Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Dec 1954, p. 4

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041Inner2j WINNERS OFCv Blngn undu wortherpRawbel Crlws unroe Mrs On M15 Vern Tenugnx immiifiurid CEnIre 912 541 am 1511 MA Simpson DOG FANCIE IDNDON Ont CP Fromm inenz glog fapcler My Alva Mc Cofl wig Jfidxe at do shnw 593324 hu lq aid vxcums 0111n zEIGURE SKATES 20 FOOT BAY EW TYPE ALLWAVE Ionian Pattern Antennae anus 13 to mums moms LADIES gums 13 to BABIES youi om omit TAKEN 0N new SET 40 loot HM ANNE STREET Gerry Doucetle dial 5139 The lags lar Ill chlnncl retepllnn In the medlum prlned Held LURRYS Ever Hear About 36 BAYFIELD ST CCM ANTENNHE Klll BAUER INSTALLED FOR YOU REGARDLESS 0F WHERE YOU BUY YOUR SET Imlnm chopping llnlllnx Minn We llrhup Ind llellver $1995 $2495 90 DAY WARRANTY Phone 4504 FEED MILL The Flyers came up with nyoneslded 14vlcwryoverfcé1 lardwelllng Kitchener Canucks Wednpsday mm to their third win In their last out starts ItBattle Arena known the local sqund thté full game away from the OHA junior Acelnr depths and kefitthem mthehqnt orslxth and last playottposlsion currentlyheld by Hamilton Qubg Thc Canucksl playing their sec ond game in mnny nlghts were no match fur the Inspired Flyers who paraded two newcomers in he local but Defenceman Turk lites andgoalie All Troua made an jot ligal junhf debut Both hull Km Drncmridge Tmtta who at tbndod the all training camp wnx not glveqmuch chance to dis play his wares the pcrsflstcnl Barrio checklnk llmlml lhul Can ucks lo sHm 10 shots on goal Lees however saw M3 or wnrk on the blucllnc and from his per Innnancc can he safelyvslnled that Ihe husky 15yearold will be amund for some more action Hes good skater posstssor of good point shut and learlesi The Flyprs swarmed am pm Cnnucks all the way holding gigantic 4510 mnann shnls on goal They came sham In he first pcylnd erase 14 Kitchener mar gin to 1m he mt of the way They Were inlmnl 34 the end DI the first and 61 the and 71 two While the game was lung way from In rough and tumble aim referee Andy Bulkmar was arch work vicious penalty thumbln the lhird and final Chaplet scssed Kitchener defenccman Kim Douglas with malch penalty for The home record or Barrie Flyefs Ls beginning ho bear sameresemblance to the old days when the vlmors ahpost conceded victory to coach Hap Emms ywhat they termed the little band bdx PplizinniiBarl¢wl oneTwo scoring swan LIMIIID KINGSBEER COMPLETE COMPLLKE Alllull And earlier in tho same sténza Géorgo Ranelrl oflhe Flycrs and captain Slaanaliuk of lhn Can uok were given 10minute mls conducu and maldwnlsconducla for flghling 1n the pepahybox breaking his 1Ick over thé hgnd Flyer Ed ManuLen cumling wrcslllnzbout Ihe beards for flghling 1n the akybox nmse tempered cp des inter rupted anddelnyed an ntherwlsc Iastmovlng game WhileBub Barlow drillid home the teams mlrd hat trick Mwhe season pacethe scaring he had In share scoring highlight wllh rightwinger Danny Poliiénl whu picked up three asslsu to take over 1116 Individual scorl lgadcrshlp 1n Ihc OHA junior mm Palizlanl dressed desplle wrenchcd back and while he sjaw very llllln acflon 1n the first per km tuck rcgullr My late in the second and throughout th third to pick up We poinu that shoved hIm ahead of hlg Hank Clesla of the Teepces Barlows three goals gave Mm the lead In that departmem and also placed him in second place In lhu scoring race one point back of Pollzlanl Johnny Mncdonald his 11Lhnl Ihc season Arnold Smith Howie Gluvcr and Ed MacQuccn nucounl cd or the alher guals Jackc Smnln with pair and singles to Gary Collins and Ed Whfle rounded out Kllcheners puL Japan wlxh populailun of 85000300 hnsynn average at pcrsuns per square mile tumor Mini WING AWAY F011 CHRISTMAS Hull filereuuupc flnnwyn Kennels Phorigi5628 éarrizo fixerQCd WE WILL caution YOUR DOG MMTA WVNISTEK AND sow 3D Imka arm mu lODK Llu wls DEAR sum Wmms VIme hip to or 53m KILL Mm cow Moon 5mm 0er mm Dims M1 sum 5M Km 00 mm new CEOWDIID JAPAN REGISTERED ANnams mmth 1295 LEM Eur be cllh Lee 179 45 mm Arnoll 260 am Powder omcc Knlhlccn Frnndsm 195 Arthur Obrey as Waller llllch 510 Clark Clarke Queemfles1 Wohb Sen quuzgn Propane Gas Iaekton Grill Robinson Hardware Aster Marlgulds FwekMeNuls Pelunlas Dandelion Dandies 23 Pclunln FargcheNou Helen Webb 0168 451 Nora Bayonet 174 461D Marigold Aslch Yorke I93 540 Dandys Mums Alice Eldrldgc 738 533 Mars Partridge 162 537 High single Mnrg Partridge Mums 202 High rlplcThclma Boyd Mur Izolds 561 nélmn hm 2233411 Muriel KOLMAuwlwxzns LEAGUE Polnli Cream Wnrnh Llpstic Powder Dulce blgxnp lrcnelwusor 449 Georg Rummy Jr 182D Domlhy 009d th seat 113ng Cream CN Tclczrzphl thhl Cleaner nrrie Tanning ufiran anccy 1653550 Marie DoSHv 18 M8 Lama PA Rasqu at Dec quogne Wuchousu of 43 Dumlnlon Auto Wrecker 41 Rdwcls 33 Edgar Tapper 19 Smllh Farm Duhy 27 Uniogl Carpenter 26 Comm AP 23 Duncan Plasterers Jackson Mom Unlon Cyrp Juckmn Molar new of Dec Rablnson Fem Oaanieii ma 7m Marj Lavery ms 825 Vlgu cogent Jackie MerrillfZSi 700 Jean OConnor 239 589 chgyjs grown 65 Cumin minim Joyce Kearney 225 582 qujlggn ulih Cream Amull Edgar Tapper Oflurrlc Tanning Philips 101 Man Robin son an 656 Prlddxnu 361772y Icncock 30 um CUP AF of Hlbcll Coleman 251016 Kol Telegraph Well mo am wear an on mm Ilnulo and my three wrro Men by lrlddmz Domlnlon Aulo Wrecker wllh101 and 112 Marlon Rnhllhrd 135 574 Mary Carrier 1265 Marie Green ldLs MIL Jagmog wabh my Brown 1240 Domlhy Dwin ncll 566 Ruth Ham ms Al ma Babb 555 11 c1 2035w K3 wqgmy 195 570 VIckm 3233 moi 7E 69p Your Lhrulmnl mil nr 101 delivery uhuuld bu polled nu lllnr lhnn many Dec 17 It you wnnl bu nun of II ruchan HI dc llnnllnn durlna Chriulmu LADIES AHERNOON LEAGUE mums mwu Luau Flu Mun Int lgrlul Greer Transportation Co MENS BARRIE CAMP BORDEN single Foster Arno 566 hlgh Lhmc Foster ClllllHTMMI MAIL BUS SERVICE TOWN LEAGUE GROUP SCHEDULE CHANGE Billl leaving Bunlo or LOO pm will be changed to 1200 NOON ME Mnaon Smun LIMITED At Bargain Cdiinter 3He may not get any otthé desired pmdum buthes going Ito beforethe Dec 15th deadllne passes for an Junior trnqeysifl Hams almést Mmek mun which he had mum coame Wodnqsday in ljme file the wossm mm valuable nights clash with Kitchener Gun play award this mason As film In tam filcFlieyslowrged paldaflflole ha would be mug win mum mundndcr or Gueyph Eilhmmx but with one more yearretraining reamw qrmiml team Gam mxt mason Thc 3mm uzrcoi do sell Boomer mm 91 the season Wednesday moon hewa the pro pigmy of um Ryan Pinmu an carloGuclph plck Boomer he analnoon so 4m 0w mantle wouid hc hero in me Im Mm meeting wins the Oanucks lhc car arrived in Guelph 230 pm But BDOmLr wasnt there The cxmuuvc the Elmnorm had changed their mind Comm Eddie Bush had planned annthcr young mane lo have Mm an mama and relay he mm mm he would bclhe 1mms mb natmlndcr mane named Soon 1ban duwn um otter due to high school Third Pexlnd Kllchcncr Smnla Ynungbcrg ID Iiltchcncr Cnlllns Harrie Manuun Pollzlanh 1115 Pcnnlllos Ynungbcm 549 Ranchx mlnun mlseonduct and mulchmisconduct 45AM Bulluk Miscondch nnd matchmisconduct 54m Younmnz 1000 Dougla minor major and mulch 1215 MacQuccn 1215 Symm 1337 011A Junior Bulls Arena Dec REGIME Goal Dulour Green defence Dnuglas Kelly Marlin Spencer Schmidt hrwtrds Baliuk While Creman Collins Youngberg ORcllly Yaung 111an ch Qagqrsg Carroll 9mm Goal Twila ence Manuccn SIaccy Hope Lou on wards Baxlaw Macdonnld anl Lovcday Ranclrl Smllh hll Kane Glover Grahn Vaughan IManuucn Bérrle Elllow lzlnnl Sincey Penalties Ynunz 1209 Myc Qucm 1750 As usuai this timeof year coach Hap Emms does his lscmqs shoppgng ehrly This season hes inthe market Ioitu letmlnderposslbly aidegenceman and perhaps lett Mnger mum Andy nbnkflr Tor om Lovuday Banh Sm Vaughan ManQuccn Panalucs Dan 09 Lovedny 1701 Balluk 191 CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS Kllchcncr WhiteV lColllns bmolfl Birth Barlow flurrle Glover Hope Sarina Parlud Mncdannld Stacey Dingle Barlow Pollflunl wt N93 Bunie Kitchener lnhmahnn and mum In any Canadml rum am you an Inml hi CONVENIENT DEPENDABLE awmw Roll mu pal Chrhmm Gil Flml Period 1mm will 237 Down In whlqh he had received the WOSA mag valuable glam1mm this mason As paldiflflolche would be fine lble WOSSA MW Buéh mm want he mum Ling37m subsufute torreguhr Glen Rimmy and vmmphly phan 2d 1h Blltmnre execuuva He dldn wnnt Boomer to WIN Uhe Deception Roy Mason the mar GIJeIfh executive reneziud vMasvn wasf extremely lb mum Ommowd by phone the was Elllmcre leader sali dont like that kind of work we limit goal wllh Half and ruprcscm my Last dealing In hockey TH executive wont Insl long muu came negotiating like that lese tell Hap din Im verybrry but more was nbvhlmz mug do am hmrumrkvxi that as long as hes In hockey he will never deal Wflh the BHLmaorcs again Just or mummy make 012 cxccutivc seem mm mm Emma present ed Guebh WM Mammal pup In IWISZ when he sold right vdnler Ron Stewm to hhem he Dc surc y0u have gnmpyu hemiirev 110 érndV than cov argue You wm want 51900 medical payfians 3nd my need 3100K000g00000 0100000 6min Injury and property damage lnsurahcc Polleyholdqrs rcpnrlcd 35 claims to Cowperflora Insur ance Asmclnuym as nmyl Hurricane Hazelflcyall had adequate mvernacr aml wu xych able to pay theh clBLliuJmeQY and in lull We Didnl Huve To Say Sony Youre No covered II SUTHERLHND Phoné 3912 Stroyd COUPEMTMS INSIINNNEE FEDERATION reprcscnung by wry wqid trulml unlpmln Ilm mulwlll wu ennvlclld oi unlru dvlvlnl Ila pp Inlnl mx Mum upon evldmrn nr mrrhmlrll mm ulnm at lurMhul burl 1m eouvnhun ul ulde 11in nonalle Inhan lul urn do develup alrhcll um lllma may IQIUY and Illlul pwennr Wlul ulcllu Hus an In um new Nun ll ya at the en IND ll mly hive been In nuambly and undIMnn mu gun wtnden In numrrnun th conlmlucldwh um caune not IIIIJn fluIIIJI III nch In uu In whlm car It Illa nu II curve 597 urn luvnlved In pulled nuldml In nlllla lul If Hsz If 17 win In Ippluul and ralldlllnu Thll IN 1910 wllh Ilelrmllvn huh wlll dellfllVl Ilullnl mnhlnlm ll wlh In om lulu lllhl nul nml humde wllh Inmullnl elm mun Tillllr poll Ircvlnmml Ioltly eh ol IIIIn Iluvllu ulml Illhh Am uhluIL WIIII Ihllllll nl wtl ylnmtnll Illll llllln luv mn muenl Ind um wow ma In mg may drluu la null null Ilulv which nu nlr Ir llmnulvu nu olhen llullnel mum mmlnl my rum Manuh Imlu In 1mm Imml Mum mum rhm max Mnh nun all In uh humpu cu MSTS in No lllxhwny nnr lealluld en went nul conlrol nhlxldnl lnla FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY READ THIS llepvlnlul mm Tutonlo Telunm Nunlnlver IBM and the steam is repth or Ray Ens mounted lo egnml Omani Oonscquently the hum aim on or ndmlndcr Drmflya nnnhlnx la definite ya but he has commuted two other clubs and MAIemmweflnmoflzm Nat umuvyl wont make jail unless ermsfi oucr gum he said Meanwhile the Flym lace rugged weekendschndule mu might Ianomnto Against Mediums Saturday they taco JETch In SL Gagannex lhey Mvcrifi iwme next yEek 1114 We hqre Wedngs dainnd 5L Miqu at 11 heal lce pa Satlgntm TVhe Maka 1051 the services forward Mike Ellk tor one month when he suxtered punctured kidney Tucsday in In wartime vviclory MainW Marl TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All wm your car start on cold mornings Wé sullfljt you have yam Bafléry Slnrtcr andDlstribulor checked to prevent hard starting We scrvicé ENGLISH CARS and carry Exlda bathrles or all cars trucks and tractors Repairs or who of Batteries moons um mmrc 33 Hayfield Sh 15 Discounlvlln Truclori Repairs 57llisycoum 0nNew and Used 0ch this YEAH END SPECIALrnam now until Dec ember 18 Now 13 the Limo to have your cqulppmcn put In top order and at special discount or 15 Come to our shop at Stcélo St at No II Highway BOBBY MllTflBS LTD WILL IT ST ART Hill EB YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER Tractors and lmplemenls in Stock BARRIE GIVING AT CHRISTMAs FINE CUSTOM HE wuo NEVER 6M5 TAKES UITLEOUTOF LIFE Phone 2464 Phone 3095

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