Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1955, p. 10

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you have been hesltuung about joining 1h nrt clusshnow your oppnnunny to gel started with he first class Arrange moms hnve been made for them to be held in he Stroud School starling about the last Monday In January wafcu imr 7119 BIG hemc Lasl Oppofiunity T9 Stan Art Class Two Regular Council Meetings Monthly Reeve Glbblns has requested that lhcrc be me regular council mecungs monthly the first and third Monday or the month Haw uver wing to he ConnlyCoun cll meeting mmlng on the hird Mummy January council held lhclr meeting on Friday The sugzeslion the Inaugural meet Inu Ihnt oncol these meetings be held Kn the evening seems to have the support of many who work days 17 Gownn St Tm humus EXAMINER mmzsnu JAN lo 19 Phonu mmo Maul mm Moome VIM MflTflflS Hillmnn Sales Servlcc mum mum 1m mm mm by MW nag no 156 5cm um um Yuu um um THERE 15 N0 CERES POI TfllS SHINE DIM VALLEY TAXI EXAMINER LATE 157828 £40 2433 WAIT UNTIL pm and if your canicr boy has not arrived then AND can WILL BE DELZIVERED to ya Ham By Ill 4837 PIUIEGHLOAI FIR W17 Clive few qukk hell about yourv on phone U507 uppmvll tame In lo nxh yaur wy and ml Phom vr lvixil Innn wllla or loan by null or tome In rod 50 lo 200 The freedom of the pm his been matter an which democraA ll people lhrnughoul lhe world have aw inflslcd nocvc Glbmns rcporlcd iéqoun II that allnr lnvnsllgnfinn at Ihe bank and mklng mm cansldcrn Reeve gibban assured the rate paynrs that there would be this madam extended during his term or reovcshlp This has so far been accordcd However during the first meollng of tunnel the pnly remaining mombcr of the past council moved mallon that the Reeve have the rnpcm at the press rcprcgcntnllve scrutlntzcd and sign mm below these were allowed 15 be used When co was told that these notes wnud not under any cir cumslances he made available in anynnb or heir scrutiny or car reclian and ihnl unicss they were iaken from by one no op pufluniiy would be nilordcd in read or sign them the mniion was withdrawn pu Reeve Sproule remarked that as ralepnyer nnynnu had the right be present to take notes and to write as they pleased Hnwcvnr It no on nu sland ing at ralupnyer that lhls right allowed bu as rcptcscnung he press of Ihe dlslrm and the country No re unex should be naked Io have nules flpnmved by any official nl nny publlc mgglins Cuunclllnr Campbell was ap pointed chalrmun at the relief committee with the dark re 1191 owner and the asslstance the police department the relief situation should not be dlmflull Freedom Press The problems of relief have taken considerable amnum of councils time When Mr lreton wns appointed clerk he was him given the host of relic oiiiccr Huwevcr the accumulated corres pondennc lei for the consideration at council dale back long way Some consideration was given the appointment oi specini relic oiiicer furl the tnwnshlp This would ndcl nnuiher salary in the cast and mi ht not eiicct any con siderable 51 mm The police dc partmenz have always binopera ted in making investigations nnd will continue tn dujo The money expended on the salary at spe cial aiiicer would go long way to feed hunng children If nnybne feels he has been wroneg quoted ar In my way untuvorlbly deanr wllh he may ask lor relrncflon Finds Financial 5mm Of Township Is Bad motion council wlll place every relief reciplEnt an the In dian 115 This has been done in order to undanvnr to prevent funds advanced Inr and being spent Ior inmxlcqnts Must Refrniri From Alcohol 0n Relief ram this Ierm been ingiur something Ralph The reply was maybe and the driv or whom they know to be Cah nlabic Curtis got out to came to them He got out at thgsamc time and went around thecarto mat the constable die claimed that being 591Viclmflnrhe Ieit that ii Curtis needed any help he shouid rchdnr it He stated that ha was met by blow on the head twice from stick He stated that hcwas met by blow on the had twice mm stick iic grappled and struck the can stable and finallygut him dawn He was bleedingimm the cuts on his head and by this time the album in the car had come In lake him away 1mm the eomlahle He claimed that he heard the con stable asked ii he wad hurt and stale that he was all right He ad mitted that he may have said wllhoul inlcnl that he might have killed the eiflcer it the had lei him alone lie produce garmenls wilh blundslains which he claimed were pm at his clothing the night He denied lhnrlhere had been any nun made about being yellow to the eiilcer the bank and current expenseli Unpaid Exalwould probably cov er most at this but in the mull limit the township hasto pny4 per cem in¢crest compound mnnihiy to gel the unds in car ry on with Many 0L 19no counis presented have apparently been an ovér lurJhe 1951mm cil One uncovering ihaJurn iiure $209730 had in spLcini re quest ram lhn suppilcrsvnhsklng why the account had not been paid and adylsinz lhnt ii any ad iustmems wgrc needed they would attend to ihem He said that the spptli hnd been shining Into the car In which he nnd the ourotheraccusedwnre riding This he claimed hndre mnined on their cm while they went around the tumor so his hrnthcr Ken had opened hls cnr wlnduw and called to Ihe deEr the alhcr gnr Are you look Fred Werlh agalhnr ofthc nc cused who was the cur ml nd that he aLsu saw the Spotlight shlxlc Into the cur lc tnldot 1b puny having had some been and lhcn going back hnmc lam19 leave 1a to to Ken Baxters plnce no had 5299 blow slmgk mm the tinny unpnid Imam me over from the yrevioul yur am In hh Hummer me wwnxhip nnmcu needed borough check gum Anal had 10 Jnhn Reid cummcnced his de tence In thL EnterCurtis case by plndngEmEst Baxter stat ser geant lo thevnrmy and the prim clpnl achfld in he wllnuss stand SSgt Baxter told of the Incident Icadlng up to thLI men between him and Constable Cur tis whom he was churnedrwlth assaultlng the constable and heard SSgl anlcr ask why he had been hlg He had seen lhe constable drlve lo hls ham and hnd lnlcr coma back in Ind 1h broken glass the alliterl He had ham to Du Curlls home but nnt lnslde He had been lnld um lhe Imu blc bnlwecn lhe nmlllcs wen 11 lung way back Ken Daxter also one Ihe ac cused slated that he had called In Cunslnble Curtis Mk ll he was louklnx Inr snmcnne as he lhnughl perhaps they could be some hnlp to me olllccr llo den lcd lhnl there was any uunllng done He had gone lo Cum nflcr he was knucked down And en qulnd he was all rlghl He had seen the ennslnble drlve home lln hcn starle for home him at and had neon hla brolhcr Ernest go lnla Mr Curlln home Mm he had gone home and told hls wllc and phoned Reeve Todd he hull rammed he wnnlcd lo mcvcnl nny lurther Rouble He had watched the conslnble and llk brother the housm When Conslnble Ferrler and lhu ulhms nrrlvcd he had been in the house BaxlerCurtis Case ilnwan Lewis annlhcr of the Mn nccuscd tnhl murh he snmu slury as the when Illied wllh fine vhggfln am uover umgundlnx defiant mn mm gunman ARE YQTEIHNGME EDunl to 111k Ml into Inylhlng elul know whe Inmlmcm whcn out 5V1 Gmrlmcul Tum lvulifumunlz Amlvotim Investment for mu funds Slum minIM ytm 3511ymlyimampayalrlclulfymly In ynn 541036 mumuhm 11me Wrill dumflin viIr STERLING TRUSTS CORVOIATION TM Crown Attorney Thompson claImcd hlsidld notrjlbbwnh me other stone by thcnccusnd as hey had not admitted any loud talk He claimed that Ilm laud lalk could have been the tnunllng claimed by Curtis ass Harry York who lives at the corner of the street whelga the fracas occuncd and who sluted thmhcwns numm Iofthescene by the lnuq 1nlkhad told aksnelng the officer tlndwn on me gmundwhen he 19 out ummlng up neid stated that he telt ihntaii had not come out lie wondered at the delay inj laying the charges Usually when policemanls nsoaulied lhe snilnnt ls landed in jail nt once he stated lie mentionedrthat the Reevu had come there and that his client had taken beating He mentioned that Curtis had statv ed that the spotlight wns not working while oll witnesses had einimed that it had been used submitthat lhe evidence giv en by Curtis should not be given much credit These young men hadu spotlight shone on their ear They stopped to see whnt was wanted and went to help They were met with slick My client did not use any more time than needed to protect himsell said ML Reid moving or dLI mlssalu charmer wnncsa 1n the per son at Ll Fernlxor the owner ln charge rat the an In which SSgt Eaxlcr serves smledrthnt he had ound the accused very emc Innl rglilnhie at quslcg 5mm Crown Attorney Thumpsonfilnb ad that he could not undersland why he spalllgh made any dm cxcnce That there must have been bad bloadwns Idmined by questions by the delencc The officer was then on duty WhY did the accused get out ul car to go over to him It cnuld no approved who struck the 11m bluw but the oflchr was alone me there were five men In the gr fie hndn right to prolcck question by the delenc officer was then on duty did the accused got but to go over to him It cnuld bepmved who struck the bluw but the oflchr was and there were five men In car He hndn right to pn hlmsclL We hive he evlglunco of an Independent wflncss Ihal there was loud talk and vcrmél the stfilcmenl the constable hat he had been taunted In this light dont are how we can help but ncccmConsmblc Curux evidencc Then he Hmcmcnl made by the accused ls ndmlucd ha ha wauld have killed hlm Hhe had not bgcn slapped The case which has be pend lng or some llmc crcal can sldcrnhle lnlcrcsl locally There were number pcclamn mm the Belle Ewan urea prunnl dur lnz he mm Al one slngu the Crown remonslmud when laugh ter brake nut ollnwing lhe xe mnrk of one me WMIILHLL Thcflmwn wllhdrcw char ges nunlnsl Ihe our other and they were dlsmlsscd Mnglsuue Fosmr remanded Ernus Unxlur unlll Feb 22 flu Judgment III no go place luv the enjnymcnl the specta tun Mn Thompson 5mm Aron School Board Inaugural Mueling Disney signals Whylwhns annexed The Na Arm Schonl Board Am Mn IL held their lnlutunlrmullnube lore their human knlon on Thurman 1th Than Lionel no wn present In wu Reeve ibblm Sacretnrytrclmrer Bert Lough eéd rrad shottraddrers in which he pointed out the responsibility of the board and lho vllue oi the work they hld to perform lie ex greyed the uplnlnn ihat the new bard would be as willing and capable any in the past and that the coming year would be rawnrded wilh succcss oi their maria Eéve Gibhins gskcdvlhat the board endeavor lo practice econ nmyto the utmost or ihcir abil ityHe assured lhem the co operation of council in their Work and naked that the representative on council assigned in cducnflan be asked to sit in an budget mal teu Treasurer Mukhccd gaw an aniline of he business the star the rear He old or saying that had been madc lnst year through lho cnpllhl account and others which hnd Ion cnnugh funds lapurchaseLlumlturc nr lhc Pnlnswlckfichnoll III mlcrmd palm mndc hylnno of the 1954 Councll that they hadsaved the ratepayers sumo $11000 th ugh withholdlng nppmvnl of lh requeslwhnn prclmlnnry up wonderful task hd knnw that wlth D1vlnexuldnncc you wlll continue to intend You mny hnvccxmclsm but It ydmfldcc slonsArc right you will carry on hetoid them Hevihen offered 11 prayer In which he mambLrs ru chvnd blessingkqn their work Rev Mr Rowe old the story of MI experience as secretary on the first schnnlrbonrd Fun Church Mnnuoba Thu ncw schunl had bcen handed over mm the mmmfinlty nnd nix well ham aghool was usad almost nightly ps maellnrplnce The only my the cos could hn mlscd was hrough pub Imendeavnrs as there Was nn one togax buHhe govern ment He look slurerom the Bible to illustramlhe need landm lo kecpmnwllh hls nsk Inspflex ol momth wauld on dnnvor Io dIsugrcc with pin Cookie Mndc wad Finest Cram mm Clle SIILIE COOKIESYOUH UK BRIGHTEN our HOME NOW yroval wu requmed Th1 Immut wn nude on the bllhU $201 per room The councu member chimed mu they hnd dafemd Imepunce at the rcquelk 1hr xchoal board had one mu Ind gal bldl for LOGO 1m The acccpisnce the lowrsi lender is required by the Deputi mcni unless very jusiiflnble rea son is apparrnt The preliminary request is made in order ihst bids may be called or This hm no herring an Inn lenders The delay of council in holding back on this request was in no way re sponsibletor the savings mud by low inndcrwns he claim the school board membersr Delny in getting the tenders nut did hold up the building prngrnm past the heginning at the ierm even though ihe contraclor made rccoldl lime at the work MayHaveTb Use Old Painswick School Wllh lhenpparentlncreusa all the school populaflun ll Jun1 zelher llknly that the old Palns wlck school may hnvc to be re npmed after the summer holl days to lake some of the pup In thn laren community gm whlch asked do be allowed use nfthu old schnol com mnnlty centre was told lhlrwhcn thou request was granted Them wlll also have to be bulldlng progrgm lnnuzgrqlcd Immediately The meeting open to all school trustees and ratepayers charge one dollar is being made which excess pup the wow shit the township These Ire now being acmd in small mom he Hony wheel but 115le soon be Inadequate Trustees And Ratapayers Meeting InBarriq meeting has been nailed nu Cnuny Truslcu and Rnupayenj Assoc Mon to be held Sn Cadran lnn School on Feb remain an 430 pmThi meeting will denl wilh numerous topics especially pcrlnlmng In honor schoal management onbchnlt board Paint Makes Such Big Dlflolonco OATES PHONE 3210 I2 Dunlap Call In Io wm 11w covrr the lunch wm be In phrtunu torrmi mer unochl he and pullh chi mung n1 ed ucltlan Mn Klnl ucmlgr ilkgd that file pa Idvped nrly possible of hose desirinl lomend Mr and Mrs Eve Johnston nnd sun Murray 59 the week end with Mr and Mn cum Built ey Jamil Buy On Shin From 12 man try to the grown up turning om lobe busy winter between playing hockey at Goldwater and enlaylng the shunt the cammunilyhink on Tux Eands farm wherelalrly large crowds gather sevemlnlams week Mr and Ma 13 Johflblone sued her paremaMr amtMn HHIOrHlLIV he first of the Mrs Somenor spent few days In Barrie lay wacky Mason and Match Representative Recommended by LeadlngPlnnq Manuludturc Weather pirinlmm wlll ennled In mm minim Inward end of January Ihould my Plano Owner requer undue klndly write go nbove Indium BLADE SHORT RIB SHOULDER UnIll Il Hal PREM 12min35¢ CRAIGHURST uh p19 Prim IIIum POTATO CHIPS mun11mm REPAIRS EPECIKLI JANE FARKER IPECIALI JANE PARKER lEMO PIE 39¢ GAVE 10o aPEcuLI awlns BEEF ROAST SALE have Go CARLEY 11 IAVE fie Oflllh Vlsll DIETHUNE 387 1th St East SUPERRIGHT MEATS Ill OI ILUI IHAND DEEP Mod lam llmoml Owen Sound Phéne 35M STORE WIDE OW PRICES Maury run Cu HELP YOU SAVE IVERYDAY IN THE WEEK COM HOW AEPI Glad In upon that Min Lynda Grange pmmlru gamma after cent nppendecmy In Royal Victoria Hospual Bank Miss Barbarg Ann flmcre mm um weekend Kn Imenln Mr and Mrs mm Castan Missu Betty Caxton and Mrs Bmwn vlsfled in V35 11 he weekend 1411 Fallitwu at her ham In Vusey or the weekend SI Johnl Church Annual Annual many of st Johns Church will be how at Mr and Mrs George Kmons on MondnYJ evening Jan 24 CUIIOM GROUND KETCHUP MARGARINE I6 oz ply 39 0l0K coma 25149c HAVE 6° CAKE MIX DOILVIE CHOCOLATE ANN PM MONAHCH IAVE Io 29c

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