Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1966, p. 3

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FOLLOWING the perform ance of the Daphne Hellman Trio last night at Ccntrat Auditorium reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Stan Cohen Parker Ct From left to right no and Mrs Cohen Daphne Hellman Daphne Hellman Trio Performs At Central By lIlUlIlEL LEEPEE Thuc musicianship and artis try are imangible things They can be tango or aqnired only to limited extent The mam presentei last night at Barrie Collegiate Auditorium was an example The Daphne Hellman Trio consisting of harp bass and guitar gave program ran ging from Each to modern mu SILl For the most part Miss iiell man was soloist with the bass and guitarist as mere accompan ists From time to time Mr Borg guitarist had soda pas sage and when he did it was obvious that he is an artist of high calibre llis one solo Le cuonas Malaguena won welidcserved ovation lie used his instrument as if it were beloved friend and drew from it music that was indeed beauti ful But the program belonged to Miss llellman and she showed lack of musical perception even in the material she Chase The opening Bachs two Chor nius who not wise choice Sheep May Safely Graze re quires first of all he beauty of the sustained singing melodic line This was impossible on these three instruments and the very character of the piece had to be disregarded So too the Clair de Dunc by Debussy al though this is little more adap CITYNEWS lllE liAItiifE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11 1906 Says GOvt Has No Intention ii Redeeming Perpetual Bonds OTTAWA Special The federal government has no in tcntion of redeeming the three per cent pcrpeiuai bonds issutd in war This was made clear In the Canadians this week after Dr ii itynard lii lor Sim poe East Vnilate Ncsbitt MP for Oxford and David Pugh MP for Okanngan linundary questioned the government Mr Nrsbilt said that members Vitru being made increasingly aware of the hardships that were resulting to people who had pur chased there government bonds good faith and were still re ceiving only the three per cent interest In time when the root of living and interest rates had lumped greatly Many people have indicatui they may have omc reserve ions about purchasing Canada avlngs Iiondr in the future lilr Ncsinlt warned He asked prime minister Pearson to re moridrr the rleclylon nut to re deem the ho Mr icnrso It would dip DEATHS YllllNli Allll Ilium Al Mn Aluufururl lili Illrlil rm Thursday Novrmlnr III 19M Itlilll llllm ltlnl Irelllved hill hind til Maude limb ragr rirli mm of lJanrl or Now iiurro III NI Bill yur llutlli lira Irtllltl lunnrl um 27 IIII fiaflil rltl lfl III tvlsapui on sumv Nnvvmivr is pm Inlumut rrlrlimpt An litn munn tnthny Parks Employees Get Pay Boost raise rrantrd parka Illphrt merit rrrrpinyrm Ill Ilnrrie tint wetk Inns work char in the letrl paid in Ilia tnihiie works tithrtillrfi in rum rmiml toms an hour nritmtlvtlvani incrrasr irinxinz pay for bluru to IM an iur lrnmtm Ilier the new ethni uie wall mritc If an hour lorrvtry impala rm and trilltnrary hnp lifl IIIsly rule in pnrmncnl Iaimrrl In tin nillie links do putmmt is non Mini In ml rmrltn lnn Hm to Hill honnrn uw mi mire lure um um Barrio Sea Foods llnIAurnt Im Ilrldlnrd lil OllN DAILY ID AMifl PM EIINDATA lIlID 109tl7il MilNIIATH All fhlpt In Town III 714 not for talent lull cuss it with minister of finance Mitchell Sharp Mr iugit silli gcstcd the government might tonsider the British equivalent of lottery and arrange to draw the perpetual bonds for micron tion under lottery plan Mr Pearson said he would be glad to look Into the suggestion bill that It appeared to present cer tain difficulties Dr llynard was informed that the par value of the bonds had been set at $9650 with all per cent yirid0n Oct at the value of the band had dropped to $55 and tho yicid had risen to 530 Tho total amount at the is sue in ms was $37 million ian the present market value was between mason and $31 000 Total annual lnlcrcsi paymrnt at the original yield was $trn 000 if the bonds were frifistlfd with 53 pcr rent mnrmn tho annual interest cost wnuit hot 725013 an Increase oi $1373 10 Eleven Tables in Bridge Club Pl llarric lhrp hold run Iluutit Ninth tu no Mimic Iiny mid Iiiluu Irv Inc Sna MIHAIIIVII nwl iuuk firrrltwuutl Mr Ilili Mrs Jim flrtrtriirr lirr Jun ilrwnr nnl llaruhl Itzlaiu idrtiltli In iVt 3min ltil Mr and IIi ilIil Iiph Hour and Mn II 71 Ilcti wilt Mn it Ir Mun In In no on not All VIIITNMUZM COIIINIIAIHIN liltllllfl nto llnnlrh Justlte Irtiulflry lift grantrd prrmitsiun tor lhn wt van tllilltlitltl of fund to nlxl Vitillm of In rlunnrrxn war or learn nnimny ihn llantnlr Iinl trnu will tlislrll In tho imull to lire Vivian more The rusrrnnmn din rnnndnl that IIItIdl Ire tliIiiinl ctrnl hrluron NIIIIII and HMIII Vlrt Illn Dont lie lulupolluted Put up your imam TiritN for the hcrnpcnfoit lilllititil Tull TllMll AIIVIINTIIII Alilllfl In Thliiiln Hm not min or Cum on in out mnrly lintnln nn pm or emum mm mm In am no go run in in llnnlnp hula table to the harp But the ser ene mood the feeling of utmost hypnotic motion that this piece can create was totally lacking The Three Scarlatti Sonatas were far more successful llere Miss lieiiman illustrated her fantastic technique All the tricks of the harp are at her finger tips llarmunicsI change in tone color registration all those ef fects she can produce with no allott Salzcdos ltrartson dans la Nuii was effective and it Iusiratcd most of the possibiii ties of the harp The swinging section of the progra immediately following irtttrmission was fairly success ful but when Miss liellman turn cd to bits and pieces of The Nutcracker Suite and Strauss Waltzes we just wished sha hadnt SETTING Ii iitmlmiirirnra litrme the Ittrtary Clot oi liar rio had as guest apcakrr at thrir Thursday noon mating and trio members Ed Berg guitar and Don Benson bass are IOLLIFFE urns GRIFFIN Barrles tree loving alder man Les foiillfo says lugges lions that the city hnlt it tree planting program are ridiculous Parks Board member Char lie Griffin laid earlier this week that the trcepiantlng pro gram has become waste of money because of vandalism Thats about the name In snying we should quit putting up street lights because the kids break some of them fun Joiiille said Were last about 100 trees in In last two years but weve planted 800 and till not bad record in any mun lcipality Mr Griffin contended that people couldnt care Ian about trees former chaplain of the Can ndinn foirrih Armoured Divi sion Iinther Denis Ilrgarty iAIl to right IIoody dents Reduced can safer City police today reported comparatively few motor ve hiela accidents in October and according to police safety offic er Cpl RalphBerry this has direct bearing on the compulsory safetyebeck held in Barrie Oct 12 to 24 Only as accidents averaging list over one per day occurred dining the imnth as with 56 in Scotchbu Cpl Berry pointed outthat mishaps at this time oi year are generally down but not to this extent Lets face it he said We got lot of old wrecks off the road Fortytwo of the voldoles checked had been ordered off the road by Ontario Department ch of Transport officials Who to gether with Cpl Berry con ducted the check Police converted barn at the Barrie fair grounds into an auto safety lane andgchannelied ques Jobs Amen In Barrie Area Canada Manpower Centre Barrie requires workers rang ing from production planner Io telephone solicitors to fill the nceds of employers In the local area Anyone wishing further infor motion regarding any of the following positions should cap tnct the Manpower Centre 40 Owen St Opportunities available are Executive and professional male and female office manag emwountant traffic manager prodtlotim planner financial traineesfinan institution accounts supervisor methods man mechanical engineer draitsmanmechardcai lunior intermediate or senior positions life insurance salesman and salosnomen wrrmtordal mm warehouse manager General Ioh opportunitlcs male carpenters trades help err construction laborers farm hands brick and block layers Woodstock dub Imam ill rtctor Father liegarty Al lan Hunter who thanked la that ilcgarty on behalf of the Tells Oi Experiences In Second World War Frilhcr Ilvuis Ilrrnriy rllIlL lain with tile urlll Iitlrliulrrd itn ion if Iiln IiHIiII Ihu uni guwt npn at Iin limit Iticrllltd til the ilotary Inl Iminy film1HItlifillllllllllliiyIlnurn he will Ono III lho thlllttt that rvrry until up npiint ill rurm limo It Ilillitllil Iit kv iiirlistll rut trim It thunnwntne In the rooms rimn Ivy mun cvsrnn dorm the war ho raid My rc Iurmiwr one of all my time our liwrn that still uttir it mom Ipnlu In IIIv rmnn Ind Inw Iiin rural iniinrnv it the pi Inn drrldrvi llwy luiild lulu il in It was that nay uilh so many Iv III fdtillilt the Lake Superior llt Ililti which was mnridvr ml of tho Hurst ntaihmcd itI nyrnt lifter ll llay uI ery short urtlrr mun of them vrm tilrur ntml for tumor and they luv tunn onn of the numtaincnralnl Allin units liilrr that when they uun on parade time was un rlirvlllllril tmirme It thing that In looks for in ayl nnd they inurui it he Il rutr limo Nrylvno had to lie rrndy In din inlhrr llrngt ill Marlin at tho ilntua trim In MIIIIINI during liw nunnmr told the NOW MONTH SPECIAL llnmr linirrul Firrupee and Imam ml filyllsll III or rm for your tour at inllrg um Hum lilylti only 00 8300 JOE OALLES unseen SHOP arms nnrn nrrrnsr livri lnd tunic nitrap bravery of the early rottim lrnru lutlirc who IterrI the Jesuit Fathorl Hurry one of them had to be prqrhrrd to die he nnid it it In mull things that an often main difference In lilo lIr alliti lltiirgt like If patmtho iiarh and tho help iiui it Aitrr his address there no It two mlnutn Klitllfll In mrm ory of those who Iliul that we might live Honnble looking vehicles in that direction Fifteen nrotorisu have been charged under the Highway Traf fic Act for either vehicles with failingto rupoxt lathe safety lane as ordorod or failing to return vehicles with the nocefi ary mpairs made Conviction carries line be tween 510 and $50 Some personsiiust do not re alize itwas tortheir darn good to comply Cpl Berryram mented However for the most part he said the public cooperated fully and Were grateful to be tot what was wrong with their autos Police have secured seven more licence plates since the eck in cases where owners found repairs would he too ex orbitant to be worthwhile Theowuers Iunked the cars and brought the plates in Cpl licrry said The operation was costly one routemanvacuum cleaner re pairman electricians industrial and coastinrctim rdrigemim mechanic sheet metal install ersconstruction car washers cierkbanking auto mechanic master mechanic mainten ance credit checkers stock and counterman restaurant sales dork grocery TV sorviceman man and wife domestic serv ants ward attendant hospital ski tow operator General Job opportunities fe male charwomen cooks tele phone solicitors key punch op erator domestic workers book keeper with typing Thoinpson Denies Rumors Retirement imam top Andrew Thompson Ontario Liberal leader said Thursday reports he might etiro because of poor health are premature He has been at his farm north of Orono for the last four weeks recovering from what his staff described as influenza high blood pressure and exhaustion Earlier reports Thursday said the Liberal leader who repre sents Tomato Dovcrcourt in the legislature was suffering from heart condition lilr Thomp son refused to confirm this TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS v7 for most motorists checked Cpl Berry estimated that over $5 000 was spent in repairs as result of the safety lens the second compulsory check made in Barrie But he added it was cheap in the long run because we provided these motorists with as much safety as we know total of tumors went through the safety lime or this total ztomotorists needed re pairs made to their vehicles VThe high cost of repairs would indicate lhe serious nature of the repairs required Cpl lierry sumiiscd Police officials In Barrie were amazed at the outcome of the cheek and indicated they were no longer interested in voluntary checks we continue DEPENDABLE DEIIVEIIIES or TEXACO FUEI CHIEF Home Heating Oil See SiMiiIJlI PETRIJLEIIM LTD 7282563 15 ANNE bl Thatrweek Cpl Berry said revealed something we were not aware of During the citys first com pulsory check in July the pol ice department found Itself with maturity of volunteers who according to Berry seldom have any pro icms with their cars Because the first check was held outdoors at the Barrie Pia za Cpl Berry said it was diffi cult to apprehend those with quesiiouabie vehicles and police were unable to obtain true evaluation With possible adverse weather also prime factor permission was granted to use barn at the fairgrounds Two identical checksare scheduled for spring and fail but once again the exact dates will not be revealed ATTENTION Business Professional MEN WOMEN of all agesl IIlre lime for your henilh today have health for your time tomorrow We are now offering courses entering to your needs karate in conditioning reducing weight gaining Ind redistribution under the personal supervision of Don Randall hours to suit your spare time SUN TAN ROOM SAVJNA STEAM BATH MASSAGE PRlVATE LOCKEltS LOUNGE AND HEALTH FOOD CENTRE IIIIIIDIILIS nrnrrn sworn Men to Fri to not to to pm let me to 510 BARRIE PLAZA 7738761 Your Wllslllne Is Your Lifeline warn warren tours When cold winds blow will your car go When snow drifts come will your engine humf When the ice ll slick will your starter click When the slush thick will your car stop quick YES YES YES YES if you let us wintercheck yarn car before bad weather gets hero we will expertly rcconditton it for COLD WEATHER driving at minimum of expense Stop in today Dont be caught in the last minute rushi Harveys Hayfield BPJ 100 BAYFIELD ST PHONE mam Hurry Hurry you have only few days left to buy Canada avings Bonds without paying accrued interest Eight Canadian whiskies use the word Gold So dont be dazzled Taste sets Hiram Walkers GOLD CREST apart 7260951 Hurry Hurry you have only few days left to buy Canada Savings Bonds without paying accrued interest MAM WALKERS GOLD CREST can 14 magma mu

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