IHé lisiCdldiï¬h COWINW AUDIMGMiIgmj apwoayunq st My closesflue ul course will be little Jimmy who Is now almost one year pm Unrpnunnm the day on which he celebrates his first bhmdny Fub 21 will be the day um man me ï¬rst In my Navy work on the east coast That would bevlough enough lar any lather but It ls jusl mile wars In my caseyou see Jimmys hmhdwanï¬ my own at on um lame dayw guess one tould call It pucuc Jusflce 1h my that Codflnucd min 1133 one WHY flnd ha ptcpie are wnder have raunq flhcra ï¬Ã©ï¬‚mï¬ Youlllovo Skunk iha Ind mInl you so Hub rodInd chromo buufyModal PD T1 pedal diaphragm urburoior and new pm surixad fuel syiam lalx you cu wifh full power in any paliHon And yilh Shun you cut Hush wflh It ground The PD Im oxr pnwarv um spud omm chin ï¬ghhner Lamper Oriple lilo guida bun automaflc Iubriculion auVomaï¬cj cluich and onei flnger Mgger control unwilling you ever wnlad in chaln uw Come in as dumonsfralu this naw Model PD for you IIl For the only girl in lhe world awn llllll um ï¬DOUBLEHEmeEBg WEQEQMSW nmcron smvxca 222 hlukc Street see yum PETERSEN FOR VALENTINES DAY only 16271 $2290° WE ï¬mmï¬ 051w Kï¬ï¬f BARRII Hammad moiOys mum 65Couiersc bigl 2467 me MNGEBHELD kind safely ¢omfofl sieerabillly ag Pblnndjthe Pride of the Force Ihcy sum dont come my better hndm dnubl will gel the rhance In see him berm go am inking mlsj opportunity flying Eaudbyc Mm now The mixer person Is my namesakenext dnor 1h lnlmknble Francois Bell¢ve meal have many mommiesat an old cnwfeeyshup Andy dQnt know how would ever have writ ngr But stratum cpu inghad Ln wud points as wel Mm pawl were pretty easy In work WLLTI but here were the excep Jan The police fire flndhdspml people were alwa cuopernllve Them up 16 ndlvlduuls that could menflon but started wuuld never be able lnstcp wlllmnke mm cxneonns how aver because lhese pmlcular people war nbuut the gag mend Bohneuy Iambreaklm mu Lrndmonnow calling heyMn Swtlyf and are very proud do have ynuna Canadian huh tam Hy Barflev boy dhoyld mung beZzomzbgckfm lamon that HIE may wu Pen 1946 um uwana leave rhescalantr thewar have had mu deal 0t tun writing Lhs columm was ulwty sort relaxation from the other Godoat Gailcal Goomlop OF TlllI WORLD FAMOUS LANE Ell am 2043 came the Cpeople have been most closely associated with here have been the other people In the edltorlnl department Thms W1 Pinheadhe ionly guy our times my lite that can bdit viréund George Suzrey He took me to my iiretCanadlnn hockey dame andwe certainly nada lot at other pleunnt evenings together Gnome Hill ta another person have ehioycd working with What with my mum whenl ï¬rst came here and Georges quiet Way0i tnlklnu weuaed lo gatpn like hauso an lire ln Lhosemnrly days That leaveamnly one male In the onion in be nceoumed or Ken Walls lllniwnys be mmm in him lb alvlng me the oppor tunlly to work here He is the one pcrsnn who made it possible fur me to have hadihe past three glans ant years here Hes quite per son when yawuet in know him and you couldnt llnd better txms anywhere There In another writer RGS innisiil Nuit fame Bert In another nhnracicr Hel mme thing crusader ln way When he get into something he really stays with it No maller what anyone says about himand we all net oureriticlsmgxople cerininly read his sluit Then of umflun up In at wanden lulpwp1e Where In The Bu nmIner You gar In knuwthun that three yemxYnu gm wIIh them ynu lawmeLh them And you mm enher npenlyfar em but you do likeham there Shep unmoslwr Lsuwuse hemnIma good nam phonlst Hes the onlyzuy around here mmlu hummus he cant undumtami my ucceml theres Wanner Bay only other DIWMler In momma wart 1mm myselh Mason always go on wen wxm mm was um pevnever liked my tobacco4h Inswerlogg Memklng Scou hmna prayer nun course here was the mch Jack any penth Idmhe anally IndIabom he only pemn In the whole place that was manly scar td on who lakes along late copy to Jacks machine Andkwres Harry Cnopeh There was unly onelime lhut canrm enIHnrxy Ian temper mm had Icm In and Im tarry messed flung up hIt but these thinks In sum do lhlnkloqufldto Thur God help me Rpm9r bad feeling existing Iween mysel and anyrut micse nhuraclersl And know they wauld nave wnnt me in ten Inscolumn omitunmécmu rang mum mnkumelp casino Hum if Clean than up all qtom limeUpnna of 00 810012nmla HFC on younmyn Iignumrc Easydameelhquimmcnlg Oneday service 24 month to repay Today kccp yuur cred gqod £1an flesh willum IIFClnnnl Need mm 3111 lo pay Call HFC ladayl lHIllS 5Wm and Ham plum 5519 luau our mm won mumw MannaImus ml HAROLD HILL LIMITED 55 DUNLOP STREET IBZ BRADFORD STREET SMNT JOHNND CP Dun can Wallhen prealdentelucl of the New Brunswick compwuve lestlvnltul music says his naup will conuque no press lax addmnn 6K muslc to axegurrdéulumm 19 provinces hlzh smock lrlendship am may will azlway have There ualwayame cdzl specks hghhmjone rung lnhonndln at utegoryu have put the youngquri when have probably comewhowa nhun phrano cue In law 30m many 10 you illm bestwwhu theyear what le aimd and my alncnre zramude and Ramiro what you Melllnwed me in snug with you Sn the years um have none layyour triendehlp mmn ln thlsunwceJnn Hinds Hm frlendahip IpalzeMeaxly Muse it umflo backe low hlfl way We haw MM and smudvandxelueed lamenkjn éach upher swim In those chm ygml think anaum had 303mg yum 1qu an we upon 11 mm oh Tactkindetpqmnwu ilk iiiyang 11sz muse we hate air Minian Rid Wm Mi And in lama Ignasggclï¬l RADIO TELEVISIDN Every Insullnllnn luputh by our uhnlclm REFRIGERATION co 118 DUNWPST Phone 2059 M11511 IN icnobué Mflflflflï¬ï¬‚ SPECIALIZED ALL MAKES or SERVICE 51 MC run Plymoth Illll awn nl Ihmln huhn Immuulnle llymuuu Crlnbroah thln Chnvmlet Conch Ilylllf Vvl Hull rlflln Plymouth Dfdln ndlo 0an fullom Mann Hymnth fledn 50 Cllavlolel Conch 50 Auulln mun 50 lulllu thln BARNES FAVORITE USED CAR MARKET us In Kxymu In My PRICES ALWAYS BLOW TillI AVERAGE 54 Plymouth Bolvcdovo Sedan Radio Mr gnu Mrs LenmxPnuI and Earl and Mrs Jnmu ALen nux mteamrnnd Mn Gmrge ngnnx In yd onSunde aqhlp Ta was edge Wilbur Pensun Ind Kngmnth Black onMondny rhomlnxpx mnwn west cont They expect be absem nhuut Ilve week Kgqnelh will Jpend part d1 his time with uncle Ind aunt ln Lelhpgldxe elbennf notumiopmng Mrs Calltghcï¬ returnin homu Brlth on Monday met Ich Im Icouph week wlth Mr uuuun Mqrï¬h and gunk Hindle attendeql Simon Presby wry in LamHahn 1115 In Mrs Hussein Ind rchildrex Moria Harbour are visiiing t1 51 George Mculadgry Mrl Ind Mn Jack my and chlldrenal Tofonlo spent Sunday with Mr Argmgogm NIH Trimmu AT HAVING so numlor 51 99 liUINLOP wmmnums Boon 510m HEBRISLFEDWEEIS WI PICK AND DELIVER YOU PRESCRIPTION wmfswwss £3 BAY LIVINGSTIIN bRus STORE FriéhgllylDADrugStora 40 IMO Ion purl Fun 56 on punt 50 rlymomh Conga ID llymoulh Hpulll fltdln 40 Donn Hrdln ll Melcor Cluh Coup Vlnlulhi fledn Uhfllulll inch IIeNula Cunlom fledn mllo ll Morrll Nedn Jeep thlon Winn Fun folrh ï¬dxt ngmvikrmqmm 2951 lFLOWERSBYVWIRE 30 1mm indin as Qnytlglu using Laï¬lhwu and chlldred In Jmlnou Pramxnrea MI and Mrs Jnme Matinee Indvlheir inn ampqu Eefly Armstrong 01Gu lph and Mr midi MmflohnMcGhee 013m in Falls NY spent the weekend with Mrnand Mn =An McQuIy Billy McGhee has just returnd Home 4mm Karel Mrs George MchnIId 81111 Sundyy Mgmr a¢ McQunym JudeaWAmespt MN mm on ulhe evnnlnx of Feb wllhl mhcn qndnnevhlu MIHOW prudent opened qu Mtg praym membm respuqdlng nd jolnlni Wl Flmlly nlmer Womenr minute meellng nn Feb 17 befa turkey dinner got 03¢ 3119 Hugh limping bwtherLï¬vhw Dr Dial 3537 PHONE 4055 tugmtScflmu4knn Min ute war readand ldfllllï¬d Tm tums reportwgs1eldMfl Omxk wu mnqlmoualyflnled in on vicepmldeqluwrhe Doms commluce displayed qrflcju lo lbe in balsaInd 3an letter lrppa lheDo actuary It WA quit Mri hléimfofleréd him lira an than uked Maj Jun non describe hm Mudrbnok Thlxsg India um fegd the nrsviahnpu Anon can wnd very ma wllhn wns very wen rigged ad nutlclï¬ HI um Emlyn Mm ummn Um luv don ol upon mound how man on quklry wwd Mia Ilomg Ipnu with Sylvuply luauo Sylvaply In ad onalnltlod wand panl yaw tun do hum maymm pvolttll my and al low COI rm to Iow and nail my ï¬nlh Sylvaoly uqulm only Ilmplc mummy lo wpboavdn huIIIlm Iv handy undubullmmlllu Home alum Ihbvn oho loinHy dllul IvilHnI cupboavdl m1 olhlr hum mpmnmm pwiuu lilo lhi Dl lull Io hulld wllh IuIyIoflnlnh nlllramlnq Sylvaply In Sn ply lhkinum Sylvuply mm at lean ul elkIlloodl whh new law or hand law will don Ida uhhouy Iplllllnq Am uh mum at Iimpll glund and null bun lolnu polIN wilh Sylvnply don away milk with Hawflhr family gmvul Camnlng yaw uni go duping quuum yéuinwui ï¬n hulp lo win you upon pwb Ienu an bunhwhm avolnl havlnun add unanyln uh vglulnlyow hnmwhmyou unnol woaq panel of plaln or duqmr Sylvagly mum nu big Sylvoply gem 32 gave rum onL uilinu or mm ul Iiml you an Gal 44m Smhy lawman 6m IllkthN now llllljln medmm Mums mwooo In mm In piYul In Inumncll you now bu Indy In Ihun ImulHobI an upum Muhl am Irwin Ihan rah om pa um am your Ivmlml do In Hm um by 16 huh up Curlylhvmhnml Illp Ihm In your nunL BARN pouclAs rm PLVWOOD fld lo and Mn hm¢ asses Roll call tobc answered with verse Scripture with Lh ward Love Making closédwilh Memben Prayer Bogn11 Bum Hotplhl Conxmculnunru In Mr an Mn Pele Cemen on 1111th 01 bnby wnln the Rhyal chlum Hasxamalv onTrmrsduj Fey thank matKi ml blh tmnsluslon servlce 341559 Rh 519 gusty 1m gaqaAIm RES mu Phone 51 Ihnne NM