Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1966, p. 9

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5dorm35 Sum llrlulll Mnnlrul Huston Toronto Warm Dtlrull New ank rdnudlyl Ilmn Outage ll New York Amnlun lrtlllle lilllrm DMIIon wnom cm anhlnu was chanm except the scam gar Em York Argonauts Sam 11 Thu powerful Argos hauled their way In lhlrd tonsncu 1m Canadian xcnlbr Iombnll final by trounclng Shcnrwnlcr flnvy Hnlllax 5M hcfom L100 Innshe Argus largest home mm of lhc season was he 401k vlrlnry In games during In last mm ycflrl for the prolcssinnalIlkn Argon who trounced he Navy by in Rolnu last season and new 4mm lnnipcg 5L Jnmns mm In Vlnnlpcg Nov 19 or thn Cn nalqlnn lllIc Gard Harwell satisfied H031 ans by scoring the nnIy Sas katchewan lauchduwn an 11 lb yard pass mm mm Lanamar Jack Amman completed he scoring mlh mo field goals convert and singlc Winnipegs only luurhduwn Dlmcled by tackle Ed Mb Quarter and dolenslve back Bob Kosld the defenders set up II the Roughrlder palm and opened 10 lead in Ihe hcsbol three Wenern Football Confer ence final The Raughflders malnlalned lupenor Iicld posltlon lhmushA out Lha first quarter and emerged wllh an 110 lead An lnlmepllan by Kosld lale In the hall led to three addillonal polma and the defence repulsed every WInnipeg threat but one allgr that Chicano Toronm Ncw York lloslon mum Monkenl llrrlhry Qurlwc uminulrhl llllllmoro Irovldonco lthulrr Imhurl llullnlo ICludml lnvllaml Vklnvla Calilwnll sumf néun an You Manhunt Taxunto Detroit filtunhy Iltlnllo QMer llenlwy Iinllhnuru Pillburgh llumln Cprlnlflrhl achrmr fiuellnd lnnd nuiu pmnznnm mum Thu lg M1 slowAmavInK Nnvy team wan no match or um Ar gonuuls who 1rd 134 mldway Eh Imluy hulvr TIIIIlyI llnnlrl lmlnhv nl Hallimnu llhbuuh nl Quebtc REGINA CWCoach Each Keys of Saskatchewan Rough riders strengthenm his defence Sunday and the detcnders showed their gratitude In 1+7 triumph over Winnipeg Blua Embers DEFENSIVE IIALFBACK Bob Kodd 24 of Saskatchew an Wm quickly pounc as on Blue Bomber pass re Keys elected In use line backer Wally Dempsey rather lhan speedy back Ed Buchanan because an hard Md placed anaemphjsis do 111 TI CANADIAN PRESS Other Argos Crush Navy Roughriders Defences Check Blue Bombers utni Wfllrln HOCKEY RECORD Mu 39 In 5t lfnuwlnu llmium Mm Klldwmr Mnnirrnl Ielvllmmum Niagara hlln anunin Nlarznm Full 091mm Nlnnm Fall Illndnn Tmnlo ll LIllmlnu OMB lly llounlun Omnlm Mmuvhl Tulm haul lmfilnn Runaw up Town animal Landau BL Inlhnrlnu lmllhln IMfrlnrvuvh Ln Anioch Smon Vancouver Sun Dicuo San D1010 l7 Silurdnyl null Aorta Yumm Snn chgo Portland La Angtlu Scalllc Nundyl nuulll Scallhs lnrflnnd Tnndny mm lm Ann at Vnnrouvrr Conlul lmlmul unlurdyl Ilnum Omaha Tuba union Mum II mill Ithamn Clly Knndnyl null SI Mull unmlm Oklllmllln IIy4 Tulu mman my through the first quarto and 20 at tho hnlL East Yor scared Ihe first Hmu Ihcy had lhu balL Shear wnlcr dams penclmllon Into Tornnlo lcrrllory came In lhu second quarter an Dob Mc Durnny canird All lmcrcnplcd pm back to tho East York ngd llnc Last Yorks Kcn Andrew shared lha starring role th Hum mnklnu our lnlcrcm lens In Toronto plckud all men mm by Navy quarter back nob Carmlcr nnd Mllu Cannons Thu Ens Yurk nllcncu 19d by halfback Gerry Burrows rolled up 464 yard only 137 or Shearwnler Enst York had 2m lgc lint downs Vinnpcg cane BmSWEMHL snld bMom he gamn he lured ha Saskatchewan praised the delanders In lhe usxd made great p13 he said hinting Ihe oflicials might have ruled sirmmane nus catch and awarded the touchdown Coépcr had the hall loo bu Knsld vrnsLled it away before they reached the ground If that lnterceptlon when he wrestled the ball rum Cooper ln the end zone prob ably was ha hlggcst play the gamol lllldwny lhraugh tho sea and quarter Ploen uttemptml two long passes In row Ken Nlnlson dropped the first after bcallng Ted Dushlnskl on the Saskatchewan five and Kosld stepped ln rent of Cooper to lnlggcept an the ncxt 91qu Before and alter the touch down McQuadus led rugged defence against Winnipeg run ning Rodd spearheaded thu pass dolence with the only two ingempgmnglol Ihe game came in lhe lauth quarter when Hilly Cooper slipped be hind Kosid to complete 57 yard tauchdnwn an pass from Kgnny Plocm wim Baily Game 23 after he 1mm snared aim has 1mm Winnipeg qumtmbad Kmonfiomunemmo jam nllllo nl Ilufiunn Junior LT 55 II In The outbrcak can brew ing most the afternoon as tempers rose despilc lfldegrce lemperalurcs The oflicials as sessed penalties 14 against Saskatchewan nearbrnw brake on In the final minute and referee Paul Dojack banishcd Saskatchewan guard Bencclck slugging as playcrs milled In rum lhn Winnipeg hqncnn Just beinm the hull Pinen aimed deep or Nielson and and Kusid returned from his own territory in the Winnipeg 45 Lancaster hi2 Warden the 28 and Abondschnn kicked 32 yard field goal with four soc onds remaining they had reached the ground it would have been lunch damn Knsid ell ha had caught the ball first It was short and went under iL think Cooper would ngrnc wilh me Abendschnns first field goal travelled 33 yards He earned hi single on bout rum lhe men turf of Reginas Mm Field as the Wadem Mball Omlamnm npcncd the best of final seflm 11 con Radio Mutual Broadcasflng Systun 756 stations for 00 000 fee FlvorlleClty S1 Records lumen any won 28 105 mm with 11 knock outs Williams won 55 lost five with 51 knockouu nno draw has bwn stopped Ihrco Hmcs Prnbnhla llve galeswomo PursesClay 50 per cent pile and ancillary Williams 20 per cont gala and 14 per cent of ancillary mnnlndcr In As trudorno and promoters SileAstrodame with 69M soiling capacity ulna1030 pm EST PrmnMerTcxas Boxing En terprises Inc of Houston and Mnfln non Inc of New York mating ancillary rlglgtsu clmlnt about 125 locations In lha Unilnd sum and at least in Can ada also on Early Bird mel Iua Lo Europe and on delayed tape 42 nation HOUSTON AP Fad on he Cassi Clnyolevelw Wil ilam light tonight fllle It InksWorld heavy weight boxing chumplonshlp mutants15 round or lest Pflndpals Champlon Cas sius Clay of Louisville Ky and challenger Glutland William ol Houston lustnflavhu in Len urbovorlun FIGHT FACTS lllams strapping mus cular specimen Mm oncn mlcd as the hardest hitter In ha henvywtlghl division ihapcs HOUSTON 4A Im not making any prcdlctlon but he first one to gel In guod punch is going to be the winner says Cleveland Williams wnnl to be the first one llia xingvscurred veteran cl Inday awaited the starting bell of lungaaught title shot with heavyweight champion Cassius Clay lhe 51 invorile in ma Asirodome ionlgllt Fight time 1030 pm EST lnr the li dcr play so well HES PERFECT He mixed 111 Mm PBHeruy and it km us will of balance There was nokhing we couhi do to stop him Mo was LhchdA ing the ball right lhmugh our lineman He called almost perfect 2mm said 5310 Its close peflocflon as wun ice havmt seen anything like it since Hernia Faloncy in that game in 13m ove the coach of Hamil ton TigerCats Ralph Sazla had kind wards for him war the ngh mum defeated Ti cam 01 Sunday In the first gm of the twofiame tom point Easinrn Fomball Confu ence HnnL Jackson born In Hammnn and student McMasler Unlversh has had slightly tarnished Image In his home town sluco he went to work at quarterback far mluwa Rough Rider nine years ago he won honor In his nwn try wen no failed calves the dust at the mum 01 he prodigal HAMILNN CF Russ Jackmn shvwed up in his home town Sunday Deqfln mm Lhe We says Clay Williams Meet Tonight HEITY ZQPOINT LEAD Yéilisnn may not he Russ 1015an Stars As Iiths Whipped Clay dovm nr pcr cent um ale rucclpl and so per cent cvcrymlnu else could grass close to $750000 Wil Unnn mm 20 per cent of the gum and 11 per can lhn other rlzhls will gel biflfll mydny ever mxnnlhlnx bv lwcnn 5200009 and 3250009 The challunxcr has rr knockout In cnmpfllng mM wanlost draw monl Clay 20 Including 11 knnrkuuts Closed clrcull lelcvislon In lhc Unlled sum and Canada nullonnl radio by NBS Early Bird nalollna lelcvlslon lo Lon don nnd ttIchslon lures movies and other ancilnry rlghls may bring in annlhcr mpom In the prnmnllnn Ottawa came out running and Bob OEiliovich got his hands on Zugers first pass nllmpt The inierwpflonjed Racinas crowd 35000 or mum expected to pay nmund $500000 at prices 01 1mm 35 lo 550 In no lhn Dlg Cal get his Hrs chance at bnxlngs mos prized crown Ernin Tend the World Box Sng AssadaUnns heavyweight champion says he has agree mans to meet he winner wlghin Sofia Im gunna gel the Big Cat Just In go the Bnar Sonny Liston and the Hare Floyd Pullersnn salt the undc 21yearold champion from Lonlsville Ky But gull admit William is my most dangemus opponenL can hit hard cant take chances with him like could wilh Karl Mil denbcrger Henry Cooper or Drlnn London and hose guy who couldnt hll much WILL MEET WINNER up the most dangerous five challengers Clay has run into lhlsyear Ottawa plckcd up first dawn to lfnmmona six and outrushud the TigerCats l67 yank at Jackson completed 21 0629 passes or am yards while Ron Stawan passed once or 511 ynrds Hamilton quaflerhacks Joe lager who was inluwd but re4 turned to Milan Inter and Cosentluo completed elglyg of fig gages by 10 yards bum iétmmd Mkiannd mu wddcked mum mum got Inuchdowm from Bo SEW Hm Dillald and Tell Watkins Moe Racine EFC scoring champm picked up field goals three single and hm converts JoeVZuzcr kicixbd single In the lounh quarkar or Hamil tons only point OUTRUSII flCAlS thu but nobody will any Ms qumerback without hm In his own myth Thu 294101 dolklt going Into he second game In Montreal next Sunday has prompted 5m to admit things an lo tougher lhan before lha mm 268 secondgame come back In 1961 that gave mm the championshlp by ma odge Gel cnah now or oilcrduo bllln unexpected expenses nny good ransom Nlngnm counsellor will talk over the amount nnd repayment thdule and tailor it to Ill your budget We bullovo money And helpful plnnnlng go together llanri from $50 to 32500 NMUMM NANCE COMPANY LIMIIED WA NIAGARA KNOWS HOW 1mm 11 Collier 5th IJont Freeze mweveleaseu Sunuee Heating Oil lopqulmy dnwhurnlnl In ail Plus Mllomluc denvulu haul bum uMco Elly aund plymont plln nu comglulemal hullnl Iarv 1m sunoco Huunz Oil Call ady ATI mm mum allmom tunbwNlndd Hut SW9 Guam Queens took cammand on the opening phny at lhs game Salim dhy in Kingston when Bob 61 mle recovered an amide kick for tho Gael may mmhcd 58 yard to the Toronto onc yard line In eight plays below halfback Doug Cowan ploughed heron for the lrst tnudldown From that point on the Gael were in command Quce qu erbxk Bnryne threw two touchdown passes and scored on oneyum plunge himself In the mend quarter He completed am or 19 passes 205 yank The Gaels combined broad ol lenslve pmwr and me dis play of gambling to galn hdr socund victory war the Blues lhls season 11E BARN EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 14 me KINGSme OP Queens University Golden Gad over pmwrcd University 01 Tornnm Blues Saturday 5M to Mn the Ontarioouebec Alhleuc Associ ation chnmplonshlp And the Yale Cup yuan The game mued to 11m fllled clonwllh Bobby Kum and Bob Stelnef or Hamilton and Bob Brown and Doug Spoon Ottawgbelng gum Ildd goal at 1301 or the only 25 or the lrgqpaner Golden Gaels Trip Varsity Company Mnry 50 Burl Phonn 728246 mm amulth hull VDclensrive him Gannay SARIEHNT Jacksons ml at the man Sunday leave even the come back happy Hamilton squad with nn almost Whig us topexform Toronto won the Hm gum the final 257 In 1961 but the deficit was 11 point less than It thls season Hamilton came back to Ho Um serlisflmn back lo Ho the sexXe 2127 In mgulahnn llme and scored four unmnvencd ourhdowns In overtime to win thq title 5521 Jacksun 1957 McMnsm Unkverslly 00¢ ball team that won he can dian Intercollegiate champlm planshlp jolned he Riders In 938 as their Lop college drnfl hamstring muscle dur and In as dotin Saundaua wand game 54 pm EH ln mo 67 Stadium at Mmtmal ZUGER KNOCKED OUT Zuger who was knocked Effigy emcctgd play Middle linebacker Ken Leh mann sulfemi an Injured ankle in me third period and went in the showers He is expecM to play Sunday mzce Hedgy ol Hamllton finned 10 man Onmlalautlonl you Guaranteed water tlgtrt Guaranteed lop quality glass Guaranteed quick Installatlon Guaranteed good price Guaranteed wrrect trim replacement anlmfluddoovmchmhm Ilw vhmJn ml ndrmll Wo hm lnIhap Ind Mahlh Smlcl la Elflll Ind Ihl lur roundlnn am Speedy Auto Glass JUST ASK YOUR INSURANCE CO can replace it in Harris Mvnzm If Mill

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