Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1954, p. 6

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BOYS wn led tor mnmanawxnu pa raucs csgmlnlly Allnndale an We and porn 21 FEMALE oflIce cfirk required ang rcfenedbut not essential pmy Canadian Bank 01 Com meme Barrie 1141148 MDEVISICN repairman cxperij enccd wanted by Jun with first lcucr nlvu qunllflmllnns reb utenccs expected earnings to Mnnagcr Coop Box 757 Benh 1147143 ARME EXAMINER EXPERIENCED secretary typis wanted in Mldhmu Salary com mansurnle th ability and mum UVe Outline 1mme cmplny mem and include tolerances in lellcr to Box 44 Barrie Examiner lMflHE Barrie Metal SnIvage DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METALS PURE HIDES RAGS BA1IERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY AND COMPANY Yard and omce 204 maxi Sr 315 Our trick wxu call mm pflted pnld Spaclal price pnld de livened Phqgg Elltin mm Uséd Skis wanted rnr height 51 Phone 3462 3143 GARAGE wunlcd near 107 Collier 0r llnn GMC ruck Rem 55 Phone 5177 or 6380 3147118 i1 pm mi in wax mde down 220 Bradlord SL WILLPAY Highest Prices FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES To celeggté lhg ddyfixileifafi of our first year of business In Banlo we are alluring the following speclals thls week Is me full price for any one or the following five cnrs TOP VALUES 35 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 31 NASH SEDAN 37 CHRYSLER COUPE 36 CHEVROLET SEDAN 41 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 52 Chev Club Coupe 40 Buick Turptda door Fully tquippud wllh brand nuw molar 50 Mcltnr Cnnv 249 Mdcor Coach fully clllllppvd Plymoulh Sedan 40 think Sedan I1Cadfllnc Sedan cncvl Conch I051 MERCURY llnn picku truck rxrwllrnl cumllllnn 551 In uh Ivr lrndc lur calllc Wlll mu Irncock Jr Tlmmlun Phunb Ivy 1122 llHlHfl 25 F5511 Rd 76W Tlluck wllh pawn winch Ind hlnd which Xhunu 5560 137 rmmwrn Lunch mnhvr mm Imdy and um mu larksldr mm phqu 11 iww Inhnmmil hmcrfi nuw firm In Al IIIlvhnultn cnmllllum PM me nllrr pip loan PLYMOUTH dmwfmlnn CROSSTOWN MOTORS MAX PUSHKOEF mmonum cam orfiifiu AIPMOIAIION ma minimum mo manommr norms um Dudflne or kin630 um ck any prccedlng Inn ADLITS MAY HE THIJJIIONED TO 0711C rum II Ac word minimum 80 Following Conucuuvo lnmtlom an word minimum mo CASH RATE word mlnlmum 60¢ 20 worm mlnlmum 00 mm um um wnn ounn no ruminants or uplln dlmlcd to un ofllca um wmoN Em Milena In ma mlnlmnm um rollowlnl conmuuvo lnmtlona word mmunum 1M comma EVEN LOCALS lo word mmlmnm RAIES FOR ADLH COLUMNS ALLANDALE MOTOR SALES HONEST JOE HELP WANTED AUTOMOBILES In um nlyln mallIka um 13 mum umuu up WANTED s4900 Phone 5284 134434 1147148 Phone 530 131540 lib11M Slime 93129312 uNn mos was slso 5150 5195 325 FRIDAY nacam2n72471954 mm mm Land Q37unp1c an né$n63 ESE peel Walker Caledon Em 13311911 FOUNDTire tube aha rlm 15 Phone 428 On 17148 EosfBnuaid Va mom in vic Inily01 Copaca Dec Reward In finder Examineromce 11148 LOST 15mm zip ered éhan navy wml vy Hamlin Zellers Cnhtainea Christmas moneys Reward Please one 3727 Barrie or mumm chersl Remy SL BACKFILLIM EXCAVATING DEMOLITION OF BUIIIDINGS TOP 5011 OR nu Av Auxm Ma yuur floors shnbhyrxcnt nut lflgh Speed Flnor Sander ind runnlshlikc new Reasonable rains All types of floor nnlshu nvallnhle do mph FLOOR COVERING Armstrong Floor Coveflnl Linnleumx Rubber mafisphm Tun Plum Wall ma mum Supred md Installed Free Eulmnta WOLFENDEN Phnrle soaz TRIMMING HOUSES COMPLETE BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING Vinyl lubeslm Alphl Lina Rubber Slym letlc WnlL Muterinl Supplied InnHad FREE ESTIMATES BOX 53 HARRIS PHONE 2013 Slofllf lnmurnvhy Hum lifinfim Cull 00 Turonlu 5L Dlrrle Phnvm 5130 COIINS CIHUIM Plum erb an wcli Um ml dlwnim upully mm by m1 wu non nrmlunlu In Osteopathic Ind SurlIcal lmflllry Wllmn nutm Inu Dnnlt Hum 210 51an l9 Clapperton Sr Ph Imomwymd Jun rang bRUCE CAMERON YARD GOODS UNDERLAY YARD PLYWOOD COUNTER TOPS FLOOR SANDING CARPET SERVICE Phana collect an nucflan an order 0mm H161 mom WANTED LOADING GRADING FLOOR SANDERS FERGUSONREID CHAS THORNTON Licensed Auctloneer 108 Human Street ORILLIA No Ellecunni No elmu Cndlt 13qu Slmtoe County MISCELLANEOUS BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER LOST FOUND Floor Service TILE TRIM WORK COLLECTIONS lorchu Shlngxlng MMEDIATE SERVICE STEWART Tenn reasonable SPECIALIZED nummm Phone 6382 Fiona rm Phone 5185 51114 57574 Bunlo 507 591 énonn am If you wofild like demunslmflnns or Innthe delufls call riLmRQiiimu HEALTH UNITY ammo noon Pousnm ELNA SEWING MACHINE FRAMED water colored pnlnliny bowl of roses Phone 3608 7147143 usmsmms Urryx aa Biyl fleld St 7155143 TRADE In your old skating oulm on new CCM oulm Urrya 36 Baynem SK 735148 LARGE Gurney coal nngu used months bnx Phone H23 Ivy FINDLAY clnclrlc slave guod cnnmuan aka Astral rclrfgcmnr Days phone Camp Borden 103 or 891 7148149 RED Fox Wynn slze excell ent cnndllon Reasonably prl torquic ME Phone 1m Inn 7147119 OIL Space Heater 45 allon drum and pipes Corner 01 11 High wny Ind Con Innlsfll Jack Ta 101 7147145 100 TV TOWER complele with mulnr channel antenna 77 Halli 5L Phone In 7H usan Sknles bougnL snld Em excmnged Gold Shoe Repair Clappnrtnn name 711115f ADDING Machlnes and Typewrll era Sales renuls mpnhu Slmcoe Business Mnchinu 66 Toronto 5L phone 824 1130 SILVER Tray leflpnl cream and sunny grape design an chen lllc bedspreads mauve ink Phone 3003 vllfl kmfusca only 1m umu illc 11 Cost $171115 W111 sell or 81 Phone 2315 71411411 WROUGHT Iwn cuifcc anu re screens mrlduor barbecues flrv logs nnd bnskclu An ly Dnnle Iron Works 11 leh Phone 5040 740 yADYS Capadujr Chrngvnl WESTINGHOUSE nulomnnc cloc lrlc nven used lwlcr 335 pnlr dumcd 1M wllh cable human lonx new $7 pnlr xkulu 1le CCM $375 Phone 3103 LINCOLN WcIdcnlcr new nnd uncd weldm rltclrodtl accessor lu Arc weldan lnuuhl dniflor nu mm Andude na pman mm Slruud my Dmnu Almud TYPEWIHTERS 0mm ninhlncx purublzI Iddlnz lnIchlnu cash rulllou ulm nnd Lervlre ll dummy Funnel EL Harrie pllonc 4115 Box Smith Comm nprmnnlnllvo 180 Naw AND mm com nnul phmm flrnsannhly mch yrnr unmulm lmlmcllum low Halr mum by um Tm mm wnlrl hum Elec llrlc lluw llvhllcrnluu wnmm mcmnu mi drlp mm mu Mummy Iuelvuun mllu norm on 21 Ilnluwny mm mm will on 1nd Con rm mum mu Elm VIII 1unur COKE oolcr clnrlc 00d min $50 nrw lpllhlle mllk Jim mnclIlnn rol yrlw only WU new elrclllc HI grill reg prlcc mu only valy Hux Hnrrlr Exnmlnrr 71474 Hum 17 0ch CHOICE ounl lendr mllk lul mln than nu It 40v Mule nvm My ll mu uul nu Dellvrry 1m on Ilnwed 4m urtlme Phone In Mtcmnu 11min lMll Imdu mm IM ma lMInl nl uulur unl In mm mm shrunken In we Mldo MInt my ml in own on In on Mummy Inqulvlén tnvunl leo uu no ll Wlld llol DI rlllll Jim Bruce Driver Salesman 7139111 eLGMvEL FILL AND TOPVSOIL memgmanmo Sew mt mm paws MORAN SIMCOE PETROLEUM Meter Tank Truck delivery wuh Ticket Primer STOVE FURNACE OILS HALLIDAYS HOMES NllAVLA Approved OAR$058 COW£058 EDSON WICE proprietor éqgfier these HomeAids BUILDING TRADES ROY TRACY BIMaplaAvenue mom 13mm ugz 01mm 30mm SUPERIOR TEXACO Phone 2563 rok SALE POULTRY dZe are 11148 qr wood 1111540 1135 7H 56 rquns 3n TOPS and also same posts will on aham Apply 82 0ro 133L619 Alnlu BQT mgxed flit fin salenlso gumrubber r23 wagon Menu and Cookslnwn loMTNE DRY EMiy Hardwood hardwood slabs nndsonwood slabs sawed any lenclh and delivered Dennlx W7 8113 Mshed Phone 3400 HOUSE 1li wanhd or wflc ch ren early January Apply flux 47 Barrie Examine 11147148 10 ms weeks old Jaimfiv Dcmllruji phone Ivy 13112 9443 McMillan camér of Im3nd No In Sldcrnod Innlsfll 91148 RED Shorkhurn Heifers ears old bred registered 2Red on hurn Cowst years old mllklng bred rcgblered will sell very reasonable Apply John Forbes RR 21 Newmgrknt0nt 9144149 Immediate possession If necessary Centrally located FURTHER INFORMATION CALL MODERN unmrnlshcd npaflmcnt with all hcntcr supplled Phone Crcnmnro 15145143 DANGERFI ELD MOTOR GARAGE 0N Drury Lane Phone 5227 15141 LARGE housakccpmg mo mi lshed 60 Maple Avc 15143 roqm Jpannl Ema and ITEM Jacamffime 3311 15143 ROOMS and ham nparlrfinnl heated hnt walcr Vncunl nuw Phone 23117 1514mm SMALL urnlxhut healed apart man Apply 41 Blake St Room hnluxfiihcd apanmcn smlinwan Phone 5911 15149 1100M House lmmLdlnlelmfl assich convcnlnnccs Phnnn 59m Elmvale IiiHM COMPLETE dovinslairl IpIrl mnnl and basement Scpnrlnn en lranco Phone 5221 15139 Accommodation Wanted DFFICES an ample room nan an mum and new Pon mace Id Collier 5L 154611 APARTMENT contuned mom nnd hum Avnllamc at nce Phone 45 15141449 IROOM npnnmcnl unfurnished herded lownlnwn arm Vncanl Jam flux 30 Harrie Exnmlnur 1510 pAnAGs ur rAusfln Ewan Sl Nurscs Ihann 2555 nncr MODERN mm 12x24 un Clap HurlelSlAlApplx Cnnclun cnmpcrxui st or mqu Muw 225 NEW Aunrlmcnl hcnlrd It canthem clan lu downtown Avalahlc curly Jnnuurf lhnm 8M rJIIHU COM nlllr Hm mile nuth Barr My WINNIan Apply Ld tun men HI 5H AND room now IlMumlmm npnrlmrnls an Pvnclnng Slrccl Ihune 20 or CH El 230 leran on lFHflJfiO nousn mum on mm mmlcm mnvrnlcucm muuwuy n2 mlh ml at Elmvnlr mm Elmvnlu mmun com Comm nvnllnblu Wlnlurllrd nul hrnllnl Ilrnl rumnnblr IImnc John Hunlcr Mr Slmml l5ll7vlfll UMMOH crulrnlly locllrvl Cull lrr mu Clnpuullm sn Hulllhh lur bunlnru or flora Apply Cnncllln 51 Cu Clnpvnlun l5 l7Hfl FURNISHED brq nlllln mom lmlmnm nml Itchnnelr nll hum Avnllnblu Jan CHIIHII Allxlnhlrfl Allulll llmvw anon In Hlll OFEICESPACE FOR RENT UNTUIlNIHIIHI Iwnlevl room Ivulxnvnl bllvln ulvhunldl Illlk hul nml rum wnlcr numlry mm In llurmlnl lhnlll 951 151074 HVI 00M llllllrlllflld lnwrr Ivlllmrnl In Mlnmlllv Itll cnn ulnml Mm aunt lmumllnlr punsnllun Am rmlmn An lul ID tn LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SMALL rnnlnlnnl bnchelurl nplrlflxml Lmlrll nur mt all In ulnl wllu Illgpltd Ink loan Inl Tuck 11 DundnnId 5411150 NEW nll tumuhml uhnonl all hullnlv laundry lltllllm nmlln mm ml will umllhn or un lurnlllml mull lnnhwmd Avmmumn 11 am cm 1941 min hm damn ulll will up Clndlll npyuum gluon Il 11 PROPERTY FOR RENT gownMmequ WOOD FOR SALE SEED fr FEED immediately re ulrgd nua ATARACTIVE LIMXTED Dial 2487 sxanumg umbfi sell by in or Ed 5mg nmr Woll RLUIdcnce 8147113 15117148 ISIIIK 15148 93 Bantams 9215293 MondayFriday Im Bpm Sunday un pm REPRESENIIATIVPS RUSS meson ALROSE smcmmzmam nmnvasrma 100 YOUR LISTING APPRECIATED 151231 Real Esme Brokers Aurora 1mm Unkvulu BARRIE 1315ch REP UNIT apartment huuse No zone let 88x16 Excellent revenue as Investmeng properly Phone 6940 loxaw GORDON STOUTT LTD BUSH spruce Vesprn amlncr ROOM unfinished mmc house 26x33 Full block basement One acre $700 down App Tuslln Bayview Drlvp opposte Drivein 1014711 vim wnLEr 75 Term chrny NEW mm bungalow In Angus not nnd com waler avplece bath hardwond throughout $4750 Hall cash Cash uflcm ncccplcd Phone 181W Camp Bordon 16141 FEW Wennnd Pig wnnlcd in ex change or Cocknhult $qu Rake inncw condllion Apply ox 45 BanlL Examlncr 41145 PEKINGFSE or me He Istercd pups and adults Mrs Frcpch Elmvnle 33141443 Also SXfs Cuunlnnrf chnu Klngs so bnlcd hay or sale Ottaway Fruit farm Rose and Feel SB 201413 so anlé Avé WILL Mr Percy flnwn formerly or New Lowell or anyone knnw in hls prucm Iddrmn pleasI phone 53 3011144 mu ManIlla wwm Speclnlm by mnlL Eslnhllshed ma 0m 5000 cllcnu rlch and poor lhnrrled ll randy Scrupulnu mmy 51m Bax 71chkenl ngpmgc Evtry marday no pm Elmvule Cummunlly Sales Mennl Phone Whlllun 102 Elm vnlc 59 Wednuday Dec 10 Aucllnn lulu nrm stock mnlcmonlk Krnln huulchod tell at Mum ml lnllcrwn Com Ad lain 2V mllu nlmiuhl mum at rnmnl Sale ma pm sharp mm cash Jerry Cauuhlm Am llnllctr 24111 cpNSjDEIg muffin cqn DOG AND PET STOCK Permanent Waving AS IT SHOULD BE DONE Haircuts 506 Wlnnlncl WOMEN VOIHIKH Wmmnn anch In New Zea lnml wnl lnsmulcd In IBM ml wumun we HUI tllxlbln ll wu hlrl Inrllnmflnl Imlll WW PROPERTYvFOR SALE FRUIT VEGETABLES PhoneBenrl 48000 4835 Dunlpl sL Member Dame District RulEmM Baud 1945 LIVESTOCK WANTED AUCTION SALES GEORGE WRIGHT LACEY CAMERON Lot sutlyoad crdn bnlsum poplar am Lin Apply Box 49 Ban1 Ex 8148150 REAL ESTATE Vmu mmhm thtmu Sal am only helmbpnnn lulmnllml hm Iu help lnhun 1n mum mmpklll muml Aml unclul Illa In Ihelr hmlliu um lo lhtlv hm Chlhlmn Sell Walk It pmml Hl lhmulh rmuch 24ml Iium ml cu M411 Ind In mlny um In rural our lho 11ch 1n Ilmxuh pmllml nl Ichnbillllunm To rum and pmall mud In ynur tonnlbullon lodny plum 89y Christmas Souls PERSONAL wlnlonzed equipped and hydro Lot 2011 Apply AComer lflHfiHE Three months ago this man was TB pulienl Phone 415 30121WF11 Omcc 30911 aur sorrow the Iowa our denr husfinnd and lnther wewlsh to express our thinks and npvrecln1 3h qud Ecu gngu of uympnthy and 110131 trlhmes from Jelulivu minds land neigh boxshwmekpcdaly wlsh to thank Rev Jnmex Ecrzus and Dr WHJIHm Lmle IL Mc Boomsx ance imam 01 nwn loDr andMu Edward Bomhe 37 Ehke Barrlea Arthur and anpy CARD or IHANKS ALLANflIn iuvlng Vlmmurx oii Wnllerih anhwha passed away De 211950 cries Death can never inkeuway Memories that will always linger While upOnr this worldwe my COLLINGSIn lovlngkmemnry of loving tathcrand gmmflather Ernest Cnlllnw who passed away Dec 26 1950 Loving and kind In 31 hm Wins Uprigh and just 10 the end his péizmm the Royalfic1mn1 Hazpltn Barrie on Dec 13 ms nlnd muAmoyd Lovin and mm rcniembereq by fiuberi éncm nd kind nhmt and thind What beaumul mrmury he lelt behlgd Evcr remembered by sun lr win duu hterdnlnw Isabel and Eandfhi m1 Davld Wsype The mm market In Christmas business was held on nwrsday Dec 23 There will be two more nu week for the Ncw Year supplies on Tummy Dec 28 and nlgrgday Dac 30 Unloflunalaly yesterday or some reason mere was no heat on In the bulldlnl causing much du comfor Ind dtmmem lo bus iness but arrangement were made to cover this In future gm Polullry In Demand The atlcndancc was not heavy as the wealher was unlavorable but chickens and lurkeys we baugm up by annulslde buyer earner In he momlu Prch on chlckcns turkeys duck and goes wm much tho same in Ihc pruvioug markelx Eggs Sell Well Eggs are the hi leader tvery market and lhc prlces are mam talncd modemer wind Icvnl me pullnls In JumbM lhv range was MC 50 down Cranberry Sauce Honey Butter Home Baking Choice dnlry butler In small munuxy mm or Me mm mm pudding or CJIrlIIIMI and New Your were Me In 31 each nl cranberrymucc asmmlly rm he ocmllnn Ill 10¢ Inr and un Cholrc honey product olVSInI can clovor dds mu nvnlllbn In many um at conlnlnnrl Ind alm In lhn numb areal varinly MM daanI wLre 0ch In may displays for um lmllquy 1mm Wlmulhgu chcfables Applbs and mpply umqu muted or the mlurc nmmulh me crop wan mt hmvy and an snlr wcro pioinlnu carrots brcu pmnlpx onlum and mac Mm jnlzln Mldhurl fin McARTHUR11n me rmldoL of 1N MEMORIAM BORN 1955 Newtnn Rnblnsop range mu under aunplugsw Na 200 Good muslcLunch hmvlded Admission gents flit ladle 50c 3150 Big Dance mum at Pine Crest Chrlslmns Eve Chrktmns Night and Sundnynvgldnmm Dem 27 1201 LuckySpdts ha oom Iun ga1urevPlnn 1m nnepd our gnln New Ev pmy 145147148 Mrs Czrlcr arrived from Ihomas on Wednesday to spend overChrlsgmas and New Years with Mr and Mr wan and family Thuen St Mr éryd Mn Anhur Koch New Haven Conn are spending Chrmmns with he latters moth er Mn Irish Mlss Margaret Hinds or Ottawa and Frank Hinds New York cm are spendlnz Chrismas the home their mhther Mm Hirids Drury Lune Colonel cucmx 1356 CD Commander Camp Burden and Mrs Clark Ire vacationing in Flor Ida During Cabnel Claxks absenm Ihe Temparnry Commander Col onel Blnghnm D50 the Royal Canadian Scth cl Iniantry MYICHELLSuddenl at the my 11 Victor Hospun Barrie 0n tune on Thursday December 13 1954 Flomnce Jenn beloved wile 01 Than Mlmhell dear Mother or Mrs Georzu Monger Knhleenb Vanmuver Jack and Game of Barrie Resting nllhe Jennell Funerax Homev Barrie Funeral serviceMonday December pm lntcrv men Banls Union Cemetery HORNBYvM the Ru VXcmrIa Hnslml Barrie math on chJCSdfiy Dcfimbgr gz 19514 my gory orn ormtry of Brncebrldge beioved husband or Josephine Brydcn dear alhcr at Joyce Norma and Wyndham In hlssmh yearJRcsl in he JennnnFuncral Home Barrie Funeral scrvlce Frldny DMemhcr 24 L30 pm Cre mallnn All the Toronto Crema lurlum Hubbard squash Ind the men vnrlqu In smaller sizes nlso per per squash turnips cabbage while anl min and savory Applu ware net blz crop this you Youll Ind hem nl he marknl 1n McIntosh and Swrell llH olhers The Jersey cow Lbmorn Jewel hold by Mnelel of Dummn nu htcn Iwnrded Ton olGald cerflflcnle In 137 dun me pm duud 1W lbs of fut Jmcl nnwnwncd hyn ntw Jursz brndor MrnMnIyem ol Fev cnhnm To quality or thin lwam now must produce In four con nrcullve ycnn 1000 Ba 01 at ew nia ngfiljnnceflgan 0mm ANTI800 NOIISXTRA 305T THE SAME 10 HI TON or flow DIED KIEEN no ixcmmvn omit PHONEan 1h Slmcoc named Eleclrlclun whn dlcd onrlhu 30m 101 SapiembLr 1954 mm torward name to Ihe undersigned on or before me 10 January 195me which lite the asset wlll be dis ulbmcvl amongst the palum en Hlled lhcrulu and hrExecutor wlll not be llnble to any nurson whose clnlm lt ghnllvnnl than have home Nonctro cREbinks All luvairs mm Aiu Inlmt the Estate E01 113mm sA1LE og Lhe DATED at man ommo nus 22nd day at chpengpcr 1954 Retired clergyman Deceased who died on or nbouz Ihc lBlh day 01 September 1954 are requested to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned Bxccutor on or before the 31st day or January 1955 after which date the Exten or will dmrihule the assets at am Estate havlnz regard only to he claims of which hey shall then have nnuce and wlllflno be responsible to any others TIIE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Dunlap stream BanleE or By 0Y8 SEAGRAM 110 Owen vslncl BARRIE Onhrln Thelr sullnllon herein I434 NOTICE TOCREDITORS wan hueby men pur IIIInt In Trustee Ac Ind Ill Persons vhl claims 2mm lhn 591 JOHN ALEERT 131th Dated at Barrxefomarln 22nd day December AD In the matter of the bankruptcy of John Lowev operating under the name Barrie Glax and Mirror of the ann Barrie in the County oi Simcoe Province oi Onizrin debtor Notice is hereby given that John Lowe made an assignment on the 22nd dny 01 December 1950 and that the ilth meeting oi the creditors will be heir on the 8th day of Januar 1955 at 1030 oclock in the ornnoon nl the oilicc Di Drury the Oiflcinl Receiver at the cnurt House Worsicy Street in the Town at Barrie in the Pynvinw of Ontaria Dated at Barrie m1 22nd Day of Dcccnfifrhwsi MM 43 crSlfccil Harrie Onlaro ny mm Méxfliniuf37 om Ihell Sollcllou henln THE BANKRUPT Amt NOTICE TO CREDTORS nun who are In hard to than or and bcl It you up ml mm think yuu would rcnlu lhm II really nnlhlnx 1n alum Ihry now What am running as you mlxm uum love what about love Hull and lrltndlhiv undrrllnndlnu comldcrnllon hnlplnu hnml mile Iruycr Frlcmll we ul cant buy line mm In nnf Horn and lime nu nu Ihhuu nl Penplu need you In Ilup Ilnk nboul ll Ind llcssul wlll lhcy ho who rrcllvt bun Chrmml or II any And In mud lhv Lord cnmu mm Mm and mu llnry the Lunl Ihunl round nboul Innm null they were mn nlrnld And um nun lfllll unlu them Fear lmll In bchuld hrlnl ynu um mun um 10y which my In In prop Ihcm mi cmmnfi ur um ml And Dun mm In 1hr lame unnllry Shepherd nlmHnn In the news kcwlnfi wulch nvcr heir luck by mun Onbéinu nr nu ifEm my Irl mu wn whh overynnc me vuy Mmim Chmlmu Ever Hurrle Farm Buwly Mukel lelrl IllOlll 20111 Iurlm Chuwl Ilrlavnl Hum and Bcrvlu rur mm you In unm 1m day In the Clti David Ivluur whjch 19 1mm nut714 llrasc rcml vwrlctl In nln lmnllllul Ch The Town Gazer EEIJLIIT INBINGS Camrflfin Bay Mellndz streets 11mm pal119 rml an we havu In nur column many he Chrisxmu nary wmm he rhnnued nr Improv N0 EXTRA 0051 MnLAREjL CA ANTIBLINK Well friends as you rcld oulumn ms week the pres lurc nf Christ mus will Dmty well 1an Such pressure us let rlblv rlfllc no place park crowded norm nderlni whnl ln Inc world you can net 101 Ind 10 or loynd Trume I43 tincw his 1954

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