if WWUQW3AL3 Canucks illclli cm Spiel Eiders Flyers 53 Tliiril lliiy lnOuesi Oi Two Fine Trophies The annual Barrie Curling Club liveday bonsplel abwlngs into its third day today with another 16 rinks battling to stay in the running or main event honors the coveted Barrie Examiner Trophy or second event leurels the beauti iul Sterling Trust Trophy Each day for iourdsys two rinks qualify for both the main event and second event pleyotis is be held Frida Sixteen rinks compete each day ior tour daysmaking tots of 64 rinks entered in the gigantic bonspiel return Friday ior theiiniil showdown Monday winners Ron Allans entry from the Chmchlll Curling Club and skip ped by wcliirnown Jack Constablc won the right along with Charlie Russell 01 Midland in return for Fridays windup the main event competition Allans rink was very impres slve in the three qualifying games winning the opener over Jack Bawcnmn or Allistnn 147 edging Ernie Brown or Eimvale iilo in nlpondiiuck struggle and then eliminating Delmer Wilson or Al lislou 109 in the final game 01 the day His three straight wim had him in all sorts ol curling circum siances throughout but the rink rallied well and will be bollin opponent Charlie Rusell always dan gerous Joe in any bonerch re celvod some cwacnt curling lrom Cllfl Davis in the viceskip position and looked strong in rock ing up three straight Russell knocked out Howard Burbidge of Barrie in the days opchcr by lcpoidcd 123 edged anoliher vol emn homplel curler Len McMil len or Unionvillc 87 in the second game and capped the day with 129 win over Wilt Bcclby oi Hunlsville One Barrie rink remained lp the running or scmnd event Laurels alter the days curling chips had cleared ch Adams skipped his entry to pair of straight wins liner loslng his start in the main event Ilhey rccovcred from 106 driest iii the hands 01 Ernie Brown Elmvnle iao trounce Jack Bowcrman oi Allision 140 iind Willy Tubman of Elmvale lO2 in the Secondevent competition Adams quartet of Keri Ludt lead Charlie Kearscy second and Johnny Johnson vice will reium Friday along with Erniojlolron oi Elrnvalc who is constantly knocking on the winning door in Barrie bonspicls but has never towed ihe laurch Tireriiys Winners Barch rink reached the play ouiiiii lhc main cvqu Waiter Craig who skipped poweriul rink of Jockfllxon lend E1 Craw oni second and Larry Hart vlec to three sirdight wins They will return Friday in quest the lpieis top honors Craig opened with 15 victory over Malor Began of Camp Borden defeated Tony Sasor qunrict oi Barrie 100 in the sec ond game rind closed the day with SLmpe oi vdcran Sully Merc dith also oi Barrie Johnny Grant oi Unionvllie will nlsn return Friday io compele in lhc main cvcni iinals ills rink eliminated Capt llayter oi Camp Bordon 125 in ihc opcncr knock cd our Dcsrochcs oi Pcneinng 1+8 in the sccond round rind then ousild lllli Pillnem oi Mixiiord 74 in lhe linishing wudi Capt lioytcr recovered horn on opening lost to skip his rink in two straight win and quniiiiui lo rclurn Friday or action in Llw second cvan lL1yicr ilLicnicii Mac Fcndlcys rink oi Barrie iOO nnd licrman Osborne oLiu oi Bar rio ilu Eric Wirslcy oi Gravrnliurit was the other rink in iiuiilily for Fri days action in the second cvan They llnlshrri viiiii two slrriliplii victuricri ilciiuiing Chorku oi brim Borden iinrl ian Fans lic OI Georgilawn IN weich 76 710 DIG hows llillU MOTOllS lllllman Bales ilcrvlco iI loun iii 1h all Only 16 rinks monnAvs cinAw MAIN EVENT Pint Bound Allilloll Ilmvdll mm um um aton Gordon on rmn Blobid John BTW XII Fowler Dclmer won siii mamn mp ms Camp Iordcii on Anderson in uDonIld Knishi Rims Iklp Churchill Ill Burks Harvey 0172 Ron An chI Comllblt me llmuie oeom onm MIX Ritchie Prod Bumllud rmi em Ikin io llmvlll Prrd Oriiiis acorn rum Dick Columhiu smi min lklb Cockran Prank Kristo non erlu Du MeMnIter An Huttnlnlcn min on Will nun is blank rin ir loud Mud uiii Clarence mum Bud iiiiaecnna leaner no on Rummy um wuru Tim Pettmon knlMcMillen 11ulhu it Moo Iklb Allllidii aiii lrvirr lines cum Hunt aims Bowrim mu Imi Ken Luck Chlrilc me Inch Norvll buck Art ranii Ton sue Lorn wniiinr uric Ted iicwzii uric ioina co armies in cumminn Ciiii our Chlrlle huruii mo Run Lend nauni Eur ir blurs ihib Eecond hound Moore rim heeiby nunrl Third Round Wilson Arm lirelhy nunii SECOND EVENT lFirot Round 10 Knight ii Am Monlmm llinvleli airman Wilson Aim ii em McMillen nicmnn Second Round in rum in amid CONSOLATION 019 iugn rs Knight all due Meuiiim warm in in TUESDAYS DRAW MAIN EVENT First Round Innis mi Webb Cllmire Wincrovl 0am Iiznumon Asum rinirnn runu her min An McKee lei oerr1 Drlrorhei my io cu Ius min vi Col flinchin Krilh Jewell rm an John mn Muilvd Mu rmnmy lilrold Tlilln rmi Kurnl uiii Ill nin Im no smiih niii lilmliion rum Mirhie Human me 0mm lilni mm Iram Ilnirll Merle Ilill um Wire lino Shannon Ilei Anni rum Huthei lend clip Innis DrJred limnnii iiIIi nrownlnl has Miiu flrumunl Mall iiuouiwn Punk iinm sun lllrndlih cm lordln William rumii Cumiiiinl Urnrl Dancer min Ilrrl Iinbtill any Illb Ilvlil JIII Nilun Ill Gilliam 1mm iini Wail cuir cu lulm Mlior mum on llvvilun on T11lldlci riicnri Arum la clip rimmin mini unniiii Cilll riuni ruin Almlimill rim rhlrrl limian unni Mini Mrirrillli cm SFIJOND EVENT Firt liouiirl Vlevy ciui ainin iii Inuii Nrcond Iluiilld no iiuiu II 05 Whlu Ii mm CONSOLATION immi min Vermin Auiii illn IIIVLII mum Allision Hornets Win Two Handily Mimi mum on wiii ri Iilr iinrliiml vlrhiiles lii Nriitil Yolk Juvenile lmgiir rom muu 1m week The IilIHlVII Irniuircri uiiui Burden ili Wulnmliy Al Uriinn Amie and lien hiimllisiiul Wmin bridge ill II Alllrluli Fiiiley lilulit Drier Si ilurr war liie hlnilii oul alienIve pluyrr tor Allillml in His Winï¬irlile hmll lie murml live main our asirled Iwu ulhcm Allietun 1m Ilerrlr liivrniiu grin hint Allim limo ml hen llchie Msrllm in An Kane Nels Two Barrie Flyers with rightwing er Donny Poliziani back in the lineup wearing cast on his rac iured right wrist dropped decision to ccllsrdweliing Kitch ener Canucks last night in an 011A junior contest at Kitch ener The win icr theCunucks was only thcir seventh oithe reason in 33 starts but prevented the Flyers irom moving into sixth place tie with Gait Black Hawks who bowed 51 to St Catherine leepecs last night in the Garden City The Flycrs with grime in hand over the Black Howks prep or rugged weekend series with tho deiending champion Teepees which opens here Friday night rind finishes in St Catharines Sat urday Tho Teeps have won iour in ii row over the Flyers so iar ihis sensnn Kitchener took 21 lead in the ï¬rst period uhdgihc tcams split pair evenly in the second The vas yimproved Cnnucks backcd by tremendous neiminding by Claude Duiour ouiscolcd the Fly ers 21in the third and ilnzil chap iel Rookie lolhwingcr Jack Kane sparked Barrios oiienslve with two goals while Arnold Smith the tireless centre star banged home single counter legion Nlinor System Shows Keen AciiOn The Barrie Legion minor hoc kcy sysicm got underway Satur day morning at Barrie Arena with lull slate of nine games and it early indications hold up all div isions except the NHL will show kccii competition The NHL the systems oldest bracket saw Monircril trounce Tc rnnln 40 and VDarric bantiims lhorouglily overpower the Scri Caaeis 150 which is hardly what ihe organizers wanted However the remaining three divislohs junior senior and Am erican groups seem headtd lor grcni iussle briuro champions are declared The juniors saw Kitchener iind Gnlt battle to ii scoreless tie while Guelph Bilimnrcs blanked Barrie Flycrs 4D Jimmy Swain Rich Ird Green Garry Long rmd llm Prati talllcd goals or the Mad batters The seniors were airtight with Windsor Bulldogs claiming 10 decision over Niagara Falls 11nd Chaiham Maroon edging Owen Sound Mercury 21 Marshall Aikins scored the goal that gave Windsor theblg viciory Gallingcr wiih goal iind on us slst was me sparkior Chnlham while Brian Harri nicked the single Bob Bobby inllicd or lhr Mercury The American League games were exceptionally close Spring ileld Indians nad Providence Iich haillcd lo ilc Pilixliurgh liorncu and llcrshcy floors were engaged in 33 sialcmsle while Clcvclund Barons capped the only dccision oi the openers 20 win over Bullalolilsnns Vic Lindsay scored iur the in dinns while iloblLyons gonl nul lilled lhii hilorl in favor oi the Reds Larry Torpey wlili two goals was the big gun ior llcrshey while Wayne Marlon counted goal and one nsslnt Pittsburgh goal nillcngc irorn llcg uunr mun noi Loughccd md Carl lininilloll Charlie 5m and Alex Lauslcy swim ur the Baron in the mm out will ovcr lhc Blsuns CUIIJLU Ariuins was oneman lilllllV ior lliirric liiinlamr ii lic rcurco seven goaLr iignlnst the Sea Chiliis Gun Andvrsuii lliiii piiir Illlil Lingo wcnl to linss ClllnLNlll Dick Forbes Norm iinymii llrinii Wyn Shannon and loncnck ilub Urry lllnkc Webb Wync lien and Jack Twliis iicurcri for liimiiroiil iii Ihcir viriory over Tu riiiilii Bauld loses First Amateur Boui Allllll Uiilllil oi IL llnrllc Dini liiu Club lusi his lirll iiiiiulciii Ilglil uilcr iiiiir Ilirilulil wins Mim iiny night when rye iorecil in in ylclii II mum 1K0 lrlliliill to liilrflo Arilliill iii Ilium in II lhrrcriiuliil irclliii liiiiry lit iliu lnliicii ilri Tiirriiiiu Ii will iiiiilirrl ilglii wlillo ll iii ui iiii ionimi my grind lluiiliiil iJiroiiili who has on iiiiivyruivn live knock out ill live Iliiill illi Irillillll Thu mi iye nu ui Lia or ilie up liil Illuilii Iii ll iivcmiiiiri ireluio liniiiil lnul Killlily iii llnnle IilliKiII lri Iiiuilicr lHIW willi lilglilyvllivurcd Jerry lliliriio iii liirillllu lllllil n1 liiuiiiii Maple INT lnr ilrin lHlllllit ai Elli Ilic lluiiinih have what sliiiillll lis llililllnii exiillllliiin lllliil tip lur linlilnluwii Iiiril lllilny Juli Hi When llilv llrliifl lust ymrl Bellini ToBiiniiiiii rennin Finals Ill inure lireiiiiToiiiglil CentreiTrinity Combines earnedthe right to meet St Marys inwtho suddendeath finals or the bantamtitie to night when the Church Hockey league stage their annual Championship Night at Barrie Arena The Combines broke 11 tie with two goals in the second period Monday evening to edge oollier United 31 in suddendeath semiilnnl piayaiigat Barrie Arena The teams were all even at the end or the ï¬rst as Garner em verted Pogucs pass tor the Com bines marker and Johnny Mc Doweu dented he twine or 001 lier But Cerutrnillriniiy opencd the gap in the second on goals by Ron Ksighen and Barry Kcust ici the winning margin There were no penalties in the iirst period but the second erupi ed with Live minors our at them to CentralTrinity Don Grave took pair and iiaverson and Car scn one each Page got the gate for Collier The Church Mague presenis iuli slate of games inr spectators tonight There is over two hours o1 preliminary games prior to ihe championship sawolls which sinrt At 850 pm The Atom division wril open playou action when two Allanilsle entries Burton Avenue and F55 SL George Combines mix in the suddendeath ï¬xture Burton Avenue undoieated in six league starts will be iavcred to win The peewce iinal is set to get underway at 920 and it should lic thriller The closest division oi all during regular schedule action Trinity will go nglinst St Marys ior the honors Trinity ï¬nished on top oi the league by ii one polnt mzirun over St Marys but the champion is any pclsonl 1055 The third championship set is the banlam clash between highly lrouted St Marys and Central Trinliy St Marys iinlshcd well iniront oi the pack during the srdiediuie and will heiavored to cop the title Iï¬e schedule ior Whtl games is as iollvws 615651 panExhibition Ccii trial Monis vs Fem Road Peewees 850 pmMoms exhibition Collier vs St Marys ZlipmAioms exhibition Trinity vs5tiAndiuWa 135 pmleewec exhibition Central vs Collier $00 pm7flwee exhibllen Burion Ave vs St Andrews 825 panSquirts exhibition North vs South Clumplomhlp 5504110 proAtoms rBurton Ave vs Essa Road5t Georges illoDSOPeewee mnity vs Si Marys PWll30 penBantam St Marys vs CentralTrinity 103011 ElmExhibition Allan dale Combines vs Collier or CentralTrinity Bruin KiclLine Hii Hot Stride Bostons newlyiormcd kid line of all iormEi you is set iing hot scoring pace in the Na tional Hockey League nccording to statistics retried Tucsdcy Leo lelnc the rampaging righiwingcr heads the list at Flyer graduates with it golll iind 13 assists for 21 points in no games The output is good en ough ior ltlh position in the league scoring race Lablner centre male Don Me Kcnncy Ia not lnr behind wilh 15 goals iind ninu mists iorzl points whiie thelinec ionwinger meal Chevrcills has 21 poinis made up 10 goals rid 11 assist Tho lormer Barrio trio hes score ed 39 01 Bostons Bil goals this sea son Scoring rccurds on iormer Fly or who have pcriormcd in the N111 this lensonruri inllawr Leo Lablne 39 13 TI Don Mchnney AI 15 Mill Chevrcills 33 10 12 Ron Stewart 34 12 Doug Mdhnl Toppaulnl 43 ll lfl Jim Morrison 44 lo Poul Mcgcr 13 Skip Tell or Terrier Barrio St Mikes Junior liuplc II Garden 1m 12 DAILRIE Goal Green dc icncc Manucen Sinccy llope icrwurds Barlow MacDonald Pollzlani Lovedy Illnclrl Smith Ball Kline Glover Vaughan ST MiCliliELS Goal Mb Nnmara deicncc lrlcc iiischi TO 16 22 VALUES Eirecrwi riiuna Fill SAT Gondruri Wail Mcldrum lor wnrds Drill Ellk Llnscmuii Duil Gribhoni Andorran Duchninnn Iliinnigln Calvin Rclercc Jack Shropshire Wfl ton lincanicn lune Doolliilr Aurora and Ted Topping Siouii ville FirI lerind Si hllclincll Ilirchmnnn Midflrwn lliirrlc llnnclrl leiiiilllu Duii WM Second Iellod 3llarrlr MiichicciI iliirric runny lllunciri Medium lJArrlc 5mllh iolixilnl Illinoiil Ollirilc Barlow 011 iciilillicl Mclilruni IOmin uie inlrcomiiicii llnneirl 501 Diili 011 lullliniil lllll Price low McNamara loinliiiiic inln tilliiillil Acrvril by lliicliinuiiii i009 Dull lOJl liliii illJiI Siiillli lOIl Third Period Mlcliucll Dull i1 llrrrilc lliirlow Kano licnrlill 111 llarrlr Vniigliiili urbaniii iiilllllll 035 ii iii Mlchncll ilmcnilm Colvlll Drill llrï¬l eriieill ilniili Uiiblioiul ll iii erlill Ilillllill Meliiriiin Lilli lrrl ilinlil Dull 520 iioiin 751 12 Elli ii hum riniin llW Juvenier IIiliiMlisiiiii IillE Iiiillili uilmir Iliil lOliiintlle ills ciiiiilucl 925 lllriow lOJO SlilllT LllUNllElllNll TOP QUALITY PROMPT SERVICE BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED with or wllhoui mini WillllNT CLEANERS Hi 88 Dunlap SHEIi hibiiioii curried Bulimia otter JAN 10 II 22 ALL MILIWIIANDIEE HOLD AT YOUR DOMINION STORE IH UNCUNIIITIONAL er GUARANTEED TO GIVE YOU 0053 NAT ISIACTION IIIINIIMII NW ENHI AldMIiIl IIIOIIE AUNT flMLN TWO lllilil IIOIINIEH CIIINZOLAIV lilillE MIX LPlicns 553i DéVllbissiStop Thornton CombinesExiendj Orillia YMCA Barrie DeVllblu avenged our only deleat the season last night whzn they c1192 Drillia YMCA 5243 in Greyslmme intermed iate boskcibnll tilt It Orillil The leg was Orllias first ihe seasonciteriz straight wins in exhibition and league coniuis DeVilblss moved into tintplace with Lhedelending champions Orlllo openedu 147 lead early in the gum but DeVilbls Spear headed by Jack iIbre milled for 21 marfln at helHlme Barrie opened up 13point lead in the second half and then slaved oil late Qrillin raiiy Doug Kotiic willin points and Jack Here with 13 wen the lap oflensive men ilor DeVilbLse Dale Hill Neil Gleason Ind Smitty Moi risen were other Barrie standouts Bradford Curling Club Standings JANUARY 14 1955 Carr 60 Kneeshlw 50 Winterkom 56 Fuller 50 Cause 54 Gillan 54 Hip well 52 Harvey 52 17 Knee shnw 52 Darling 52 Harri son 50 West 50 11 Button 50 Edney 50 Wood 50 Watsfn 60 Evens is Webb 43 Weterhcure 48W Whyte Kneeshaw 45 Ceilnia IN TOMATO HAULH WITII llllIII lVLN IIIIKIill liElNZ BEliNS OAKLIMI IIIIIUE VACUUM IAHL KENNEL EOllN 27 FRUIT OOENTlill lVlyilllllillLllllE 44 Sioodnrt Fuller 44 Smith 44 McMidri 44 Coiling GICauon 42 Mr Arthur 42 Haynes 4241 Evans 38 Everitt 33 Eaton 38 mm 32 11 Lawrence 30 Winning Streak ioFiVe Trounce Bobcdygeén 83 Hockey leashed ceiter turn their glance momentarily Ind take their hats oil to Thornton Com bines who are makingiheir play log home in Barrie Arena this reason Alter dismal start in OllA intermediate circles the Combines have compiled lre mendousvwinning streak oi ï¬ve games the latest en impretslvu 53 victory Mnndny over always tough Bobcaygcun at Barrie Arena Alliston Vendorii Ind Beeton are other victims oi Thorntons current streak The Combines hope to exiendltlo six tonight when they oppose Bcetondt Bee too Arena Bobtsygeon kept pace with Thornton or two periods trail ingby slim 32 margin as the ilnnl chapier npcncdr Eut the Combiucs went on livegoal rampage and outscorcd the visi iors 51 in the iiniil session for the walkaway it was the kind game that relorees dream about as both cluhs played three periods oi penaltyiron =hookcy Babecygeon operled the scoring in the iirst period but Thornton came back to take 21 edge in the slump The teams split pair or goals in the sccond Don Robinson Tommy Walton and Lcn Casey scored two goals each ier Thornton Rod Black iind Bob Broley tallied one aplcce Percy Nlchols tallied twice ioi Bobcaygeon whlluPoole notched the single aoacAYGnoN Goal UR Poole deienee Phillips GNich$ ois centre Poole wings Nichols Hanlhorne ulternulflu Nicholl Growden Sinclair Steele Gordon THORNTON Goal Adams deionce Jake Smith Vic ion center Harry Adams wings Walion Rod Black alieriintex Don Robinson Miles Hickllrig Bab Broley Len Cssey Doug Coulson Andy Burlack Tom Brigh llnl Period Bohcsygcon Pools Growden Phillipa i3 Thornton Robinson Hickllng 054 Thornton Torn Walton MB Penallics none Second Period Bnbcayiieon Nichol Nichols Thornton Robinson Penalties none Third lerlod ii Thornton Casey tlilckllng Robinson Thornton Walton Thornton Casey iRoblnson OBobcnygebn l0 Thornton Black Broley Coulson Ii Thornton Broley Black Bella Pcneiiles none SElllIE WNOIESOME TOWCOST MEALS lle SilllE At Dominion you will iind ovum or economical inch iruitsnd vegetableY lectured this week inaurAiinuai Januniysiie lii Dominionftoo youll iiiiil many other lowvcosl lends around which you build tuly nourishing meal30 economize cut and mu Shop and can in in Annuii January Sale at Dominion be wise HIIZIIAM Orapeiruii Juice 23 hlthIAI 23 Hliiil ll 01 JAN NrihilAl irililll OZ PKG 29c iiirzmliIl 35c HIIIIIAH DOMINION STORES LIMITED ANNIE LYNNl VALLEY STANDHill GREEN PEAS 15 in 29 AIiIrIINfl JIIUICII APPLE JUICE lilililllill0 lNilIlllrliAVlll CHEESE SHOES lililiE MIXES NESTLES OUlll IIIlIIANIIIM lOllrET TISSUE MAFAIII MIIIII BEEF lOlll liolllN Hill IIITI ic GUIJIICN WILLIAM IIIIIIRIZY IlilANl OllfllEFllUlT SECTIONS as 11 25 our 45 33 noun 21 30¢ 23c CHOCOLATE IIAVlllllill IIIZIN IN TOMATO HAIICII DETERGENT BLUE SUlli OLAIIIIII ANNUIITF EOOIiElI SPilOllETTl MElli SlllEllOS I501Tln ion PRO 40