Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Dec 1954, p. 6

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am no Wuhan Inchian Firs the string at ouldoun his kind nl any bulbs am when she bulb arrived thre wasnt cord tncm and In The resulting conlu slunn Chrlsimasvgm was opuned now and then wlth the groceries by its rcccivcr The bnby 0t fihe family turned dawn an ether vgms tori gioyfiperlumctjmrqhgn my very own ram lhe IVE and Ian ind squirted columd wn lcr on allvisit Uirnuzhoul me icsllvc sehso H181 mm unexdld Arriveugnul the lduyjmey Chrhlngu and he pudding sauce endequp on pulnzue and junnip mm unlory vtunAAe incident at dealfillupped the cook from pourinxlhe navy on he puddlnzh Hurapan jrom wndlng thmugn wqelenedyvue uhlgs and late eagle of turd thathad to becruwdedlnw the oven in highly uncomforlnbk position Jhe Chrmmu season de pm lgy much lop quickl Chtlslnus sumd clrlthlsyenr on lheifemale mumbgrntughg Examiner slim when we were entertained yhc homuu Mn Cutler on Poyntzslrce Our hostess served luver Christmas bulfclv supper duylnz 1h evening and her husband nah ed as Sanmyclaus by re um um alsu did wnndcrlul 10 is cur Judge okay hnlconlest Mm hls North Simgoe Wl January Meeting Plans Announced Interesting programs have been scheduled by North SImLoe Dls um Womens Insflwtes for their January mceungs 5thch change they are arranged as 101 laws Ebenelcr Jan 2011mm MIL hwrenco Parker Convener 111 be Mn Fann you mu re qulrcs recounting cuxrcnl cvc Coldwalcr 51 Jan 11Hostm Mrs Frank Job Speaker will bc Miss LUa McPIIcC Caldwutcr llb rnrlan whose subkct will be Book Review Eoldwalér vrl Jan ZsHosmss Mrs Ken Sallowx Spcaker Dr Brown Goldwater physician whose topic will be The Care Babies Coulscnv Jan 1211mm Mm Walker Convener will Mn Wbodrow and more will he rendng and contest as pan of the program Jun lZAl Mrsflames Dells home Rev Ross Cumming Coldwiler Unlch Church min lsler will spunk on International Altair Cunard Janine Mrs Blnnoya hnme VAnomcr nbnnch will be entertained lllllsdnlc Jnn LSllostm Mrs Grampunn Mrs IL Drnnnan In Charm the pmsz based on Health WartCarley Jan 1211051 wsLs Mrs Jnhmlonc and Mn Juhnslomx must le hr pm on by Mrs cum1c avIlia Jnrrthrcighlon Jan 11 Hostess Mm Frank lawlmy PN 3mm wlll be on Hillaran fle Immh and Currcnl EVCM and Mrs George Campbell wlll bl can vcncr Than be deman NHL mu Muldul Jun 1111mm Mm Vuln Ilumncy Mn llnblnmn wlll lull how molth kcpl hwsc 50 years mm In comparison will llxlllyl methods Mounmunc Jun 5Husllss Mrl Lloyd Dunlap assisted by rm Dunlop Spmkcr wlll be Mn TUYICME Norm IUVN Jan Gollnlum Mrl Juanxix Uolyla In chum pruurnm on Community hathmu nnd lnbllc Holmium mu MIL Em Kinnbm and Mn 1060M Vnncy Jnm 5Imlwk Mn Vrrnc mad when wlll in db bnlu mme In chem by the wnvtncr 1mm lnchxlu cman cm on xinnnlnmr Jun 4n mm hr unnumln nrc um Gn mm and Mn 52mm Wnulmlshtnu Jun 10 n1 ML ilulo Hullflwro W1 he II will In Commule Acllvlllcfl nnll luh 11c Ilelnllmu and drhnle llnovv ad that wmrwnu mm In dunch tar llxr Drum NIAGARA OAN TO 51500 UMHAYMINI GETTING MOIEY to pay bills Womens Institutes nmplu lom um 01 puny Mum mug Ion Dtck Il hln SomQLutnur piperibn rep manner ifan bhgnwork Jhajevei ll done my plénub Mid nnon who 4am led ma 1m obwordsnn xel questedivhl we ndd to make new era If you can ohanxevvbm mo hysat in gym uddnd or relay hm fyenr ly you art halter than we wen ixmowqu nomnd into dy mm or rubs an uyerl go wqglegas weht Ilnnfl Ali MilMissflora Mon15w Ali anusMiss ilora Morlesun Min Marian Gonuh Mai Russell film 155 Inner Comer uhz and myselfwish 1271911 thanking Mr VCuuer pr exlen Inhh=Whrin1lospfulv fly nl herhousnhold to uxuAnd joining wllh Ilua speclul yuan at our paw Mrs ArlhurMc Kcnue ngnrmer umtler Out hosluscs mnkz our IChrlslmas arllgl mo any gyear MILECnh Enu Mm Glldyl na and that lift my each 01 yourpur nsesianflmd Christ mnshmc ar those that you bless wkth come to that lastmlnute horrnr tr ng to dcccntlyhun dlzn wlerdly shapedhnrcehin SUPP wrwplnatpuper stick it with scnls that have mysterluusly loqt their Inc and tie it with ribbon thn wrlnklc and bunch In the mlddll of ypurteh thumbs But it must involve Agrast deal at troublemor the merchhan in addition tov the expense attnched to 15th km or good public rela non Thore Hesqlpuans how New Yorkahup wlih Bbil of imagination and an admirable acorn or ils nelzhhura pinch penny aiiiiude did somcihing es pucinily nicelnd justns scnsihie or Christmas shopper thin year It wrapped your gm iqvhighiy allucliy fashion but in way mm mm that each galcsgiri could mlnue on her own with out addilionni trouble Our and hose mlllons of othch arrived in bcnulltul satiny box he bottom ha cuv and In hlck gleaming silver paper and the pp hall In corres ponding gold paper Tied around In almplc and clcgnt Inshlun was Iovdy wuvcn gold card lm mntalllc end like he neat endn Inga olrahua laces rnmrcsull vi na decorative as 019 am In Paétot Commends Minésing WA For Fine Years Work December meeting Minusinz WA was held at Mn Harvey Mc bclns There were 24 prcscnt During me buflnug mm presided over by Mm lrvln Johnston ch pom wen elven at the years work Conlenl of thy blue on vclcm were $21 for the WMS Om hundxed dollars was voted for the and Funi Rev Vcnh presldcd for Yu clmlion He cmndcd the thank himself and um men at the church or the consclcnllmu mm the WA durlnu the your Thmmnccrl or 135 are as ol lows Hon uddem Mn Mc Lcnn pres MN Irvin John an ls vlmwmddcnl Mb Mury Mrkun 2nd vicepresidan Mr Young Mercury Mm Orcharvd galsum Mu Percy Mulr msurcr MrsC Dawncy ISJEUII Mr Wood com mundlng mmry M11 Ddlby mlulonary treasurer Mrs Den IIAHO devole mlucc Mrl Multan Mn rlml Mrs Mulr MM ruby mlLannry mnmlupc Mn anncy Mrs Mugulrf panning €Dmmll MrI Mam Mm cum Mn Luck fluwtr committee um nanny Mm Maw Mn Eldon Adnml Mm lere Johnston nawtr hmsurcr Mrs llcnhy nudilon Mm Harry Wood Mr dtunl vaflnz commmvuy Mr Mnxmrc Mn Mllhl Mu Mlnml Mm McLean Mury Mc llan mu of 51mm wau nmlmu Um umttr lur um mqun wurk Mu damn mnduclnl the WM lulu Irrvlcc flu optulna hymn thllc 1bwn ul Hclhlv may Thursday 915 mm 530 Ln Friday 915 um 690 Mn Sulan Closed Milky hifAlLtnI To mmrrv CANADIANB STORE HOURS THIS WEEK IIEUENI AUDIAAun um mumsw No Fighter Wing hospital at North Luflenhiam England is FO Audrey Snfleant 0t BameFQ Sarjeant hasbeen at North Luflenhamtor the past three months and will go France when the wing mqves to 163w home Marvllle umml mum mum Trinity Holds Midnight Service Christmas Eve Trinity Angliéan Church be In annual service commemorating the Holy Nativity 0mm an Christmas Day The midan communion servlce was broadcast over CKBB from Ll to 12 pm Christmas Eve and Inflowml the mldnigh Mur the Gnlsunn com munlon was ndmlnlstewd church was packed for LN beaumul service The member the Altar Guild Wmt to lnflnlm pains decorate the church with 10 Christmas mas and evergreen There was an array rod pomscl Has amnngst the green am memgh 33118116 Ln Lady nllur were bouquetsut red Ind white cnrmllnns The credit sell looked bgaulUul ewcéwas conducted by me rector Rev Allan Read and the sermon was delivered by Rev me as um my Slubh ol Euivale assisted win the holY sacmmmL One of mnmbnn at he church wrote tho allnwlnl poem about he scrvlcccndllnd mu Eve 105 Trlnuy Church The chlmcsnng out Cnlllnl to worship And remember Thn Chris birthdly high r3 Up um M51 cmwdnd church wnnc rabcd chorlslcn Ind prluu moved Edam the altar Iwcu wilh flnwcn Smod young prlcst Fulrlnd xallu Upon his face In unurmly ugh love and joy hrm nml bciore zlnglng II he nary 01 how lhlllp Brooks came lo write was given by Mrs chrgc Jnhryxon ulvlnu The Serifnuré Imon wnn me Chrlnmua nary by Lukn and Wu rcad bYHMIl Luck Mm gave aulmbln mama Ind Mary Mcmn mun Lhe Mary calhrdrnl Mm Young and Mr flmnl MV nrcd wllh lovely due Kmnv Lhe 0mm In Chrlxumu mullm So Much lecl xald lhc bunk of me cnrlh II lrcnauru we lmvc lull mlmnl rumer with Am 51qu we un give or mm wm MINE norm lo what We ME Um gm ixttm non UMnK yuur mm lull cumin um mihzwlnx he Vrlwlnu prayer lanky lunch wm nrrvvd by Mm Mnuuiru and MM Mun Johnmn Tdnlghl he wan la had hls ptom manursing 11 HheleAFg mm ADDITION To Lhé mengcr ILBeflilqhem lnLhe pulpn heiold prics From 319qu cumvice époke wisely The Houlflour 15 even Wc have drawn nigh go Him In Communion hum lh Altar the whitemm processlon leaves the Church Slnglnx Nocl lhgv pan the joy All Mr an vrkSL Reaches us all as he sing ll seem an it his feet mus leaw In xiii ciulmisnn Thfl Christ born On Christmas my there WI beamilul wlumn service fin an early mornu the éonzrezauon gathered to honor the Chfls Child And then 1010 mm the church ugaln was packed as mothers Ind filhtn bmuxm mafThlldren the My Festival 504th Amlds 1111 the rum and pram they would nol forget the Chrlst Child Many Attend Carpl Service Coldwafer Anglican Church Many member 03m dlslrlc chumu attended the cam scr vlce it St MaMths Anglican Church Caldwuler Sunday night Friday Décemfler31 1045 pm srncuu wmnmmm smwcn snmon maidiiifins moumu msnwmoninnm 0mm munm Denney Phnlol SENIOR MAJOR ANI MRS COOPER wLIA AN INVITATION l8 EXTENDED 10 ALI so comm smear coNnumu nv on muvvmwn mumstat homeAnq amw re Mrammr1v GemIa Sinclair and family of Guthrie Mu Mn mime mumsqu Mus LmdMgu0wgrd Ml erlfdr elszsvmdinx Mosaic wmm de If her ayfiueh Baadc were Somméra mark Mr find Mrs Hugh Dale and Mnnlnyna pf Toronia and William of Camp Borden wgrewnh Mr micron dfldg Rev arid an William fiewman and Mr Hmch wererwnh Mr and Mn Em Were Ynla gm ardson Mp nnders Drennln at Toronto with Mr NIde Georg flour MrsnhdMrs Prank Eeld uhiwren oIHmllton Mr and vaiirCulmshhd19mnyrund ind Mn Clarence Brown and b0 n1 Mldhursl Mr indMfl Haduwh and Iamlly and mi Mm Arthur Dunn and boys wimMrnahd Mrs Thomas Dunn Mr And Mrs Ernest Bid wcll and family 01 Clawes with Mr Ind Mrs George Bidwen PhllJp Newman In Newmarkct Mr and Mrs Plulv Beurdsall and childrenNorth Bay and ML and Mrs Vern Mart Wlndson with Mr nnd Mrs Robert Grcaves Mr Ind Mrs Cr Cmil and Miss Craig wllh Mr and Mn Max Craig Mrs Shallswcll of Edgar and Mr Ind Mrs Frank Grillen and thy Barriewnh Mr and Mrs Gordon Bum Vhllon Mr and Mrs Peach and Miss Genevieve Pcdlinghnm of Barrie with Mr and Mn Pcdllng Dcc 20 conducted by Rev Churchor The cholr at Christs Church Waubeushene assLsted we ColdwaIcf chain Lessons were read by Herb Stevtns Frank wu Hum Wayne wmxum and Chos ter Martin 5010 partswnre taken jg Bob James Jerry Douglas and Ernest Godfrey Jr alder fn Emnfahnd rpm mgjwimer thgre To wlnlu xn filfifilc ma Mrflln W81 Emmy Hm chlldrennquLDim m4 Wnfiflbwhto mdrMfim Barrie Mr VnnAuer mButtalo and Wilfred 0am Wlnnlm wflh Minfind Mnjlamsy Oadu and Mn Rune Mawtomr and chfldun and Mr end Mrsl fhmml Bmllny ind Judy Bar rle Mm Mamm JunMon and Ernest Mawfonh Toronto with Mr and Mrs finest Mowtnrth Mn Buchanan Totom Mrs My and childxenMJss Grewy 01 Comntwmd and Cvcorle Graves Windsor witth and Mm John Grown Mr and MraW Malonevand lamlly ol Clowes Mr andMré Mag30km nnd Mr and Mrs Woodward and gxnny with Mr and Mn ngls flauoh Mr aners wn carsml an ramllyaox Newmnrkuspenz the Christmas holiday with Mr and Ms Penman 4Mr In Hiram Wallwin are mndlnuhe Chxlwmwhnlidm at thchomts their daughters and wnsdndaw Tamnlo and Shir ldan ldan Robert Wilkinson and Ecuy Hy land of Tannin spent Christmas wnh ML and Mrs Cad Wilkin wn Mr and Mrs Axum Gibb qnd ran Kim Toronto Chxlst ma mm and Mm Harry wn Mr and Mrs Calvlr Haddock went Christqu Day wuh Mr and Mrs Boss Qreenmam MUsmn Mn and MrsHemy Aluson and Inmfly spent Chdstmas with jrlcnds tn mnlo mm Shirley Robbins spent amqu at the home at Mn and Mm Wane De Wilde and taxpfly Wlll Phy CImy Borden Robbins and Ms Pine Riva Ramblers will be at the ECE En gineers MesL Camp Borden to play or the New Ynara Eve pany The Siam To You Your cornspondcnt wishcs to extend New Years rulings to THURSDAYiFRIDAY 1150 $3995 Now 2663 uundrcdn very useful plccu goods aids offered nl bargain prlccunmny are less thnn half price GREAT onus subs SALE All Chrlnlmnn sale 01 clearlnl mods mm tall uvu um stare nu butnln Inblc at rear cl maln floor cut uvlnu towns BETTERtoms AT BARGAINPRICES unusual EVERETT REMNANTS ENIDS REMNANTS Maanvmus 1n ammo£00115 mm 5m and sum WALKER STORESWILI CLDSE Ill1631 HT pm DRESSES 12 pm my LEss 99 um $4995 Now 3330 AT WALKER STORES IN aAkma DRESS GOODS STAPLES DRAPERES cnbkraén 10 he oqo Ichool tittolaivnten my ITS GREAT SALE 01 SMART BOATS Buv family Sufihm TODAV now 11m TO Sims REG $5995 Now 3996 00 sbld in homes only MN

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