McEachem of Orillia Again Barrie Presbylerial WMS Pregiden The annual naming of Barrie Pmsbytcrial Womens Mislonnry Soclew hold lnim Road Presbglerlnp Ch Mclety Presbyterlnn Church here on Tue dnyuinni ilr Mrs William Mc Enchern oi Orlllln opened the meeting with pmyer The devotional service was mk en by Mrs Turner and Mm Church Allnndnle Mrs Campbell 01 Suoud reported sev eral new childrens groups and all rvups taking part in mission btudy hunderalt and rallies Mrs Juhn Bell Duntmon reported 10 alrls organizations llhe number at girls Ind leader has imreased mnsldernbly The misslon band at Thornhury reported 97 per cent attendance The story telling con test and the all rnliy created in terest among the girls Mrsr Stewart Victoria Harbor xnve line report ior the young womens department Mrs MacDonald Orillln read the report oi the home helpers She said one congrewtion Ora Essen had every woman in the Can rexntion working as WMS mem ber or as home helper M15 Ruby walker regional secretary reviewed the report oi the morning She remarked on the excellent progress evident in all reports and said that every member should niicr prayer ol thnnkiulness to Almighty God or the many oi the past unm Mrs Canning was slnk in bed or Ihn last week and so were her We suns Aubrey and AH red Hope In sue you all well won Loses Eye In Aubrey Cannlnz Childrens Hnspllul an accident at Thmfsdny 530 Loses Eye In Accident Aubrey Canning is in Sick Childrens Hnspnul Toronto ntlnr an nccldem at his home on Thursday at 530 seems he put plece paper ï¬n me heme1 whlch wasnt being used And and more must have been bullet flthcr In the move or the pnnun blew the door open and he bulch uppnrnmly hn hlm in one cyc He doing well uflcr the qpcranun Very surry mp pcncd helr 1m ll here MI Sunday Echuox We all mLs our Sunday School and also our two teachers M15 Hunlcr and Mrs Humer Hope In see them back when he wen hcr pcrmll In In wring 11mm tom liven IAwson and family have ar tlvcd back mm mm Everett when they Apcnl few day wflh m1 menu mï¬ ï¬‚ung mmmmmv Blrlhdly Ctlebnflan About 20 rcmlvc nnd lrlnndx nl Mn John Gordon called on her an lhu nvcnlnx ul Dec 20 105 to Celtbrute her 92nd blrlh day We nvcnlnu wul wen laying cardx nller whlch dc lclau lunclhwm wed Mature Bum mule Ipcm lhu wrckcnd with hu nur Iullnl Tobltco Mr Duflon buy hem dnyl mnan and packing he tobacco harvest en Mlu erlnn Mumbtrmn rlr upcm Sfflunlly wIm htr cnU Lulan Auxllllry Elullun lelcl Amllllry Ilunch 91 held the unnul meellnl In Ihv Lulon Hull Jan 13 Her buil nm Im lrnldrn Paula Du onk he chnlr lur election OHICNI an ulluwsz Fruitian Polllld vlccvrnldtm Cnmnuum 2nd vlrournldan lroclur wcrnury Snow nullllnl Afllnby unmrcr Sunny urtuflvr Ilddlwn Mckhnn nkclm Dur dm II nl benml leln Du pinnm Allenby Lunch Wu Inva hy lhu hnll run Allrnhy Armllmnl Cochnnv Iml luwn Mr Ind Mu Ilolmr Ikruul flymvnlluy ul Ihu rommunlly 1an In Mr Ind Mn Arthur or Mr Um uulng ul Ihclr lnby lhv mnnlsm ol Funun wn Iluu Bhlrloy Huhlu Llurvkw Ivan lhe weekml wllh Bhlvlny mm LOI Kurhl llrly 10 ms held éuchre on ml urdy lVlnlnl hulkr nnl ml Mrl IL Arnold ucond Mn Llnllllem menl nm In Wanda lmnnd Km Ullll NMth VHIMIII Mr and Mn lvnn Dull Mn Mtlflllh Jhu McLIIIh Ind Mr and Mn Jud McKay Allmded tho Bhupllulullh wddlnl Nulllm an fillurdny Timh Vlolwn Mr Ind ummlm rrolur me Elma7 lunlli ol Tmnlo will Mnnlnd Mn mm mum ML wnmm nunmm nlumed home will lhem um unendlhlnm umeJn Munla wow Jim mlu unuqu Back the cold NEW LOWELL COLWELL wus 51px in bed and flzuru 01 an nllnmflono 194165 Ind Hazsz bdnl 62m in sée hundreds ol Inflhtul prayertul number who win over heir ullocounnf She paid lrxbme lo the lane Miss Chflsflne Tumor Hulsdnle who for many ycus had been trensmer Hummin WMSJ Mrs cumming ox Barrie upon cd on me supply work and said that 1700 pounds had been sent to the Cndlln Jam2y Indhn swam at Kemn The momma salon clawed by singing Hymn iau Altrmoon srulon The worshlp servtce or the alternoon semen was taken by Mrs Morrlmn Ind Mrs William Cords Jr Penmanlg All de partmental reports showed pro gress Mm Moore of Hlusdnlev evenln department secretary re paer that the tlrst rally for even lng department held ln Pcnetflng ln Oclobel was most sumcsslul and hrlplul meetlnx Mrs MacDonald Orlllln read In ex cellent report all senior auxll larlcir All reports told wark don home But without pray er and study when woulé we be Mls Walker unln led d1 cuwon the reports the after noon ll you Auxlllurj members could go into the homes and schuvls where suppch have zone you would see he reward or your labor lovb Mls Walker conducted the in stallauon service Mm Wllllun McEachcrn Orlllla was elected prcsldent for we lpulth year Upon returning to he prcddcnts chair she said at us go forward lnw the New Year plnclng your handvln hand of th one who hm called you luv ser vlce Mrs McEachern and nawson at Barrln pald Irl bule to Mrs McNabh Orlllln or having mrvcd us lieu urcr or 11 vmm Mrs Manbh Lhankcd each and every member for her splendid cooperullon nnd asked that the same dcvduon elven In he mwly Installed ironi urel Mrs Abrams at Nim ham Mrs Ben 01 F211an thanked Miss Walker for her help revlcwml repells and nddcfl how inspiran it had been have one wllh hem wnh grown iove Wurk Mm mesmzm oi Hymn 534 Ml awn closed the meeting with prayer By CATIIMLINE COLEMAN The inst DDCI new tar lul weck concerns 0mm hluhllgms Here are some 01 um nuslandlng marks Robert Dobson BA Lllcrnlurc Barbara WIndmL 9K Mame maï¬cs 87 Shirley Young 9K Mathcmmcs D7 Pauline Kunce GB Compoalllnn 91 French as David Humphrlcs DE French 9a Sum Badman French 94 Raymond Dobson DA MIDILmh Its 33 Marlyn 01mph on Mathematlu 00 Marknu Dash DD Malhcmnflcs Sandra Ran kln 0H Mthmalloe 07 MMch Pmc DH Mathematics 171 Allen Black DH Mathemlliu 95 Caro lyn Forbes 9H Mahhcmnuu David llumvhrles 0E Campos uon 03 Pauline Kuncl DB Llam WM 09 Mnmtmatlm Joann Gaudlt 9K French BB Claudcflo Paquullc 0K Franch 08 may Ann Faun DH French 91 Sandra Rankin DH Frcnch DI Ellen Leach 0F Lucmurc 05 Ruth leinzslnn 9F utcnlurc Joyao Trcfry 0K Mullacxnuuu Gary Ingram DD anrh Dnvld Hulnphrlcl BE Mnlhcmnfl Jeanne McKcnzk DE Maul maUcl Gary Mall 9K Shop Wendy Howard Hm hiln D7 Arlell IASIKB 101 anm Ll In Da Nancy Dumfnrd IDE Ma mnmllu 01 Ann lluaband 10E Malhemnucs Juhn Richardson lM Scltncc 9wa Van Dllrn French n1 min 91 Bob MandArn 100 lAlln Shirley Hawon 10E nun no Nancy Durnhrd 10E latln Dough Marian 10 Ill Sylvln or me hard Jesus aid Hit EVgtAflAear About we 19 71975 Synnnn ma mama mun Ellen bench BF Literature 98 mlhcmnllu 07 6cova 96 French 95 Science 94 Luann Younl 9K Geography 96 Mathe muc 95 Carol Orser 9G Geog mphy92 Alex Ruth Algebra 92 WH lrcd Dchar HA Algem 91 Jul Smllh HA Algebra 04 PM Webb 1113 Mchrn 93 Literature 31 Sdcnco 94 Mary Jackson 11D Algebra 91 Schn 914 Lmn 91 Rubln Hutton mmmslflon DJ Lllcmturo IDO Algebra 94 Sclence Dl Luun 90 Ann W13 12 Lflemture Shirley Turner 1213 Mzebra Pa Sollman 1113 A180bll 11 Michael Lewu 1213 Science Barbara JacobL 1211 Science Joan Snrleanl Ulehmre Dd George nenwn 133 Chamb try 03 um Johnston 13A Trigon omcuy Don Dunsmorc1 Trï¬gonumcuy Garden mm 13A Geomclry 92 Juan 5111an IJA Trigonometry 06 Bev West mnn 13A Fflnth Author 90 French Comthan 89 Dukelblll There won two bnskctball lame as far as BDCI was con cunbd played Inn week The Hrs ï¬lm was In 11 EDCI ym on Wednesday Jun 12 BDCI ulrls junior and senior Rams phylng hon Midland mums and cheer ludcn The nnlnr Knme Mu very ex cltlng wch lclm plnylng hard 15 blukclball The score wnl 1311 or mm mm chncu for Daniel 11th Dnnzerflcd was on op 01 1h wring mm with 18 polnu Marx Samuel md 11 and Fay Mlllnr amrcd one and Lorna Mc Lean Jami Clcnrc nnd cuny Calcmnn The wind BDCI guard llne conslslcd Jam Snrjunl Gall Cnrrulhcrs and Knrén Jones Banyan Llnyd on er Mcummr Dev Wmtmnn Ind aml Rlx COLLIER STREET UNlTEp CHURCH will hold itsMy any Banquet tomorrow night in connection with the mudraising campaign which willoim at collecting $120 00000 for extension or the church ineillties Eeen above are the hostesses who will be asslsting the banquet to morrow evening back row left to right Mrs Campbell Mrs Johnston Mrs McNiven Mrs Serieant Mrs Patterson Mrs Robertson Mrs Berleant Mrs Craig Mrs Pile one Mrs Williams 8rd row Mrs Chltlidk Mrs CooperMrs Bemrose Mrs In um Lcmnu game chI Jun lon played hrmL but not him tnouzh to defend their basket inï¬rm tho Midhnd Mmdu Tho Hnnl lmrc was 292 for Mldlnnd warm wfll not Mm no lmc lhnulm Score were JIH 5mm whh l2 pumu Juno mm mm mm Mary Jackm wlth Lhrre Intern Colpllu wllh um and Mary mun Jonn Tall Ind Madcllnc Ayaub IIIWIIY HMIIID KINGSBEER Gun dink Wen Bub Burdme Elnlne erzhn Janet Mills Gall Knshncr Frances Excel Janet Well and Beverly flflflfl The nexl mum will be played at good ole BDCI It pm an Thun dny Jun 20 ngalm Comngwood Dont forgone bring your dime for some delicious nunMon home made cnndy Id will be sold by the Gm Alh Uc Ass lnlion Eul until the Loan to 1m 1mm lo the rizht Stand up 51 down Flght Fight 1th The second game the week was also played in he BDCI Kym DDCI boys loam Venus Orlllln mums plurer auxacme chm lcndnrs The dale Friday Jan 144 pm The junlar played ï¬rst and al most paved Ihe way or senior victory with overwhelmlng wln 4522 Our lunlora scum no he erllmlly 1n the groove hLI year and maybe cmulh so to win the chnmlponshlv Heres hoping anyway Orlllia came up wllh 8761 win over our baullng union but wtll in them non llmc The nen boys am will be played Mldland this Friday night Bonne ï¬nance kldsl In Club mm Invllcd You How Hard Tlmul when Frldny Jam 21 1055 somewhere around pm Where IlDC Gym Why You loll me Also Good muslc good food mod fun Thenfore Nomlnu but lorri flc umc 80 Sec yuu Unercl Thall cumin far mu wcck so unlll next week numb lime same mllon Ill do what the wind haul TWEED lull1H3 quler tweod Inn for SprlnI 1055 In dclluto Iqul mad that numth pnic Ipnrkllnn glam The unit pm roqu collar rdlod wlm lwud mtflc TOWN on COUNTRY luwn or country can dulgncd by Jenn Drum 11 In Imporkd hrlle lwud wllh lluhl lam lanes Tho trlm Iter cnuvtnlblu colllr Umiédlnflmgmqut Tweed in an 9112 coloulel be vcr much in style this Sprmu Pink lue yeilow cremywhlte and Hum toast lmpan freshness to textured Marie or can and lulu Thz weaves HEM in weigh Allen Mrs Rodgers Mrs Newton and Mrs Pratt 2nd row Mrs Walls Mrs MacDonald Mrs Phllllps Mrs Msxwellsnd Mrs Epwlgglns Iron row Mrs Synnon Mrs HFbrster Mrs Coutts Mrs Cook Mrs Rowe and Mrs Pratt Hostesses not present when the plcture was taken were Mrs George lelngston Mrs Postnlkofl Mrs Archle Ross Mrs Hurry Dawson Mrs Jack Monkmxm Mrs Hurry Arm strong Mrs Jack Mlllwnrd Mrs Fred McConkey and Mrs Align Byers NOW YOII OIIN OBTIIIN COMPLETE INSTALLATION OI TELEVISION PLIIS LINEVISION OII IIEIIIIIL EONONLY mu Mans 259 INNISFII Sl 2900 MOTOROLA MODEL 21K WITH COOP SPECIAL LINEVISION INTRODUCTORY OFFER omn necked wflh while In We crisp mm 14 the deUcale col Tho rvolunwer Wanker ol the Camddnn Red CNSe Corp buy her own uniform You need only down on inlnl nmnunt 4500 to 500 both LIneVlllon um your 21Moloroln TV whlch $0015 Ilut Coup Ive you Ivcclnl $3100 an mluctlnn on your nlntoroln TV It not ncctunrlly TV let Illualrltcd Whlcll menu you can now lmvn Motorola TV Inunlled ln you home or £00415 mlnun Conp Speclnl $3700 only 2900 Thi oflcr also good at those whn rtqulre III urlul Emmi llnovlllon Whom Parking II No onbkm Mrs Aller 1955 President Collier SfWMS In impresslvrservlcg ln Gamer Street Unmd Church luv turn hullr on Friday aimnoon Jan It the ofï¬cer or 19554 lbs Womanl Mlsslunmy Socier were insmlledhy the Rev Lewls Mrs 1L Allcn is new pre denti Oriicers er the year nie hont urary president Mrs wis past president Mrs well president Mrs Allen 15 vicepresident Mrs 11 MaeDnnnid 2nd Winepresident Mrs Fiaok 3rd vicepresi dent Mrs Douglnstenis record ing 1ecretary Mrs Wizgl corresponding secretary Mrs Serjeanl irensurer Mrs Mill wnrn secretary Christian siewardship Mn Heath seeremy 01communily rricnd ship Mrs Mills secrolnry upnierrs DuhWeish sec retary or associate members Mrs Lloyd secretary at Miss ionnry Momhly Mrs Noble literature secretary Mrs Dnbson press secretary Mrs Feli mite boxes secretary Mrs Loxchard temperance nnd Chrisiinn citizenship Mrs Cumming sucisl Convener Mrs Atkinson pianisi Mrs Chisholm leaders of 6011 Ind Explorers Mis erznm Smith and Mrs Smith lender Mission Band Pile Ind Mrs Quinn rwnh nv large gathering at ind ies Drew the reilring vresidcnl Mrs Maxweil opened the marlin wiih Hymn 258 uner which the minutesa the previ ous meetin were rend and man thly reports were given most ï¬tting wprship service was taken by Mrs Andrew Cumming and min by Mrs Chisholm Teach Me To Prey was greatly enjoyv Featured Motorola model at loll tall or $34900 lnilnlled LlneVlslon Installed 9600 Total cost 500 To put ghusclhcsc two lcnluru ordlnorlly would cost you 10 down on Motorola 21 net II $1500 plus 100 down on Llne Vlslon cqunls 513100 down payment 1mm yearly ccivtd and LINEVISION SHIRT LAUNBEBING TOP QUALITY BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED WRIGHT CLEANERS LTD 88 Dunlap falT East MOTOROLA TELEVISION report were was man mm BUT PLUS In thlbumiuchv 1nd been In cumpushcd The societys IUOM unmet 000wns met Ind ax ceded wim $1120 sent to the Presbyurlal mumlet Presbyterm mumer There wasnmenbeuhp 0L ï¬s otwhmn lflememben great loss was suslained by the death cum Sinclair who had been most active Ind nnthusle nan member In many yenrs The average anemiaan was 50 and there hug vbuen 10 JERUIM meetings The prnlnml had been conducted by leaders assisted by group members making pnsxlhle or each member to uke same ï¬ctivepark during the was privileged lo hcur outside speakers Mrszuwhm Hesse th sectional presideni Miss Em Hm dcaconess mm the Fred Vicinx Mission anomn Mn Masih mm india and Min Annuv Wand lhezeneral secretary vi Ihcanens Society at Canndni mm at min had been mnduan the slck and shan duiml heryerar Two warm quuu had been made 1nd tent to the lndlan Boys Schuol Edmomon Ind as car tons 822 pounds of and used clothing hid been packed am shipped to Dr Mooney In Toronto The Ihlpplnz charges or $6511 hld been cnnlrlbuled by member with anicly From the estate the lute Mrl Sinclair the society was Informed that hcquelt 01 $500 had been made In the was of Colllu Street United Church Before rellrlnll Maxwell 1n weuchosen words pald tribute to the unflrlnl us nlstanco Ivan to her by her £X ecuttve Ind thunked lortheir cmopenflon and kindness duflnl her term at omce At the conclusion the ln stnlhtlon service Mrs Atlcn took the chair and pledged to flu her but in the position president or me coming year The muting was brought to close by the singing at Hymn 252 In Christ ffhcre The mu wn rough to close by the singing at Hymn 252 In Christ There Is No Ens Nor Wetnnd he bencdlcflon pronaunccd by Mr Lewis PROMPT SERVICE $2900 PHONE 2429 wlth or wllhnn lurch Phone 5531 lute wag Nam uwWw