anlrd nu Ilnln Her umul plmml wnlch mm mm nlhrn Um len nllulclnnl mm um llml Iny IIWP um lImIIulnll mlnunng mu ulhu an Hwy mum mum lur um um nnd mnmy mu my mnlmlun Ill lnlnll rimr hrrn rluvnl up In Hurlr muvnln llltnllllu lulnrll nmc Luuhl nu qurfllun uv uvmullllll nu Mnmryl vlmlfl IHII Thry vlayrd WWI MI equal rclmlul IleIan with no and lung rulurllll Hm made their wanm unlqmly rumlnlnlu nlelr lrnmwulk wu vulrcl nm Il em vulnl ul llle lrl nml Il lmhm all During nur weeks $68M had been collcclcd In the mile 270ch placed at vnrxous business loca lion in town Thls many used or ï¬rms not covered In hc bud get and he Chlldhenl Md Socl cly expressed ll srnmudn to the public or Ms mummy ln mak In these cunlrlbullam Enml nml Mllxx Mummy lwln dmwumuu who wm Ilrnnl In llm Irlulll LIIIITIIK lhu cllrunl Hunle Cmnluunlly Innan Aun rlullnu Nllrl llw Mllxy Thur Mmulny mum wlll muIy mm In Iw mml pnnulnr an Ll nl hr srnwn 11on pbllytil mmnm um Wm lrlgunl pan wldr mlqu lhrlr umllrmu nun Hwy muva Innrkubly unlnnl mm lmulcnll Ill wrlll wvll wllh IiIr dru lllnl unyslcul mmmnm rupun an colhlng com mlltces progress was made ma meeting by Mrs Frcd Eullll and Mg Allan pycrs Mrm Dorulhy OSulllvnn who In charge hum nnulng all Shncuc County or me Kud Ny mc II brlLl llllk on 1111 work durln mcdlnu xtnllxliéal mpurl wn prlstnb by Mrs Vulcrlv mu at me mu The rcsl Kim mccllnx was de vnlcd In Amman Indan nvw and bull IrIrrcurc onn Iur ndoullvc partnu IIrhrcnu Iunm used by ollur soclcuu wtrn Ilud Inl with Imv lu chnnxlnu llw lurm Druunlly mu lh culm ly Twin DuoPianisls Charm Audience Unusual Unin ol Perlormance In Second Communily Concert Series last Tuesday uvcnlnnl meeting the Ccnlrc Simcne brunch the Childrenl Md 50 cloty at Slmcne County amutudn was expressed to vnrlau organ Izallons whn had hhlmdflu glvn Christmas rents JD he Ihlldren In cum odrlngkun Public School in Burrlc lhn home Ind school ul ioclnllnn had raised $3251 Inr Chrmmns cats with their Christmas tocklnni and the am Guldel and Womens Imu ulf had also cunlribulc One the rum Ham dis cusslon he mulink was In new Child WLlIan Act II wn decided lhnt cur plllsc ox lhc act would be discussul at lulurb medium In Hm mvmbul would become nmllllu wllh ll ymvlsluns 91 st YearNo GENERAL VIEW the County Counqll Chambers shows the large npmber of spectators who were present at the opening of the Jnnunrysesslon Monday ternoun for the election and lnstullntlén bl thencw Wardch Rcevc Roy chkllng of Véspm Townshlp whols seen nbovu rlghLVelgmn councillors and CAS Expresses Graiilude For Christmas Treats AN momma mum Servinï¬ run TOWN or mam AND comm on smcoa Since 1864 Amnqu tun um ly an mm Douan mun rm mumnun umr hm mm and nLvcr wm 1m body animal to llvmncr lnnJur luurlnl nllrmllunl we lllquHb or ucnrrnl lellnr lnduxlry mm ma gnnnm pulpuxc hm bran um wm nuunpl lu lulrnsl unnpclum lntnl nucnclu WuHthIHr pm IILIKIIIIIIU Wink lnmlc Um lullrl cunml mmmc lhr lhlrncr Allmkyl Hullu Nu 1pm 3L wnl mm llv lr num plu yunm luluHum ll mullr wu clmny mlulruclnl 1m Iwu pl Inul nul urr pmllrululy Ilurln nu runcm um Hu cun Ahlnuln Icumlol Hm vluullle Ilrunmnlnlluu wu elelml The nmhlln mum ho Amuky wml wu Unnmmd an Ill nrll half Mr William wllh uleluhllul Irunwuonl Mumt wall Uuelllnu Cunar nulr and Mini nw Lurk played 1n Imely lllllnl mnnner deluhllul mom um lull mm lo use new plum Tourism ls mummillion dulan Industry 1n Huromu but so at only small sum has been made capitalize on the areas tourist attractions snld Cmnswn secretary or the Hugonln Hlscoric Sites and Tourlst Assoclnuon when he appeared below Slmcoe County Council yeStcrdny to ask that the annual grant of $1000 to the Association be ngaln made this your 1wlr mwnlnu Ilmh numlmrx wrm onan my 1mm YAHIHK In 0mm IIchnlc III Mulm will mnxulnrtvnl mun Illu lnmmlun mlmncml by Ilw lwn mun nrrnnuvmnll III 1th Iwanlllul chlllrnlm played unw rahly Ind Wlll mlnnlknlflu drx lnlly and vvrtlxlon Hm Ilu rInIll Imd uuurl lrrhnlrnl Ile and unluuml llmlr work In Ivrnly llml ll wnl mmwlt In klmw whm Hm qu Ilwmc nrlghm lrd Along with number of other request for ï¬nancial aid from vnr lous orznnllalions the llurunln Asmclnlion brie was referred lhc limmcu committee for cans1d rrullon Anorllllon Report Mr Cmnslun ruvtowmu lhc op nraliun ihc associanon mid hm Mum was Hm tormrd back In February mu lncorparnllng mun lclmlitlcs ram Owcn Sound and Mralord on me wvsl Io Orlllln on ma nnsl 1t prime punposc was lo lry xo mm and coardlmflc lhc lourm promollnn use lame pm Slmmc and Grey Cuunllua thil lay wllhln lhc nrla knnwn hlzlurltally Hurunln ma mmu budqcl mm was mm cuntcmulnlul and Mulch has mm cunllmud ln unvvm mtinllunn nuuvmu No more llmn warmmuun nnd rducallun Lmmd TouriSl Field In Huronia llrea MultiMillion Dollar Industry 0ffiliifll Iells lollntyï¬ounciLW large Crde of$pectqtcrs PresentL af opening of C9th Couhcil ah Reeve Hickling of Vespra is ElectedWaIden Eh arriflxantinï¬ ï¬lm ll lulure tlllldlm Kvlryune km nu Ihln In An he tummunlly llmv Mm minim were 10000 of wldcly muum nflcr key raiders Thru 30000 11 n1 pluck were dlrmhuud by nulls mlurmallnn nuuclu publlc mm privnl lllroughoul nu nurbhcm Unm Slalm nnd Canada jccts and 10 give suppon by way vubliclly bolh In Huronln Ind beynnd In such agencies In their undamkings EducHum Body In oHIcr wards lhc Hurcnln Al soclnuun ls primarily an educa 1nml and lnwlraUnnnl body walkan over large area lo give In It pcrmancm xcsldmls and IL vlsilor Mcndfly gruwlna Inlcrcsl In Ihn hurlsl poknunl of lhal in Frbruary WM the associa Hon punuma moo of popular uuldc and plclum map In Humnln In nddlllon HIch Wu lsnnLl lnsl yrnr me qurlh cdmnn It mania Hlslory ll covur the Mary ncl wily nl Humllln In an nnu hul KL In some ItMl ch hlmury hr two cnunuu ul Slnmw and Grey and those lhulr vrlllclml Inunlclmlillgs whldu hm lmn wpwnm Um mlnllun rm Allun um mm Exceptional Child Topic at South Simcoe CAS Annual rm nlluq um mm umlrrutkr ml um mm up mum on mum mun mum nurnclrx Inukt nrrnl rmwls In 3er mm dlshlds lnr rummrtclnl mlv 54 Hull mm llmmunl as widely menu mm mm mum lllmlurr muvrnlr and Ill um 41k mm Ilmllnn umwlnu rmnrcl In 1mm mlmmy mm rcnmlnry mm Inrmullull IllHIlme ll might bf Ivl Illlrnfl In unm Iy munclllnrn knuw usl huw Imln Ilrrra Hf llulflrl Ind Ill lnllcnl nmlnuuml lllrmlmr llnvc nvrr lho mu hm rrmlul and llllllYlllfl by mall nxul lhmuuh umll luucnun l0 prmum wlxhlnï¬ In VII lhll nnn lhl nu n1 pnuhualn 1m Imnln lunurlu county ofï¬cials sale it Was one of the largest crovids which they hgd ever seen present lofthe opening at session altogether total 13 candldmes were named or the ofï¬ce but follpwlng the time for withdrnwwls the ï¬eld hnd nar rowed down to Iour Reeve Hickllng Reeve James Patten orNottuwnsagu Town m3 mz1owmze 925 62320 mags ROUTINE OF COUNTY COUNCIL IS TO REMAIN UNCHANGED AS COMMITTEE REPORT DEFEATED ny nubxlnntlnl nmjorlly members or almcoe County Council have Lhmwn out nnorb by apoclnl commmcc whlch Wm nppnlnml cunnldcr chnngca In the routine of councll whlch might add to lhu unlclcncy of the smlonn nu Memo unllllur HIE upnnunn nl cmwll uu lwm In pm yran wn laknn Tumlny murnlhul mu um Cnunly Coull Ihllldlnl Mm lull Ilhtuulun mum wlmlu ally mm um um mun nnl npprdvul Your ptclnl cnmmllln rc oundl mullnl bu to rrpu nml lullnwlllfl lmlru lllnu ulvuu III Irwlullnn vnsm Al lhr Nuvrmlmr Emulqu we MI 1m 2a In dlmlu Chung In Ilvr mulllwnl mm whlch uch lu lhn emdenry llI IIIIILI rm cum Id mmu ml uuullunnnln whkh hul hr mu ml lu num Ivuvulni un IA lmlruclluul cummlll Tum Ilmwul um In lnoll can Illnth wmmmvu wt much IHIIIIN III lrllllnn In II Um cuunrll Hun Hwy In Hlmcue Cuunly WW II munlnmmly ul nnmlnn In lhn vmenl nn wmmfllea II murh loo hm avunl elllrlanlly and town lhnl Ill upehdlluru III may commend Ind unorled My In cowpcralkm wllh Medan Townshlp and with 5mm Coun ty whlch counly In mum years has lakcn out on annual member fhip ol $1000 1n the monk As xoclallon the assoclntlon unlrl zulcd $100 toward the construcflon lhc Elmc Slccle Mcmorlul at Fairvnllcy nna helped In hrlnu nallon publicity to flu mm Wang Brash qn the Labor Day weekend lhe nesoclnunn 1n conpcmllon with luml authorities nrmnzcd he dodlcnlloh and un valllnfl the famous HeldAflan mrmorial an even which nlnln won Canadawldc nucnllon Calm and marker mm In lnslnncn were nssumcd by lhc Nauunnl HIS lorlc Silva and Munumenls Board Um Ipcclll wunnlllm whk wnl Iul up In cmuldcr mnud mu IIu lullowmz 1n llm Ilnv rrprcacnwllvc the nswcla Hun nlso paruumlcd In mu un vcllirz ol the vnry Inn Inclnurlal lu Sir Frederick lhlulln rrcclul his nlnmlcr by Slmmc Counly and lhn 10wa Alllslon 22000 My folders 54000 tourist guide maps 55000 Hurnnh place mnu 22000 miscellaneous elders JILOOOv Mnl 171000 pieces of lllcmlurn The renewing pmlccls under lakcn by he Msoclnflnn In 1054 Illuskalc alher phase 01 II uvmcs Turn Io me lwn plum other chlldm on mnwy Ilnpa when the khann on which Ihe wu rldln hit tree Ilump Ind Ihe obonm overturnrd Tu rmmu um lhu Illfldlnl rummlum In mluud man an Illmlly we would mommlnd Hm the Wnrdm II lhu nnl up Iluu In Jlnuuy ppulnl null In commllm of nlm mmlml urnlnlzly fluvu with upm mm mm Ihlll mm on tund Inl cuminle or lhl VIII 11 epun mad lay cnuncll we mend in IN mclury lulu bo JOIN mmgnd flu rum IM mmamm errbun up it Mormon Winch principal ol 0mm Dishm Cnlkllalc Inhtllutc has been ranlcd thrcc month lrave of nbscncc Board dullnmn Harry TlmnliOn am Mr wxnch was in Tomle hospital where expected he will bo far mom weeks According the chairman ML Winch lul crlnl mm physical cxmusuon and recurring ever mm malari cnnlrnclcd dunnz the war um rcpom lndlcalc hXI condfllnn II lmprovlnl Because Mr Winchl absence Norman Post MI mmcd nctlnfl prlnclpIl STILL FINE 1le Ben numd In pm you can be wcll beyond yuur threeloom and lrn and 511 not lost your moollng nyr bmuahl down no buck Um other day and hcl 82 year 01¢ Mlcr coulldurln III on he ml mwllunrll we uulnlmuully mmnmrnd um Ihx mndln rmmulllm un llmmu ha compo rd 15 mrmheu nix rum he luwnl Iwn um Um vllluu Ill lrmn he luwmhlm Ind lhu Warj drn wllh mnmbm eunlllluh In qumum runde he lrurrltnlfllnll on In nnmm cummlunr II can lallwl llI nur Irrmnmlndnllunl Wu llMl lnkrll lulu canlldrrullnn lhr nlnuvr nlrnl um urblu paw ulnllun Hm rurnl nml urban numlhnllun and pnrlllulnrly Hm putllnn rmmly 1m uld by Um luwm vllluu Ind tuwnmlm Our Invnliulllun revull mu lhu lowm my and per mu llw vul mm 71 yer urn Ind lhe luwn nhlpu ma Mr mu In coun Kyle Young Girl Has leg Fracgugd Toboggan Mishap Joyc hken In RIin Vlcknrll llolpllll by unb mm when wu mind her rlgln leg wu brunn Joyce unwles 13 En enla Slreel Ind har rlxM kt hwkm 1n Inbuunn Accldem whch otcurred on Mondly mm mu hnna LEAVE OF ABSENCE anmoulh NS llnmld Gremlin to the member were amended by Fred Humor county clclk who paid hat he and the am coumy nlflclnll would only be unwilling lo mum any mem her In any way possible dudnz the cunlnl year Only one member Counly Council was bum whun the nu siun opened Deputy llccve Sproulc Inanm Township who In Royal Victoria Hosplul with In Illncu 500000 Expendllnre ML Hunter also caullonLd the munclllon In ulve deep Iludy In he maucn whlth wouid come bu foro than during the mulch pomth uul um bLorv Hwy 1m may would hnvn made nrrnnuc mcnls fur the dlsrmlllun nvvr 000000 The nlmllon at he Warmn Cunudnl Fourth largest lcxlnlnllvo body was by Uptn vulm with 10 mlnulcl belmt alluwrd fur nom lnnllom th Mervyn inrdncr If Orlllln Ind Deputy CVl Genny Llak Trcumsflh Townth wart nnmcd II umllurvrl nulhl Mr llunlrr The county councll chamber was Juinmecl wlth spectators representlng pmctlcully every county orgnnlzutlon and vet ernn members councll and county ofllclnls sell that lhéy could never remember greater crowd being present for the elecllon and lnstnlluclon of Warden Third Ballot Elects New Warden Reeve Roy NHicking 0f vespra kEdgesï¬0ut0pponentByllVotes Reeve Roy Nelson Hickiing who has been in municipal government in Vespm Township since 1921 with one break oi five years Wns elected Worden oi Simcoe County on Mon dny uiternoon when at the opening session of Simcoo Coun ty Council he defeated RecvoJnmes Patton oi Noiiuwasngn Township by 38 votes to 27 on the ihixjd bullok shlp Reeve Albert Gllroy of Tecumselh Townshlp and Reeve John McLean or Colllngwood The llrat ballot saw the votes go as follows lllckllng 26 Patton 18 Gllroy l1 and mum In the second ballot chkllng 27 Patton 20 and Gllroy 18 In the tlnal ballot Hlpkllng 33 Patton 27 Following the result Reeve Pntton asked that the vote ln Invor of Reeve Hlakllng be made unnnlmous mum an lemm franlluuulunuuemuuom 20 PagesThree Secï¬ona Reeve lnwmn nommn Elm alc pmposcd by Drputy Ruvo Earl Trace 01 Flea Towmhip 5cc undld by Reeve Wilbur anh at Wasazn Bench nerve Albcn Why of Tecum mh Townshlo Md by Rccve William Keller MldLmd ended by Deputy Reeve Gcnmc Llsk or Tommscth llccve Burns Wales or Tommi Uu Towmmp pmpolcd by Deputy cove alan of Mldlnnd Ecc ondrd by two Anhur Evans llmdlmd Clnrk cl Colllnwond second move Frcd Klnncnr not fly Tcwnshlp pmvosui by Icch Don row and Deputy Rum Holden of Midland Ilccvc Wllllnxn Keller Mid lnnd proposed by Herve AH Can lcnmnuulshcno mundcd by row Muckcmlu mule of Allll mum mm mm mm ha been mung IMIIOHLQ 019m hurls Examiner for your 1nd ha Hell Km Edwin school and um many int wholem the Mlmdulu Boy 14 yum or In but mu of no mu be mlmduced 91 canon an mehgdJ Ion Turn lo ann Wu mum MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY single copy Barrie Club Celebrates 40 Years The on anniversary Kiwanis Intermlloml was mumly ob Acrvod by the name club on MammyY Jan 11 The new D1 ulcl Governor Waker ll Howell Pmflmmuuh was present to address an Interclub mnetlnz Klwnnlnm from Barrie Ind lhn Darrlemmorcd clubs Orlllll Midland Owen Sound and Collan bod Dinner mm Included Gable lat vicemadam of Barrie Lloru Guam Frlckc prcsldcnl Bank Runny Ind 11 Henry pruldcn name Kin speclnl failure wn vmvldcd by armor Darrlcm Marlon Knox now Pcmbamum Kiwan lan 1108 twa voul 101m 01d Mun River and In maker Ic wmmnlcd by Ken Wnfll ll um piano He also ltd the Ilnnonl musing lair with bmlhnr Vic hcblnz In 5th on Harvest Moon Ind Jack Mnclarcn unlu Inu 1n the rendition Hound 1mm his new iMIrumlHX drumboln He no duum wnl be in dcmand hlm Io 1min wo plum Speclll Mullc