iurrLONCEST SUBMARINE==CABLEOPERATION IN ONTARIO HYDROS HISTORY BRINCS CHRISTIAN ISLAND ELECTRICAL POWER 0chye6Nd147 Norbert Moran New President legion Branhh Pruldwl llw Imm munch the Cunndlnn Lruiun wlw wan III Ilnllcd In Man lnsl nluhl hm Hm Ilslllullull Hlul he In he flu normmm llm Iluyul Cu adlnn Navy uvrr lo havo brel lltflld l4 Illlu MUN Nmbf nr HL In mnn pnnulnrly knuwn llm ml ul Ilw Ink Mr lml Mu Mum Hm Imm um um wnl rdu calm ul Mnryl 5chuu Ind lnlcr nl lhl llnulr Civlluulule ll mum Mm cumulrllnu mu ullun hn went In work In the 1mm lnmk Hnllw hllVlIu llm muslrr lurrhnnn nlllu Al Ilmlnlfl Lnlrr hr wurlud In Cnlllumlu wllh Hm lmullwrn Il gmll Iuwrr Culmmlly cnlh ler Iml Mien In Wlndlur wllh Ihr lusl Onlm mmmmu Hunh ln mo hn bum mem In an unm melnl llullmvu Mulch ml tumor ownlnd In nu Inrnlluu wmnll caught by HM Ilnll lllnlnl Mllf On Jan nlhr Inlllur and In 1m Mn Norm uulu mu Pru Dnl Dulhwu prrmllml an on lulnrd llw llrvynl Curmllnn In JUM um when he um llxlzd th8 York In Tur onln mm ï¬lm En Inn nwm Amnun Mm lu lnI llllm Ind lllml tunnel nl III In Ind Torunln Irppcllvrly hp nu pooled hr Nnvy unlllnl but she urm Nuv Bcnllm whm Iw mva lur lbqul Iwu In then wnl lo HMCS mm In par nvr plum MonAN 51m 11ch atiVIitygslcehe at Si Marys éf mmmmm 73 ONE OF THE MANY beaumul Christmas scenes throughout the gown mummnted at night or passerby S5 chi large scale nntlvlty scene in front St Marys Church on Mulcnster Street Erectcd each year by the men of the church it will welcome visitors to mldnlghc Servlnngiz mufrownor mam coumy ovlsmcoz Sincep A864 arcalul Momcnl The story In all slmpllclly was lold 1n luw word by cum lewNlmkcc Chic Thunan Coma Fer The 5mm lhn knd nr at he Chlppuwas when he laid nm mm he Iplrlll my on hhcn an wllh me mum uu the grcutm mome In my CHMSTIAN ISLAND Staff For the 350 Chippewa Ind ians Who live on th reserve which lies in Georgian Bay and is separated from mainland by the twomliewide Christ ian Channel the throwing oi hyer switch on Monday aiternoon meant more than the fact that it brought eiec tricity into their homes It gave to this small segment or the Indian Natiqn who live on an island which 300 years ago was the home oi bat tlescarred members oi the oncepoweriul Huron tribe their ilrst permanent link with one those parts oi our country which was ceded to the white man by their ioreiathers The ncluul ccrcumny of much In Ihu 1mm un was wtrimmed by Ilubvrl Smllldcrï¬ cllnlrmun hr Onlullv Hde luwtr Cummil nlun Among lhu many vmlurs who Unvclltd lu llu mm to wflncu nmrmny wrru Willlnm no blnmn MI or Sunny 1am George Jlmnxlbn MIP fur Sllllcur CHI upmunnum 1mm Alfnlrl much Ihe Cullxulllm IK parlmunl TlevnIhln nml Inl mlurntluu nml Hydro unlulull mm Iurunlu llnrrlc Ind Plnclmul One ul ll Illumluhls Hm npuclnl Lutmony whlrh Inlluwcd III rlvlmmxnlly hull DI Hm luml Hm lmhlllnllml ML Saundra Ill nu Inmunuy th uI UH CIIIWVWKI lrlln Aumulwu Ian elmml 0111 muflfllnh wu llppmprlnlr um whrn Mn ï¬mmdru lhmvl Hm hydro nwltch Um hrmmhl ultculclly In llm II lnml In uv Illllrrlnu dlwlay nIullIculbnxl Huhl on Cllrlll um lnc which was ulacrd mllu Ihlu Hm tummumly IInIL nmlm ll l7llltl nlr Vllrlnlvarly Irll Cedar lnlnl un Hm nnrlhwril 5er Tiny Tuwnlhln hy haul 10 1Inml nml whm IIuy Inndml Hu lurk they was Emlml hy llw Chlvl um 1mm llm vhlkhm In vlllflfll llle 11 of UN Cummunlly hal nflrr llln wwcr Ile lwu nwlhlwd on 721mm Monln Ir ulunll unwerIur hr lmnnn ulll Hmmll Inhl TMA ll our II he Ivyamt lhlnul um Ii cvor mumqu In um pwlpl Mr Ivundm mnlllwd ll iuunl plulum la be hue and la luv In prlvllou lurnlnl on ma lluhl Hull lth umrlnlu Illl prvll vvry much DuhI Hum 11 crowd mm Ms ha blunl mlmwnl In 111 III mm mm Tim were unlelul Iolhnw who lml plnycd purl In bringing hydra lo Ihc Inland Today thrc are 32 Indlnn ro mm lhrouxlloul inurla bclnl served by hydra The puwln whlrh Wu lanIlly Iuppllcd lo Chrhllnn lslnud on Nov 30 way made par 1qu by UN laying more lhnn two lnlcl nI undcnwnwr cthleJo he malnlnnd lmpurllnt Optrlllnn TM is lhc lunml uubmnrinc cableInflux wcrnllou ever undvr luktn by lhe Cummmlon Fur mnny yuurl cunt all lump were he only qurcuul Hum hr 10 majority no Indian people on lhu luxurvt 200 lw ulml null provided power lur lawmlll mauled by In munnu mg unmllnurprmlrd umrrnlur p10 ducrd nmull mnuum ul uddnlunul cluclrlclly The coming ubhydru uuwur la he Illuml llmlkn Illujnr udvmlcn In dvvulhvmrnl mu pruflrrn llw vrurvr II Hm lunml nml only lnhnbllcd luvunlnccnl ll llmd 5va hr th Clnudlln varmnunl In 730 or In Chiv pwns n1 Lnkcshncar Luke Couch lrhlnu nml um lluwh Thu rend cull elm llmlr chic and councll cvury twa year In bunqu Ivel al ram lnur dl lluw 7an om Ilw wuncu vol cd In war mapqu In ohllln hydm power Idler nrvllmlnuy lurvcyn wen Lumvltud by uluum rum llydrol Umulm my union H400 col umuuml table wan Md rm 0d mum 150 ml In lumn mam Imbwun mm Inland nu ma mainland ncnr Cedar lulnl The npfllllull wu canlml oul 1mm wlrmmwllrfl Indlnl mm 10mm Anny um whlrh wl Ilkllmmcd the In Durk The cable yollrd hum nrl mlqluully wumnn 11 WM 41 um rule 200 mInlglm The mum vu nupleledlm llmm um hour Ill la Ill uhleymuanL lhe oncrlndlnelomh mlln meld ol Ilndlmnllr IMO 1mm Thorn ll lmd on Lake Blmrw WIII Invmun In mm It lb 1011 innss pnflhrlstmas Eve The ï¬gures of the creche are almost ltteslze statutes and the entire scene is shrouded In mommagetting against background of evergreen trees ï¬BARRIEONTARlofCANAp meEspAy DECEMBERvZZ 1954 undunwallr distrlbuuon line cvgr laid by Commission Enwa Same 20 cushmer on Cbrlsliun Island Irc now bclnz served by Hydra whlie nn Iddonnni 12 hp Dilution have been rcccived Ind will not the urvicc shortly The majority oi the 10 huuscs an the island hnvc had in be wired lur cicclridty Thu rucrvn will be ad minitlcrcd imm thn Paneling rural operating Imnl Wu Mr Saunders winlndyut um hll cxlcnlinn luClllllu Chris Inn Island was pnrl 01 pruvlncu wide rural elcclrulcallun program which ha been an lmwrlnnl Dime Hydrnl opcrnuan or man Innn ucncmllan 2th In he Penc iung DA in recent yuan ls cvld lcnccd by the fact that lhn number of customer hm more than tripled lroiu IMOIn WU 5036 on Nov IBM They are now being served by I57 mllu rural llnc um 251 mllca In Hm lnIl ltlvllurn Fallnwlnu dinnrr held 1n the cvmmunlly hull George John lion Mll Iur Slmcnc Calm mm Wu happy to have nn Indlnn rucrvn IIII riding and hive been ml Um llullan Cmunlllru wllcn lhe lrcnnnmcndnllnn was vnndc lu um Lrulnlnlum lhnl the lndlan bcnlvcn the full prlvllrgu of mu whllc mun lhcre Ill HornMon my shohld not have nll mo Idvmllnxu my ulhzr pcuulc he cmnnwnlul emf lhu Ilrnmuloun lcvrlnp menu chlI wcm Inklnu Mute um um lhl lullhrr Ind hlglwr mu dlrd anK liran anuyml by lhz powlu Llle thdlrd In Iddrul ML Summon will It wu lull munn ul ulcnuum to mm In lruvcl hrnuxhuul Hm lrnlh uni bxcndlh ul Hm pruviuw llv lllllvtll mlvlllluunl plannin rwhrn he rrnlhul lhnl Illn hlnhrr Illndnnl llvlun and III Cun adml Ilundnm wan llw mamll In he world wnl lam1y hu In Incl IIII llu pumln lhnmglmul Ollllrln hull nvnllnhlu In lhrm II It law quit Manly Ilydvu no ï¬rm um mam pnmlr he um In lb Commlulonl um hm mu Ihelr ml wlxlch tend Tho my at anynAuLmr Que veepw Allhnuuh will In 1m llml um flrll ltflllnflun Wu pulsed Wu nul unlll compnullvoly numlly In Onlarlu Hydw Cumlnlnlvn time 1le ulllruro iuvrinku Iura lhu mu uwlo gelva kn ol Illiul In It ï¬rm at mu nvuy bwuflfl nlm lo panama piuul lllla at anun an hvr lmpl III mum jnual on Dont Forget Your Paper Boy or Girl At Christmas Time Wllh Chmtmu only hrcu uwru duyu nwny mml The Ex Imllllr submlbrn Ilka nvcrynnr nluc le IN wundvrlufl 11 lhcy hnvu oruuncn unynnu In their In people who llmuhl be MEIEDNNI nl lhll Em ut ycr Whm you are unan uvcr yuur Ilu wn hum you will give Ihuukhl hand ynunplru who wnrk In ml Ixmw Ilcul Iml lunnhllc lu servo you ll yrnr umun um lyuyn nml gm he rnrrlrr mlllm of The Ex lnllnvr Al uvny MmulnyWrrlnudny Illll Frltlay nil uwuml may run out nu he Ml Mrlllu lhll ynu IrcrIvn your nowwlpcr Im lhrnl mth muman mm mm whlrh could Imvn haul Ipcnt nl lrlnuro nr play but ll nlw Incanl Hull llny um IIIUHI an on the lung mm Ill Ilm Ihend mmmu mm way my tymunlviroullnl In ern her um your Nun Chrlnhnu wlll mun much In thinkl Ihuc you pmplu nu enm IN lu IUHI luluflbln rrrnlnlllutl nr llm wnrk my do Now mun llum Il my ulher lime lhu yuwwu urn In lhn WIND In Ilmw yvur Ilvprrtlnllon In In vlgo my lrmlrr In lhl my run an Ihuw Hum nu you npnrrrlm wml Half an lhrm umw tlml you nluc Ihdr nervlu mnw around now 1111 bur mm um um ASCEELIENBEBU OF $1042600 FQMPRINKLER The Banla lhena Cnlnmls Ilon have equal he lend or 132nm md erxbl con mmn Ind enxlneers To ronto to Install lpdnller syllem In Barrio Arena prlcc or $10428 mflnx the convulsion was hcld on Saturday evening Ind our linden ware lub mmed The Ioweal flu of Behind Ind erzhl thn the quatlnn rprlnhler lymm or me man was send II men meet lnx of town wuncll II Wu et flmlud In the an wunld ha lomcwhuo In the nxlon DI 310000 Ill Wonhlp Mnynr llebcr l1 Smllh whn ll chllrllun um comxnlulon Ahlul IIII wnrk will hexln In he very near future had bean menUun HI flul he Inlhlllllun cnuld b0 computed In Ibnul l1 wuh nner ucepuma of Ike lender IN II Illuly wllh flu Iurlnlmu Ind New Year holldlyl lhll lb ulll richly In lmblllllnn llme mum innma Ayonu yhlgr luppeml One the major pmblem canlrcmlnz us today 15 Ill lrc mendnu mm toll hruuzhl nbaul by he Advlnl and progress or the mechanics ngg Everywhern pcoplc nre lalklng min 310 and law enlarcemcn agenclu and other nrxnmuuona Interested In the resultant ramiï¬caugns are ex tending awry mafia cope with thLi everincrcaulng Illuannn ccunu as IS doe moxlly evcryanc nle spirit Goodwill in tull blaom durlng ha Yuletide season and when one rcflccu pity um luch quallUu Ind Idcnx condlllnns ol mlnd do not vrevnll throughout the year Thu nlmude could well serve in rumulus or me drlvlmr and would I11 bencm considerably ll statements issued by police authorities atDistrlct Head quarters OPP here and at the Town DetachmezityOPP con Vtainm strongweming that drunkdrlvlngmnd driving with ability impaired will not he telerated by the police here over the Christmas holiday Pcoplo Intending in DEN191513 in In cclebraflons over the Chxjistmns and New Year holidays when the consumpuun nlcohu wul be indulged In aré asked lenvu their cars and ï¬nd other elhods of lganspo gflnn Our laws will be enforced to the lnlter so that Christmas may be happy one or you and your value dcpartmonL Mun Frau Commlslomr The statement by the meal and district OPP ofliccrs was reloascd umultancnusly with the allow ing message 1mm ILA Mam Coinmhsioner atPnllce tar 0n tar do 41 reqiilre their hersonn manipuiaiion oi the cuntfals Noi Tolerate Slail Sgt Mam Diakic Headquarters told The Examiner Drunk driving and driving while sblliiy is impaired will not in wleralcd Thermwlll bg cxira officers on the mad during ihc lestlvc season particularly on Chrislmasnllvc clamping down hard on driving this type and we are asking the euaperation all motorists in leaving their cars at home it they intend drinking Extrznle Cue Sgt Wright oiflccrin charge 1an Detachment ii fire hazard oi ordinary wi ter driving require extreme earn an the part or every drive The use of intoxicating beverages by drivers 01 motor vehicles certain iy does notlessen the cxistinz haxards but merely give him sense 01 false security Happy Chriskmas wiLh your family can only be expected by everyone it we return to drink whcn driving car No LéshMinute Problems 01 DNnkDriviflï¬Bt Christmas Issued ByP0li¢ez Authorities Best chaise Highest Quality Gifts Since PreWar Years In Barrie States This Christmas Rich year there dcnnllc lrcnd 1n Chrlmm umwa mu ymr ll scan lo have revolved around ll udvlcv to devour UlnLans shwplna willy ynu nm Lnflmlnulc Hill humor you new nol be unduly wonled Cllnncm are hm lllc mum uan and um IlUHJ nlolnt he mnln nlrccl wlll nut he an crowd with mummni as they have been In mch wacky NI hut Rm 154 lulllmm erpwr In ml bwlnu much hr Illd 1le ymr nw VUhllnL hminml ll up lu nlman cwry llur but bunn lmvc gull ml rarly nu Nuvnnbvr In nus bulk 01 their alluuflna ln svlla of MI 94 mrcnlly mm wï¬nln Alone wlm Mumqu my hnvu thn an uLhnr umllyln nurlbuloLhcy lnlylng qnndlcnl durable mu and may um dmnmllna um gm be exactly Mm my wm nu dmrry we new nuxm will Ow wmuV No Ilncn viewar ymn hu mm bun um chum 1n pm canonwk lo II 9ukmfaimfxvht Solid Winter Cleér and Cold Continues Today lintMn nun 3nd all In DIM ll mm lam cl mumMI wt ounlul Mum ju nus td um um ml mur 16 RagesTW9 Sééhpï¬a Wflhnuc your 21p memk mevmmls II enforcement agencies 15 exlrkmaly dlmculh but with your Issmanco kc sure we canunne In whale hnnrlcd cflnrt to make Sale Dflv mg Merry Chrleml Ind Happy New Your Huliday cum we would ndgpl this cellng goodwill lowérdallmcn eachdayot the your ramnr than exhlbn IL during ma tesdvlvléwm und allerwards xclapse lnlo the raid waysiazalnï¬ ny wun unn manna being employed impress drivers exercise grnnterware he most important which per haps is the appeal to reibdimi plinn since the driver an aut omoth or Iny other motorized vehicle is music of his own des tiny and also that ol ulnar or the majority 01 me whilst at Hiecontrols Mudumion in all mmy ls commendable and drivers are warned the serious result which nliow an accident when lntox nls are cunsldmd con mbulln Jactor it Is y0ur In tention to pafllrlpale in caleer llons over lhe Christmas and New Your halldlyl Indmnaump Lion alcohollx pm the en Juymcnl beseech youo lcgvu yum car In the garage and mlb other maxhud nlrinsyorr Llamamldwdue nnlyxwum pegsdnalmawlpulmonl he can You may he assurnd that all memberso 1m Outnrlu vain cm Pollch will do their utmost to bring about this achievement rcumcnt phase the raffle problem cannot be con siderud as the ï¬nal solution Ex tnnsive study 01 125 many nevi has been made by umch Ind organization specializing in irnh flc 1115 but in SPIKE their eit ans collision experience is in cgonging In violence and yuur help is nbsoiuitly munlinl it this challenge is 10121 men It could he um ln many stances we are drlvlnx beyond our own speed llmlLsthe speed which we are able to go into ac llon when called upon tuprevcnt cnlllslnn ibly make Merry Christmas Th season could be much hrlahl er tor many people with the pran licc seUctlsdpline and cnnMd clalien fol other mad user These are days or wingloo good lo Tunic accldcnls cannot posaw Allhough Drunk gm such 1muschnhl rlrclrkn nmrllancm In unmnu um um wwlar gm Hum nwrllcry swru mm mm they mvr whl more dlnmund unluc mlnl rlnux Ihan cvrrJlm us up nlllmm mudMu wmncn nu uulnu I4 rccclvu lluuerln all In lhc lnorl dumle flunka Wcr 51 ht Cnllndlun mnrkcl um on local Ilomooounkn Qual lly lawlml flapper urn dcmnml Ind and quullly that they nru mung You win wlml yuu mm In your Inna mu yuu map phu mm mm low mm hclvru herul and you It Hal know what In my Um IanHnlnulc nan on your HM mmm Um Mowing rundown uu what run he III1d In low donI will hob yuu IOIIM lnr CM llnuu lmfl Hula Mude ucw for under two doth IIVIlI IN loclpy WIMIMI bowl ml chowor or mm mm or thr IM flnl mm be Ilnoly nileL Ind Hum Mu would like In wand mm mm wlll 1nd vmmlcn pawn mllU and muchan nit Mullen 1m Wilma wind lmm Ind mot we dnlhm Imuud VI 110M Illct IMIIII mmbr mu by banal untimely In mmlmunn wwl nun maul urn In Inn 471 mm We ll udder Ikllhaï¬ cmAaI In no luth cm Ind Ive warm mum Ilumllvu lo In more bmlILr autumn Imamwk hm 7w buy and In lam ll MM mi ngm 11mm ulna clic al at man menum mm dell would EDNESDAY human Expect Heavier leume Christmés Telephone Calls Ohflsmm grow thch will hemmuch appreciated auhough they leI bave no gay wrapping are gnlng lo and mm resident of Ban1e inumprccedenled volumne thla yearn While pwpla here are buy wrappdng cm tissue paper nmund vrcsmis and cndlnfl an avalanche cards rough the malls the long dlstancLJulephnne cmmlors are gaming ready In handlo more Yuletide grading éallaLhan cverberore For weeks the 811 Company has been making plans cape wllh Ihaexpecwd mod call just be and during Lht hollday week énd Every regular operator wlll be an duly and reserve mentors wlll b0 callcd upan helm Wher ever postlblc warn mulwntnl wlll be trough kilo scrvlce and circulLI will be lmxpomrlly ar ranged lo handle the unusual pal cm of Chrhums alllnu Tllc Bell Telephone Company gstlmtes that ovar 3000 all or ouluImwn points will oxiglnatu horn nn Ollrmma Day as local ruldentx great loved ones far awéy The huge tide of mesagcs vnhleh Barrie people will recelve ls 1159 EXPCCIBd to set new ru alter Christmas Day Mr MacDanv aid Bull manager here said Thai will help avnid delays and meleled call when circuits an heaviiv leaded This will air ply especially to calls lo the Mari4 limes Wnsiem Canada die Unlicd slaw and overseas palms There will be 60 person hand lmg hug distance mlflc here his Christmas working In shlfts to deal with the Yulcddc tramc whlch bcgina to increase sharply during Christinas Eve To help lellphnnc users avoid delays and gut grmlcr sAuslncï¬nn mm chrisums greeting all Mr MacDonald oUered on sun on If mu know the telcphnnc number 0th Dyson re call mm number or the venon yuu are call mg give to me apemox 11m Hummus mIM lnImnnon at thedklam mm and speed up khc mnwleuun the call cord Wherever possible telephone uy er shgulgphcg cans tom or Because Christmas Day 11113 an ï¬uurdny the hollde pcflod will be more compressed than usual and he peak volume houduy lnng dislannc Ballad llkcly to be higher than in cmcr yuan nly ml pyrcx lurndlvcly prlcrd mum 10 do lar and cvrn mun lmuxlnallvnly dcnlgned um year than In preview mama Onu mo 1in seller In Aha llnn of Munchqu uu la surwbinaly enough Cnnndlunmndo product um actually mm slmcoc Cuumy mo lovely Blue Muunmn wuery In pwulnr that It mm hardly be kqx In Ilock Yuu mhml Ilka Dunn 010 lllllu vml lxl AM Immllur brvwn blul Ind black glam 41111 Mm III dolhr unlur nnmnd llvn dollnrl um Mudmldml and wlnlnl Mela dr Ilcmd Omar CflIIrn In dis unglvcly Dalmatian mood Um nrlu um cram luau lmel nn mum ax Wnllvo but ILrn luv cwllr thllom 01 bus Ind blun Nan enamel mmuvu 1n muly dmhmul Vim IM mun no lowly tounrrn um nm around Iva dolhm hmnll mm Iml Iruuml hm dullmn and nu blah JIM Soul of 14ml Ind high oral and mumldcrcd bed Ind able llnem Mi wow llus mm vuxmhr In Helm In mu drywall lllm VIII hunk Ind mv tublu my 0w mud mueul lmyp In mm uun AMI mm dun Wmual lnnl II hvurlh dmlc nuund uur dullem the nllmdlve mmlhu III my wu 1mm uvrr mm It mlhhlu ma mnuml And contlmllon Inn9 ululo and nlknlnu mck Imle mg 15 91er rul mur dolhn you may buy mm utter nm from new mag expend ham Salin em or you Mum1r In ullrclr llun an IM munl mm 9mm lull Mm huh mm man In nlno bl Mn mum am who mum around down MM pug am twink