16 MARCH 23 SAW oursoclety hIVE lnuther profitable and en Jnylhlc mcntlnl Pruldrnt Mic Fendlcy had lung ll lmeurlv In announcements Fltst concern ed Drake at the meetings ullcd the qucslltm boxt Each pvtson wits Elven allp at papcr on entering and was asked to write any quesllnn wantnd nmwcrcd The question could be anytmng tn the llne nl huttculture At the tlase of the mccttng qucslluns were collected In It box and tho pru ldunt called on someone whom he constdernd could answer the ques tion it worked llne so next mretlnl come with your questions ruqy There wuru numurous qullcn Hon ram vOnlano Mrmllural Depmmenl and the Federal De partmem on dkplnv Members were reminded Ihnt nll um wax necessary to ablnln same Wu vrilc and ask Mlmcugrxphcd llsts mm publlutlons were nvnll nblu far all pman Others an uvnllnhlc MIL FENDLEY nrnnunccd ml the 3mm Jrncs G1rdcns Isllngton have been turmd ovcr the Townshlp Embcuke nnd wlll be open to lhn pub bc tore Th1 wn lndml nand nrws far we have vlsltcd those hcnmlful nardcns xevernl lmos and only we had them 1n nur lawn MR LAKING llw llnynl Bub nnlcul Gmlcns Hamllnn has nn nouncud lhul lhn Amcrlcnn lrls Socluly vlll hold cunvcnllun nl Ihc Royal Cunnuuxhl thcl Jun and ll Thurc wlll he slghl locln lrlp to spcclnl garden ln Oakv 11c und Hnmlllon vlclnlly un lgulh days MR FENDLEY nnnounced hnl Darrin iicrileullurni Society has nglln been asked to put in dis play ui house pianls ernny pinnls the Llons Hubby Show on April 271829 Since hi quite chore and much iciephcninz is necessary In make this shew nuc eess it would hoin the commiltee In charm of display greatly If any one having plant they are wililnu to loan or he Limu show proleci or our soclely wnuld phone and lei me know REV MIL SIEBERT of Elmlra la aolng In speak on Judgan Slandlrds ul Flower Sham and also demunslrntc nnangcmcnls ln Brnccbrldzc pm May 10 Presldcm Mac la hoping lmvu lull car In lnke Io lhls mocllng you wish lo so phone hlm ALL NEW MEMBERS nnd Rum ul members warn asked lo rlse and lnlroduceJhcmsclvu nl lhl mccl In It wax mcsl grnllrylna to see so many new 1ch Let hupu next mmlnz wlll lull houxnl DETAILED REPORT 1955 Onlaxlu HurHcUlmrnl Cun vunllon was uivrn by Jun anlo Mlmcumphud mphs ldnns broughl bnvk ha mlxhl be use In nur soclcly wen Ilvrn cvnry mu pmcm that he hopcd lo haw lhu Bullcun Board In usc nl the nrxl mccunz SPEAKER FOR the evening was Eric Ilncun OrllllnV known In DudDncun He was accum panlud by Percy Bacon pnsl lrlcl dlrcclor Mr Damn wr hmuducw by Hurry Murrcn nu subject was Hardy Mums Fur Cnnndlun Gnnlcnx MR BACON llhulrnlud hla lrc lure wllh bcnulllul colond 511an and duubl nnyonc prcvn would hnvc bcllnved uch mum hundrch of them hum rlch hcuulllul mndus muld bu Kruw mmldc In Imr Hmlllt onuu 21 mile nnrlh Mule 10 Ml wu can my all Dud or Ihuw In In no MUM GROWING hid Dawnl nlmnlul hubby but he nlm raw THE BARE FRIDAY APRIL 1955 mp pngsmmw nnnuunccd Plquru by Intro hunk phalnunphlr lhII Ap pur In Ihl IBWIPIDII Ill Avllllhlo In low mink In lull lnlonnnllon nlmnl pluhm wlnl FULL RANGE OF SOCKMIUH IMPLEMENT flIAflE IMlll IN NTUCK IIHAINNTHATINN NOLY ARRANGED Hxlliln nVlCHIEN Ul T0 IIATI EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES SAVE UP TO $10000 on 1955 TELEVISIONjEfS SHAKELLIRAGE NOTE The Barrie Examiner By JEAN GlABLE Phone 2414 HIGHWAY The Barrie Horticultural Society GARDEN NOTES lls SHAKELLS or Your Cockuhmi Dealer Iur III In FAMOUS lIlllhl MACHINERY ï¬ne nnwnu cuugnnJ mm other Howe Ina hb father well knpwï¬ horticulturlst MUMS ARE LATE bloomers but they Im the up when lrnst km All we annuil Ind chn we may one or two month lovely weluler Mr Barons mum bloom unfll Nov 20m mus yum THE RULES CALL lur npplylnz iupcrphnsphntc lbi 100 square at Mr Bacon doublus nr reblns his amount for hls flu mull mllo humul xhpuld be worked Mr Bntun mulchcs hnnvily Nllh pent mm and nevu wnlcn ll summen Mums need can Ice ANY GOOD GARDEN soil will lo bu lull cl pm well wuad nw manure plus 20 super phas uhalc appllcd liberally In tho prlng and worked In wcll lune Fond rcgulnrly at ï¬rst Mr Bacon um nnd recommends foli ue luedlng He mlxu lcnspunn njcoflnc sulphate la gallon any the solutions he Icedlni hc plums vvllh Rnpld Gmw Vlgom elm and sprays every luv 10 days unul plum wme lnlo burl This cod me plan and kccps hrm pnsl Irce nt nne ihul PLANTS SHOULD BE kept pinched hack glve bushy plant cxhlblllon blcums nrn wanted dubud Thru In our plnchinas should producn and plum llnl mould In mu l8 pm and lhrce WM 10 clump unlnu Invarcd Thny huuld ll llarted wilh mm mlullun Iummu give healthy vluuluus If IN FALL WAIT unm grouï¬d Irazen thnru culling and burnlnl Ihn allnzc lruczlng nnd lhnwlnl Ihm cause winter kill protucuan or plnc boughs will help avoid Ihli varlellcs Mrfflnmn thlï¬rk ERXGHT FORECAST Lemony pom pom blooms ï¬rst week In October to lllc November 35 Ice ml Ihe hnrdiut plum aver grown lol bloom APACHE Mcdium hellhl bloom 4V Inchc acrou red and gvld superb plum LYRIC dccornllvu Inglc white with Yellow cnlre Bloom Is Oclaher showy plum MOONLIGHT Blnnmx 1n Scu lcmher pom pom decarnllve round typu cream yellow medium hnhzhl 1m GENISTA Cushion 1ypc yel low Ion lcmmcdllnwc CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Both whllo Imd yellow uxccllum plums whlc um work earlier xcullum fur culllng CARNIVAL Buml orange 0c lobcr blaomrr lam pum pum decornlivc mmlluln hclght Very vluuruux ltnlhcry lcnvcs bmulllul bloom mas promlchxoomer No good Ior cunlnu wundcrlul or garden dlsplny PURPLE STARPurple 18 hillV and or puulng bloom thlrd wcuk In Auxusl Daunl Ilkc hcnvy mlm LAVENDER LADY Top among lhu lnvcndcu Early LEE POWELL Cllluusu yellow and hcnulllulv ALL THESE VAIHETIES have prmcn lhcmselvu cumlslunl noud urowun and wlnlvr wvll Mr Bacon wnl lhnnkcd by Hum phrey nnll he and III lnlhlr were prclunlud wilh box at Huwm sunk n11 punynn knqwu nu Old Garden Doctor luc uvnr aver CF11 MD Sundays May June July and Auuufl Thu rm nl me ycnr hr chluru In Inclullu hruulhuul In Dumlnlnn Husldu bclnu nn nunuorily an un xlnn prvblum he pruhHlulml Chunknl who Ha mum brr of II Chcmitnl Imllulo Cnnudn and many um um gnnlrn lucid 1n Cunndn nnd lhn UNA HF 19 PRESIDENT Hm Orrnl Norllwrn Chvlnlcnl Ca lellcd nnd dirrcln the llnnl pmducuun volley Com Iml mm nnolhcr mllu lnrdgnur PLANT FROM 11 Isl 151 MEmbmhIp our 000 400 lv an bclure we Inch our NIL Welland Counly Puullry Madam ru Auocllllou uld hv lumen Imam ulum ur In man In duluy In Nlnunu pullnluln HERE ARE SOME JOY HUNGER Salmon rose r59 mu ruuwnv ounoou WELLml om cwA um COCKSHUTT 5min gpcuxu5r me of ma mom mun um blooms Hold Vex be GRIFFIN President of the Allandale Lumber and Fuel Company of Barrie has recently returned from the 38th an nuai convention and exhibition or the Ontario Retail Lumber Dealers Association In Toronto March 21 to 23 Mr Grifï¬n was chairman of special insurance committee whlch has arranged or an insurance plan with The Imperial Llie As surance Company or Canada to cover the employees at the Community Leads In Cooperation in Simcoe County By ll Spunklnn Cnupcmlva matMM In hll mun rldlnq Exmx Ensl the Han Paul Mnrun snld his xnvernmcnt Wnl ully Wire the role um Coopernuvu played in he nnllunnl dcwlopment 01 Canada The Cglop Commcnmy quulul him as rouowsz Cuopornllnn In good Klunl more than mulhud of dolnx busl um ls way bl lllc whlch recognizes um wellnm or each ls lh wcllnrc all Through cuopcrallvc way by jolnlnu hands wllh othersregardless at lhelr mu or creed or classll ls pas lble far all In hcln lhcmiclvu mnlcrlnlly and morally 10 bellnr and ï¬ner mndurd llle Surely no lmu in the world uneven hlxlory hu ll born mum vsscnllnl lur mun and un llan lu loslcr and lo mnlnllln lhu lLlLiIls than have been lhe ln mlmlun nl hm coencrnllvc un dcnvurx In hum llmu when the 001ch phllnsuphy ol lolnlllnrlnn lull Ihrcalrnx VIly nundnllnnn ul uur rtmum we must nol lusc Ilghl he vlnlun ul nll mun bound luuulhcr by lch at under ulnndlnx and cuupcrullun For nolhlng ll mum nccdcd at lhll Iluuu In llm mall 01 men hm lu bung lu lhu rulnllcm bclmcn nullons nn nuprcclnllon lhc vnluu uhmmucrlllux nmln tr mug wullnw slmcoc County MI mnny comp crullw mumhm with their cu upcmllvc pucklnu mam wopcrn Ive mun mvlcou compcrnuw hnnkmu plnn lhrouuh crud un bm cuopclullvr cnr Innumncu cwupumllvo purchndnz Ind null Inu umu and compmuvn mnmur clamp Thc lunar nl nnu Luke oven mombvrnhlp 01 My pcrwnl 1n hu Counly who dulre him 11 pan uwucnhlp In ultra pruparly Iucnlcd Wllnn Iummrr mnplni cnn bu nn Juyml Anunuvr Hum monlhncd In lhu Cuup Cummznlnry wnl ml uuunn ml lurwml Hm Cuup lnmrnncu nnnunl mwuunl NM lhv ulllrcu mum mm uulumo hllu mclvlruu Il nuuulcd Dual the mo Juflcl In nummobllo mm Ihmlld hrllwmllnucd Mm nu uulnmnhllu prmnlluu board he WHILII nny puny ln ruulu and In mnl ml uulnmuhllu ntfldrm cum prnxnlluu board he ulnblhhevl l0 WHILII my party In In car ICEMEM ruulu and mulra mu ulhcr la no win lhrm vllhrr will ur wllhuul Iullrllun II Huh my chmo hr dlmmlcn 01 um culrvlllllllrll In rxnmlnlllun or drllvuy Olllrlrl ul lhl llunnl wuuhl mhu Icwrnmandh llnm lur nulcmnnt whlch hounh llnl blndlnr could be nccrmcd ur mum umvmmlnn mrhcd ll un Iucccuful lu mnth nuld um bu MIIOI IllOTlUIION luluh mlw nHIkln or lmuuh lulhnr nhuu hrlnro wmlnl ur Um llnl lime rulcnuou nulml Mn Ind dump non nuk II hnhll In chum Iml will all Inch wurlnt wllh mm mm or Ina polllh rllmr wax Illmly Ippllqd Illor pulmuu hum In mun lullur than Clean mun ll 10M TM Hum nl drltdmul lull wlll ulml lhumslvn In plum ll Ihuu uta lg mumllnhul lur lunl lime Fwnl nr ulon down In Elmcnn Cuunty mm lound um cu uprmllvn mnlhod ul Uyerlllni nunum Vn mlnhl vlkr IIH In wurld Ivlllunrnl 01 Jim prrlcnl dllliculllu hc prlmhcyï¬l humnn The caursc for urolecllonlsu conducted by me Bunlo Film Councn In February proved very succcmul Thu Fllm Council now plun nlnu to organim the mam chum lur lhusu win wish lourn huw ln run nlm prujuclur TM course will cummuncc on Thun dny April 21 ha HIE lemry Hull Culllor Ind Mulculcr sum Purlonl lnlemled should Nair tor at the library on or helon hu nhnvc dnlc Tho ncxl preview ï¬lm will be hcld the library Lm April It pm Following nllm ure Icluclcd tom the Aprll callccllun and will bu nvnllnblc nl mu llblnry mm April mm 11m Color 12 mln Show hnw our nm nealaulm with lhc mlmnlcn lnxlrumcnll nnd un dur lhn mun prlmlllve cundlllunl plunulrcd 1n lhu ï¬eld churllnu Cnnndnl minnah anllble Hlx In Noly NIM Color 25 mln ThLI fllm delve lnlu lhe bchnvlnr pnuum chlldrnn rum le In nlnv yam nun 11 Innkl lulu lho mcnnlnfl vnrluul lurmx ob Cancun and lulkfllu way In whlch pnrcnl mny guldu and novrrn huh chlldrnn lhruuuh chllcnulnl ollcn Hymn phuu dcvchpmcnl 0m Mlnl nplnlnn nhw 12 mln Thin ï¬lm lhDWI how one pcrlonl ludumcm In ht muun nbly run counlLr 1n majority uplnlon An nxcullcnl Mm lur dilcmllun mun ll Ilkn lhn nualcnco or InIr npprnlnl Ind llum llm nt MAW mlm Tml Mm clunnnlm blend III IIde lnnlnly Thl llml 10an In nmlhcm mun Sweden IOIUIIK mmu lull of buuly nnd Irnna cur In nhuollmulu Nlll nu drumHy qulln no wllh mo older anpl ml Hair ycnrly mluu 11qu 10 um mmlnlnlnl Klan Wyrk Culnr mlm Thu Mon at Duo 01 Candi mml Inmmu mm In luld 1n lhlu nhn which umunu many at llw plu luru nl Emlly Cm nulml buck 1ruuml ul llrllllh Calumbu hud ICIDG In WhlLll Iho workvd AN EXAMINER WANT Aniï¬xrï¬um helm for Channels 2459 and 12 12 You provlï¬nco In guylng procedure GERRY MUCETTE FOR THE BEST CALI BARBIE 5m FAR FRINGE TV ANTENNAE FILM cnuan PREVIEW association and their lomlllcs throughout the province The insurance committee included Frnni Erny of Midland and Herb Allen of Burlington Over 1500 mombcrs of the associa tion attended the meeting at the Royal York Hotel Pictured above are Mr Bray Homewood SecretoryManager oi the ORLDA Mr Grillin and Whiteslde heglonul Group Supervlsor or The Imperial Lite HEAT SPRING CAKE Dclirnlu swlrll or lnlm Huvnrcd lxolllnu nrnnmvnl IMI lusclmu Mlnl Chnculnlu anc Thu cum plcmanlnry mlnilinu mm lwu llnvnrl plDpurminl nnd choc nlulv wlll dvllum the pnlnlo mu who lry II Far lpuciul occnxlun yuu may drmnno Hi you wlnh But for mu honor win nflnu cnko Iho Ilmplu hunuty or he Hulld urccn tu wilan In cuman to ma rlch thocolnlc layuu II that ncudud anm lmh Ihu Ilm brcnlh Iprlnl Mlnl Clwmlun Cake cups mml nHpuwolx tlnur cup cornllmh lulpnnnl blklng puwder lulpunn um lunpocn Indu cup bullcr or mnrhrluu li cup lunar nbrnlun unlwrclvncxl hnculnlv 5m murmur Huur curmllrch Imklnl puwder lull Imd Indn Crum bullrr llwruulmy Grud uully but In In unlll mlxluru II uqu and llufly Add cull one at Ilmo thlInl won Iflur Ell ndleuxl Add Ind IHI 1n mtlled chnculnlo and vnnnln Ixhlrl Md IIHUI dry IIIIXHIICHII nllnrnllcly wllh mllk um um Imnulh ur ouch mllllllon Tum lunar Inlu lwu rnund wall Imam lnycr rukc pram Unkv In aw den uvun nbuul mnulv CuDl llym lo mlnulu In Turn luym lmln rlku luck um um commun Iy Fall 1th foal lnyrn wllh Wu mcllcd lenwuun vnullll ulrnrl llu cupl mllk 23 cup Iuunr 22 lnbluuoun wntur lllcup um cylmruyrup linipuiï¬rbdkini puvhivr whllrl lbnxpoun pnppumlnl cxmcl IfLw dxonl uil puppvrmm Fvw drum green land calming Comblne lunar wnler corn Iyrup Ind bnklng powdnr In muco mn llnca nvcr medium heat and all wllhuul nlrrlnl untll syrup runchel NIF on lhu cnndy Hm mnmmr or unlll lyrup wlm lllrcud la Inthu Dcul WK vhllul um um Dcnllnu cun Ilnnlly vuur hut Iyrup very How 1n lhln Ilrnm Inlo UHIy brumnvuu whim Add vrppcr mlnl rxlrnu Ind nod coloring and conllnuu bent unlll lrulllnu huldl ahnpc Cull lbn numlnur Inr lrlnun llmm ml HIus BHRIIIES FAVOURITE USED Fargo Ion Inncl mo 95 ton lnntl Plymoullwlnmsmun Multur Conch 51 llynquth Mann milo Auntln Hcdnn lmnm culnlc 52 MEMO Hednn hum Wlllyu Conch 53 Dodgy VI Eula leppumlnl Flonllnl CIIIIYHLEII PLYMOUTH mum mucus 55 DUNLOP ST 482 BRA HAROLD HILL LIMITED EXCEPTIONAL USED TRUCK VALUES Hostess Lecturer Sets Fine Tables fAORONlO 1CP When Mrs chucll gnvn ton panHe In Urnnlum Cfly Saxk 1hr hld drug water up rem the lake 1n buckeu or mum enulncer the Miracuvo young munan now gives ashlon show tableware mm across Cnnndn ll SumnPnlley She utlen lhlnk hcr frnmlnr muse kccplm whén me la mum luncy luncheon uh or her show When her huvbnnd wk his inm Klym llvu In Um nunthorn mlnlnn communny hll wlte wan determin ed hut hclr enjoyment of cnle Eulnlnl wnuid not be curtailed 1qu pnrtlcsdlnnm and lunchmm lave FRENCH MOTORS 77w Mylof HIGHS 80 DUNLOI 51 EAST dn IMO on llncl dl Ford 19 Ion lanel ul Fnuo an Himtn YOUR DODGE DESOTO DEALER 52 Ullrynlcr VI Sedan mile 52 Hlmlcbnku Hcdnn 51 Inflow nnlalu Hulun 01 Mercury Ruin rndln 50 Molwr Hulnn 00 Aunlu Bednu 50 lontlnn Hula no IIymomh Coupe FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK 75 Bradford St PHONE 5011 moémm GOLDEN ALE We once meta sculptorwho was such perfectionist in his job that he was never quite satisï¬ed with the results of his labours Every Monday morning he would put on seulptors smock pick up mullet and chisel and start to carve new oneton block of marble And every time the sculpture looked perfect tq everyone else he would step back for few minutes and then go back to chipping away bit more it was because he worked this way that he had to start the week with such big chunk of rock You see his job was making cameos in ring factory Key cul muddy and Incunlely wide vlrltly key bllnkl llwnyl rm hlnd BREWERY LIMITED WE DELIVER 482 BRADFORD ST Sprny the Ihelvu Ind wall your llnen und clothe closau mm in Imh lovely mm to lend in 11mm nlr to your linen and clothes mpk empty perfume bottle in your drmer drawn at llngerlo cases to scam hundkerchlels Un Kcrlg apd glove Mrs Lem some the Idea shé use now in her dcmunslrnflonl mm dhtunnlnlns Your Ono Stop Store mmnm mom 2m momma masnxm HARDWARE Contractors or Farmers nu Ho union Spruce Ind Phi Lumï¬cl noun or Brand mllvend an lhn lnb by Iruch CAR MARKET 50 Chevrolet Hednn 60 Foul Conrll 40 Melcur Club Coupe 10 Chevtolul Conch 4fl neï¬ulo flulom Bodn rnullo aa Morrlv Sedan 41 Jean Btnllun anon 40 Dodge Hcdnn 02 Dodge Cnupu 41 Hhulcbnkrr llxprcn 44 not IA Inn Elpreu KEY and LOCK SERVICE Imt Lorlnl Onlnrlo CLHPPEIITON LUMBER CO Builders erln or nrlcu