Walls Publisher Banles seventh United Appeal cam paign is$10000 short of target and will surely fail far the first time unless more citizens open their hearts and their pmestï¬ngs between now and next Sat urday The drive is being extended until Nov 19 Many volunteer workers are carrying on for another week in des penile effort to bridge the gap United Appeal simply means the one fund appeal for ELEVEN agencies of ser vice weltare and mercy Let us repeat the names of the ll National Institute for Blind Ited Cross March of Dimes Associationfor Retarded Children Vic torian Order of Nurses St John Ambul ance Mental Health Aswdation Boy Scouts district administration only Multiple Sclerosis Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Societys When giving to Banla United Appeal we are giving funds so that these agen cies may carry on their work in 1967 The campaign cabinet feels that many eople do not realize they are support ng 11 agenciesnot just one two dollar bill wont go far spread among eleven It is hoped that many people will reappraise and give more also that many who have been missed and not giv SHOULD AWAIT RESULT Sault Daily Star The Ontario government has appointed royal commission which is now investi gating labor law in this province Part of this investigation will include study oi the use of injunctions in labor disptues this the issue that revolves around the 26 Poterbomugh men convicted of con tempt of cough AL Organi labor should await the re sult of this investigation It is quite like ly the findings and accompanying recom mendations will achieve what modifica tions of the law the unions are presently seeking And it will be far better for everyone concerned the workers the communit the courts if changes can be brought out by calm reasoned appmis al rather than defiant and dangerous ac tions in the streets United Appeal Success Is Duty To Citizens Of Barrie COLOR TV ESCALATlON Nlagara Falls Revlew The Electronic Industries Association at Canada says the nations present less than50000 color TV sets wlll swell to 05000 the end or the ycnrmlum to 200000 the end at Contcn car 07 and cllmb to mllllon by 1070 At thlt rate color TV sets mlght even out esoalnte the numlm at US troops bo lng poured into South Vlet Nam12000 less than two years ago 100000 at the beglnnlng ot thls year 000000 by he and of next gear and who knows how many by 107 UNDERSTANDING NATURE Ottawa Journal The pofularlty of Canadas national ark test fled to the enjoyment Canad nm flnd tn natural snrroundlngst Hun dmds oI quttors from all over Canada and from other countries as well ottmv tho blrda to the uni uo sanctuari at Point PoloqNaltoval Par qury sprng Arthur Lalng the mlnlmr Nationnl Resourcm In lemming nnturolntch prcuvc centre at lhc park recently rt man1m on tho enjoyment ml and re eent Canadian generations have la on from nature But he wnrnod lhnl mum genornllonx ma no ind the bonuly nml nxcllcmunl he lnml no accessiblm Ho poinlcd In lake Eric which mnny al ready refer to as an open newer vnzLNa VMwuj thï¬uanmm 17 fly 0N OHEMIN TUHONTU lmnlrr HI dIIInl rmrrn hum lhn mrnl lulrmlyrnvlnrlnl Annm turn rnlllrly ullhnul luv Mr Ilnhmu dlulnl mm mm hay nnnmll mm III Irrihm slnm lhu un mmn nul In Impuuu my mml llnnnl hurt at llu wrtml mm lmnralu the med un nnl In mm hml Inmlml at My Mum QUEENS PARK mail lnmnm Ilurlnpmml Han mm dululon In lnnulurnlv ml or onlmngu In Milan Molinu vmuluuml om Thu II wu mind by M1 II In And Ilu mum mmlm MM he lrmn n1 Kh Hnlvlllu TMI inlhalluijurllul mu um now on 311 martin iiixmninpr Seeks Guidelines On Constitution Enblishad by Canadian Newspaper leltad 16 Bayflaldjsmat Barrle Oncan OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MuPharlon Mapnglng Editor MONDAY NOVEMBER 14 1966 PAGE Illlullnn um mm In mrr dun lulu lhm hn Inrrn gm xlul llIk Iml 1mm lu dorm wwa In pnlhlcm mumlbl Ihm nullrun III drclxle inl Mml mm mm mama ln ml ulml lhr hnwl wlmlplrl lwhlntl annuM II lhu ulm Nu Cnnlrnnm HI hr11m VII awvruuh Inkm mul lrnm Am mm nrnunl on mm an be nMï¬nL lth IA ulnnr um NIH bl mned tar mme Inh IhlnkA hu nhtml lhl polmul Mun In rmmlry mu IIImung ml lhc upuu will mm um In Im Ulrlnlimm um pnmlple Hwy mm Mr lha nm Ina cut our polluu mm II en anything will decide to make suit able contribution For many peo Ie the rising cost of living may have ampened chmtahle 1m pulses Others will always resent being splicited on their doorsteps While the United Appeal was anon sible creation to bring onier out of the confusion and waéte of individual char ities iundmising drives its ominous and rather sterile title may aiso evoke less of an immediate emotional response than appeals to help specific groups of the ill or destitute Finally there is growing belief that these good causes should not be charge only on the charitany minded but upon the whole community through taxes But the fact remains that governments as yet do not provide anywhere near enough funds to take sufï¬cient care of large numbers of our suffering citizens It is this great need that the United Ap peal seeks to meet at least in part For this reason its current drive should have high priorit among all the appeals to our pocketboo sr Between this morn ing and next Saturday there is still time to respond barely 100 yards from Ike centre and said press of careless visitors to Point Pclec could result it being trampled into the lake The centre at this park lsto be the first of chain of facilities in national parks across the land to interpret their natural attraction Nature not only will be seen but it will be ex laincd lo vis itors for their greater on oymenl it is also to be hoped that an increased under standing oI the natural beauty and won der of the Canadian landscape will insure its preseryation and enlist all Cnnadinn in the forms fighting pbllurlbiifland destruction of natural msourccs SEEKING COMMON GROUND London Free Press While there is abundant evidence of disruptive Influence in todays world oms pulling people togoLhcr am suffi dgpfly rare to merit smeltAl avgtcntlg It was unusual enough for Rev Jaggs an Anglican minister to address gatherm of Roman Catholic young peo ï¬le But was even more unusual for lm to be able to tell them of project bclng conducted by young people from an Anglican and Roman Catholic church In Vlndsor For many years spodal stress was placed partlcularly ln teaching tho oung on dlfferenccs between rclglous odlcs lt ts good to ace the regions aggqmcnt explqred 1th does not mean that differences have dlsappcarcd But major change that youn people should be rcpchlng out to exp ore the viewpoint of What would thls do for the world ll 11 could be extended more generally DIZZY DERRINGDO Hamilton Spectator Toronto man has been convicted of common assault alter bcin found guilty of kissing womans 1ch public He was placed on probnuon for two years Were happy to report howcvor that he mamm didnt glvn him Ion loctum to He was human unougl to to mnmbcr that in the door load days of chivnrly when knlghls were hold an well ns bravo many swnin olfrml to kiss Inmsols not only ahod glvo him ll aocnml mauve Wilson General Manager 1an HM lntlhhlunl liwnolw lully4 they wuhl vmpau mlnl mum Hun mmlnnh emb le ml 51 cuunlrynhle Im Im nmrr Mun wruth umln mmhl he Inlunnl nu ludn Mlhln Canada VIIMIHI Imlll Imllll lilo In In Illwuun mild he um Mm mullle nu rlmmnll IMHM tll Ihrlr mm by lnr lygh pun llwnlllflfl Mu hmml nmmlhmlnï¬ nwnl Im the vrrmllhlllly vrmlmrï¬ Am hum lhng Iva uh xhnll IM1 mu Mvzel and nutu happtned In we ll Ifmxlln mnlnhln Inmmr ml ML lelt Imam Um Inm mnhw ml mu rml hu Innurmr IM rdnlmncu led Ipldnl lulu lur Hurler Thu will he lrmplnllon In lrl rlhlwo nmhanlrs mrh xmzurmmm ram Dear ls ry siiamclul and ridicu lous lhai subject on radio program is allowed to be car ried on when it becomes has nle aver name mrnllaning such in dissenters emailenallsis und crackpols und other ihlngsjd judged of in callers in exprcs their own persuasion liming this right in broadminded demallc country und aggrn vallng the public to dismay and Niger of ball the callers and lislonm consider some broad eulmable guru which huuld throw some sensible light on subject of fluoridallnn whether acceptable or not Firstly let the amount of water be one hundred per cent fluorldulcd and tha general wallage be per cnnl Ihe remainan 10 per can drink able Then consider an ago mun of 60 pmons from one to 60313 old of ten per tcnt ho water drank became two pcr cent he Whole water fluarldalcd Tho effect on dilldnn subordin Iltd by the guide Una 01 car lugqr ha Iulh The prolculonnln slnla that It beneï¬t only children am In year aid which is oneHm n1 lhnl Eupulaunn would question nny encfll Theretqre 0110 mm the abut 13000 rum payer In Ihe Enrrle area Mm pay than so cam on their tax or ha nddlllnnal lrcalcd wu lnr amounu In All lhoumnd and llve hundred dallnu lo Iupply lwu prr ml of drinkable wnlrr lo 20 per can he populallon Mch II my hlgh prlce In ply by all ma papulullvn or per um 01 the vnlcr lur tangflu 9th populallvp Mr whimhar med lo do lame very deep Ind wltmn gunk Mm Imp an lhn lrylnz pan lmo he Ire Conlldflinl ma laclar call mm buncllu and tho prlcv you wnnl he clly lo pay for mu Wu anmmmm THOUGHTS ON llMllllH Dtnr Slr 0511 11am Exummrr Mud Ilka uprm kw lhouxhln Ilmul Harrie lhmuuh mgr vnlpnhlol plgprr Regarding the unlrnnlnl ark muld be pmlhlo In Ivn mma klan of mcmnrlnl In mem cry 01 flu Mr Vrm Him Maw SAYS mmBubear wane mm Asnaxr 5110657 was WENNd Know HKE MINISKIRT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ammand mud elm ml PM Mum Daparhnml mm and or plymmt mm In rmh Daily Sun ml ï¬llihllnry llolulnyl Mini Rulme rum duly hy mu relay mm wav sum mplm 10a lly mIl mm mm yrnrly mark an yum mm mm 0m ym Muii ml All Hula ynr mp Illle Chunk MIMI umw yum URLL and mm rnr mum Unnmny Aw Tum mo mm Mmtml 50 1mm 1qu vimniv Mnan ll Calmlmn Dally Neluwww lnldldm Amclallnu hn athan Irm ml AIIM mm Al Clrmlalinnu iiyummy In IE ivytr 1M lmwlm IIN rhquNy mum In lhe so or npubhyaflgr Ile WsVI It it own mul Mm III loci neu mMdel lhmn C051 vs BENEFIT An Inlmmd Cllhrn HOW TO LIVE WITH MINIBUDGET who was one of Barriea ï¬ne citizens This 13me Win dear to his heart and helluva Mr Hamny was among lhu first In gel this work under way small lower garden or pmque Aamcwhcre might be snip gardlng lha CNB engine could lhl engine be decorated wllh flowu boxes and rnvpluni ed annually have picture line one in lVlnanOK and ii is show piece be not form group oi railroad peopla who would do his work This engine could be named he CNR Mem orial engine in mnmnry of de parted mllroaderl and hem org Inany of in nrea Vashrooms at Centennial park should be kept clcan and soni tary travellzd through CanA non lhls past summer was op pulled to see the ï¬lth of public washrooms The lacllltlcs nl Er ro gas company wore the clean est and best They are to be commended ln England at one place you paid penny to go through revolvan talc than pald xmnll sum or use of the washroom These plncos rcra rpotlossly clean If these methods were carried out right mm the start It mlght cllmln etc the element who leave troll ol ï¬lth and do not can nobul ersnn was one ha leaders of tho robculnn in hawrr Canada In ml Aka many ol he others he mod the linked Slate bun mm Pml dcm Van nurcn had ordcml ahkl nemmlky Nchan under stood lhv American Wakncn fur Munglnq lo 1mm mlrilu nnd devim the Brotherhood ol Humm which bmmu are runnrr In Ku Klux Klan Tho Mun behind lho llunltu mm to her mlllmry Ilmn and llllndll lupan ar hein vulzm cl Cumin The anc Ml were dlvldnl lnm reulom mm which wn Grind Eula 011m nHIc ouln Mum lml momth Inch Ivcnvtr mmlndlnl llvo Inw phuu Tm Human cmuï¬ut on llkn wiklllrn Iml mug 11ml CANADAS STORY mm incliaiï¬ ralln 1n CanIL 111m wm mm 3000 Human In Monlml 11m wn comrnllnn at ClemM Ohln In Wmlhnr mm ulllm Nahum pm tlnhnnl rmnmlun worn meat rr Canada um row umnx Mmkrmln whu wan aha In no Thu plan was ln xlrlvu WM bdwun Up ml 1mm Cnnm by hunch at nuarlu Irmn mull Nlnunvn FnH mad Ogdenhurl NY The MIMI mm IMrnH ml Nlnguvfl Fall nu nnly mlnor IllIn mny mullml but hl Mm bum om min Imrml Ilmr Hm mu lmmlay hal ll l1v HIle Hrs NI vy IMkh lmmlnmfl Von Rrhulu um lmlirml hal CamHAM InMNI I0 IINMNI lrmn Iyunny nl nmnln Man Aumknn volumml hurl Imn MM um um Nu wnml In Inndn nrhulu rnpnhlu milllnr lmhr ml not nvrr nhpn mu ï¬nds mm mm In he rwwml And may l1 ourlrnrlmrg Ila mumd In caywv lam Ilm wlwlmdl n1 Immu ml ucd OIL ll look mm 11mm Gathered Support To Invade Canada mm BOWMAN Following are few things do not likein Bank 3mm glass on our streets Stealing Dogs running at lam spun lng our xpenslvlshruhs Weeds People who dklflm Barrie Why do Lhey my here These ara law my Ivor llc lhlngs Trinity chimes Sa1vauou Army Band on our meek Smiles receive evcn from people do n01 know usually going In church Sunday am must Audreys folks Kcmpenfen Bay and our lnvcly mapIn irees The Centennial project Our beauulul and nanrd Mcmgrial Square Ovals rounds squares and nnnk made hnaumul with flow work ol the IMuflwxe Sorlcly Tlmcs when have bun away couldnt get home fast enough nnj Danie was home 1ka all who keep Danie Beauti uL For lhuc and All Wm Muslims returnrthanhtalhs giver all good gins am from Klnulon In ddent he lmadcrl Nov 1830 Time Mm 11 mm kfllnd In baule 75 Drum and Cam dlnnx unlm Van Sch and thr Hunch wm nkcn Klnznon Ind an an lrlnl Although lhry wm du ended by young lawyer Jnhn Mncdonnld them wm Mnsrdv EM NOV EVENTS ISMLawn nun or Cnmu wllh Iho lnlcnllon ol mlxnln nnhap ollQudXC mSAmcrlrnn under nann dlcl Aran mm to ma Que bec In mmndnL nnmuï¬ov Pm dlm 1n Nnv ngln Opmtr mzmnn Mum publhhtr of lhu Cnlzlry Eye lllllIllllllIlllllllllllllllllfllllfllfllw Mama Prom1 ms with the eloquence aura that Mr Jean Chmien Ub enl MP or St Maurice flecha andï¬rllmmry see relay ¢o rpluglsgerï¬l nanee showed that Quebeceu are payku dearly or the ultra natlonulflstk yapplngs 01 those who ymclnlm hkher and yon bethelr Inter He said um one objec tively analyses the reason that vent Quebec from nttractm Investments despite all In Mada new it lound that an Important lac tm the dhnate of nxmity mated by Qucbeca hulta tlan to choose it constitu Uunal status hï¬dl an calnut twlél ununm mm In French During the two years Investmenu In Ihe manulmurlng mlar In Que bec dropped mm 27 to 226 per cent at the Canudlan In ul whfle In Ontarlo Ix cIimhad mm 491 In 511 In the texLIle Industry where Quebec had had the lead ln vcslmenls In Quebec made flea hop 0000000 between 1961 and 1965 while In GumIa they made kangaroo leap at 353300000 In 190445 OhmIo reamed 00000000 of new Investment In dIDmI cal gradual while Quebec hag $13000 lulu pml of cum Durlng hk very period Quebec made special effort to regain ground svmethlng the speaker did not ail to mention Yet despiu these lnm our province 105A ground in cmnparison with mhcr rc glans and the counuy as whoie which nma very ham 95W Mr Chmlxtn believes as we do in Hue need fur sane pmvlnclnl autonomy and ï¬rm resistance to laden pn amalth bullilge hels anxious that Quebec and leadexf reach palllkal ma lurin and abandon purely sypbollg ï¬ght urwu our Quebec paranoia and fabullsts can continue to ca ress one anather ml to spread the myth of an im mensely rich province which federal monster has been robbing at richer ur the last 100 yen But the plaurn dillnrent lnr Lhasa who look coldly he ï¬gures Again ï¬ll year Quebec recelvcs ln Jemfly allowances 1n unem vlormcnl insurance and In equallznllon payment much more lhan contrlhrrle at one can gather from all ml 13 mm It Ls um um wn settled on the most logical constlwllonal ormuim And 1hcn let us shout loud enough to 6mm cut interlcrlnz noLm ncnaude anolnla Nov And whnl lhe umdlnx umlnm ol power In an um um brllcve acconflug to In warth WI ndxhty pow tr Whllh ha wrnuxhl In Chi Ill be nllrd Mm lmm ha dud lll nl Mm II on Illh Fund In lhe hcumly pll um liphullnl 1919 lluvenly plum occuplcd hr Godly Mm 1115 power ml mimd 151 Iran lhu llrad shall nlm qulchn your mmlnl lvodlrl Quebec le SemiTho my vlncla mInIscr lobar Mr Mnurhte Bdlrmnre is real 154k man and one with good deal of common smsn but that doc not prevcnl him lrorn comlng up wiAh some good one Itrom llme was thus when helm dclepallon of Industrial cum mlssionm from Qurbcc prov lnco ha denoumd why he described cnmpalzn dlsparaxemcm nzniml Que bec nllcgcdly undertaken by cerlnIn elemenu In Onlaï¬q In nellcmnraa opinion the campaign is one that cquld dbcouuï¬u the cram Inha ment nMdui or the develop men he valm And It at this point hat lhn mlnly lcr rlmflrks becvme mm be no one ell me hnt Qucbcc hotbed of revolu ion and mm is on lhe my gmwlnlm nIecllon ol ed ï¬sfï¬r Dellcmnre reï¬ly coma up wllh wmo nod ones bu an the verzu of up BIBLE THOUGHT QUEBEC OPINIONS Aiming from the rest Cam Ida It Is not his cabinet cnlleagues starting with Mr 5W 1W In an during be last tw ï¬scal canleremes me pre mIer very lmpmdendy de clared that the federal gov ermmm did not give Quebec whaï¬ Wanted the result wgfldlba Irparnd WEE mlThe 0n aria Young New Democratic Pal1y sald Saturday that ll wlll attempt lo 313th politlcal club In 0mm hlgh schools comlelce report presumed at the group annual meellng sald the clubs should be dominated by alder people 311 slwuld be free o€ lnllualce mm school principals and teachers More than 35 delegates attended lhc meeting mm Furthermore he day be are Mr Bellman recelveb the Industrlal commlsslnneru anmher of 111 cabinet col leagues Mr JeanNoel Trem blay spoke of OMWI mm capital and more om less bracketed Freudian dlan with more IOng us mhdstm the likes Mr JeanNoe namu blny speak Dunn as orelxn male and claim that French Canadian MP are no longer valid repre scnlauvesf Mr Bellcmm will mt have 1000 bnyond his own cablnm to Ind in same of Inn evil he deplore Nw5 Ont You NDPs To Establish Clubs upon said the zovcmmenl has the responsibe io sea mat no student is denied the right to iinkh high school be cause of ï¬nancial diliimlues asked ior the lowering of the voting age in iedcral and pro vincini eieciions lo 18 years REGINA CWA record 546 000000 bushtls wheat exponad by Canada during the 19651066 export year Simon mummy al the Cant dial Jooperative Wheat Pm He 01d delegum at Iha ur nunl naming the Saskatch ewan Wheat Pool the prmom record was 536700000 bushels cxporlcd In 196154 1119 mard exceeded the aid mmk by 93mm 000 When vw vuuu Mr scum sum mhms by the Sovm Union and 00mm China accounted or most of lhe increase Tha export of Canndiap gains meoomo bushels 20303000 more lhnn no record cslatr lishnd In 196164 Canadian Wheat Sets Export Record BERLIN AimA mycnro armed East German border guard used cover log and darkntss to cllmb over the Com munlst wall lnlo Ihe American sector Was Berlln Saturday norms GUARD Escnpss Welcon you mm In In uulmu In In mum your And to wnmlulnu your vmntg ll your Mommy Mn pm Wumm Wuyn hn1lu yin ml mumu IUWIIII mm but ynl Moor MIL Annl ux In vim um um nun IDWIMM lnmm luv 1235