Vhllon On Town Sunday vhllors with Mr and Mrs Kidd wire Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd son David and Mr and Mus Keith Cause and son Mlchnei Ill Toronto Mrs Kidd mz alumna EXAM wannsmv JAN 19 195511 I4earflved REFRESHED by bus Sault Ste Maric4$2430 St Louis $3240 ancouvor $9315 Mountain glimbing is not sport for any anmteur bui flopovers for sightseging iu Ivhc mouhfuinV region ave on gioyublc feulvre of bus lrovel BARRIE BUS TERMINAL THIS is Sighlxcning and Hotel Room Double nighlx Ask your Agent qr details at lhls or other clan and lulcmulian ol Blank Knlru Yuull Ht Xruud on HANSOMIJ SIMULATED SIAU Iuhherx to hold nut of nlx nvnllumc HANDIll WMllLANIlID BIAINLIZSS STEEL BAIIHE CUP UIZRIMIICI BLADE on mun mmm rum um um ynu um Hr mm In yuumu or mu LOW ROUND TRIP FARES 15 cyst$13946 llSERVICE BLEANERS News of toomm Subiecl Change CALIFORNIA PackageTour Package Tours Fer Tannno REIURN FARE Phunu 5571 wflned Dornnlo Mun them or cw days visit Mrs Hurry Column Barrie was visitor wllh Mrs William Perrier during the week Vglmn mm Pelawlwa Mrs Alllstnh McLellan and children Pelawawa are visiting the mrmezs puma Mn and Mrs Henry Davis whne Lt MnLellun at 3an Borden or month Mr Dav1d McMastor rarnnmx spending the winter wlthher mother Mrs Edward Hurling Home or Weekend MISS Bmtrico McFadden Ta runln with her bratherM Mc Ndden and Mrs McFadden Pa lrldn Houghlon Vlom Graham thn Deadlay and Glyn Evans ot Toromo wlln their parents llospllll mums Miss Dlune Crawford has return ed home 1mm Royal Vlclorla Hos plla Barrie after undergoing in the or SM hur health Miss Joan Wingate turned home on Saturday from the Alllston hosplm where she hurl been patient or few dam Vlrllon DII of Town Mkss Mnrlnn Pierson has return ed home from Bemn where she had been spendan several days wlth her Sister Mrs Ira Palmer Miss Berta Armstrong spam the weekend In Toronto and call in Miss Berta weekend In sac her 1111 PendXetnn 5ch Chlldrc wcmuuu Wm sac her little grandson Rickey PendXetcn who is patlcm the Skk Chllrlrcns HospiLaL Mrs EL Fisher and Mrs Fisher spent Monday In Barrie and called to son the Iormcra granddaughter Sylvia Chappcll Clown H11 who is pauont In in Ruyal Vlcmrla HaspHaL Mrs Curr rcmrncd to Kuchener with Dr Carr or sev era days Mm um uuym Harry Davis Cornwall is home on sick 125w Mun George Keas£ had the minor tune 10 all recenuy breaking our wrist Cookxtnwn Pollen Trustee Coqkstown police trustees or 1955 are WIlMam Riley Ira Wilson und Arlhur Hansen Unlttd Church Servlcu Sacrament the Lords Supper was obsnrvcd at the Sunday morn 1m servke the Unltcd Church and following members were received by transfer member hp Mr and Mrs Alex Hood mm Toronto Mr and Mrs Slan ley Hnlhcrt rum Newton Mbm son Mr and Mrs Harold Wanlcsly of ï¬rst BM Mr And Mrs Hurry McWaum Alliston At 0m uvcnlng schIce the ol ncm lhc YPU Wen lnswllcd by Rev KCIIQMJR Icamllor tht scrvlcc Gcorge Furl 1rd he conxrégmion in sacred songs and the close the YFU served rulrcshmcnu Vlclnl llouse Burned Wednesday evening Iwa weeks ago house on the Linn now own ed by Bert Murphy wen the vlllaxc was destroyed by in A1 lhn house was vacant the me Inc In nlned much headway and was bcyond saving when help nr Curllnz NEW Curling Ls the order of the day amour the men folk the com munlly Thm are live rinks curling wllh he Albion club To date Lcwls Monkmnns Ioursomn well up In the chular club games There are also law men curlan In Brndlord and some In hc junlor taxmm urnum unwllng Lulu stanrun Katy Gnmy Glowwwms 5n Jlm Smlfll locwcu 51 Lloyd lluxllcs Haysmis 51 Doll Mc mid Mrs Sam Avemll who hasbLen the General Hospunl Toronto 7r several weeks has rbturncd to home much Improved In Old Boyn Reunlon Cookswwn Old Boys annual dinner and dance will be on Mar 15 1955 the Union Siatlon Oak Room Toronto The presidenL Dr Bert Eby and secretary MrsDal lbn Draper with their committee are now making plans for another enjoyable evening Now is the llmc In plan your partyi Insmnte Nem The second at series of enchms which the Insiiiule members pinn ned will be on Jan uLthe town hail The cummlueevéw planning an enlnyuble evening not pl as and good lunch Returns All Collin correction from 1351ch days papcr John Arnoch had been spendinghis Christmas holidays with his palcm Mr add Mrs Arnold Iciur ed to the Ontario Coiivge hi An Tomnio and no the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph 15 was men lioncd Huangm 49 sunny mm ny MWHW my 25 Min Beelaon 214 High triples Don Bannernun 264 Min Beacon Huh Names JLm Smith and Jack Mum 175 Katy Gib0y Team scam Wfld £1115 H005 high triple Hayseed 021 19mm WI Frank 01 WMS Mecfln Jul 15 Unnad Church WMS has bun postponed wthe allowing Tue nln 15 the home at Mn EWI Cart Womens lnsiituie their husbands and friends toan enjoyable euchre at the Town Hall on Thursday evening instead at their regular business meeiing Nine ables were played Prize winners were Mrs Elwuod Miller and Mrs Mbcri nney Arthur Kidd and William Riley The cam mlitee Mrs Ira Wilson Mrs Herb Jebb Mrs Noman Baker Mrs MayLs Mrs Gordon Pnan and Mrs ileive served delicious lunch at tea eeiee sn dwiehcs and cakes sit ting nruund long table at the end of the evening Presbyterian VA Presbyterian WA met at the home oiers Smith on Tuesday evening Jan wlih 11 members present The meeting opened with hymn andthe presideni Mrs Smith leading in prayer Mrs Erwin read the Scripture Min utes were read business matters discussed and committees iurmed Cards 01 thanks were read from members receiving Christmas cheer boxes Mrs McKillican Mrs Trotter and Mrs Pegs were in charge oi me pmgram which con sisted of music Mrs Vause and Mrs Smilh played two piano duels Joan Gibb sang Christmas songs Marilyn MeLelian played iwa piano numbers and with carols ended very pleasant pru gram The hostess assisted by Mrs Gibb and Mrs Maycs served lunch and soeial hour was enjoyed nou Gmup Haunt Rms Social Group me Ill Mrs Lloyd Dcrmoul on Thursday Jan 13 MW 13 members and anc guest answering roll call The prcsldcm him leon opened with prayer and Lhe lords Prayer in unlsnn The usual buan was transacted correspondence read and the nllcndnncc cuntcsl closed Mrs Eradcus group belng me FRENCH MBTOHS CHBYEO PARTS mama1 Phone 5971 15 Bradford St F01 Gcnuinn CALL Il TllElll lllANClllNlï¬N All CANL III ixnrlxvt ynu mm In he mm In ynnr MINu Irnmr HMMy rnucrua mm mun mum MM Nr winnegs gpd Mrs Nevlls group the loserrahd pmvding the lunch This culerbalnmcn was euchxe an 13105633701an NJ the Ross Schpol One will was completed or Mrs HHBradcn during the al kerndon hunch was xervcd by the 4105135 assisted by Mrs NdvikMrs Warns Mn Wanes Mrs Wright and Mrs Fjldey Arrlnultunl Suclely Annual The Agricultural Society held the annual mceling at Hughes Hall on Friday afternoon Jan Iill with around 22 members has and gentlemen presan Alhcn Gllroy aciing pmaldent was ln lhe chair and Kcn Crawlord secretary lrcasurcr Minutes the lost memng were read correspnndence given and lull deulledruporl the secretary and treasurer ac count ware read by Ken Craw lonl Rupert were also given by Mrs Arnold secrcbary of the ladies division and Mrs Albert Gill9y gave roporl of the dis triul nnnuul menllng at Elmvale in October flapnrls were given by Farls French Br Slum and John Brown in their stock rllvls ions Delegates were named to the diagram lair conventions in To mnto Barrie and so our The speaker at the aflernoon was Keith McRuer Alliston ugricullurnl rcprcscnlallvc who gave very lntnrcsllng mk an rum and llvc EQUINE Dmit get me wrung enjoy mum to but wlsll youd stop calling me Icllaw Oughs are nuthorlzud Sucrs 0t flunung and Flshln Licenses as littered now at all LICENSED STANI CLEANERS stuck it also cuéaducted the elec Hon 01 ofï¬cers Mr Gnroy and Ken Crawford upon heir relhc mam ihnnked all or their much needed help and cuopemuon lrom much urganiuuon tn making the such success what It was The election rcsullca as Inflows past president CharHer presi dent Llnyd Denna lat vlcc prcsfldcm Ivan Wright 2nd vice president Willlam Nevdls secre laryatreasurer John hm misl anl Ken Crawford auditors Hopper and Monkman ex ecutive wmmmee presdcnl ls vlcupyesidem 2nd viceprnsldenl secrcmrydrenwrcr and assistant secretary Conksluwn Legion Euchre The Canadian Legion held he ï¬rst of series of cuchres on Monday night last in the Legion H111 When the smoke of battle iilied Presideni Cal Jennell awarded the prizes as follows Ladies high Margaret Davis mens high Bill Drnpcrp Innc hands Mrs Tom Williams was an Munced ihai prizes or the series are being sent 1mm Japan by the msi presidnnl Cpl Rileyl There will be six euchres in the series with priles awarded to the players with lhe highest aggregate on any live mum The second euchre will be on Feb Vlsilon Durln Week Visitors wHh Mr and Mrs John You an do protesslonll rellnlllanx lob wllh our complec cllylouse Cllrku Rental Equipman Siva Illnl Ind mane Ind give ynnr our new heauly and lusln we urnlsh all uulpmenl malerllll Ind complain muncklom cunxseroon SANDING EQUIPMENT OUII RENTAL PLAN INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED ITS EASY TO BEAUTIFY THOSE OLD FLOORS IF YOU DO IT YOURSELF WIIII CLARKEFLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT you Indy travcller PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS FOR ONLY each You Pcapla Meal Th Young People met on Jan 10 It Pan Ind Kchh Sinclairs Opened with hymn and RevB Sandcnled in prayer Marjory Todd lead the Scrimure Reill lous plays were discussed Marjory and Ethel Todd offered their home for the next mecunm we de cided to have skating party II Lonny on Jan 21 Divided inla groups in study the Word me BLbler The maxMug was turned lover to Mac Prosser and Glenna Stewart beginning with hymn Gail Luau led inprayer Roger Sturgeon read ihose vWay oi mnpel Fads Sinclair read Learning to Pray Marilyn Todd read Do You Jul Belong Mae Presser read Siandzud Bearers Closed wiLh hymn Recreauun and lunch iollowed Lo hu 61 rd WMS mi Jan 13 than member and one vlslwr answered roll calL Rev Sanders conducted the Installnflnn nl oftlcers0ards ol hanks were Hughes Mrs Ross Nelliy and Mrs Suwycr was elected Muses Ethel and Mnrjoflu Todd were re clcclcd auditors The worship ser vlccwa taken by Mrs Hughes assisted by Mrs Neilly and Mm Nellly Mrs Frank Kell cluter from the study book he Growth 01 the Indian Church The haste and her as sistaan Mrvcd delicious Suppcr res rom 115 ï¬ilghes Mrs Smith Mrs Madsen Mrs Greer and Rev and Mrs EE New combs and family nominating amine campus MrsL The Late Miss neruu yemy The community was saddencd on Frlduy mammz when he sud den death In Siroud 01 Miss Ecr lhn Nellly Was known Services were held in the Unfllcd Chprch on Sunday mainooï¬f nEvIH Mmhwaite during the past week and the following weekend were Mr and Mn Ru Holbrook and son and Jim prlhwailc Toronto Mrs Ylm Harrison and man immic oi Pnnviilc Phliiip F19 er of Minnow Lake Sulfaed Broken Leg Miss Alice 5mm former resident of Cookstmw now living in Band Hand had he midnrlunc of falling on the Ice Ins Sunday on her mtum hpme from church breakmz one leg and Is now In serious condition In the Newmarkct hospital Womeni Mlsslonary Suclcty Mrs rg Sua er qu haslcsa GILFORD FOR QIDKUP AND DELIVERY DIAL hu Mu lunlluu UM Knllo WITH EACH DOLLARS WORTH 0F DRY CLEANING 2112 Rolhiveu 727 wood Bumman Ron Nemy Ran ald NV EjnfstScoa Ina W11 llzm dd were prexnl ram Barrie Suvud Brawld Cookstown Newmnrkec Am and Tannin Sympathy extend cd Willard Nciuy and funny nnly brother the deceased One hm lhrce Fiskrs predeceased Mm Neuly Mrznd Mn Arthur Dobson and Willa spent Sunday Kn Tumnto where Anhilr maian for twat mem nor day Elwood Miner had three table euchre pn Satugday evening Euchre rmy Euchre prlzu on Thursday pvcn lng wen £05me McMasmr or lone hands ladles high swrc Mrs Campsau mens McCann Committee Mn and Mrs Dalken getter Turnbull Harvey and Ly frown V15 Mrs Gilbert McMaster MI and Mrs Vivian MnCann and Bob Bovair were in Tenant Friday PananTéachen Assn Hear Talk By lmpeelor The regular mommy meeting 01 Man ParunlsTcachcrs Associa OCCASION TEACHERS Needed to supply or the Banl1 Puhlln School Board Please give quallflcntlons anll expcrlcnce in application to Longstnfle Business Admlplstratog Banlo lubllc School Board Illllcrest School nEGULAn nuca $1595 Ink Kld Oxlunls dresxy Ht In law ledlhcr heels culhm linssy heels Shae type Iur very fly and dnuwur OPPOSITE 1051 0F UTOPIA ANGUS Munmw HEELnuuunn WIDTHS MAAAABCDE EB SALE 2471 conuncuva suoas SIZES la 11 don wn held on Jan 13 Thu present cnmycd must lnIcrefln Inn and lnlnnnauvc talk by Law at Allmon Inspector at School or South slmcoe Mr upp chos his subject Chan ï¬es um have ukcn place in our rducaUnnal xyslemf the dose IEfrcshmenl were served The next meeung wm be htld on Feb 10 most lnlcmsling pro gram has been planned hoped that all party will make special euun tonncnd ADVEWHSE IN THE BARBIE EXAMINER Picture by Faun Enmlnu mu photognphu am up peu In newspaperuu lilalzlo In glassy prlnll For lull dormancy Ibmfl UJI prelim mm N0 TE The Bunie Examiner Phone 2414 SALE PRICE Show $1295 1195 AND BAIHHE