Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1955, p. 7

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USE DuoPiénisls Charm Audience hum Mlle lha Mlullry Twlnl wen luvrllln In 0er HnumL whare hey IIVF runuvl lul Illlll Clvlllnlllng 1hrva Illlulh Hounmn omnm my will travel dawn Humuh Unllnl ml Ind mm over nlllurnll In Md llmr rumnl rulltlll lmn in svllnl Conunuodfmm paw Inn of HM vvnllmz WA lhu lIvurllc Wvlnbcrwr munr mumn lhc nulka nud fuluu 1mm Suhwnndn 1m Ilnmllpu Iluyvr llu mlllc Inn mymm lhc vulka linu formal wlm HSL lulu the num llllbrrmv nunsmv Im luuul The lmlhnll In MIIumyn muner wm mnucnuu run lLH fuvutllrs will mu dml III uudlrncc munHI nml mnuy ude mnkv Ihc VIHIIIK IIII llllrllxl In mmlmcc mwrlullun unmhun lhr uhmlw mmlr llchlflrnl Ihuwulrlv In IIIHIIK LI Cnmxlnlwlln by mm In my mu WIN lvmvlunl Mullnn van wwcrmx mp hrullmluu ma Mtnlvu erlhrr er wrrr nrmnurmlnh ur lwu plum mu mm mlhrr many um um nmknhlc lyhml of plulyhllllllll Inc we blulhvu ruuld nchlovr ul mu Dehunyl Innllllnr AHNlllmn run ylrludr wnl mum wlh Ilhlle ellrrh bul lhmv wm more nnlnlnrll Dull cmflnl chm avur lo Ilm Mnnunuyn pinyin nnm Vnm Tuhukuwnkyn Twpnk 1mm The Nulcmtkrr Hullv All Wit and nLl mm HIP Flmlrlmnm Ivmuglll llu evrnlnu In In lulllllml llnu wlu mly In llvrlr rnrun rol lcllnlll ml llw VIMILIII lumul Clmpln playing lwo nl lhu com yulrrl Mudrl rm llmrr Hwy mm we Inwmwmllunal wmhl nlvlnu Vnnluvu mung Grnhwm lnnhmul Influwm by Hulhnvvn llulnlrnl qu rlunlnl wnll lumqu mume ml laxand Mrs Peter Sinclair 10 this morning on vacation mp 10 Cnmurma mm motoring Io Chlcagu they planned to fly In Lns Angrlcs when they will be visiting with mauve Mr Sinclnkn They will be zlway for about but wrcks Following Monday evenings Community Concert Ernest and Mlle Mnuncy duoplanisxs 1m New York and some of the mumw me local assoclauun were lentcnainud 1ch home or Mr and Mrs 7311 Theresa St Mrs Ethel Mulhnllnnd szmud Mrs Mmy Prince and Mrs mm Us Ilnughlun or Barrie spent Thursdayln Torunlu uucndmg Bunuly Counsellor canvcnuoxL ALVIN ROBINSON has been nppolnud the Initial gilt chair man in the drive which is aimed at collccxlng 1023 of $10000000 WW JAMES ART the general chatnnan at tho tundraldnz drive Mulch is helm undertaken to pro vlds new church bulldlng issjistin4camsuaiféatfiarehDmmén he evening service in Call lor Strlo United Church the mnlsmrwns ReVmJ Newlnn mllh Georges Anglican Church and Rev Luck First Danust Church vlelLd Eur lon Avenue Unlluu Church Hcv Cecil anrm nl Ccnlrnl Unllcd Church conducted lhe eve ning sorvicq 5L Georges An nllcnn Church nlILl Rev Unslnml or Burton Avenue Unl Md Church rullduclod Hie survcc Rev Muir PAS1 Rand Prcshytcrinn Churnh wrn minlsler at Ccnlml Unllcd Church for he cvcmng survlcc and Rev Lewis of Cnlllcr Street United Church vlsiud Essa Rand Pruhy lcrinn Church Church St Andrews mlnlslcr Rev James Flrlusnn was Frsl Duplill Church ur uu Sundny evening scrvlcc nnbm Vllklnsnn and nuuy Hy land Tumnm mm Snmlny at Mr nnd Mm Cun wnkxnsnns Mr and Mn Allml 2mm um um rum Knmnlu mm Sun lay wnh Mr and Mrg my Wllsun On Sunday evening Jan lfl through lhc nnnunl Goodwill Ex change of Pulp arranged by the Barrie and Dlslrlct Ministerial Associauon hc Icllnwshlp nmong hc churcth lawn was Illus trated nscongrcgnuons welcomed leHing mlmslcrs Mu Kmum Vlllmmhby nml mumm mum mm Snmlny wllh Mr nnd Mrs wmxnm mm Very klnx wr nll llvnl lan blmln sllll lustu III III IIIIlrlcl ll rrpurlnl Wllllnm Unllry lm IUIII Mm In 11 PM lell huyor 21nd lu 5M Juhn Clarke unnhl nlllr III IIunl Illnru WI 110 Innhle lu vurk fur II Wlfkk Goodwill Exchange Sunday Evening In Bafrie Churches Juinflng Ihc church on protcsslon faith were Mr and Mm Cornu Hus Vismr RR Shanty Bay Ruben Wflllams Collin 51 Mrs Berna Wingrovc Frances 51 North William Linton in 91 Eccles Sl Noflh Mr and Mrs Checvcrs 155 Cumbcfl nd 51 Mrs Wu tor Brown 56 Parksido Drivp Abm Cook 210 Codring lon SL and Roy Urquhan 119 Penclanx SI Thnse Jninlng the church on translcr were Mr and Mrs Ellnor Dborur Fcrndnlc Mr and Mrs Humphreys 29 Sunnldnle 1161 Mrs Linton Jr 94 Ecclcs St North Mrs Roy Raynolds 54 Grove SL Roy Urquhart Pcnetanz SL Mr and Mrs Winters 33 Nelson Mrs Cross 196 Dunlap St East Mrs Milton Suuun Shanty Bay and Mr and Mrs Burton 35 To mma St REV BEENN the minister Cemmh United Chumh has an messed the hope ghmmll members the congremuun will dogma ulmofl no 05313 in ralslng the necessary lunds Im the ermian new church to be located at the corner 01 R435 and Imonto streets the morning servlcc uf wor ship in Central United Church on Sunday Jan HI several new members wue recotved lmn the church New Members Join Central Unvifed Church up Anaglq Inm finhl wrry Irymrl Slm Jen mu cmllllml um um wish hlxu spuldy ncuv EVERETT Andrews rrcibyuurlun OPENING THURSDAY JANUARY 20 133 Dunlop Street East um LAMB PORK vm FISH POULTRY SMOKEDMEATS Come In and see yours cut OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT The English Butcher QUALITY MEATS nul Iml hw OWNED ANI IMMTEH IW ALIIHIIT WMHI Leaves For Wu Bunting whn has been Stny inn with his daughter Mrs McKnight 1m for the wm by 1min am Sunday avenlng Ladles Md Meclln Jununry mccnng 01 Baxter Lnd 105 Md was hold at Mrs Mcrvyn Dcnnnys on Jan 12 wuh an nt lcndnncc 01 17 mmeEn and two visitors with the new president Mrs Gauky 51 In 1111 chnir hr meeting opened wuh the singing at Hymn Scrip lure rundmg was tonuwem by Hymn 7176 finale study questions were well nnswcrcd by numbex of members Secretarys and lrLnsumrs rcpnrls were read and approved rwo wormwhne pap ms were cunlrlbutcd by 1110 pro gram ccmmIHLc The Camp Mccung by Mrs Gaulcyi JL nnd Builder by MISS Irene Dcnncy Correspondence and thank yuu notes were dcall with Dlscusslun business 1011 owcd R011 call was answered by verse cunlnlnlng lhc word Chil dnn Ofluring was 1an and dcdlcntcd The mncttng was brought lo clusu mm mm 763 allowed by me Lords Prayer 1n unlsom Dalnty rchtshmonls were send by me lunch committee Mrs Denney Mrs Denney and Mrs Turnbull Mrs nchnchlnn thanked me hostess or the use he hnmu 11150 the lunch commluro fur rolrcshmcnls on bchnll or 1111 1115an Hume Am Selma chmnr Jnnunry mcolingol the 0111 11nd School Asoclntlnn an Monday evening Jun 21 Ill pm in 1mm School Thls Hobby Night and should be 011110 ncrcstlnu Plnns be made lnr Ihc nnnunl Home and School cuchrc an Jan 1n 111xlcr Or nmu Hull Slaying In 1mm Mrs Gaulcy has been slaying with her daughter Mrs IL Cam crun 1n Tomnlo while lillln Susan rm been recovering from an op rallnn We wish the baby speedy recovery nappy HumCluh The anpy Hour Club held their first cuchro party 01 the new year last Friday evening Winner of high scon for ludles was Mrs James McKnight fur gentlemen MCAME Low scores were held by Mr and Mrs Henncrfion and mm mm win ner was Mcncry Presbytamn Annual The annual mocllng at Baxter Presbylcrlan Church will be held on Thursday cvunlng Jan 20 In the church SLESSORIS one ofrthe many mam captains who will be taking part in Lhe mudraising drive which is now selling under way modal LoyAW Banquek win he held In he Barrie Armour on Friday evening in connccuon wltm the drive IOUSEHOID FINANCE ernn lllcm up all mm limcl Lanna 350 In 8000 mud II UN on your own Iigmllum HunyInmrnl rlllllirrmfllll Unruluy Irrvirr 21 munlhn l0 nImy lmlny lump your Irmlil good Mun fnIh will an luunl Nond money Bills la pay Call HFC lodayl BAXTER 2a Dunlap mm mm corpm 5529 null om oulu undoa ml babks made available new syslcm of accountan needed nl once and would not be In the best ndvanlngu 0K Hm municipal lly to cununue as at present was nxrnell Unnecessarin Worried nbnm bclnfl from bunch Ccdnr Will Ask For Immediate Audit spnnlul mccllng nnl acc or Townshlp Council Mun dny cvcnlnfl Wu ngrccd um Ihn Iudilnrs should be called In as soon they can have the book made available new We wish to congrakulnte Wurv den Roy Bidding on his election to the top seat in Hue County Simon where he has spent an much cum In communuy ser Iice lnr lhc general wumre OK the nrmcrs and the Smprovemcnl at their crops 01 He may have have script wrltcr now not him suppllcn wllhstnrics fur his mnny mceungs In letter wriitcn ta lnnisfll Cnuncii by deiented candidate Fred Graham he mggcsls that petition be circulated this year with View oyhnving the town ship election held on Thanksgiv ing Dayl This he cuntendlis in day an which most oi the comic awner come up In finally close their homes lt wauid also create aglut of business or the local merchants at would give every me chum to use their vote land symbolize Councils desire to hand democratic government Mr Graham pollc over 200 vote 1to cputy ljicuv Congratulation To Warden Roy Hickling Sucjgést Township Election Thanksgiving 1954 Council took care to move even councnl mceung 2131 or any holiday which might have been convenlem for the summer resldcms to have mended while up an long weekend Chairman of School Area Boards Roy Gnndlolinw was again n1 poinicd Chairman 01 file Na public school urea board at ihe lnnugurnlinn meeting held an the mm in Siroud This meeting held in the board room of the council chambers was the first mare101mm permission grani ing usg pi ihe rqom On Saturday Churchlll the N0 area heard me al the mme the secretary Edgar Sturgeon Russnll Slewnn was eluded chairman replacing John chslcr who had filled mm chair for the past our years The ward lenmud that the new schunl wns prngrcsslng verfsnllslaclor ly and should be ready for use arly in February An nulclal uhllc npenlng will he held Dbpuly Reeve Ill was with rem that we earned that Deputy Reeve Sprnule was confined hospital was admitted on Sunday La 11 reports are man he progress ng Invurnhly Wllh County Coun on this week likely that 19 will be nbscm from must of he sessions Everyone is hoping or speedy recovary camp The nnmc the was Sandy Beach near D11 However UH came oul Misti Notes phuncd bnd slury In Ihr police gchIn nguck 36 fMifidrs Oppoée fC¢lingw¢ody iHere Th0r$ddy Barries OMHA barium and midget armies take to file ice Thursday night at Barrie Arena when may enlmain the highw touted mm mm Columwond Cowngwaod lastuppeamnce her saw Barrie nildguts scrape through 9n late goal or 10 vlclury while Bum baniam absorbed del BanIa nfldzeu opposed Collins wood in an exhlbiuon game Sutur day Colnnfiwood and dropped 75 decision Barrie were with out the services velemns Alvin Norman and Gerry McBrhie flow ever the lacAl squadwas given raal shut 1n the arm when goqu John Christie vacated the juvcnr nuts and ottergd hisservncs nudge Acntrg epme Ray Wal mn whn hasmuvcd out In from nsu ddenccmnn and b9Lh will make thou first slam In the posi Hum mmrsday The opening game slated or us Co Jack Lynn cul louse lol good scaring perform unce wlth two gun to pace Bgrr 12 ollenslve gm Gnrncr Kcask nnd Dunsmore tallied slnxlcs Sandy Covc which Is several miles turlher north result owners comzcs In lhat area were phoning In chqulru was thclr collage which had beoh en cred has been learned that the kwa culprils lnvulvcd have now becnvnrrested and wlll appear 1n police court this week ly scorer Vthree Koals ox Col Inzwood Cook Sandalv it Bul tersrnnd Butters mundcd out the total mun Thermwnsvonly one penny in the game that to John Christie Barrie icr tripping Al Elmvale Elmvalc oak both and at doubleheader Friday night each Mme winning by nnc goal over Bank midget and bamams anu vuuuulu juvenlle entry when The ulnwn Wldlhl lncrcnao In Inch units In nlm For further lMonnallon phone mm or call Kindly mow hpi proximately ona week logdollvpry 48 In 34 In 12 In Juln 42 Ill In 24 211 22 ML IIL Buy now for Spring cleanlng llmc Saw Money GRAHAM FLEMING 18 In 20 In GIGANTIC VENETIAN BLINDS L0 41 In to 41mm to 52 In to 37 47 In la 52 In to 37 In 031 lo 33 In lo 27 In to 23 to 27 UL to in to 30 11L 54 INCHES LONG 72 INCHES LONG 64 INCHES LONG GREAT DOLLAR SAVING 650 na with three goals and Ian Gamer with two took care the Barrie output Gerry McBride Qgked up gm may Orlllll Ponlllns hays signed George Nicholson annex menac mnn will Skalfard and Oshawa in DHA junior and for Que pas twn Seamus mm Slraflard In dlans In me penlur Toronto boy he had shried hls season with East Yaxk Lyndhursls whn drorrptd out early alter min of defeaNlchclson will replace We Grlu out wlth bmken lez Pomlacs gut luck onrwlnnlng ways mar string of setback WW1 wln over Smuuvme Clepefl ln Drink 14 Friday Barrles Danny MetDunald gntvlwo szx Ab Blvwen and Al shew chuk an nplece to pace Ihe Fonts play all midgct enmesln depra tan Bay until BleOMHA play dawn npen edged Bane 55 while Elmvale banmms nicked Barrie lullMm 32 Bum mbumd pacé Elmvnle with three all Klnz scored twin an Mchulgy pncr Ban1e pulle goalie Cuck burn who subsuluted or My Wnllan in Lhe third period In the last minute play ar an exzm forward but couldnt sinkthc equaUzer Chilli Willi Club Will Entertain Diélfici Juniors The cmm Willi Junior FunMrs mm lhclr first meetingof he New Year on Tuesday Jan 11 in Churchill Community Hall with very large attendance very manning and educational ad drus was Elven by Wurnlcfl Bernie who told about his mp Ihmugh the Prairie Provinces Brl fish Columbia and he Western United stages Pqnfsrf Obtain New Defengeman repum 1m 1954 were pro snmcd and showed vch suc cpglul glyb your Theclfibls extending an lnvila 69°m99°m149w7198w fisémpbmorsr Pf GRAHAM Stock up your llncn needs now ptlhesc Special January Sale Prices All Llncn Fancy Check All Llnun Fancy Etrlp All Linen Fnncy Slrlp Ten Tuwuls mo 11 cd Ten Towcla film 20 ed Ten lnwcln slzu 22 20 30 x112 47c 53c 59c Au LINEN TBA TOWELLINO from Northern Ireland chnlcc or colors mid alrlpw 36 45 48 DRAPERY Hundreds of lintch and Colors SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICES PURE IRISH LINEN TEA TOWELS TOWELLING Wm vn OUR GREATET STOREWIDE PRICE SLASH CLEARANCE Elmvale CommunityHal will be the scent the 1954 nnnuul meettng and banquet otthe Sim coe County Federation Aurl 1culture on Saturday Jan 22 The imceting will cammcnce with turkey banquet ut 12 oclock noon served by the Womens As sociation the Unttcd Churc Hursi thJl Dean Em eritus the Ontario Caliber Phnrmncyp will be the banquni speaker Dean vHurel spefit his early days in ihcviilage oi Pains wick south Barrie He taught school in mm Onlprio or three years alter which he nppreniiccd in pharmacy in Allnndnic if was nn honarlgrnnuatc oi the On tario College Phnrmncy in 1914 Imd he was invited to be mem her 01 the incuily in 1915 In 1937 he was appointed Dean from which poshion he resigned in NM He now holds the position oi Dcnfi Emeritusi Unliia iew years an Dean Hurst made ii his hobby in be gardener at his summer home in Painswick flan to Veloro Scbnmherg and Unlcnvme Junior Farmer clubs be gunst the next meeting shan recreation perlud with lunch brought the meeting to In close votenin at the that world war and 51 amateur baseball play 31 ln hls younger days Anhur Caurt collapsed and dled while watchlnu hockey game in Cal lingwuod Communlty Arena Mr Court was born In Colllngwour and look an acuve Interest ln hockey baseball and lacrosse or over hall cchlury He cnllslnd wllh the mm Infantry Balullon and served overseas for Duran years He was an employee the Colllngwnnd Terminal Elevntnrs or the pa 15 years Dedn Emgrijus ontario College Of Pharmficy Speaker Annual Meeting Federation Safurday bNgsnAYJAN191955i The nnnuél meeting proper virlll DIES AT HOCKEY GAME 10Wldu5 7° 1m Regular to $595 Yard NOW AT commence at pm under the chairmanship of chkllng county todaratlon prcsldcm ln few brlctlreporls wlll be presented on current mallet lnlcresl to farm people and thls wlll be followed by the clocllon at the 155 bnzrd dlrentors Tlckets Ior the banquet have hem on sale up but Mandny Jam 17 and were obtnlnable 1mm lhc members ma board of rllrectors l3 expected Athal around 200 people will be present olfulhn noon men All larm pcnple ln Slmcoe County are normally invited to attend this the 15th annual mect lng cl tholr county lcdcrallon agrlLulturel The Items to be dis cussed durlng the business session will prove tn be of utmost Inter est to those engaged in agrlcul lure Thelulqctlon at the 1955 hoard ut d1rcctorspmvldcs an op porlunlty for everyone to choose representative mm their local area to act on their behall un tho nuunly orgnnlutlun SATISFACTION WIT EACH TRANSACTION Used Car vIIIvlsIun 233 nmaiom St Dlal 4931 49 llllllliE SEDAN Shlnlng black Hnlsh Ful ly guaranteed New Mnlur Very cyan Ihrnughnui WM 67° DHNEEBPIELD MOTORS LIMITED DEAL WITH won 54st

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