Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Dec 1954, p. 3

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Wurk nurln Yen Remgr Allin Todd told oi the Irtnt npmher nmttgrs which ltldgllcenmcqulred to he handled by counclllhix year lle gave hllfil uummary ol the county bugl usa1A nnw roam grader had heen rhizuuht nnd paid or this yen Considerable expense had beencluserl by the thrricnnu They bought new bulldlng which hnuscs lheillrc Ind police dEpnrtmcnlI Ht felt hill the lakesharo rLsldents needinot fear he were vllavlng it put over Pm as he was willing to do nylhlnnglthln reasonHB would fieflnltciy he candldaie or sltlp noxt year Tax 1M are barometer of qurcouncll he said We do lendlhe council meetln hen Ihn tax blll com then come the renllznuon insy afaae declined to 12mm nnxne ganq or elecllon he expected ave to spendvsome tlme or flm In Newfoundland next Hgfiry jlger In Vdlscualgn Iyi the period zlvcn him In re DhPJD commenls new candh dlll hcAexplalncd that one mlll levy for parks had hccn ln lcnded purchase more park lands Hestatcd that rauncll had dccldcd mm It was best to pay forflhecmlrc purchase 01 the new lownshln bliildlnpylhls year andwavo havlnx anulhcr deben ture am clectcd again ncxi Marl wlll see In there ls lull report of mccllng glvcn to the publln he added Comtrnnllve Cllllclam Mllllam Glbhlns candidate 101 the reevwhlp slakd that wnx nod slgn as bl crnwdu In xhe nomlnallum nm not zolng yr condemn lhe old council he salrl am not in agreement wllh all they have done and wlsh ollcr mp construcllve crlticlsm Wllh yenv been TF9 hlve dune nmi wlsh oller lamp construellve crillclsm Wllh lhe anmsmenl up lmllmllllon dollars ll seems queer that we would also have higher mlll ram Willi 2103 per cent he ralgpnyen noL plying their taxes 11 year we do nut knnw when we wlll be the next to be unable lo pky them We are tnld no in look 1101 lower taxes Regard lnldebcnlurm claim iimi we could ilnance beller his way over period ni years than in endeavor 19 pay we go as has been done with lhe township alllce1he Cnunly has realized our lncrenscrl assessment by redugilon the mill rate We nimum atlfylnéjltd He uuugcsled that the auditors should be naked In assist to pre mun my yun nfldmuln TumMp hm In huh wllll Ill munlrlwl unln unl nu EIPIM upnlcntcd find your munleml bum Ind mmm you kunlymun 111 Mr mm In rnmpt mmm Hume II the hum ml uéalllonl filll yum WM Impenu qu Yur TTOJHE ELECTORS or INNISFIL Inspccllully anllcll your vote uni Infllltnce he pollson Mun Ihy finally F0 TRANSPORTATION TO THE YOLLS PHONE 513mm mm under my mum mm In work In yuur Inizmwm rellcva the harden hxlllnn WISHING YOU ALL HAPPY AND WONDERFUL YEAH T0 THE ELECTOBSUF INNISFIL Yur to Iml Influence In mlmllully Iollruhl an my hrhll um am at Mr Twmmnlla tar ms Ith newan III mu Tumhlp In my my lpltd um ulflul mm ripemun Im alienIn my urvlte or DEPUTY REEVE or 1955 Electors ol Tossomnlio Having had eight years Jonnor experience now respectfully ask or your support or Elec tlbnm Councilon Jun 3rd mm cxpnlcncc n5 nunclllnr yam uptrhnw Ill Deputy Item your cxlurlcllce IBM nl Item mmsm TIJWNSHIP ELECTIONS munnmr Jnuunnm REELECT ALLAN Ion FOR REEVE FRANK BEATTY inlsp by SPROULEL pare this mm um plln on cuulnu expenses 1115tywas 10 have cummmbea or elch dapn mm and theseMauld return thqlr repan toIcnuncll othnl any at he yhyleinaujxcylflneed mm have cummmbea or an up mm and theseMauld return thqlr repan kricmugll othnl any at he whaleinauncylmeed be spenldrv1nu nvetha lawnlhlp with file nhownJor It The ReeveWould exniacin member otdhue cammltleeh eel re Ir loomnny meellnls The mmmenL they were mqu meetings flu in the lust ghree mungnswnuld Ivemxe more Ihnn nne week We shauld be bee to handle our business mare efficiently You knnw he amtude ynur coun cil when you gab your tax bill If you IpPIOVE what hubeen done last year Wu may elecl Ilhnse men again It not let oth ers DunW let anyone pemn do you how Iovolehe mm Speaklnz of xellel he sald that we were very fortunate In only having law who could not work and support themselvts can not complain too much abuut this In his final remark he told the ntnpayers that as he lived next flour to the tuwnshlpfimce he would be avallnble at any tlme to assist anyone who refiuircd help or lnformatlan He had the hue and would endeavor lo seq that the townshlp husmesn was well looked nftcr Charles Henry nominated or reeva had good new to tell and regretted that he could not 5ch again There is noth would like hatter he ndd Deputy Reeveship For Deputy Reeve there were three eandidalu nominated the preient Deputy Biythe McCon key former deputy reeye Cher ies Di Sproule and Fred Graham Counly Clerk dent know wheiher yuu nre here or in or good Mr Mc Cenkey told the meeting buthe saidthat he was glad to see so many out He extended sympa thy to neighboring tnwnahinl which had sullend so severely during the hurrienne He told of the new county bulidinu addition which committee he was member They would 5ch be tween six and seven thousand dniinrs in year in rent they were paying in town lnr oiiice space He gave other details of the county business We might have had ihe 8th line on the county had he hedges n01 been on the road Hi the loot he said We suggmed building sidewalk lhere some years ago and this was blocked by dela gation irom that part He gave some dcialls on the cosh priming and pulling cal cium on roads or summer use The township had usnd 106 ion calcium this year He iuid oi cndeavorlng to gel the lnwnship to the south to agree in an equal division 01 the cum oi upkeep of the lawn lint They had me In Bradford wlih Vihu council West Gwllllmbury lnr um pur have Inge gnum in next year the roads nppmprln om will be highlr he added He told of up grant at $15000 made by the Van Loree lehw xwepmmen whlc Luzb spemu Marianna the dhjtnuon ol the Dennme or heln dona bylownxhflp mm Indynnc ne nndpnd 101 Depupncnt Rafting toGgorz fRoldl luv been my concornb 1an nnLchahmnn of nnnnce We only control small pm thejtaxm think wev dig namingthan the ecnn netIo Belle Ewmln Ihou¢ 10 minutes there 11 fire Ind1h sameflq Big Buy my hagexplnmed In his replyfto other speakers chglmerl um 1h total ralse In nuemme Mm year wuaboul 3300000 no halenmlon was clalmed by Mr Glbblm He said there hnd hnen some small added cost tatlha township building be sides the purphuse pricanmi the lumlshings 150 denied that the VLA had ever asked for In aubstdy for xoadlur other cast withI glannfid subdivislon This was 0an under optionat present He would he candldat tar next Year campllmemud depurhpepu Exm Txu Charla wSpmule or deputy reeve Hid rlhnt owlhg to the nresxure put on him dunnn he ans tew days hehad dncldcd lo 17 ulleegv apple are interested In their taxed Theyare hlamlng all the extra tax on wheels but an not think um xs right he and w1m the cnumy rate down we Iave roadr the parks and other urvices increased levy The tnwnship buildlngrwnl good bus 19 aswc needed place in kaeplng with the township nm Ieretoday as candtdate fur irputy reevo Iiyau leel that the nld cuuncfl have nnt done What they shnuld um ready to hmelectcd Lam runnlng against nelghhnr dont want any hard leellngsf Assemmnt Compuhon Fred Graham av candldntn for deputy reevB said that he was here more to introduce hlmurll mg wrote the ownsth am an lndmtry which might locnle 1n ihe township whtch wnuld employ abuu 200 people but never an an answer he claimant am an accountant and bunker nnd have been In government em XE He stllnd that he had compared arm arid urban assessments and aunt that Iannshddlncreascdlfla per cent while the haunt he own ed had Increased 06 would endeavor to see that there was air and equal sessmenhu were in cnuncll concluded lJaEl that this will ba the nnswer to better gaveln ment in the townshtp know you cllows from the uhon an no slquchm or you would nnl be here today They are obncun to school lam on their huh Ind éuxgusl mat they lnkc this up with ma Dcpurlmenl ln Turnnln and have It changed lYou can only escape Inc by idylnz Sevenly per cent 01 the road nupmprinlom are spent icaalb the highway lnmhtown whip he Ilnled Dont In tho nplnlon lhnl Ihc township cln do more or you nnd dunt In any one lull you that Ike 1er can be luwercd question lrnm he floor rc unrding Incrcaud pupumlnn hrlplnu to pay increased wall wra followed by commlmn wuh Nnrlh omng whluh ad he corrected weaker whn claimed aha can entering themark did no go check In nhow Jhey had paid Every car Eek numbered ticketwhen thgy pnyu The ratepayers do no hnve immutanLW Council Nomlnaflom For the three sail on council then won mm nnmlnallnm One oLthcse Lloyd Cummlng vllhdrew Thoma Cook snld um he had been made chIl man 01 cducnllon but lhe schnn bnirds did me mum rnm um Increased poulallnn aver Inanni ycl INIan 20min lower 90 lch In donl think HIM lhc more properly nnmwd high enouuh yet Mr Cnuk nlnlmcd Mr Cuuk mum Hull 11 Hwy would wrllc down on buurd what lhu wnmed the council would comvy Someone in UN blrk Numlanom will be rccclml for Trualccs or nunIo bcpnmtc Srhunl mud Marys Schuol Audllorlum 7mlrlunlon Shut an Irlulny Dcrtmbcr 31 I054 pm Electors ol lmtislil Twp 3E12cam pulmod Innlunl has this high ul nny munlclpnflly ln BARBIE SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD the are ind Notice of Nomination ho No Lawn Mm Cgmpbnll ponnc at sald IL kg vam chilimm re 1121 andhoggltgllnlmn He pm zd themqunu which were sub1 mmedflter at Twwe epde to keep Mink m2 dimn 01srdownhy the De plrlmenl and Ican you lty hm cube granted fin beuplu cguld noljbzyllawed mm here wayhnve work nary can do chutHhem It ltznndvlut some return gar umwm onL Hnspunlxuua hicontmlled by nd Ll available to any peradn the munlclpaluy need la expect luwer lnxe noxlanm an mand loriervlcu are de you wnmyihose Ihlnugyou wlll have to or them he nld He wuul be clndldale in council azulh thln wean School Pufllon Stanlcy King qumpr school board mrmher nnchIndldalc or council gave Ihflef mum at the hualnessm thitihoardz There will 1131am ln debentures tn add town slrom next year and there 11 Iddflluns add mafia lthmschaols alxo Thereulx har gltvrnallvc hut tn i=1um2ly seah lnr addllluml pug we knew more about town ahlpauunwe wnuld be more enlightenedlflhe clamed He told 01 proposll nent Holly for bulldgnz rhqmes whlch would be under the sungrvlslon of VLA 1m lhcrefiHé ple were wage earner In ndluin lug munlclpalluuthe lownshlp shuuld nut subsidize as he was tald had been requested 1mm Barrie The taxes will rim meet the added new 11 claime¢ He Jeli thai the reading at the eniirccapitai expenditure run as the townshipoliicg on one years ratepayers was mistake and that debeniurea should beliuued He queSiioned the rate chnrged ilnnifil In ht BDCI which he ell was out 01propbrtiun In other districts in the same high 5chuai diririct He all thnt he tnwmhip and the school band should give the ratepayers in story oi what gag on ratepayzr gxplllumt that ihr VLA housing development it purchased In Innlsfll wnuid not ask or my bonus The type of home built would be of high standard as their reguiaiinns were very Iiiiii and new hurries Ihyuid niso bring new laxpuycfl which increase our revenue Thu mould onset Iny addcd tests ho ualdi dont think there it man in this township who cauld not operate that park and Hill profit yet we are levied one mlll in parks feel that mecoiimiun of we rocelpi should he handled dill erchiiy People who are not an titled la rue use are getting it and one unnot blame the num Il the Ila would it to 19 the ncx coun ii coopcnie with iho prus rcp patmaich in that um builncu oi the township cnn Rel lb the pcople have only two promllel make It lm clcclud One lhat will do the but can Ind Ihc oihur that will mnku tome mleIku in an and pull the thhut Volt cvcr in thl luwnshlp will hr candldnlc or the next cuunclll fiéy will be and homu and wlll no need any mistancu mm the municipallly he claimed hx Blll Jump Jan Cnchrane candidate or council aad that he hld btcn lqo busy to take much lnlcrcxk In luwmhlp umm betom How eve when you as tax hm ch 15 00 and Ind thnl AXE33W Ffififiid 150 per cent Ilnca 1848 mnku ono take time Ilnce 1848 mnku ono take AxesEEG inclcffo 100 per lo nndlhlnk Tryan Auln ank Ucnuy 14¢ch and candidate or councll lam lhnl he nuuly circledIns year that ha lcfl ha he would lr In mm prmum pnsl wnck also Upcclally from hc mulh mid have vev lllllc crlllulxm of the prutnl counclL They have nice nfllcc wlnl nlcc lurnlnmnm Pun lbll II why they want In All Ihcrc nuny any lnn W¢ek municipal cunnrll ho muted in live mun Id mlnluullun ml ha Indu unp nylorctl by gla New lrull on Jammy Iyuu wll In my mu ludnuhlv and verpmuully wllcll your ouppurt Wllh Cumullmrnl ul lm Sonm emIn alum Iy Nun Gibbon am can due nr1he céunl cll next year he concluded konlh Road Lloyflsawyur candidate hr councll Enid that he wouldJukr Hes umg mgr any q11hem fl will ncnher crlflclle 0r cou ggatulate have no figures to back me up We have been101m lhatn per cent the marl nun propriafiuns pre spent can the hIihwny 4109 um 10er llke Was drive those roads every day and they are wmpflmcs very rough candhintalor this and will be up In wit pic yEur men to you Na lnuniion in Run Eloyd Cummingnominaicd or council stated ihat he had alien heard thai hair did not now where brains were this wul hc case then one simuld not have difficulty in choosing council He did no inpnd in by candldnl his coming year He is the location oi in new oillce was and Ind we 51 drive to do our busing it did no mailer in and where ihil was limited Mnny ratepaycn seemed lu wonder why in many meetings were hcid what what inppencd wnl not made known in Anyone Blythe McCunkcy Iintcd that in bran yepmcnluuvc hld ihe nmu chnncc to know Ibout the meetings council there were 110 uccrcl mcpunxs he contended iAiinn ircion clerk was given In npponunliy speIk he had been chaman or ilmncr during tho limo in wax In coun ¢ll He Ilso commented on lhl lnnccuncy at report nbcul hu age when he was bring polnled in In clerkshlp He lad thin there could be little expectancy cl lower 1ch In the munlclpul iiy More an an he mud and more ucrvlce rrqulrcd made ll nccd or mater expenncg He was naked why the clerk did not give report at the coun cll Imih um mInuiu and mud that no woulddn lnni ln Iulurc The budget have been very close ly ndncrtd In In It luwnlhlp Ind Il Ix lmpuulblc Iu hudul Exactly Inr all cxpcmu Sumo quculldna were Illde about double my nwnl by lowmhlp chequu Mnny oihrr cumpininu Wrrc aired but on the whale the mectlnl wu In icmilnn and benencluii Pris Coven There was considenhle crllln Msm both or and against mass coverage given the council Ictlvmcs Membcn nl cauncll claimed hut the reason they did noLcmopnmle was hut 1h 1m wcre nol pulzllslggd gs wgs ExRccvc Ln hm xpokn allowing the vthvr clndldnta said be ten that pcrhap the Mungwgre bhscd nccpmlnl to vlcw Inkun by the repuner Approve Motion Requirements C9 dwater School WWI Um drndllnn nwrlnu when xmlhlc Irual and financlnl mm chlu over odvnncu llnlndnq nvrdul fur Um nnw Culdwntcr pnhllc mhml would be mcL mun cll held rpcclal mcdlnl 23 um pul Ummah mollon mrfl lnllpll rululmnunu mo lupvomd by Councllhm lludy lclflmn and Aman Swnllc nnd llcevn Andrew Dunlw nu only menan pm rul Alwnl wen Cwnclllnn Ierlkc Dcvhw and Thom licyunuur who ll prcvlou mum Ina Ind onward numorldng mum Um Mml unul nnum mme gm wnmmrlul an Thu wu mnxdcmhle nud Iencu Imdull menu byan Wu pannl lu Imrmw um muney Ind wnl forwarded In lhc ohmlrr bank Iwrvvul The ovuun an III far he nflnul which Oml been Mmd wuum Imvu llulred Doc II IN IL Mr an vb comm flxnul m1 omm Imumd lo IN would hurt bun In 111mm pulmlln urir In flu Nun Inu nm nvv Wally for Du new Mowl NI MIC mm In Indlru munm Ind mm at Medan and ray mm um um um Manly lad Alunuoufly nun by th Culmvlln ml nom Ind un manhunt mnth mum 965 In In 59 lg ur mm be on lever Audwrlly mm the 01mm Mun ltlml mde In lnvmw up In $3 In lmy Um sumo and my ylnl ardllmu an Ind lurvryml In with puynmgs 9nd MINCEMEATS 3f Loblqullilum Pudding métia 53u113m 98c Mrsllmnilldns Mindemeuflii 139 libbYs Mincemeui MclmeilsPouliqyiSlhlfihmllvuikiij Touslmusiei Bread CrfliitbhlJf Cluli HofiSePnullry Dressing sévoslcmvymii WhtlsllTN°BlIISL Mitchells Apple Juicq oifiés trauma lgnion Juicez 03 EondTuslg AspmugusCullinyscuoca éixm Red Mumschino Cherifie OLJAI Cudney Rashberriescuonum TIN Cori mm cmwmiz was CALIFORNIA SEEDlESS um ORANGES BED SHARES TOMATOES EELERY STALKS iifiJfiiiEéflfii lililllfl CAIIFORNIA FullHEART PASCAL RED RIPE lARGE CiUSIERCKISP CRUNCHY VOWMI II New 051 um EXIRA FlecV lUSFIOUS FlAVOURFUL WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA iiihcfibd Salted Peunuls Crisco Shorlening Aylmer Olive my 1mm Plunlors Mixed Nuls Jacks Mixbd Nuls Mixed Nuts mnuu largo Walnuls mm KM louuw SOVEREIGN FANCY RID SOCKEYE SALMON SPECIAlI ovFRUITS and VEGETABLES SeejilelLoblaw Lombirdo TV 5th EVERY MONDAY NIGHT AT 700 pm OVER STATION CBLTATORONTO FEEDRESSED TURKEYS Prodressedaommo Chickenmén 59a Prydressed Bucks gum 39¢ ml qu minomm mu mum Alumni mun nnumrz mum mom mm mm TV FEATURE OF THE WEEK yin OI mun mle mm mu WNW rfw sm mi IUDDID OIADIA OIADIA nvn mu MIL mm MIG 35c HI UN ll OLMI ll 01 VACUUM UN Ivol Cum A0 lll ClllO IAO 701 MI me no ozfrhris 55 5in 9c VozlJlu 13 33134 oLsxfns 25 AIDE 5H 671 01 MI IL TIN IMO PKG MC nIflH 36c 23 MIAMI IUMII IAUIAUI IOlOOuA 0W lIVlI AM on IAVIAOI UWII Mm IIMWIWII qu1 MAD emu mmm non mm m1 moon New Years Putty Sungqsllons Atsohvuunisi summnxm Ilium mum 99c 49c 45c 51c Prdeotflguhiu Enitee 33109 uoxmv siouhgmn CLOSED BAT NEW YEARS DA RECIAII MICOXMICKS mummy mic 900 9600 THURSDAY DEC so pmmm to 800 11 numb DEG 31 ago uq lo Wvm NO SIlE EACH NO 75113 EACH No3 SIIE EACH Chm Table Dundee Shnrlheud £3605 Everivibiiiuns ucn 5c Molherfilluby m1 100 Cnpqdiun Home Journal not 200 Liberiy Magazine min 1°C 5319915 1250 319 llhléd 1111in Brand sucm on lunsucm 11 canon MROX ll IINU onuws rxssm GIDUND Lonuws nag aux Queen Anne Chocolules 83° KIA WESYU NS 01 Weslens Cruckelles lOIlAW QUAII Conlmllul IDDUCI Entislmns mum mu or nu mnowmo Monmu now cum Weslqns Suilrnes 0IlAWS CDWAGE IRAN WHIIEIIOWN CRACKED WHEAI 01 Cu FéEiiue Rings SPECIAL SPECIALI muw 216 19c 139 1113 169

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