Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1966, p. 5

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Maln Bradford centennial pm lea development Mere park by at Bradford and Di ylrid Community Centre and Clldlng Rink ha hem well ad vanccd during the past scam and Ian seeding wrll mean good growth grass next spring Egcausc the work 1h son ANGUS Siam Consiruc linn oi Sideboards for in new nui donr rink has been cnmplmed at Angus playground park largely through the eiiorls oi the Angus Lions dub and Legion with the assislancn at others Outdoor Rink Is Constructed Ht Angus Playground Park BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11 1966 EERUN HUSKY MINNIE PEARL ROY PRICE OEOROE JONES lOREm UHN ROY DRUSKY SKEEIER DAVIS Olll ANDERSON wuus BROS III mmy any Mum lords plans or centennial celebration at Outedemfiotgs binHum are nearing the term inal stage ms dated by 0mm cilior Kcnndh The Lions Club ls arranging mammoth parade and he Ro tary cm is In final stages arranging lhreeday celebra tlnn aim the Labor Day holiday sun RENTAL wz sracmuzn OFFIGEA The LanS club Itself raised Tomorrow Night Saturday Nov I2 Another Big Weekend of Bradford Centennial Plans Nearly Ready BUSINESS MACHINES 36 MM SI 7284324 5mm Adding Madame Calculator Omca Equipment Replm SEE US FOR smmoxm saw hm Comlgnrthl summery Tonight Fnday Nov II THE GREAIEST COUNTRY MUSIC SPECTACUMR EVER fllMED DISTRICT NEWS CLUB PAV SIMCOE THE PAV ORILLIA Guess Who The Ilrdels mm sum um um The mm of Angus pm moung minor hockey nnd 0019 won rnllanyd mmrgm E553 wnlh Interest other members the Angus parks board Include Maynard West Amati Wilsan Ken Bul ler and Archie Duckvmnh oneHm lvy baseball and hockey player Reeve Davis con linucs as keen sport enthusi ast although ho doesnt have the lime Io let out to games like he once did Dike ole mem bers he Essa council he was Enthuscd over the success of the Ivy bnseball team in winning lho OlJA lnlermcdlale lllle and also the success or the min or club during the past season and billed in resulqu mn gratulnlignsynsyd by council We are very grateiul In all whohelped this project said Councillor Fred Russ one of lwn Essa Tawnsbip representa lives on the parks board it was worthwhile undertaking and we are proud of It Essa Reeve George Davis also cummended the alien 8500 toward the project which will pruvidn utilities for minor hockey skating and ulher rec nation at Angus lhs Angus parks baard head ed by former rceve Sanford Page will ask the village board of lruslecs Ior assistance hon centennial park ls ad miniskemi by board wiLh town and township representauwn well as flue committee bums Icstivals $11de and ether evan have been arranged in mark centumial year cooperation has been ex cellent and we are looking or an mnstanding year said council lor Mug chakman the mama and dishIce cmnmiuee West mum has been working In dose cooperation 1111 gadlord fought 92ker be clubs werent able to use the park during the 1966 season but 11 will be nady for them next year when an official open ing common will he held NOW PLAYING 645 900 ATTENDED WORKSHOP ALLISTON ISL1 Iflul MC Krhcy ha rdurnrd mm In AL Milan and Mrs Emlnc MCDONH and Mn Edythe Vrlnhl lo Coakstuwn ullzr nllcndmu an all Onlnria workshop or On lnrlo music ulucntou nl Mimim recently Hay Swnlm Dun raan also nucndnl CEMHNNIAL POOL OOUUNGWOOD Stall swimman pool 80 one long and 10 1ch wide with change houses will be opch in Collingwood next year he lownu cemen nlnl project Most of the can Almcllon fur lhe 385000 prolcct lm bccn conwlclul EDENEZER WI EBENEZER 5mm Mrs Percy Wood harm economic dirmor will be In dmrgc of Ebenezer Womens Instilmu macum on Thursday Nov I7 Mrs Willis Drinkill will be has less President Chanu Reid nnd o1hcr newly flocked officers of the Collingwood Kiwanls Club will be nrmally Installed the Hrs meeting In January Kan Wth nnd Wilflam Goodchild Arc vice presldenl and Ken Gricsbach lrcasurcr IVY Stall Hoe Doe Val icy SOacrn recreation centre In haif mile north of here is being prepared or the winter activity with ski run being equipped and skating rink plan nod We are aLiv gelling our ski do track ready or another busy BASE BORDEN Stam Lt John Finley 50 of 15 Quebec Loop Base Borden has received his commission scroll The presentation to we officer commanding the Base Training Md Sedinn was made Mun day by the base commander Co Elliot Col Lt Flnley reside with hls wile Marguerite and youngest daughter Elizabeth on me base llls oldest son Richard ls cap taln wlth the Royal Canadian Engineers In Germany and an other son Malcolm is in his first year at Callegc Mllitalro Rayaln St Jeans FQ Daughter Patricia lsa nurso in Toronto and daughter Laurel ls tn training as must in Toronto DISTRICT BRIEFS corporation In I951 This ed to give us sumo Ideas which are nuw taking shape said the coundllor We had wonder ful celebration mm and na tional cdzbrguon give even days celebrauan at nearby Newton Roblmon has been dis cussed well as events at Bond Hcad Mm dumb service has been arranged through the clergy Bmdlord and district he lawn mar wlehralod 1m anniversary Rs in Beside Councmor Tuplin the mafia wmmifloe Mayor Joseph Maganl Walter Musson and Mac 10st Brad ford and Reeve Herbert Hughes Arthur Wright and George Jack son West gymgnbury Receives Scroll Rt Base Borden Hoe Doe Valley At Ivy Set For Winter Activity KIWANIS OFFICERS COLLINGWODD 5mm 11 mm 1qu lm pictur esque Kellan lhrounh wooded land hllls and level xrmxnd Most ol the run In wcll pm Mod from tho wcalhrr nnd won high praise mm partldmma in ha World Planrs rompflflitm One he dawnhill nkl run nwnsurcs over 900 This was damch sale nm wflhml jumm and Meal or dlil drm ml adult mpilum More ski mm twingfkvchml Skiing one nflhe malnr spam and Hum nre mimics or ball adults and children We are primarily Interested In children but we are glad to have lhn parents accompany Ihem and enjoy our rwreauoml dlilic loo he rcmnrkml Wilh recruntianal facilities hr 200 children or more he contra will be openai as soon as lhnre is sulficicnl snow or winter spam We had groups mm Harrie Base Borden and other plates last winter and they had 10 fun sald Mr Earle We also were pleased see them eluoy themselves Havlng ercd In supervising children or years Mr Earle said hu lound it asdmting and he is looking award to expan dui ndivily We have had nnmnrous new lnqulrlcs he stated mcnltonlnn the Angus mlnm recreational Council om example snasnn said 05le Rule oper ator stating the World Players held compdillons there last year and he anucipalcd they will be back again Plans are being made or fill drcns outdoor program for eight or more wankends mud Mr Earle expressing satisfaction at he increased Interest ukcn each winter since the centre was opened Lhm years ago work Is lmxshcd reconstruction Will be completed to Alliston and onward to She hum Hard surfacing will bclcll until next spring but lhcre will he canslructinn activity in the vicinity during the winner on the same highway west of CooksA viller Winter quarters have been constructed or men mrking an larga cement culvnri bridge about hall mfla from Ihe This due to be mmpleted shortly said Reeve Louis Mank man stating that he had heard much commendallnn of the wid nr mad has made very dcsirahle Improvement COOKSTOWN Shut Wilh cuxbtnk completed and founda tion reconstrudmn done 1min mlcnfian on highway 89 project Huwgh Queen skeet ham hc Dug gum Ihe levelling work Level Road At Cookstown FRIDAY SATURDAY REEVE MONKMAN SIlnnlny nrnhu Mr ml Mrl Illlhly Mm CNflXMfll their and Mddmu nnnlvrnmry wllh party lnr Morqu ml welsh Imn Mr and Mn Martin Mmm Vhilnl 80me mm Mr ml Mu Imulor Eleven lab Irlemln ml Mlmumu onyyyml game mine In the hall Wmlxuudny uvmlnm AmUxr nrhm ll plnn rm thlnrralny MW 10 30ml pntm and lunch wiH be vruvidrd INSTITUTE The WI will meet Wednesday Nov 10 Illa home of Mn IAwnni langman 515 pm Motto Sharing wrmw work and worth makr honor this good old mnh llou tn um min his Imitmn mum lmmflm lubllc Holmium Mrs aarko llnmc Lunch Mrs Hay h1mw Mrn MN nulhow Mn Jnhn Inn rMn Mm lnrka llnrnc Lann mnn whlle unending lhe Ml Homemaking club minus 1m NE Tomnw wrote lost on all Homemaking club wurk Knlhcrinc placed in In ha North Simcnc group and loading and minding play fnrdddns Mr Earle ex Allan Johnson Doug Lang man Llndn Home and Palsy llglgughllrz gnloyy lhejll cl MOUNT ST LOUIS Presidunt of In Angus be gion MacDonald was chairman and Rev anv kins padre was amang flu panicipaflm clergy Stayncr Pipe Band led the parade at Staym as veterans marched Ito Centennia United Church to join in Ihe Mblic ceremony of rcmenbrancc New colors at Ihe Stayner Nde The ccnlu recently concluded busy summer sonson during Much groups of children from Darrlc Tamnlo Hose Eordon and orfllin were entennlnndo Summer recreation facilich InA eludvzd cmnmts swimming or choryhcnnocing and hikes Dy MR5 ll JOIINSION Sympathy cxundcd to Mr and Mm Elmer Scam and lam lly in tho mixing Mr Sonns 1er George Scan 0d 30 in 0mm The lll Homemaking duh Mchmenl Day on Accent on Aoccssorlcs will be held in Park Si Collegiate Salunlay4 Novl l9 MEN duh bu 11 Nlafiufh Falls 29 Ihty lungi lhe moi pinEu Vindrrnfiny Mam Moms and were onlnnaimd at bagquql In my inn in lurking area mgm mung winter parties for managers and sleigh ride are among Mber lenfium Angus the veterans as scmhlul at the Legion bail and then marched to the newly land scapcd cenotaph where they and nthcr organizations gave wreaths In tribute up those whn made the supreme sacrifice to preserve the damntaut way of life during the two would wars 191MB and 198845 my EXAMINER WANT ADS worm mzm Speakers strcsed tho respon sibilities of the living 10 ever uphvld the high Ideals for which Canadhm homes and their aflied commng died siAYNER Mter 1h cémmunky kenlm ceremony wreath were planed he qtaph jg rugil of he Legion Ham on leona Street where names Nlflstons war dead are Inscribed on the Bayal Canadian myonbraxgm 171 held their re membranoe ccmmuny It Allia mns Communin Centre with Rev WThoma of Rose mont in charge The president Inn Glenn was chairman Veterans in diflemlt Simcoe County munldpalltles Mned wflh relatives in honoring their war dead in services remem brau qday fly MILL AL HMWLEY War Dead Honored In COunty Centres LONDON CREAM RUGBY he Mgionl and of the Legion Ladle Aux ary were deduced thecnso of the service the veteran proceeded ta Stay ner Menuw knke were wreaths Wen placed In tributu Ia Ihe iallen Bcnllcy of Barrie wm sneak are banquet at 1m arena this eveninfi as the Legion ob serve Armistice night Roamsows Hardware Jl Dunhp ID barrie public utilities commission II Dunlap Wm HIGHWAY 26 17 NORTH Ill Dunlap 59 EM QLMKS Home Fdrnighjpgs 259 Innlllll ALLANDALE HARDWARE JD Buylllld SI Veterans pfMedontg Mamba 34 ESSA RD MONRRCH REFRIGERATION C0 47 DUNLOP ST WEST McFADDEN FURNITURE 15 Buyllold 3mm Electric Blgggmget when you buy new Electric ClOthes Dryer CHRISTIE APPLIANCES Gull possibly you have several good reasons of your own for buying an elec tric dryer But heres an excelen reason to buy righlnnwiadoublebed sinole 1ric blanket complale wilh illuminated dialdonlrolandtwoyearuuaranleeiThis $2435 value is yours we whan you buy an electric dryer at any sloro lealuring ho Hydro Special firestonc STORES Why an elcnlric dryer Its 1hr sale spneflv odourless way In dry clulhes l1 leis you forget lhu headachns The COOP Store mplm II limijibgonrnr My Elldrlc Dryorl on dllplly Eluilrlc Drym on finally YOUR FRIGIDAIRE INGLIS DEALER AND APPLIANCE PARK dash and Cddtwalér area sgmbled at the deater Le an and marched to the cum In hadics Adeary will serve at 411qu banqua the Calms hall tonight Stan James presided will be in Charge and among visx 113 Silver Hand under Harry Peacock led the parade Illnlo mm clothesline And it nliminales rainyday delays In short an DIOCIIiC dryer loaves you man we limo Visiuhoslowwhereyou soothe Hydro Special display Tell mam youre in teresled in mom has limoand we alacuic blanket This elm applies only In Itsdents 00min sz Lukes parkh 1121 will be Lhe scene of the annual begin ladles banquet tonight rip d1qu fimmander Stores on were do ed from 10 am to pm Fri day insteant the full day al previousiy pmelalmed The change was made following rap rescnmions by nwrchama la 059an council Wrnaflu we mined at the Legion cenotaph and now Can ada flags dedicated cere mony starting WAS Rev Douglas Gill Loglon padre was in charge of service at St lakes Chunk where Rem Mackcnfie of New Lowell gave he addms Rev Hardman and Rev Member also par dcipated gqm mged will Fob Jel 7282843 mu HIM 7102059 726$ HMS 7260132 7181422 7264325

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