Penetang Bottling Co Limited PENHANG ONTARIO PHONE 440 The uper of Christmas nued mncrm School last Thursday evening and was chnlcd In in lace of the large group or mam bennnd friends whu were present tor Ihe neccmher mcenng or the New Canadian Pupils Presenf Program DNARD CAINFORD British dramatic expert and secretary of the 1951 Festival of Britain discusses some 01 the ï¬ner points oi the Barrie Theatre Guiids next produc tign Murder Has Been Arranged with the queeror Douglas Greenwood and How BARRIE 15 Bayfleld Slrofl 1nd Floor Phone 5311 IDRILLIA32 Mlsslsuu Sheet Ea anl Phone 3505 mm EVENINus Iv AP0INIMNVMONE ml mo Mauls hm ml mum um um Avlhulnd hum ul CumCoin um Mrd wllh CumColu IMk MlMd uler hall cm um no You 15419 51757 EXAMPLES or LOANS Qoaf qo ï¬r ï¬e loxézéys WIWIW Inn 75556 PlWEGAHOM on rm mvr lee nfew quick lncu About your nll on phqne U90 varoval cnme The program was opened by Presidem Nan Slcphenson wlth the singing of Canada1nll owed by the reading the min ules by the secretary Mrs Newtun and the lrcsurcrs repon which was read by Mr Stephen uon In the absence Mrs Pen geny Hlllcrest Home and School Asso citation The Chrlstmas meeting usually breaksall aunndance re cords or the year and this nne was no exception ard Lacey president of the Theatreflulld Mr Cainford ls adjudlcnclng the produc tion of thy players Here We Come Gath ering in the public school nudlquum uh Camp Borden on Wednesday De 929 The ï¬rst was charming young lady rum Germany Pallxhbum Silke Hiplncr who in Grnde Slx Sllkn gave mm Inkres lnn nccount at bar Juurnay and arrival In Canada and than 1de her guqlqmu nbout¢heChrlstmas cusmms In Germany An unusua mm was pranlcod In the rural yanu openlng sclccllnn was group ol thrcc carols Deck the Halls Christmas Bells Ind All My part The Night Helmets which were buautilully sung by the pulpls Grade Seven An In tunatlonul flavur wnu added to me occasion when three ynung stars an ah1y lclBflI arrivals mm other countrtcs gave the nudlcnce an Idea the manner In which Chrlslmas was celebra ted In their homelands It has became an annual custom at Hillcresl have the upper classes present the program the December mccllng of the assoclw on and 1th your Gradm Seven and Eight cnmblncd lhplr ulanI In give the audience most on juyablc evening Thur meeting was lhen turned over 16 Principal Bell who welcomed those present and an nounccd that the classrooms would be open for lhspccllan following the morning The meellng was hen turned over to Principal Bell who welcomed those present and nouncnd that the classrooms would be open or Inpecllon allowing Ihe meeting In 42m IM M1 FIR CARTON Hap 1m 36¢ Ts whereihe imam Imken their dommic tanimai oa vChris maa EveflndJive them apbciai Irgat eiiavcd lhatjotrpng hnu vrldnighlj tUv10u ociuck the Veaslr are Ibinvh speak and a€fhllf4heyal lnalr volcel Jan in Slike cnnfldcd that the en eyed Chrmrnu In Germanyhuzwa aura shc buid like it Ln Canada equlflthqll The Ieennd was rosychecked younanan imm Yorksh re Enz Innd pany Kenwnnd ho L1 gin Grade Seven He aisb avé pan amusing amour of trip10 Canada and created laulhler when he laid at the youngsje on baarri ship who Vacgcamcd Where nrg the Ipdllnx as in ship nailed up the SLLawxence Barrymenlioned nihnt the toad served the Christmas season in ankshhpxwa very aimiiag that scxvaclin Canada huxsone custom was quite dlierenL lhll 11k the German one was prac Henri in the rum areas group of singer Would gogimm donr to door singing mu song which beganLucky Bird Lucky Bird and gets an in say that it they give thecallcri small lam load luckvwlll be their for in an Year Barry sald hat Chrlsimm in England waawom dcriul but he was looking 101 mm in his ï¬rst Canndlanichrish mas VThe lhlrd cqunlry reprcsunlcd was China arm Ken Lem asslst cd by Klm Loo and Elalne Wong all from Hung Kong gave their verslono Chlnese Chrhlmns Kan Lem was the spokesman and Ms gay approach and amuslng manner were hlghly cnfertalnlnz Ht explalned that me £hlnese celebrate with ï¬recrackers and dragon parades nswell as palHe number 01 beautllul robm ï¬ne lyr cmbroldLmd cloth silk papermm porcolnln cup and snu ccr and other object of an were on display and created grual deal of lnleresL These boys and glrl are In Grade Eight Hill crcst and have been In Canada ahgnl two ygars misï¬t1559 Thé nédmm 6n Ihe pgnmm mun um PULL ANII IUHII TOY no MHIHMIEM TRAVEL IRON rm le7 MMHE IN lllllNllUlllZ NKIK LACKIIOIHID NHVINH MET MINRUIUI Ell1 HETfl TMIH TIINNIH EDUCATIONAL TOYN TU RANGE DIN MTIH lullvulvallnluultlIIIKIIaIIIIIIIIItuIlelul non mnnmm 00 le7 no rmmnum LACKIIOMID mmmnm mum mm 10v nANflu nmw GIFTS FOR MEN roomxox nun HALLS BLHUIIHC mum cmcumn mmcu HAW lummm mun on wnmcu an sucu WHEN an rucmzr mun mm rowm Tum snr uumum mmwzu FLV CASTING um suuruuw un luru vm rum AUTHMATHLHCIHIW quvm mummnc 1mm muu VACUUM H011 mum mm mm Innmm N1 uIuszn muu mmmm rummmn 33 ax so at 350 x2 whim 1vI1VvI1I711Illiliyll1v1IIiiuliylrvviivvruii 7vJVuv9yII1ifII1erlÂ¥ylriw11a If It 11 and in Barrie Santas favourite family shop is Oughs Hardwave where you can make your choice train the gleetest selection of gifts ideally suited for Christmas giving for the home and tar cveryniember of the tamilyl Here is handy check list to help you with you Christmas shaopingl Cal into our store and see the hundreds and hun dreds of items which will give longtlusting happiness iunmy chapmht chisel Goad JCan Wencglnsr awn huq Yhm and zonally kiélléwlnzlhe carols 9mm nnuvfly play wan prexemed The boyslandv nklna part hmhlx rlovely pa antvwere The Child ren Pntricla Taylm Sonnle Uh quhan Bab Bell and John Donah eny ThaWlIe Men wHynerSali Imllh Ron Gllray and Bob Sal wnodnnndMnry hyed by Knywllgon grhe Grade Seve nnd mm puplls combined their voices to Oh Cumn Emmanuel Klnga an Joytolhe V41 They Were joined by audienceflln ginning lhe qfler 93on Theslnglnz wns directed bifMr Bell and the accompanm 141 all ï¬ne numbersrwg Mr Hal lnwny 1M the conclmlon ollhe pm grum purnen mu gnaclouxly thnnked all ghosé tnklnu m1an Me Christmas presonlnlloflu It Wu Valsu announced that Miss WagLyomt elm hndwonthe at endanqe pennant with 18 of her pupflslpmng present Ihe inspecuuh nl élnssroum Inllowedv the mettin and the gvhéuzl Compl highly trnhied technichnï¬ Ire hilly annulled to mica Inyndlo or leleï¬llnlnn sgt zuunqleed to give you IMMCNDD and lava you money 259 HINISFIL HST RADIO TELEVISION 5ERVICE=REPAIRS Bamé Tgievlflog Expein CO+OP 1L0 WAI IRON RANGE BET llASS OVENWAIIH TEA POT llNKING SHE1H AUTDMATIC TOAST ARVINH HET INNEIIWARE HLT KITCHEN UTHNHLH ELEUIIHU ION IIKIIHNUIIH 700le CANle TIIHIKMOMHTEII IIZMTULAIHH KIT IIILN TOOL KIT TIME flFJWlNfl HIAY VnUlT JUICE HAISSWAKE KNIFI RIIAIWHNIZIL lllCIllIllH GIFTS FOR WOMEN Gift3¢éky£hhaq¢e Mï¬nfsllgafflLife who en ya at up justhun nrabaut an tak lpx Luau uflng hlngelvure hours there many gnqueilly sciawaken 111th do beauty Ind variekx ot the ducon Fons gave Evidefllef o1 Ingenuity nIeng nndn great den hard work Teachers md pupllsjn served hlah praise Qheir ï¬ne elm1 Liam ramshmenh flexe served by the mill cummlllee flu the boyn gm gi Raking paan the pmmm Chfléï¬ï¬usl Nev anï¬ TUEKEYSJ INNISFIL TURKEYFARM Cm isanlé 2m PHONE 2429 Chaice 11IIIIKWNII IIATIINOOM 80AM CORN POIIEII REFRIGERATOR Jenn WASH Lwrmu 0le meme CLOCK IIATII IIAMIEII MIMIle 01mm lWlllEfl ruin mmmmmmmmyg my iï¬ac sichu the magnum rayonHe rob fgnd slippgwr Now Marmara newlounllnx pajémaslha ï¬fe 105C tllejhing or TVvlewlnryr tame nud ME Lher gm 616mm comma ind pmsure Includéunafl easy manna £2 Roses PHONE 2951 Mums OCirnatlnnS 99 DUNLOP STREET FBEEDELWEBY lo Alllfloxi Cflolumwn Thnmlun Gimp Borden Angus 131an HARRIS FLOWERS STMAS NICKET KNIFE SOFTBALL LELHKIC TRAIN IIOXINKI GLOVEH POCKET WATCH ILAHIILIGIIT IIICICL ELF IUOTIIALL HKIH IUITKITI comwm SCOUT AXIS UASIHIL WAGON HIIIZAIII KNIFE IIAEEIIALL ILOVH Alll RIFLE UAMIH TOIIOGIIAU lIUIï¬TEI HET GIFTS FOR BOYS JRTRIO IIEATEII Milo REPLACE HQUIIMF THERMOMEIII MIIHOINK CABINET IIIMIINO PM VACUIYM CHAN All TilWI cmmn Igccmmmnm rows 316 FRI chm whim mlzhz well be in trmnuzevwmie Emily snokgr stand Mblejllzhm pipe rack humldnrorpemna India or his chairisidg convenience my mm mm Al 1934131