In remnrks Judge Hnrvle snld he hoped that the reeves or the different munlelwlhin whev cthcy returned home would make sure that neuter care was taken when compuan llsts of persons In those munlelpalltles or Jury duty The clerks had to be Instructed to be very careful over their sclectlon of people ellalble for thls dutyl In the past the courts had recelved maple who had debillllcs which Awould not allow them to under take Jury Work the names or dead persons were one sent in and even people with crlmlnal records They were stlll xettlng such names It was unlortunate hut ll could be averted II the clerks would take greater core in thelr selection In the court today they Were experienclng another dlflicully nnd lhls was the result at the re cent amendment to the Jury Act olluwlng women to be chosen for Jury dutyr Judge Harvle sale that the net as amended made lt posslhle bur any woman selected to lmmedlnto ly notlry the sherlll and say that she dld not wish to not TM sort thlng was happenlnx repeatedly and the courts were being thrown into eonluslon because lt meant that alternates mostly men had tn be then chosen to replace such liMr Mlllcr should be glvon some lane to 1155151 hlm ln hls dullcs Wnrdenl Address In brlcl nddrcsl Hls Wnuhlp Warden chkllnxmld feel very humble and mpprcclnllv or he mnlldence you have plnccd in me today consldnr great honor to innu warden far 1933 nml know that my munlclpallly will he Ihc same way He flwn went on 10 wngmlulnlv mambo muncll on Ihulr clrcllun Mile and snld he wlsh ml cxlcnd particularly warm wolome lhc new wnmnn mne snnlnllvc from Vlclurltl Harbor lluwc Mrs Florence Brlchcr He know My Wnuld loon all lxsrmnc mumummca nnd would some duwn lu llc buslnzrs wlllcll would come before mun dunvi ths and urmmlnx sessions Yuu wlll flnd llm county tunn clllnn nnd Um ulllclals Lver rnady lu Mlv you We lmvv ulwnyx hren wry urtunnlu llrn In lmvlnx iLlulx of In vary lurJun mlmrm lu flmfllklll LIIRD BALLOT 1mm WARDEN ROY HICKLING Conunucd mm page one Clndldllu Wlmdnw The knowing candidates wim drew Reeve Rnwn new Keller Rave Small yRceve Rahlnsun Reeve Ganlon Reeve Wales Reeve Burmw Reeve meear and Rnevu Downer leaving Reeve chkung Eucve Pnnon Reeve GHmy and Reeve McLean to comm the war 0n the nï¬z Milo me veaan was as follows Elddlrrg 26 Put ton 21 Gflmy l7 and McLean wllh Raeve Mchn mlllng he lowest vote the second ballot saw lIlcanx Pmmn and Gllmy 1n mrcemrnmd ï¬ghL wkuh Iich ling making 27 votes Patton 20 and Gilroy 18 Che mm baxioL Hickung hem lauunby if to Laud applausu ï¬rmed the re mark rum Reeve Pmunn allow ing um rosuh thnt the vote tar Reeve chkung the new warden be unnnlmous mailed in 0ch Warden Hickling was then im stalled in ouicc by Judge Hnrvio who expressed his cum mumlatinm In him and to ma member at couniy council un their electinnw ofllce In their respec tive municipalities Thai ls amt good sum lurylc an ilm going but nnmsumuihm you mend to the present ml that hp Jury Act be nmcm put lumen on the same fool me 1n the Judge praise mknr of his Wilk In whic his wire In whxcn hundm the bulldl irgnsacica Mr Miller bne to 0551 Warden Illckllnu mm was un rrmunntc llxalll hm bl born 1m Alblu mvcuw mw wlnu hr qunly hulldnu annual for mu uulon but Hwy were hnplmz Lu Ar Mum mg 1p Um mvm mlnhnllvu wnl unn mmlusml by 1w Newton smuh mauled by um 1mm L44 All do our beat with ancan OtJuMy bolar pmn In whtch lu llvn and lo xcrve durlnu the 06mlvi yAm nlllrd uuuunx County rollawhu um artrun were ulcndtd Emmly Count by Mayur IL Orr If Hunk by hard Johmflull MXI fur Sku ccn Cent by Llnyfl lflhrxhy MII hr Slmme Fall and hy ex uuï¬dlng vulumc MOTORS LIMITED OUR llllflATlHN ll YOUR UUAIANTEI Um Cur IlIvbIln unamau mu Two kmn grey Ind nnn 0mm arlnn loud Inn Illr ondltlonlnl lint he remainder Harvie cxl lm Ernie of the counw ilc tar cm BHNGEIlllï¬lll 52 FORD for thl With Thm BillnlaA KAI s995 SEDAN xprésscd Mmar me my bundlng cfflclénl looked ntlcl 0d sum Jugs going make mm you recom scnl ioxmmurc be amended to same tooling ns ever and wflh buflncss bclnï¬ apparent that be glvon some 1n Ms dunes clcm marine ed nUcr the expansion and Wflh MTV and Dance at Ivy Oranza Hall Sut urday Jun 22 old me und mod em dancing 912 Bennys Orch eltrn Luth counter Admissibn 50c EMJOW Dancu to ho Georgian Bay 19 lnnderr Friday Jun 21 Smurdny to the Heptnnes Plnn Crest Admisslun 50 Dancing every Frluay and Saturday 39 Lnan True Blue Hall on High rampublic invlled to hear Mr Wemp 01 theBrlt lsh Israel Fedcrnuon Subject Eminent National Agony on Jan Dancé al Guthrie rCommunlly Hill Friday Jun 11 Music by he Music Makers Admisslon 50c bu cpru ray nilén rand dbrexlnss wnlghmg less lhnn nlne pounds Wardens Smith Campbell bur Reed Tom Stmpsun also former counly clerk George hepflhcrd Harvey and DAY OF REST II Canadians wouid set aside clay wank or absolute rust most of them wouldnt knnw what to du bccnusc them became mumm Ld lo squirrclwnge arm hec tic llvinz They want some place go and Snmcthlng In or ar some nnc to nmuse hem Cï¬nHu Evans The Swedish nrmy ls fsllngq £6 mam uiesiulii lam ynu fnm Sackvlln um TrlbuncPost AGAIN HEAD0FFICE DEMANDS NuvelIy mumln Hum Inlorl Ilvl vlln wooli All Ilm In llllltflnl whim Mlny unvoi hlml lluululy II $5300 0U lllfl Full rnrdlllll folllll elulrh rm Mn II My um mm lllu In All mur nu hrm your lluululy In will Ull llllCE Hllm no Ml tlnlr Ill mind plrll rd Ilylu Vuhlunld In Iwnull mm In mmlrd fllhnell uhmm MenSI wool IllI you RAVI YOU HAVE 010 488 imn mm HTIVNNINO MHIML TIIILI Impavlrn um Lumy nun COATS COATS vnu HAVE $2513 SKIRTS HAVE DEPARTMENT STORE 0F LADIES WM mg to nun mm 688 29 3977 Tourisi Field In Huronia Area Continued 1mm page on Need to Dunlap Howevcr the associaflnna et lons can be qune unmolmble or panlwlar munlcxpalily or dis In it no Inca agency or pérson um dlalricl akame had in davblnplng Hs €00sz awnminus Where Lher are lpcal museumi hlslorlc slm famous buildings memorial calms parks or 50m other auxaction howuver the aa soclallon 19 prepared 10 heXp ln bringing attantlan cannuesa Ihousnnda mum AIL important and increasing proportion 01 thetotal assessment In the county stem 1mm pmpen dz Rages manna sums etc whl owe their existence In hung pari to the tourist in 112x levies 15 juro pmy yield manor not than much at the countys mher ax reycnuc The taurlu papulnlion adds Blue nnythlnl In childrens nld re cnzauon Inmllycou and other wnl norm 31515 which How ah sï¬bLsmh Luge share tho budget Government ngenclns rcpore um truss 115 visitors in Can ada spent thelr tuudst dolinf in the ollnwing ways swres 25 fond 22c accommodation 17 garageand service station 12c rc crumlon Dc train steamship plane 7c roadside purchases 5c navel llos and souvenirs 3c Ovmpcient umvaersvarc of the opinion that wilhCamdian vncu 110mm who mnke up me buikni this countyl caningcrgï¬nd summer visimrs the proportiun of he vn nation doiinr spent on road is much larger in My evenL lhc tourist industry is mnjur actor in the pmsperily oi the countys bluuust indusiry ngricuiiuro AN ExcmNa ASSORTMENT Vulqu mulc Ind Ilyles All lully chnmull llnul Ind lulu llnuL 11mm lupply may only Re to $3998 OUR HUGE um um Wu Iron mumma mom 2m Winierï¬ouls SPECIAth GROUP Jlm IfllCVr Sorry No 20915 or Phone Orders 388 1477 1955 Styled Luxurloul Furl Nol Jun In ovdlnnry Fur Hula Ilnlllu olenu nl Irenul au lul col Iloti LIII IIOIII lull lllunl pllh quulloul mu Hum huh darn cum Ind Hun qnnllly 11mm REGULAR 10 PM FUR BOATS 40 Years Kiwahis Onnlinued ram one henceforth or mull lamin menl flaw Manhu new Klwnnhn member ï¬rst in 1956 and mhklng the dub total in even 100DmceWllson sales mngnggr lgCam Mn mm ducid wad main Govgrnor Hawnllat the Ontario QuebecMarmme was Introduced by Dlvlslan HemenantGovermr Bdb mmmat mum 39er Not New me splrlt Kiwanis am new Mn ancll stated It has been 1n mankind since man wax born Kiwanis teaches us the true meaning 111 Man was treated to work Ind to produce Ind to maka somelhlnx 1n the man the Cremr When ypu are doingmmeuhlng to tomeone else you are cwxnz heavenon mm In that respect all service club ane common bash Mn Howell said was approp rm that me ï¬ve club shouLl ob snrvu this 40th anniversary and ommlndcd BanXe as one the leaders in the division lnachlwe men and lnspunsomhip as avi dcmed bythcmunyvrlbbons on the club banner IIn the pnsHO year many men have given olumir ilme angi many have died In ihé service KY wnnis he said Just as mnny men have died in Wm Wurld warm has bebn glorious lime In years pi sorviceby Klvmnis In the be ginning two mpnln Deli01 glari ad the ciuh and in ihollrst yen thereWcm sonic 2000 nieinbm Jihis inn grown to sevcral hundred ihousund in ihe Uniicd sum and Canadai in the OQM districi aluminum are now 13 club with war 3000 Kiwanis mcmben The original grown vision of service completa mm In Ill calm and uh nude tn Iell It hllher pvlcu In Hum houcln Ino lllln ll to 11 Iml 10 In 52 nu to sim mm mum ï¬llWool Couls you in mm mm min given 1977 BEAUTIFUL 1m33rgrs°nfmYou 91 III Keeley onmwA 0i Kin 13 DUMLOB A51 011p Eelmo halal little and mw llylu nun mlnd loo Inc In the xenon In mm Al ruulnr pric xlunlla clen Ime ol evenlnl WM MMZH UN LIMIIML Hull lo II OUII HUG Dnmd now flprlnflumpln and Ilnn Mth mm um lor Ihe mmmnau mm ha um CONMCIOUH IIHL nnzu wonum not lo on Im la um um rmc mm rmcv 0U Xv but you uAvr om Ihlllull Illlunfl tannin llallulnl Allwonvmn nyloin nylnn rum IIMMII nfl lhld Yin 1pm Yuu mm DRESSES Selected Svil Sqlq Mlzmnon arid cnul Ityln our 100 In clmou tram mm wuol lent nanny hbricl Many unuo Ilml II In 310 OUR PRICE élï¬ilinwr Tankard Play At Barrie Rink NextMonday mumJ naiya entry Fred Nani and Gamma Dangerï¬eld de Team the emu ruamkipped by 35km Samar olv Roy Hewitt Bud lamb and Whller Mule by 1312 Hawever the num Orllua rink dripped by Dr Baillie wflh Bev Hewitt Dr John smuth and Mowry Street lrlrnméd the Barrie rlnk 01 Ray Livlnzsmn Fmsgr Sutherland and Larry Hm by1511 go arule quk the round by Ibur Barrie Curling Club will host the district playd fur the Onlarlo vaukard next Monday momlng and Inclnoon Winning club goes afroronlo or me ï¬nals next month Oflllia MIknka mdlnnd Ind Owen Soundanks will cam paae at Barrie Barrlc dlld not emu lne Dlstrlct Cup Wm nt Orlllln ycsterday John Day and llcnmnn Osborn were the sklps but due to the local blzgnmel were unable ta llll hell ané we bund th been carded out lhroughsw ycnmf EDMONTON CPD Currant ex pansion Edmontons reunch ma wlll Increase capacny 01 Ill refineries to 45000 barrels day Comunc mu in mnuluslnn lhe Cowqu wlmnd nu ma KJMHH must llht lnwlemnce Erecdypreludlno hnte Mnnklnd has canmnt bnme gains those ntututica It was now up Kiwanis to lend he wny Y1 looktnz torwurd In the next years service Govern chnrixc Farsnns Thanks werecxlendcd on behnl qtnll prowl 11y gas Ifxrcuwmlm HEARONB SAMPLE SIECIAIALY GHOUPEI BELOUSES BASIC AND PARTY YOU HAVE DRESSES L77 39 488 2m in mm mum 1477 Siokelys Mdcuronijninngg 5133 Ldillgfsj c5quce Fivé Rhsesllouh Wures fled gambit Pia ruling Smiths lumbar Swifts Allsweel Margarine 351 39 Jewel Shortening 35 28 Swifls Pram 23 39 Swifts Swiflning 33 35c Swifts Meais 033115 IINS lipions Black Tea ivn 61c Blair House Minule tapioca 9223 16c Brunswick Sardines mufï¬n Good Tusle Peaches nonWu Jivxh 18° Kingsol couumuunuvn muuunomn 03sz Snowflake Ammonia Powder Oxyclol 3539clvory Snow 33 Princess Flakes 533 CostumeBouquelBeuulySouplmitï¬u RIO Pplmglivp Beuuly Soup my THSTY YHMS Blue Surf OIAN Blue Breezo rummaunuown Scollissuo loilel Iissuo hi II Cund Nunlllwu uni nlmuum AT LEAST ONE SIZE AVAILABLE HEM GREEN ALWAYS TAHTY TREAT LUSCIOUH EASY TO PEEL SWEET AND JUICY TEMPLE CALIFORNIA EMPEROR BRUSSELS SPMUTS COMPLETE YOUR 513qu New World Pictorial Encyclopedia M051 VOLUMES Sllll AVAILAILE FOR lIMIYED ME ONLY Oranges BED GRAPES 4129 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES nIL EONCINIIAHD MVH IIIUND 0N 01 SIZE lOOI DOZ fffiz V291 CRISP AND CRUNCHY 45 sluxzumoi Ioodmm IO uoi in 35 JAL OIANV mu 20 MIDI r50 10 no WI 35° 399 636 330 210 33¢ 23 37c 29c 40c 39c 19c 19c 39c 39c Emil Cookies Hamilllnlly Bum suctn on unsucln 1161 you Iuy omhurdo Bully Cereals Jelly llolls ucn all IHPIII MON QUALIIV FIODUCI OF IN lOIIAW IAKHV IOIMWI llNlSl OIANOI ROI MONDAY mama A1 ml ovm cum muouro 2313 31c Egg Yblk nus ZlIISCUIV PACKAGE llllVIHON AIION wnm POIK IN VOMMO IAUCI AND Ml IOVM CANADIAN SPECIAL Tea Bags 23 553$ 40 Slmined DH IROWNKD TV Show IKG FEATURE wm libhys lOBLAWS Hum ml Beans III Al INIOV ll HECIAlI WESIONS 0E SPEEIMI lOIlAVII Im Ill GE 71°