRAIN T0 IKE RESOURCEH BELLE EWART 1955

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