Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1966, p. 6

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Fur lho on mn mll mrn gin In um nlnk Illm lulrl 6mm pant lulu 171 my of lhe nmmt mu and mm dolhrl II Ilnlrny lailnrrd win lushlnn mun any Um rimml has by Mm vmrlli In rm gun whflhm T11 Kthhrmelll hlntrr mllm 0m lo mu lmk Hy Widowed Twice By War In Viet Nam NTnlyr munth ngo Mn lellrrl Hm husband Amy Llcm Vllllnm flrnch wfu mm In VIzl Nam 111w um lho punnu ma willan MEMDVILLE Pa MP Widowad mm by the Vic Nam wan her lnmlly ulhcrlcss or mom umc Mm Bernard mm lay ln Ihock Friday In lyhospllnl Mn Klsllcr npstd Intn what doclnu dumbed hock an brim loId her husband Mycarold nrmy llwtcnnnl wax klllnl May In Vic Conu nunck came to Mu lsiltr Thurglqy Hnnn hour in had glvm MR the toflpoq Hm dlikl Ion Slmllnr lullvlcuglh gowns ol Chrislnm mi vulva were worn by all lhe allondanu mcy wore headdnnel ol white mum wilh Hluslan voll and tnrrlnd bouqucu whllo car nallonxl cma Albert of name ul endcd uroomsmam 11m Allending lhe bdde were Mm Louise Invshin ol Oobnum ma lmn honor Mm Donna Hal bm the brldbarwm skier and Mrs Dorothy Campbell both ol limit bridesmaids The flow llldmwasflus Shirley Gotham amass petalkd headdress held ha brlde sbwlchLnmh wall of ollk Illuflvn nnd sho carded bouquet of red roses BRIDAL PARTY Given martian by her In ther he hrldu those Mn min and lace with lull1mm coat peau de wla extending to cathedral min The bride the daughter of Mn and Mls Mn Shep pard of Sanford St The bride moms parrnls Mr and Mrs Villrcd Juhnsmn are also of Barrie DDING GOWN Dr Charles Peakcr RICO presided at the organ and ylay ed Perfect Low and The Voice that Breatth oer Eden Canon Damn Tomma mislad by Rev French bl Barrie officiated against back ground swing of ted carnation and while candelabra Mlu Mnflyn Jean Sh rd and llnrold Thomas Wi am Johnston of Barrie exchanged vow at candlcllghc ceremony In St Pauls Anglican Chumh Blow 5L Tornnta ExChange chs In Toronto At Candlelight Ceremony TIMELESS TIME Autumn lludm rudely Min In Iian mm but lhla ligor mh rm mm mm mm It II drum Inn with dun 11M mnlmv rmmy wnLrh aw ml Ml mu urlmln iwv cir mmmg 1mm vulwl Ill mausurn wllh rvmfldnllnl 10 IQ Wu fwl nlufiy mun bout iii They In Hm opmlion would nlm he ullmml uhrm mlmu hemlllary lint1m pounds or Men lhc prrunnncy lhu gull of mm or XmrsL Tm uroup wu orunnlml nftrr Mm lrrron nppcarrd on Htr lumrlnrs npprnvu nhor llons when he phyncnl or mcnml hnnllh lhu mmher Is endnnncml hy the proxnanry or hm Hitre Is mun probnhillly of the thlld bring mnrdcd or nmllurmrd Tha proabortion xmuy lhe only one In Canada hope 10 nullanxdde support or mlitlun to Prime Mlnlslcr Pur 50m Shu estimate lhm are 100 000 to 300000 nburflons In Cun ndn mach ynnr and arm doctor lald mo 100000 was an old mahll gum Mrs Sylvla Penran 50 Gcrv manborn founder and pros dent lb Asmclnlian far Mod trnlzalion at Canadian Abonlnn laws said in an interview Flt day Ihnl slalisllcs me hard to gel bcrnusn hnspllnls wont co anemic OTTAWA CF lrlmlllvu lllcgal Ibonluns klll 500 to 1000 Cnnadlnn women every year says the housewifepresident group Vlhldl want la legalize lhn operation THE BARRIE EXMLINER MONDAY NOVUIBER Guest were rccdvcd at the Town and Counuy RestauranL The brides mother received wearing Enidtoned drcs com plemznicd wiIh brown and gold feather ha and mink stole Her corsago was Swmheart mes Seek To Abolish Illegal Methods brides brother Gm Sheppard and Bryan Campbell brotherh law of the bridegroom ol Barrie wen ushm RECEPTION iIhe bride ml mower Is Popular Wedding Season agree Mm ha Planned Pnrmlhwl Assaclnllun um ulnalo ulrl ll now la In mm she should ha gamma My blrjh mnuol inlonmllnn Thu In of ndrug Inlumnn nml number of two Lora Par mn lmnmo concuan wllh lht pmblcm of unwnnlnd prexnnn In when wnrkml In plmr mnry ml ytnr no Quile low Catholic hava told ma that lhauxh they dont awmvu uborllun they mm In one church should Impala VIEW on ma rm of mu pop ulnllon does no advocan nbor Inns nr 1thth Mm urn uII wed but otherwise to him henjlhy rhlld 5th any doctor he hu talked 1o urn ucnerafly ln lam Mhcr xlnnd Thou disgmrco with her do no or rellzlous unions Ihe nnyl though chlah Unltzd Church and Unitarian womcn group have Indlcnlvd lupporl MIL Pcrmn say Hwy Ml conlnct JusL about everyone we tee should dlncuu this nclPHI lhncountry Il lhnfi enough unpufl mutton will be pruentcd to the prirfm minister Abom oul unmanl thumb and service smug have been lmflcd to Monday night ling to discuss pin Ac Ladiq tglk yhow pm week llon Guest morde he weddin rmn Orlllla Osbourn olrawn Smiths Falls mute Mumcal and Rosina and Dover USA On return from the wedding r1 tn Boston Cape Cod and po in New Yurk State the couple will make their home at 32Bellevue 0195 Barrie Dunlap 51 dim hem Inca munn ac mud with gold hat and cor Maw mesa fir 137th Ihebrlde dun nLd blue bowie 5111 mm blqck anomalies Oulllly Clunlng lrnm iam mu gummy IIII pu or nnmlnl gALL vifim cumnva lefll In Mmllnu Ww FOLD rmlsuan Ilyl wlfl in ln THIUHE NANCE MVMIM mmhn Ill 19 pupmmluu NI ml mnmml Ihh NM In 1790 5hr mm Llhml paxly mlmn In llurr provlnm mmunlcr equal Hlflcully In nrlllng llmn Irlvn In Mn he my In Ehm um wéixiu mlr MONTREAL CMMu Gan rm Mun mmidom um lcdcrallnn of mecc Liberal Wormn Inld Friday Qucbm letrnl woman wan to be ruled an equal wllh lhtlr minimum Hull Hull your Mn nrlmm old pm conlmnco rho WM Inn only woman nn nn willer do In lha Llhnnl lul muon hul ycnr lhr mrn nllounl Um wnmrnl group In lmrenlo rrprmulnllnn In hmr Wlwn In anR like he autumn of flu Quebec Lib rrnl Fnlernllon nhu mid mm and uvxnon vmrk Inxmwr Ind wamrn should be Juslly yum President Wants Political Equality MR AND mus Glenn Swan shown Mowing their wed dan In Paull Anglican munch Nowmnrkcl Thu bride 10mm Diana Gibbons Dupqvlu bnl MR AND MRS Lawrence Schofleld exchangcd vmvn in any Anglican Church Barrie with Archdeacon AA Read Mlicialing 111a bride 13 the Ionner Gnu Benton daughter Mr and Mrs 7160159 flUSSMNS LEAVE MONTREAL CII Rus Ilnn delegallun nbuul 70 dlxnllnrlcs and rcpunm In Canada or he IxmuxurnlIun Moscow IIIonlrcnI cnmmcrclnl nlr fllzhls all or boma Smur LIny Hm wnck men In Tor onto Olluwn nnd IIIonIrenI The lrrlvnd In Montreal Nov card the Iinl Atronal IU Ill lurboprop mm MuscawI IIw Inn SovIcI nIrIInm nra lo Irrlro In MonIrrnI ovary Frldny nnzI Imva Ior IIIosrow Mrry SalnnIly TIlY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 71310 daunhlrr Mr and Mrs James Glbbona Neumurku The bridegroom lho son of Mr Ind Mn Albffl Swan Elmvala Plum by Patrick Hrldn Snlnnb grooms parents Mr and Mrs Sdlofleld are resident of Human In newsz will make thelr home in Grand Valley on Photo by Les Cowper Studio ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT chlon Thnrnlon The bride HullvullnuuyL195mevnwln mam Mule whollnolpaylnnmllovmmitmillhmmn Mla Inlm damam lwm In all IndM own In which MI lnjuml In In mldvnl mud hr lhI dmvumumglmm1hmwilllu nothmiu In much luwnyinl pumpu who will con tuhmInvightlomlmdammu 1lmlmuumlndumy ndleulhllnlmnnlenulnmobllo mm Imumu poluin now In qflxl mluduwuu Imanth nu mk Hawm IH mnlnl vrhrUu nanm m1narllmlulymommlc nanvi mud In chock lMiv who Io mall lint umml mum mm II Imlum I1 lh any dwbl you Ihvuldwnh III ynuuululmbrll insuunulunl IMPORTANT NOTICE TO MOTORISTS cu lmh Nnhfl Mlnhm UKSM 10 5E UIIMN VAILSAW API 11 5mm UnIun will If Poland 10mm Ian bump grlln mm and Poland plum In mam consumer land ex pork mmln In map man and mnnnmlc conptm Inn brlmtn lho lwo Commu um nelahhon anlh um mndo ubllc In Inllsh parlia mmt mm NIL ll rhlld born on lhls dly will bo undeed Wllh lolly lmhlllcns and shruwd mlnd but 111 hue to curb londcmlu lownd balm lhnlpxmktn with lamlly lrlrnd and assoclnlm gener ally Whore personal mantra Ire concerned dont look or my excflln dewlupmcnu In entl menial nflain or the balance of low but 1961 will otter pra pillous period or new romance and or marriage In Jnnunry May And Auguxt Domestlc ton cms Ihnuld Nn amwhly lar mom of the year but be awful maid frlcuan In close drclca during May and 01 June Ex cop for mm hips lravcl data not Mom In be much pm nn your alcndn duximz the com his year but yw do wan ta ta ham mecy he most ousplcimn period wfll m4 cur bolwcvn July Ind Sqiem ber of nm year ll Ramonrum lsl awrlblnhday your mum meal ductlve year but great $31 will depend upon your ampera llvn wiLh uperlors partners abflwsmlam yvu extend an emullmt Windme um will las Tom our Io llve weds Next gond cycles or monetary concern he lllst hue Wk of lnnuary the first 10 day ol Fdxuary early July wildAugust next Snxem bet Ind Ocloben Dont offset gains however by ludulging ln extravnxancc or risking uscu lhraunh IpeculMInn espe cially during Mamll lh rem two weeks ol Aprll II mldeay or next November Des period or Job advancement The Web bele and Dec 20 also during me lama hall of JanuaEy throughout May August September And the first two weeks In October Generou planeury Influences continue to smile upon all your affairs in Job and iinan rial matters new ventures aunched nvw give high prom in of success and aim per mnal lines dnmastlc social and sentimental inicresLs prove unusually pleasant THE BIRHIDM VOW Foimder Initiates Crusade For Coopeiation mm When she Ialka about peace as the only ensemble way life she doesnt lhumpmhlcs or lack eyeballs She Is nrllcu late and perhaps lmle sad that nut everyone accept the logic her grzumenu caoxgsmm We rims beat um prejudice game it Is possible These facing seem to be suth needA luss harden In Illa richness ol 1H9 ESIRFTLIJM FQR NMORROW lrs Tucker ls lull lashlun able almost clean in her dress She Is charmlnx wllh cheerful laugh and somewhat skllllsh sgllomfl slylel She is aware oi all ihree In actions and is unaimken in Jun canviclion that it is ensibia and wnrlilwhiia lo be alriver ior peace and to organize women loigeip imj no longer connected with than nrznnlzauan becansa ah eels 11 approach on 5mm new group bfiibhniiflng 013 positive nspem lnlernuunnnl urnan hymen TORONTO Cplllelen ch era leavluesV have amused suspicion nthacted rldlcula and drgyn Ipralse Mrs Tucker best known as one of the launder and um president of he Volta ngcnr THE STARS SAY Wlwn loan In 01 mlullxlo nlunwnr In your momy pmlrlnnu um yuur NFC Mnmuot ulnllnt In lnnklnu 1mm MrL Tucker was born In Texas and aucndcd theUnIvcr ally at Michigan An exchange pralcssnr mm the Philippines encouraged hm Interest In In lernnllanal group When she graduated sh went to Rance an exchnnga student to keep up the personal and annulu Honal contact and ma momen tum ICY and up talent pool and clearan house of lormatlon Mu Tucker says there ollen wast In women groups because here Are nut mush channels for exchanging sk knowicdge 9nd needs We must complete clrcull of knowledge and acllnn We are nut usan wamcn power In Ihlnk Ind expru them 391m IIII 10 mm DI Ill INM IIUI nan II In an MFG lunn you rnn nu nll your bllln and mr munoy nlnllxnllun my hell 1lrlllku luv ur mm nn unmwlnl muu Hnuuhnhlmlhmluom win pm am IrwkuyNMmnm May wulwlpyuu mmumm uln II mm Her new Vomunl Interna llonal Cuopernllon Conunluea 01 Canada using the CY mono peace and progress through cwopcrallon Eifflllfiflfll1 KNOWLEDGE But Ihe pen or 21 new group came indlrecfly mm the Vow In 1960 while she was president the group develwped the Idea that there should be an lnlerna wageraugn yppr mu was presented to tho 1m Pandit Nehru who pmposed It in the United Nations Th UN desig nated 1m Inlernauonll Cow eruuun Year Mn Tucker was chalrmln of the lnlernalInnll womens commlllce that organ lzed on my pryJocu Mrs Tucker any sha be lleves wnmen are many the worlds wasted resuurces and that by active Involvement they can increase chance or peace She says she L9 no longer with Ihe VnW because it now cnnccn Iralcs on singlemindcdly on protest to governments She considers It was Iaunded bath to protest and In take part in poiillva Ingemauonnl activities Either ynu sea somelhhlg common humanity In other peoA pie or yuu dont The UN has lo 50 an thy basis WQMEN WASTED pac to see the beauty and he glory 01 ha wurld around you matter choice There Is choice willyou can see what there Is build on or you can sea what War as way Aelfllnl lcrences null productive There lle poxlllve and negallve energies relaxation and len Hun But you must arrive at Ihe am where you know when lens on is harmlul The mob m5 510 L1 new productive II in no scientifically sound hat you progress by mnflicl There is creative tension oi course bulynu only gel lab done when people want to an ii ihcn ilwy put their back into The law of co opermon mean survival No unit ever upcrnlcd alone Get money for any good purpose from HFC Household Finance uni 28 Dunlop Slm WulTolnphonl 726655 mm llmu All abaul min Imuu HOUSEHOLD FINANCI Joslly my husband sym ynlheflc and interested and le In to support me but he no active in Ihe same klnd at work We are Ideally matcth lo provu point We have great rc spec for one anolhnrs skills but fed appreciation not com pemlon Shu and her Scolllshborn husband Vllllnrn Tucker came la quada in 1939 custom uiillliiia dislgner may have son and dauxhlcr ani lwu grandchildren Mrs Tucker my much of me many that finances her errls came from her husband and rum her own wark as special mum In speech communlca Inns at the Univcrslly 0K Tor onto ITS FOR THE BIRDS Juhnmu Fudorl Sufl Blotkl Sunflower Sud Wudfru Mlxed Blrd Sud BEZZANTS NURSERY FLORIST THE mi Protect your husbands health by making new shovclling breeze Easy on mg and floors YOU CAN STILL BEAT Drlvewlys etc Wunnly In ertlnl Call 7244151 today Youll be lad ynu did lnllnt In mnklnu 1mm in INVIHIHNL Wllll LADIES PAVING By TSUBONE EAVING co Sun by buylnl Seed 1n hulk 7159111

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