PURINA cuows Elle DELAan 13mlch Mnyket Sq Phhne 2982 51 mini em weuuhy II 740 un Regional wea Iher recst syxocxmss FUSSING In Orlllll Well 80th In Will In mud Hum 21Ielva0vixion Pidurel beaumvl console TV with lame Concert Hall speaker Syoping mlely glass remavabIo or dufling Seliconlained antenna Walnut Mahogany Aulpmn teaf Mahogany orlimed oak 11ny we most ellecgivc pn npomkalynulhy warm er in hit the market COSTS ms THAN lc PmBmD iiémmp mo Barrie om yogimy WORMBR Resulls lwa year 01 re urch gntlhé wnrlds longs nd nibst pracllqul research arm bdngs yap PURINA uu mmm um cum Lu lmuu mm um lit mum ELECTRIC Am wm In rm NuI no rain snm MM mm Arummun no 1m lmn And In no In whm um Run an nnulv no Window 0n can Linn In manna mm SUPPLY 1HE ACADIAN 5y Elemohgmo Wilh New ElECTROMATIC CHASSISI THIS HERVICE BROUGHT TO YOU CBLTf Channel Toronto WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 29 THURSDAY DECEMBER 30 1595 SATURDAY JANUARY And In Dupl FRIDAY DECEMBER worm Emeth ind lurken 11 was hoped 0m um building which would house the vnriuus bounty services would he om laHy opencfl for Feb aka served ohm comm 1y property committee and tune the problems they were facing more was the accommodation unflon the County In in Bartle There was accommfldaflon that or 28 pnisancrs but on visit he had made during the your they had 904411 77 persons In the jnIL Th9 did not knmv wheflm would bebeï¬er to adult the meson bulldmg or go chem with setting up hail mm such as had been stjggpstgd at vnmu Lloyd Btu Amer paying tribute lo Reeve Campbell tormhe excellent lab hede us Reuv and gs Wurdpn 151954 Mr Scot expfained that during mayear hehnd snrvcd on the counï¬y council committee which was making me the $138 000 extensiun tn the Caumx Bulld lng uriuadnémpin be nslhq autumn wmj paflpllhyboger The Heat uhdidded that 118 was gfnd to he um vmeh Ingm slup pronunflmdg call ed fpr mg1w1mvotx234aa yard gravel Th1 was mm whin unng the Ilsurelur the pre vious year butn wu thMn lu crease over we amount ballad um In past yem wum the 2x burden ol lrafliclnaw being placed on the mad njwucssemlnl mi up this wnrk um VI own Shaw no tumu mo Fan mum no on In In Indie In nu um cl wmulnl turn 5va nuzkm on um no Ind mm Ihnt ml Inn um it Clmvl um mqu Mk Ann uu was ML Scott than laid he meeting Hum 15 was only seven years ago since wn elected as reevc by the vote the people he ex plained nxc speaker went on lo camc1 summer made by In our speaker um they had not had an election or an olflcc in the towxv shlplldr the past 13 or 14 years Omar Cmdldalu Lawrence Fraser zavc an out line trip he had made durlnx he year la 91 West and said John Woodrow M1 Woodrow said he had mu criticism to oiler Xnr the way the township nllaim had been run during me vast year He though the members had made and lab at Lhelr work They had L90 puxgchased nnw grader duflng th your Im $17530 but had received just over same on he old machine eyhnd gut Arecnnny honored lhdr derkdreusurer Tud hope on the completion or 35 your in alike and they had also had sdn bl Om Rceve Campbell flyctgd as waljdenol Simone Can One suggestion thch he made was that the Iownship might can slder he one ol wwnship Gentle Muhy MrMackay said the new coun dl would probably hnveJo look forward In even more work In Ibo new year with the increasing wcrk which had to be done in the lawn shgp During the year they had dune we more weed spraying and While he had nntorlgimlly been In war 01 it to any great xlem he realized now mm It was an Important aspect the wnrk had be carried out ofï¬ce Sum bull nu hadhgen hum other plans and 0m was unwinding to he exlcm that It would be advantageous have such an omca with Elliepit iiiewierwho maimed out than iwdubeeniu rduncii for our years Menadutojlhe wofl which had beck in mm the townmirer which wax how welidmvwn even beyond Qm Thoy had nude worm Just 9m soon mm naurlnune phsi year and he was sun that this would Increase in theiuiure 1he speaker went on in my that he thWIM one 0111 mlin pro bim Jacinz 4mm in dlevtovgn ship was to have the brush condh unnseleaml up Same at their roads were mung armor be muse totthis situation andi wu an meeting some at their inter diam He 12 suggested um homo Imi pnmmem mid be made to the town hall such nmhe installation 01 gollcllacllhues Andrew Bud01mm Mr Earthale said the deSIZME lhe damn whlchhud been caused by Hurricanejjnzeh the past year had bee good on or the sawming um nhcr huvinl mvelled Innu 0600 miles he mu Stephens Monday Jun3 955 Wlll Ioop customers please take hollcc um Coop Mlll mm wlil he opcn or business as usnlllnn IOOP BARBIE and the Joop Hardware and An pllnncc Store wlll be CLOSED or lnvehtory Mnndny Inn MEN PHONE 2429 IF YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT WAS WELL GLADLY EXCHANGE IT STORE FOI MEN MD BOYS PURCHASED FROM 0U STORE THE WRONG SIZE THE WRONG STYLE THE WRONG COLOR all Evercu Mchvnn dcnii princip tlly with the whim of icnchvn May they wnnicd mnro money bui Ike same lime many nuc payers were complaining lim too much was nlrudy being sprnl on Mutation flm lumen were ry inl their best In be inlr huil iidui 1mm were somr peoplu who cit mm the iuwns and cities with It ilmor mlnrln were mun the but backers He did noi him win this hook Baum am some tune or other every trustee Invarlnbiy no amund to thinking about the 1ande school ns compared lo me nwnbcr small schools In boards men There was little dnubl that them were advantage to bum but he 11 In he flnnl Inniysls that so us One was concerned the lime had not come to considcr the cdnwlidMCd school md um enlfles had continued to up ln the last few years Im was good thing as It helped the ehllern to gel the splrll at comp ellllon which would help them when they 11 wk mm In the large air schnol Held day contlnued to rain ln pohulurliy Ind lam year lheru were tome 300 children taking pan The coming enr wmdd be busy or he rus as as they had the upenan cm new lhrcemomld school com lnl at Shun Hamid Husband said he did not think the consolidated school was lat hair ownshlp HI then dealt with the Om School Fair and 13M we haw wod cath In Om us you will Ind any where you in he nddnd William Taylor said that it was Imperative lax cillzcn to be lnterggd Snlhe running 01 their municipality and hr wmfld person ally dbnnylhlng um might In any way help better their awnshuz Today it was msemml hat people elcclul to mMqunl oulce had In be torwardlooklï¬g ind minim to avoid mixing palmu with local lwemmem School Trustee Howard Campbell the ï¬rst of the trustees speak d1th nunfly va uchunstlon consufldaled Henry Nculeld thnlast 01 Inc mound mndldatea to speak said he ten that everyone shaulcl take an Snkres In their communfly and when munlclpamy Hnwever 50 mar standing for ofllce the prescm time he tell that there were mare experienced men In the township Cnnsequemly he did nolteel his turn had yet come it Into municipal 31mm 1GéutgcMchnIz 01Palnswlck nnd Rev DMCuaig at King stun spent Christmas wllh mm mm Isobel McCuulg 155 Mm lap Street Wgst Barrie Lame Johnsuzn wn mentalw umn but was not present Clexk Tudhonu said um undu the cir cumstances that Mr Johnston was mad preseniVWhen namlnamd and had not slimmed hls consent to being nvmlpalcd he had to de clue his nanï¬natlnnmvalid Miss isohel McCulllDunInp $1 Barrie Rev Hugh McCunIg gnggwn and George McCunlgl am there viras not unmhéx pm uhq munuywhlchwas so plans lmgin as am 5171156151753 who had put up his nmnInnuon bu conï¬ned his remarks to men Ly slalan that he had nommï¬clsm to alter or the members at the lp54 councll Ms Patrick Wllzat bhome from the Untilo Agricultural Col Guzbh Im he Christmas cation Alfred Shophcrd Srvrgcelved Chrmms telephone call an Sauna my mghurom hhflaughlcr Mrs Grllfluuol Glendale Cam Mr and M19 EdyV£ncer North Bay ngnLChrlslmns ltrnarg tie with ï¬nch son nnd daughter William Vlnccr and Mrs Russell Hinds and their families nonprsAuA 119th mm who nureou ms um oi Notuwxisa¢afom Oct no liter 24 year hndméd re cbnuybi me pigenhdun bhnlr 1mm wupcfl Councillor ind ng Jnmm Shields recently married naval flour lAmynt he same anshlp dlnner TO SICK CHILDEENB Jimmy Jonas small sqn at anfl Mm nmgsflonn yol the RCAMC School has heeninni erred from RoyalVimflasflnm mm name to the Hospihlior Sicktmldrenl Borden Cluun repofls in when Issue The ladwu nonmagn lured Vin mm at his hmne in Angusearly In Novetnbgr He Under Lhe lrcantmcm at pm lqergineur079umeofl Further to this SEE ï¬llies was Tommi Mlllmry 50511131 until his wuk and Mrs Jones was In hospiial nl Klngslon prior to 11mm sanusfraxncxriK CH££Z WHIZ KRAFT PLMN CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES 02 mo GmpelruilSeqlions PKG FEATURE ron 33° uomnn am am lan wed me 00 RunIn lug him 0m my Inc II In 0mm SAT STOKELYE UNORADEH HONEY POD NAIHITE AMORTEII lllCllMlll0 CANADIAN coumxh WILLIAM HONEY BRAND KIM DELICIOUS FANCY CORN OLD CHEESE FANCY PEAS SEBVIETTES ETOKELYB CREAM STYLE 01 15 OZ TIN 15 1m oz 23c 57c 33c NIUNII 15° Me Jr midiF PPYMWVEA ileumy 49 no tongue 9n How mucii weilovag Vhim nn how we God llnvedrhlm mi Ind thougm bcsï¬w hlm honm wlmHlm 3n sixfycars have passednwluy but 51 we ml her Never xhnll her Memory lndc Loving thoughts wlunlwayi Huger Arounldiéhe grave whereshu was Ha remembequvjy brggg mi 01 the loss nné we loved so wall And while she slceys peaceful AIleepL Ur Her memnry we shall always keep Lovfngly remembered by hui band nqd fumlly 149 Reta KNAPPIn lovingmemory aur dear wile and mnlheh Emil AEFK11 iEinrledlhls 1m Dec KNAPPJLhl ldvln mamniy my dear mum hnrloue Aime Knapéz who passed awnnyec 29 d5 thsband anawixilhe hm Brooks who named mEMaNnous yum mmoNs lwnou st VDILLPICKLES 3219445 um mm mm mum FRESH KILLED MA MIA MLIFORNIA IEIDLKM NAVlh lukllil RHIIIIHNIII HPABKUNGI DOMINO RINSE All 07101114 PURE TOMATO SUNRIST lnBlHjESSED DEVON IIIMND outmdsï¬n inmmms ROASTING EHICKENS BACON BulSflE5i HEINZKETCHUPZB LEMON JUICE 25 Ilsz BISCUITS TURKEYS IIEUULAR FRESH KILLED TURKEYS Amncmm mesh BONELESS RAMS CELEBY STALKS Znm 25 L1MEMORIAM snruw cunnét 16 lbl undu DA ljcnnrsrnunLIME WEWEEIJ WA rhegggwwdanxgflw lb PACKHOL Poly 13W Il DOl pkg FEATURE FEATURE 22 EBWEKKGE JELLY POWERS Cranberry Sauce JELLO Oil mums ROSE BRAND SWEET TOMATO JUICE MIXEBIPIEKLESW ORANGE JUICE ocmh IIInu wnou on mum WILLIAM IIORSEY DEAN CLARKH FANCY MINCEMEHT RICIIMELLO ORANGE PEKOE 10 01 ron27c 20 OZ TIN 29° 35 TEA BAGS MAPLE LEAQl PKG 0F 10 16 OZ JAR 01 TIN IS 01 TIN IMIKMII ORANGE 29