Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1966, p. 7

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Plan iii Safety Division Turner Tnday ms thu fulfilment of dream said nnvr Jame Ferguson chairman ma RVH buard of rushes when the ncw Darrin and District Mcmorlnl Hospual was complnled ln lm in years after the project which formulated as memnr udal the men who gave lhcir lives during World War 11 undrulnnd Ihun now lrrhnlrnl nunmllm nl yuur luclnlhm whlrh In lrtpnnnlhla ur Iulrly lrrllnm In mm mluhl ulnmhh nn nvlntlon My mlmll lull nlrllnu nmnntnclunrl piluu mum and mnrnunrnl rln b0 Inr nmIly rrrmrnlal In lomm rm lho Ilwuumn Ideal nd vnmnz 1m rmun My Imam mm mm Nonmm 11 mo Dec 18 1950 was historic occaslnn the first sod was urncd for Um new Barrie and Dislrinl MCmnrial Unit of he Ilaan Victoria Hnspiml Thu minlsar speaklnu at muting of the Canadian Mr no Pilot Auwinllon said pmvislon will he mm In lhe next ndlnmcnlury cstlmalu of ha anmrnt for flu mum up he now divisinn Thu dwarlmnnl of rampart nluady rcspnmiblu or ulnlary measures for lately hm hm 51m mu mallnn nnw livNun Indicate that tho lrvlrral government Ix mm mm than urr hrloru ol the naming ncccuny or My measures The nrw may dlvlflon mum dclrrmino lhn cause Accl dcnls dmlop ncw mltly ltdh nlquu and slnmlnnh tolled rrlnvnnt Ilaliuiwl data and conduct rcararrh lo minimize ILlklenls nm mmlmr cnnllnum It hoped lhnl hi rcmnh will he rnnnlknnlml with ma Ixndrrlnkcn by lhn nnllnnnl cnrrh mumfl Inn by nur unl cnnlu 111a nhllncx mu mnnulnt um nl 2m vilnu nm mt Inuvy rcsponslhlllly ulqu yANCOUVEfl CWJohn Turner federal minisler without porlloilo aid Thursday an alt saltly sinn will bn cslnh fished uhm ha dcpnrlmcu at ttflxsmrl Today hu hospital about to inunch mullimiilion dollar expansion which within in few aharl years will provide oi500 palivm in ensiorcy bulidingi These woadcn form are for draft tuhcs at Ontarlo Hydral Barren Chule power slntlun an WOOLWORTHS RVH Expansion er Provide 500 Beds Iluy um um ml mam nmrll Ind mm wr mmman Ml rm Hul vmuhl win In lmk Into llm mm rouM plan at WOOL nurlhm daihcred al the innwcuvercd Ive In 1mm uver my rnlmlnr and know Nov omlwr II not In mail In MML DOWNTOWN ANNE lnrdon Mo Folkll SOME CURVES 0N MHDAWASKA RIVER The fished hospltal wlng con slructed mm two publlc nppculx or Iunds and lurnlsllcd with the ald of Individual and lacal ar ganlznllnns mnlalned lwn Han llama surgical and chil drcna floor malemlly llam gndrn baseman floor cnnlaln mahldmmddmnzm was In 1917 that It was sug gcalcd new hospital muld be fitting mm 10 the men of this sum who paid the eremn sacrifice Wnrld War Thu lame Idea was in um thought 01 Ihv member at tho Rotary Club Barrie They tell 2w umv mat Bumes greml est need was new hnspflal and decided to make this their major yrolcpt lieéalllng hnw men Ilka John Mllchlnsun Rotary Club musl dpnt rewind to 1de defeat In the early 5111405 the fund raising campnlnn or lho new hnspunl ML Ferguson said tho time Thu human ipiril ll uqqyrnrl lite Wm nbnu 150 Maple 1n clmllng hospital dlrcclnrs mum hen the memorlal unit build lng conuniuee towu mom and guests and the RV nur scs chit lhe grwni um fluidly broken try ML Fergw Thu waning the new unit gave Barrie hospital with 115 mm and children beds as wall as nursery accammoda ting no law néyil Vliiorln was name ndunlcd In 1897 In the ycnr lha Madawnska River near Renlrew abwm 50 mile west of Olluwa Tubes will be used white satin thats how gin should be with swmmh new home am celebrated Thatl howWhIIo Salln Still mmlu Sil Hohml Uuumlla ovlnhml 1770 London DIV fommh sllll exactly 15 my and ullnsmnolh laduv as over was Almr all whun went Kaila can ham um lamuu 107 nonnmllon on both Mlle llm oceanWu WUllllHl dmnm nf chanmna II Winn0 have 1mm Ihounh 55 rhanun tlm Whaln fiahn mm In Ihn hen way we know to naluln celebrated gin ann louk mm lmv Wmm inlinl Than how girl would bn Tho Pmmlum Gin further medium step aman was lnkcn In tho move ment and lhc huldlng baz nar was agreed upon lo scrum my £52 begin hp work which had been received $1000 was raised providing tho noccs my amount purchasa storey brick coungc on Duck worlh Street near Aniaxhx vac This was bnught in 1891 fox $1400 IL cc um Slrccl which no to bcmmo the Mrs Ruynl Vldarln Huspllnl only three yuan In that hu building provldcd pm vcd Inadequate Vlclorlan Diamond Jubilcn and was first given to an uanws pita an High Street pmm Incnl memnrinl ho celebra all Vol my Vraynangivcgsnry This nngmal Earth hflspllfll accommodated 13 patienu Slx years later Inrgcr hnspilal was npcned on 1105 Street um um 01 Rnyal Vlnlnrla mn gnuing through until ha present ny Thu hlstnry of the Banla hos pltal dale back the years 1568 and 1885 In was mccllng ladle of Barrio was agreed to begin an mm to secure huspllnl lar lhc tnwn Hair 6mm Hnspllnl was lncarpnmlcd an December 15m KJl year prngrcssed lbs or lginul suclcly naw developed In board appealm to he all hell 10x Iuryis lg purchasflhp to carry water 1mm lurblm to lailrnce No new general ing unit am being Installed Mlcmpllnx artsec Inn ura wauld mm lmpalslhln In arctnsl an apt descriptan what nnluokm will my uhrn they unto at he cnmplrled cr ilnn ha 110an Victoria Hos pilnl in Ilarrlc Tm building was opened In March 1906 Only aw years had cIa ed however More lhu need Incrrascd accommoda Hon was all and ha board de aided upon $10000 cxpamlon In meet thnlr needs Al arms of $12500 lhu Hcial opening of tho new wing toa in Nap ml this hasnliai il wan said Darrin has one of the mus HP Imian hospitals In Canada And the quict healthy locationsln lilo private wards hkifihl lho rolling nhumlnnco ol aun iight on all sides hcnunl drnln ago and vcnilintlon are second In noun in tin Dominion Ad am much slxpcrinr in many 96 poutx io Lho my hnspLJaLi Mild fire Valncccss more can nod and mum nulsy nml shutIn han hospilnl ln mun Little milling that the iinai financiai ouilny was to be three time as great as they imagim ed members of the MK carpor nlion decided at meeting in 1900 In ask at rcpnrt on new hospital for tho town at an approximulo cost of $8000 With the assay oi time however lhi guru mm In 520000 or lha prapcrty and iurnishingl hosKllnll In country lawns us the new 1W1 hosplm was dmmd Ila wmnu day mu ccnmy pgo and will Increase uua plnnll total capacity 150000 kilo watts CP erephalo Will Ha halt porter that xev era mired nfllcm hnva asked Mr Hellyerl office to issue their Prwnnmcllion itnlnmenu mAWA CF Thran fe llred senior nlflcen Almnmy enA darted the governments plan to utu tbuhreu armed forces in slatemanll here Thunduy nilht MEIcGun Arthur Pom Kluuum said unUlmuon Wnuld hm pravented unnecessary lost of We ln luany durln lho Becnnd Waer WarA ask hll lack of mammalian he mm the lhm service had re duced efficiency llld pravtntcd tho cuspatch of badlyneeded re Monument to Italy Alr VlcaMarshnl Sully of Goderlch Ont 1n chum RCA permnnel during tha wu said he find hard Io undustand how any ralln nallydMndul man could up can unfllcauon Intcraervlce alumina and qverlnwlng weru ngullinx mup Capt Pntrlck mum at Cand1 Mango id Momxenl nld Canadian are being mishd by vc mull vocal mlnorlly wil wer pylfllcll mpllve The Lhne Itnlemunu were mlmcngraphcd and distributed In the parliamentary pm gul lary by William Lee cxeculiva mmm In Defence Minister slimu Parliament At Glance THURSDAY Nov 10 1956 The pay thousands of civil lemma wan dclnycd as deadloak cunllmltd In the Commons mm on lnlmim mm Robert COIN PC 01m bcflmd nidmls party will min to end he dcbfll will he umed larva blll ls sen In commute mohulam committee recmmnmicd lhnt Causewa ive Leader chlcnhnktr Le men No mildew nextlweckl annual mmlng Summ Gmcml Pcmt mid Mch and Unforla c131 are discussing the per lib extraditlon or xunnn has Ha Blnh mm Iha US him Mlmxsgtrrlenxvximt xe acted opposlnn luggcsiuns that Ihe nppiy hEI bu mil to civil urvanls could b9 paLd while 1197am mntlnucd Retired Officérs Support Unification THE CANADIAN PRES duel Al practical wwing might uilch hmdp twitch In may for my borders mending umng much fabrics WI m1 100 vim manly car tying can mod bcaulirul lwmme vinyl Model 827 regular valua 15235 in manta free Mon Imam ln flock so hurry NGER NTIRS Zigzagwfi Sewing Machine by SINGER with carrying caée CLEARANCE SALE have met Mr llcllyer only one but have great regard for hls cnuragc He Is Hurlth mlnlstcr whohud may to 112ho the unflinnunn of our statements were clrcu laicd debate on dcicnce raged for thu ninlh day in the Cummons Conservatives ara pressing he government to nppmve immedinlo cammilico hearing on the unification hill introduced weekvagv to dis Ihepopulur lmprcnlon that Ready nl mlircd omccrs oppose ho government plan m3an mass Group Capt Pnllick dam thinking ns an showing fantastic Int in H1 unification man an crlllcism Canadarphll Ical system that cncparly should use tho issue nrpurnlx pomlcal rcqsons wlthuurm gnrd In lhc effect an Hwnrmcd areas or lhu country Snlling on the side seem to me Parliamc lacking llcllyer mnre Lhah unli ficatinn Mr Vncchlnrshul Sully board chairman of mad ginger manufacturing rm an SINGER SEWING MACHINE Mill Dump mm Our November Review and Securitiel List incluch bxicl rcview 01 the financial markets in Canada list invcm ML SlWM 10 st current investment suggestion is included togckhcr with tstmcnt data on over 100 Icprescmativc common shares ALLIITON copy 1m Nmmbu Rmew and Securiliu Lin will forwarded upon mum Wood Gurlzgfiecurities Limited HALF IflUGnEEDI LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Suilo 105 59 Dunlop St East flank Telephnnc 7239903 Cupant investment animations tenvice though everyone must have known that something had In he done mnomo cm nonmio Supreme Court hearing 01 000000 mm or damlxex itch Gold Mines but exas Gull Sulphur Co udlourncd Tlluriday bitch ny Tax Gul breached an ngretmem entered lntobylha two mum In 1063 or an exploratlon pwgram 1H curled out by Lellch up data Illppllcd by Tens Mitch contend rIch 51th of mwcr xlnc and lch made bTgxu Gui In Kldd Mn sg qgar Tlmmln was In an mfg yhlrhcame withln the agrponyenL ma Gulf say no rim re specting vlhe am when lha mm mado was given to Inllch 13 Courtxfidjoums Damage Action SINGER The Bond Market The Stock Market Tokyo Admlrai llszbm Own an faxmet mamalef India at the Imperlal Japa nese Navr comblncd fleet of ceicbynsp nal trn PaKrida Velerbc French movle actresx and or mcr Dlur lnlhlon model drowned during the filming 59199 PhundelphluLnrry Gubb 74 board chalman Phflco Cam now Phlkoiordf from lflll to Ms reshmallon became illness In 1949 vAuxiln Tu Juice Rm MM wha Wm only 31 men at last Aug 30 THE CANADIAN PRES RENTALS 43 Tim PHONE 7266474 TRUCK HEflTZ lwu DEATHS DAILY IAVI law WHK

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