Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1966, p. 5

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Once culled XItrry Hill LOL lho lodge hrltl ll 1de mow Inn in In bulkflnm no um weaving roam by Adam Dunn pioneer of lhl urea 011w and lodge norm WM imme bulkllng ln the village hid In luwoinw Mrdw dist mm This buihlinu Inter Immne ihnwromn for the Mm Ilmhm cnrmxu 1n Um Mom and buggy ONFH IIIZNIHVILLIE fine In Mhoul ln nwmhm mu made Inn and was rrrd n1 nlml mm John Henry was an early lrndmr nml nmrnlm nunurmyw wag calla Henry villn nl lhe llmr mm Mr Illn ry Mm mm mm nml 1m Iho pcmc Thn muml Mhmfl mm 1m lmxhllvw mm In On r1 nlnn nl IXlfl In mo um lulu rmnovrd ha vil Inco wide Mr llrnry 1hr mly mkhrn ImIlllkd 11mm llnn Hug Tlmmlull nunlmm fnr yrnrl ohm Ilrnuy wlm Im mm mmlm Mm 5qu la lrr mm Tnmk llnllwny nnrm Hwnxulury Ilhmrll nm LIIIHN Auan MAN nl Idle Hm nwdinfl Ell AMI MM Pronunent In service work Mr Taylor has served various offices with the Amman Lions Club and cuncnuy is dcputy Ilislrlct govurnor of Um dis Irm A9 of rrgiun thh In fies all of Simu Counly and nd Valley There are me slum in the district Allislans nomination mneling has been called or Monday November 21 and ll an election nncmury lt will be held the ollmvlng Monday For he first ti the voting will be or oyonr mu result can wnril union TIIOMNN Staff 0m the oldm Orange lndzc in this pm of Slmcoe Counly mom mn LOL No 10 dale back lo the ymr 1351 TM prom brivk sludura on Highway 27 hm bulk in um and mmnlrd lll mo um he 1th lodge hcrmo he orggnlzallon HI rmflrsl vslmn flu MKVI ml Hm rlnrdl wrvo rnnflmd MI Hm lnnhfil Iltk ha mmnunllyl Hm Dnnn Hm hm win In mm 14 Amlrvw flumqmm nn IK Iuhl4 rmmh HIM mm nu mlva lly village by mm Wham Ilrml mm ml um um lvmh rmm mm In no gn m1 mm lHanm In mu Fur mm yam In Mir huh WMm an IM mler mm he when uuvlrr 1m qmmanp ma Eu Aarmllmal lmraly umm ralliwf WM Mu I4 WW Hill yawn Whilo Victoria Sircct highway connecting link project probably meide the mosi attention Sim iris Um um travelled as part ol Highway 89 as well as Allis tons main street here has ham considerabie nlhcr work Cur rtniiy the extension church Sued has been rcceiving ah union with the mnstrudion having made big improve memr INI 07 FMHI member ol mundl for 11 years lhe local jeweler is mu member with exporlmca all dcpmflnmfl 11w alive Toronto came Ln Amman in 1930 Mm Stall first memer of Allision coma definitely annohnce himscll in the field for reelection 00m dflar John Taylor is completing busy year as chaimmn of board of Work during which there has been much mm £m Thornton Orange Lodge Dates Back To Year 1851 Running Again At Alliston mmumecmmm £112 925 National LETS GET STARTED AT PC MEETING Enuiinllun rman In hamlva by Cnunolllm Tum vau mmqu by mm mm ma IYmv ml lnun Im vmy Ivy Cmmdllw Dmv In 1335 said llcnry Morris pm sldod as president with NOHLI surcmn and Viillam McClain treasurer Min 13 the air Mn back to Cookmmx Thummn nton Umo had mu mill mwmxll nnd planing Indory 11m Hicks brother um blacksmllhs wagon And canWu makers Mayor John Darling heads he mud which also includes Reeve Gwrge McCague the county warden Deputy Reeve Ralph llunlcr and Connemara John Hugksnn Oak Gray Stan Bowman James Dickey Pram cu Mormw and Jntk Taylur Whimldc clerk ha ha bet aminlcd chlcl clcc ion officer when lho NorflKrn Hallway was built to Allamlalo In 1851 mail was dcllvcrcd mm more wflmlmlwimnumbyu mm ml hmback In 1007 Hm Munimm and lemarm mil uny line um built hmlgll lonkmmm and mum to Hamo TWO LOCAL HAN Ill one llmo Thornton had two Imnda lho 11mrnlon 1mm Imml ml nu lllckn band The bum baml wanna he an mflmvn lnl lnnd wllh Mm lnnmx ns lmdcr 11m Unlon Ilank 0mm branch in Thorultm 1n 11m fllv My lrlqvlumo In llw villugl Hle me will Tullllmvm Ilm lhm um 11m lvyThmnlm wan llllll In um IIIKMHIHH Win nul lunll lnvm mum lwmlnl lry Mam anph mm um Im IIIIUIIIIIKHI lur 190 11m rmxlull wnu rlrclwl 1= Drcrmhrr or Alwyn mu nu Iluullnnl rmlmfl ymlml mmh unullmulnllnn lur lmlnlmn In mu in um um mummmy numlupamm mu HNML halnunn nl dunI Maul Inny ll pallmlul Th 11 My mve was Inwn zhnlnnnn flnm Mull Tmmrllhr Ken Tufllnl WM dvnlnmn MN In addition to council here will be nominations tnr school lmsmes and public utfliflcs mm missim Nmn llrun Elma Mm Im II lur lump urrlu hAI rmvmfil and Dummy Her le mk luau zhrn Iluullvlll nutI mlrurntuunn Mva mlnly mlmil Bradford Council Stays Unchanged executive Male in for crucial nmthrg at he Guinean Aur Hb£l in Ottawa Smday JDIIN TAYLOR II1 Dwindllng ntlcndancc dun shit In population and bet or transportation which has re 5qu ln tome going onr chumhu was given us the rea son on luspcndlng hclscrviccl Spoclnl strvxccs such as Ibo annual llarvusl Thanksgiving have been largely nllcndcd and hem nrc llklly lo be canllnuul mo rand lvward larger chllrthA rs whlch has closed up same rural churrhcs has not hem without rem lml lncvllnblc duo lo vnslly improved 5y cm of mad and transportation IOlllZIliN AN MMHNhTIIH Slam Mr HI 81110 In Lmlvrmr or Wm nlnmer mnrnl Imllhlm mt In the mu hem Wal nwhy Nnvrnllrr DAMN and mnan lmdgn mun lflrl HI IIIKKMVL TH XMIIIOVH ALI NWTVA Ismm Al II SUNNIDALE CORNERS 5mm Services at lhe ycarold Church of ha Messiah one the oldest In Sunnidnlc Taw hipuhave been suspended TW IDSMUIB DISPLAY lllLIbDALE Shall dis play nl lhcir lesmulr hip tory nl lho mu ml be made Hillsdalc Womans Insumtu ml mmlny November 15 tnshlmrd mlm um mnan will be dimmed FLOWER DISPLAY VAUHAUSIHLNE sum Horn drmnnmnuxm will be gl WII In meznrlumc mlwnl lnsflmlo Al Hm hull how 10 any Gum Wahwahy Nn vomiwr The lunrh unnum lnchulu Mn ram Mrl Vigor 1er Nu Mlhm Tlunnlm mun rnhlnu NM pay mu mw llnvrmnnrnu anmm mnmulmy hull havva mul IIMHI Irma ur rnuznl fur Sullmlnn annhrr mm how ML plumb Inz Mlmlu IN In lndallnl T0 10M NOON XILIJNUWWI ISIAH OlHlnlell nnwmn III rlmnl or II ymr ml 17mm In Uun lonpmnl Nd quillvfi nlml May ll mmn for Mum my lur Hm we srnL Teutauve Anglican chumh whlch is local cd not far mm Bribe School now the Inmpornry Sunnidnlu munlcipal olficc lo xcopcn next Easier fur lhe mum season These plans are subject re viow nl lhe annual vcsuy mm inK which will be held In Jan nary BEETON Stall Appear ing as he queen of hearts Donna Dorsey won an award or me most original custume in cpntes at Beelon Results announced also show ed Karen Rutherford dresscd as Little Lu In of the comic strip was chosen first or 1h has comic cnslume Mrs lenn Rullcdge won prlze Olive Oyl Mrs Madge Hill as doctor and Miss Kath McCague as an elderly maul James Hill won prize for Ms coglume us he bollq he hall Some appeared in costume and judging was task because of the many outstanding outfits Judges warn Mrs William Cw burn Mrs Joseph Ballard and Mn Sealy Io the wmtcr DISTRICT BRIEFS Close Church During Winter Beeton Costume Winners Chosen deal with the comedian agenda Nah ML Camp 3le changed Wire Mrs 51wan Dunnclly Mrs Ford Gouldcn and Inn Johnson wore Judgu Mm the latter act lng spokesman Mr Murdock Ccnlrzd teacher was chairman nnd musical numbers by the Triplo Trlo nnd Conm Choir lcflrthlul ho audience New officer he Homo and School Mrs Cldl Slum prosidml and Mn Keith 0mm mmnry mm in charge of tho moclinx Mrs an Hislop lrcaurcr proncnlcd all the weak vulll silver rcmcm Irm€w on bchzlll of tho assoc lmu CanngulJJUum lo MIL Dom nn men and man lurks Mm unrn marrlul ln um Unlt mum rurhru HM hMI Mrln dny nrnlnn Mrflmul Mn Mclvln Wil lmz mm mnlpldlly lulun by mummy lthlay nVcnan Mum ILIHm And lrlelull Ilmmml In wmrMnnnu of an rlerlrlu Mann lurk wnl nwlo In mink er nmvlm hum llu comm1 lo vlllngc JUN AUXILIARY Elimlnalions of In Public Speaking contest at Cemml School were held at the Home and School meeting Nov Gail Mason Gr sludcm speaking on llawall vms he winner In second place speak lng on The Honorable Earl Rowe was Sumnne Brownlng Third was Lynn Cooper who chose Glass hcr subjed other sponkers were Daryl The TiumlC Al Ioney Ellen Roush nd Brad Collins Blatkmor Holt Smnklng Piaw ban fliwn will rcmcsmt Central at ovmshlp climlnm Hons Nov 15 at Smmd MLu Cum Cnmouu wns ml at FAImInUnl Harm Church myn 3L1y Mgcqmn 1317 lfllvl Ma mm II ymvu mM Satur day allume with In nurm dmwul III News ha mung mu lunth or mum on Rnlurdly Mu Mm Mmlv dummrmnl In mm fluera numb Mrs nhlmlvy IIQHIVI llm IM llm MIII My AltTI and Min 10mm lnlrlwml Proleot Planning Associates Limited the firm engaged by he Council of Innidil to put together an overall plan which will eventually lead to wning and other land we rlstricdons had its representative Mr Flood tell than nnd the Planning Board about the purpose at the plan and how they had prams sod The purpose L1 to direct the location and type of devel opment according in modem standards and to ensure that any lndustrlal devdopmcni that 9min In manner thatrl Mr William Noble Toronto has been aptmung few day wllh her daughhr Mrs Wmm Iersnlnx Mr and Mn CM Sam MUM Ihoomnhr In the vll Inge the lhlnlm mm at qunlninncqhqm rmmly arm The inanon is to pm serve and mainum the anal linlly nmal character and con serve n5 natural landscape as dcvclapmenl aka mace wilhln Manday December has been chosen for elccilun day weigh the necessary bylaw pas For residential pnrposed Cree more tax rate was up nnly iwu mills mm 14 76 and er commercial properties it was raised from 8180 in 16 an increase of mills LESS THAN AVERAGE The increase was consnderably less than average or Simcoe County municipalities some whch were up high as ll CREEMORB Siafi CrEE more finance will ba reyiawed dqring the coming dedion cum paign here with raiepaycrs meeting following the receiving of nominations on Friday No umber 25 JA Lemmon clerk will accept nominations between 730 and 330 and than candidates will be given the pariunivly in jpeakz Reeve Gordon Wuhan and membura of his council Harvey Petum Nelson Cazby Bruce INNISIIL NOTES CreemoIe Village Finances Reviewed 11m nmly lmjmrd lunjnr lulr ny MRS ll HUNTER Planning Discussed For The Township AT AND ADULT VENT CHURCHILL NOW PLAYING nyR du helm the pomatcd My Point swim North at this green pmtlon Ms the homes ml now rut at he cstnlcs nlang the slime 1m lg lnlwlul or nnothcr park am That wcst nlonll the north shore where the am nmr Nlcndal and Mtncls Point an localcd whith will wk lion soulh auggcstzd tn be ldcml resldantlnl am with dmln ngo that could be cnslly mlrplml lor mm and available to wntcr supply lhls mlght bu one at the rcsillcnllal nrcns whlch rm plannul along wlth lArny Boll Ewart Slmud Churchlll Paull Thornlon nml llolly Those lcsldrnllal districts wlll cvmlunlly be homcsltu or uvfl L000 MVIMHIM th thu mle mkxl for Mt mulntlm The Han hopes t0 encourage sound tourist development by provision of parks some with 00m to the iakcshore beach e5 marinas and facilities to ensure the desirability at the municipality on vacation am The inicntion is to maintain high love and immunity inter est in appearance character and particuiurly in the arm of cottage developnicat which has notwiiifl lo gagging dame To appreciate ihe plan one wmld need in the MM panying map with its calmed mas each with ll lndimllnn of the proposals suggcslcd The thxough road leads from math in north about when 15 sidc road now Is and ls lendafl hr all outlet In the lakeside disriot This mad circle 500 acre block of land which is shawn in Agricultural land as nl now but mizh make an ideal lite far provincial park it mlle clm to he shore north of the 1m cumin and cir mumrugcd Thu plan In bum on consuwlnuon cl dnvrlonurnm and pmvlslom mo Hmllrd or mm ribbon the mm as result ol the shore ma and the continued urbanizatinn of the area between Mara and Barrie Also taken into account is the spreading of unban dcvclmmnt particularly as regards stunlmr cottage can vmion to yearround homes and its effect on such flde mm with their required ser vices increasing dmnands on public funds The plan wlll be lramwwork within the private and public agencies concerned with devel npmcn and will reduce he alc mgnc uncertalnly flllHlON HHVKLOIM souNn pavuomzm Melville and Mexander McAlllu ler reduced the budget far local MICHAELPAHKS 7cm KAY REEVE WATSON MTV AT I1 IM KNAIUHNER mum JFHN ronsvms men At their regular mating the School Board dlsomsod with tho ardaituct the Iovcml changes medal ln the lnterlm finish at dassmoms Most of lhesu dld not cnlflil any ndditloml costs ncw ndditima an stlll ln tho plannan sings and Icndm may be delayed until lam tn the year So that more bids may be obtaincd hum noy Iumox came law or he board meeting In dt lay was caused by having to hncksaw an old hnrrw through which hoilcr had wrlml her lmd and wm unable to out The old hackan and Roys in experienco in mwina bur de lmzl him at lmst lwo hmml lie finally rchmod ha animal Tnum Don neatly ha bun mnlnulul Io become mem ber he Ontario lan Aa mclmlon And will be Mam on lha pmvirclnl board whm he um beam wmnl nmrfly Th dlnvflvo mm nl flvo nsmdnunns an arm ul whim be 0mm 111mm Ammfilim Mr May has 1mm Slmcne Coumy council look over assessment costs from the first of the year and welfare from May and Ille 1an or county purpose was Mgher But this helped the coundl tn make he budget cut locally CIflflENNML PROJECT The new library location on the ground floor across the street from its second floor premise was renovated as Cr mores centenmalyrqjept new area schnol has just been erected and it was designed in manner that it can be added to when required me say it la autumn whool Considerabh street Improve ments were made which Includ ed the slranhleniug and exten sigq of parollnp Sheet Much Interest was taken In mama or funds In Install new floor at the Creernore conr enlre and it hnped developman Indnsirial develop ment is limited on certain Inc ions and restriction area by law is suggcslei No new com memiax dwelopmmi would be pvmifled close any existing mumm omega EXISTING BUILDINGS Nothing in tha plan shall al rat the continuance of uses which were legally established on the date of the plan being udoptad but Ihu Council in co operation with the nwnrrs shall attempt to reduce lhc number of nnnconlormlng uses wherever possiblci lne portion set up ruml districh with the excep tion at shade area where lhn centre swamp Is now located is to remulr arming lands Tha shaded area on the map is in be mnservnllon area but may contain market gardens which will meet with such conditions Zanlng may take up lo year or mon and in the meantime lhn planner suggest that cer tain bylaws on land use may be passed and approved In areas that should be ken regl denlla Following Iha tahling the report considerable discussion was heard and qunsunns asked The need ol public meeting was expressed and the desire onlhopandciuwmtnbe me pm of planned dis tric mum EW CLASSROOMS pmpose from 520414 to $15784 Which wax he main factor In hnlghz dwin the tax IncureaAse thh wfll be done next year FEATURE AT 00 AN 100 ID NOW SHOWlNG BIG HIISI Mnfl Inl THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TIA1 THE BAILME EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 14 1M Sunday vkiwm with Mu Haw ml Crawford wcro Mn Mac kcblh Toronto Mrs Aslr man and Mn Hall Orillla Mr and Mrs Galbraith Carilon Galbraith Nb Knlh ken Galbraith Mrs Chamb ers Mu Oaklvy Ind Tu Onkicy all nl Cohlwalcr Mrs Gellnas Mul children Snrnln are nlm with Mrs Crmflnnl vhth Mr Ge hunllnz wilh ricuiar consultant on school il bxvariu or the Department of Education Jack Nemchin com mended the odml boards in Base Borden for utilizing tha $9 per pupil grant or the mhase of library books ELMVALE Stafl An aux wary class and kindergarun has been proposed here or can slderauon mar Rn15mm Whitfield In report from the school board 20 the Elmvah Horns and Schnol dub said Wu possibility Janice 01m and Peter Whit field win xepresznt Dimvale area in an oratoricnl contest My this 90th 0m ngr all who have hnd ntw member nddod to their amnion menuy daugh lm or Mr and Mn Hay1 George Mr and Mm Manny Ross and son or Mr and Mn Sluurt Woodmw and Mr Mn fim Cyawlar ma Om Hum Club are no meeting of the Home and School club nut month but member an urged to attend the Christmas concert to ho presented by Elmvale pugils cgmgnunlty hall er assus ant superintendent at the Ontario Hospital PenetangnishLne dis cussed mental health berm the dub mi month Mn Mac Kenzie presided and Dr Win dram thanked the speaker The masqumde party at um lull Saluniay ca Wu ml nucndcd Many cams in the usual Hallowecn costume Prlz es went to Mn and Mn IL Pib rle Mr Ind Mm dg hur1 lord Mm Rum Unclwesfllnd otherL lock hour conclud edfllhe gaging Reccn visitor with Mr and Mrs Albert Fem were Mr and Mrs Charles nxcker Clil ford and Mr and Mn Alfred Illncks 6921mm 0m United Church will hold their Nwem bcr meeting at the home of Mn George Howe Wednesday the mm at pm Rev Whilst King will be lho weaker Mrs George Elelswefl aooom derdale Flnrida Mm shamu is spending he month there and wijl my homguby aXr Walter King condudnd the service at Orv United Church Sunday morning There was no service at 0n Presbyterian due to anniversary service at On Central Mm it Daln la visillnz hu lwo skaray ll Sarnln Unglwegk ganmd Mr and Mrs Norman dswcll on trip to Fmrlnm Elmvale Ponders Kindergarten Borden Gets School Grant For Buying Library Books Msz 120an Staff 0n By MES CRAWFORD nunI Imam wrirlm Inlmlltm mm mm rumm m1 cm mm ml in puma by mum Ilvtunl o1 om IonM mmum II Dummy 1m Ma uni nu ynn WainL1 mum In Pr WWW nu mm In MM mv mum umr wagngmn in ORllliA Ontario Housing Corporation Dovniopmnnl Proponlr In invlifli ior ii Flmily uni Iknlor Hillel linli Onmio Homlng In the Town of Orillll Ont 0R0 STATION ONIARIO HOUSING CORPORMION DISTRICT NEWS tastes as gum Hi gum Hum shnultl recent visitor here Mr Ncmchin spoke at meeting of the International Reading Asso ciation It Barker public school RCA base About 30 teachers and parents from Base Borden and Innis Towmhip nttcnded The president Nancy Norton welcomed the group and Mrs Jnoquofine Mcladrlnn teacher libranan of Barker school tn lroducnd Mr Ncmchin According to Mr szchin school library for 20mm school should have at least 6000 volumes in ii cenlml ll hrary This should cover floor area ol approximately 2000 square loci and be divided inm three schlons he suggested One secLion would he read lng area another conference area and the last should have at least dmen plums where pupils cauld study in privacy from tape recorder lilnstrip or movie projector Mr Nemchin also referred to teaching techniques designed stimulate interest in reading Hcrbm Shannan gave bus report on the Montessori method of education at the equcst of school inspcoun Mack Mrs Dun McEachmn and Mrs Muriel Calwill served lrcshmenls wales as mud as gnudfluplshuuld laxiesasguudas gund Hum shuuld 3in

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