Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Dec 1954, p. 13

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ATCM ennuiSecretary at ihe Wam Missionary Socieiy olflle Umrcn 01 Canada and Chitin addressed the nnérnnnn auxiliary ol CoulerSlrut United cuummmdny neg3 With lht aid 42 excelicm kodachmrne slidg aha old in tire recent as vvld Defsrcripfign of Eaten QflWérld Council of Churches Given By WMSGQéraISépretary ioiLoca Sdciety ware MEdemoiarlIe flare 01 France Mra Geoffrey Fisher wile the Archbishop of Canterburyr Miss Eliubeih Schwnrahaum of Germany In Karel Smart of Sierra LaoneMrica and Dr Kalyieen Bliss of England unique pageant entitled By he Waierr oi Babylon left an unlomamhle impression the hiucriand pralonnd rulierinz ai The qlor at Counrll which conllnucd Dr 17 dnys were delegated to separate seellons These reported to plan ary sessions Speelnl assembly gatherlnz were held or the resentntlnn 01 addresses on sub ents world slgnlnennee MKS Wnrd old he uecllon 01 whlch she was member ln ternntlonal nlfalrs Chrlsllans ln the Struggle for World Commun ltyl World peace was the cen lrnl lssuc and an appeal was drawn up which rccelved the ap proval of the same wth lhe lnflruqtlun that lt be communlcn led tn member and nonvmcmhcr churches and through mm the znvernmcnu DI thclr countrles MIL Wardlndlcaled the content of the appeal and read the lull owlng paragraph The pmhlbl tluu or all wnnpnn mass des tru lloiIlnclndlngnlomlc Ind lay lrdgen bombwwwillupmvlslon lor lnternnllunnl lnspecliun and eon lrol such as wnuld uafeguard the security all nallons oxe lhcr wlth the drnsllercduollun 01 Ill olher armaments Womin demonstrated lheir presence and Ihclr value at Evlnka Amongst the speakers are evening the mem bcrxlsharcd in great public ser viceof worship and witness ar rangéd by he Chicago churches in Snldiun Field nliendcd by 125000 pcapiu After an hour oi congregational singing led by massed chair andorcllcslrannd procnsslpnnl members the council the six president 01 the World Council led ihe huge mul iiiude nrcvercni Huang in wér xhlp with an nudrcss by the Arch hishup 01 Canterbury Then narrator with 200 young people jplncd in presenting vivid im aginntlvu deeply moving synibu lic cnactmenl of the basic experi ences at our religion an immense lycliccilvc altirmatiun oi Inlih The openlng servlce ol the remny on Sunday mornlng Augl 15wa3 held ln the Firm Metho filsl Church when the members the council cntprcd In pro cesslun grouped hccordlng lo cuunlrlcs In alphabetical order wllh the clergy wearlnz ccclcsl utlcal rnbcs The plclurcs gave vlvld 1an at the colorful and unlquely reprcscnlallve congrega llon Bishop Erumlcy Oxnam USA Methodist Episcopal preached the sermon nnd llnlmcl Jofllhlnthc slogan the Ammrl damAsemhly In 1948 We ln land lo my lnxother wllh the theme of flu second assembly Evanslan Christ the Hope lhg Worl Stth or the WnrldCoundl at Churches It Evnmtan 111 which lhe intended one the 1293 Manama and accredited paruct pgnts with an additional lune body at vvisuorx wva nlnlvms um um run hnpmum in klvplng vuluu In rur JIM nu Imwmnn In mum uf mum um Immllu In me um plant 19 um and null llm bllllu II owr wan purllculurly wr unllmml in win that uuulu lur yuu wllh mll rf thoroughly lrxhnl run and nprrlcnml mm la help gel the must mllrs and mnu mvlcn ml Hum The var llwl If coum Ihuuld Mwnyl he ovvr lhc plnlqul he buurry Whlrll ruulmls Inc bl Illllc Her Ill mlllh prove uncful yvu klmw lluclullcry nrrdl and you run Ind unydll tunI wnhr umk mmc the lmsl your nmmrnlur lrculng unH mud llmw uuLJIW erch lur Um Jul In and all ilru two ilvlnn UK car run most maple look nflcr rcliulaunly lwplc sllll sLvm lu run on an utcnslonnlly um lol ulqlrls llll mvvut caught on mm mmcllmu pnu um 1000 nlllua and xlw all Is sllll Illcklm umund um do mrnn sllcklnfir In hnl wrunlrr Ilu good Idcu In have he uvmmlur output udlmhd brlaru sluulnu ml lunu ulna Ovcnlmnxlnx hnrmlul lo thc ballrry In wmur llw cum hand you Illould rcclmgm Ibo balhry mummy Inunflc un undmchnmd balmy may and crack the linmlg lhlnus lllm hfI lhlnk mu mum my ovur lucked mum lhun mylhlnu mm mum Two tone urtrn lmcllcnlly mw Hm lixccllrnl buy 1951 um V2 EXPRESS The music commlllcu has dc slgncd progmm which ranges from group HEMhanded song gradually leadlnz up the finale of sacred anthems nmmmuouwung washqld aflcr monxacllcc on Monday Nov WhIch omccs were filled by neclammlm The may omecrnyvlll take over their duch 1min mccunk the Glee Club will be held on Dec 13 which will concludc the mccunau No one euuid escape the con viction that iiw ecumenicaimnvb ment and the World Council of Churches presented to Christian everywhere new oppnrtunitie or growth and enrichment and increasing rewonsihilities involv ing greater understanding one another and mare couperatiun In the work the churches in inrger and smaller areas For lhe pint two year the Glee Club has put on way In the arm muslml oomcdfcsw Is your however under the capable dlrcc Inn of Warren Mncunn they have rcsumcd their old style or wrlcly concert Her audience caulhi Ihe spit and Inspiration or he Evansion Asgembh and became so uninicd with some 010w outstnnd nu ii um in ihe Council through their pictures The iin was long but cw namos warn of inierm Dr John Mo USA honorary presidcni now in his pom year Dr Livinerrlfiooti Gonor lai Secrciar or line Council Holi nnd Dr ngnwo Japan Bishop Dibeliur Eu Germany Dr Chmrs Maliin Christian ioymln and statesman LeblnunzMra Niie Ceylon Bnhnp Berg grav Norway Dr Hromodko Ozcnhuslovnkia President Eisen hower MV Dagahu Gold Coast Africa Bishop John Peter Hungary and Amhhixhop Alhen acorns 01 We Greek Orthodox Church Central GleeClub Pracfising For 55 Variety CQncerT Ccntml Uniled Church Glee Club 13 again hard at work prac tising hr Lhc ninth annual concert In In early smlng of 562 or War exper em the assembly that was of has lullnzhnd inesUmable value was the hearing seeing meeting knowlnz cooperaung and wor lhlppinl logelhcr with leulan leader at many cannula and P9391 he Wale Bubyldn unlomamhle impression the hmcrxand pralonaed xuflerlng mlluum of rdugees In mnnycoun mumom Europe to Korea from Hung mm to the fioly Lapd Mr and Mrs Peacock will receive lhclr lrlcnds and nclghbufl ln Hm Orange Hallon Monday evening Dec 313 itbe lng he oncelion their 25m wed ding nnlvcrsnry dancc wlll be held ln zhclr honor anddvcryonc wlll be welcome bcforcrfliu Ohdsunas smsoniand will take the arm 01 nChrLstas Mr Ind W316an deh at Bane announce 11hr engage ment or their daughter Elizabeth Mum 8mm Kerr some Mr and Mrs fixer ofBJrfln The marriage will take place on Fflday Dec 31 1054 at sevcp oclock In the evening In Burton Avenue Unnéd Church Barrlc Gllbcm Phplography oau pimuzlml mumm mom nu 11 93 CHAM PlONI Thu CHAMPION nn cnllrely dllYer 9nt kind of VHF pmonnn llml provides new lulle ln telovision enjoymenll On Wary VHF clmnncl from lo 15 you get Handy brilliant rpccptlon you novrr drcmed ponible hclhu yuu live In locnl or hinge mum he CHAMPION In lobny 2buy or my mum will Idd to your viewing plenum Allalumlnum construction llghlwelglll dunblenon conclivt provides beller pictures on chafinels 213 than any other lelevlsion unlennal For the clcnmt blight plclum your can deliver have your dunch lmlnll Channel Mullers CHAMPION nw lnllnnl ho up at yvlll le bar nl how mudu an an only lull pkhm your lunnml ln cliuiiul THORNTON Good Sol Only Hall the Story 1v msminnons rundfiifiIIInsu BARRIE PHONE 2363 JBHN KELLY ecember meellnzx Ew qmcns 311m urnday gvenlflmir with In guod mark nnce Inclnigh lh rollan was unlwererl by end oneungmnzheilnvnrite chum mus cam and llnzflzpll films change Chrmmas gllu Art Chnng pruldg wq wel OPP POST OFFICE svonyswsm FOB ommu $1192 1qu crcpé p12 and hcpls slics gou wldm ixMonocclsyroifibril CLARKE BROWN SUEDE ModI No ma wwny cmuth mi andod In ngqndug And Itlnto Mods 333115 Tim CHAMPION noon dull opvmnl nl 1M CIanml Mu An In hbmllull In Io Onlrllar Imlqul Hind 11ml dlpolo ylltm In wlkh Hrs Low HIM dim provIn 11ng all an dun II Hannah and flu lumlom th dipolu an Ibo Nth DIM cm Month ll Tho 2Day Anny Ina drl In 71 on um on flu Low um ml II In DH Iln an Huh And Tim CHAMPION uulpnlolml my nilvtlilnnul VIIF anlmm um math Ynhnkal Halon Int 0h av mmdlny pvrlormunn Hm CHAMPION carded uble mu 11an Vami hhoutJnur mfinlha onn map In jMn ind Mu Wxnnhiummen are vhhlnz InToxonlo jh week mutt flatnlfll Gladhrépon Prank4xhet doing well can pggt lnxn Ito hospital in vimcniali enjuyed mtmhm were Addgd BARRIE

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