Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1966, p. 2

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6mm early mm are way my Iowan organizing and pm muflnx the 1967 mudmy inm mlloml mowing mm um melmum bcnthI arc lo be mama um rim ship can Whoa 11 014 was mg by Jcrmgy at n5 cnLu1 m1 amid cclur Um xwmdna Ontario Hoummn AssocL orL Mr Jcnmy rnbu he lhm vow Imth Vnmim Nuuuw Howe Mex MMulcy at la and other MngI the Hum 001me plowing Imtrh minimums but nhlfil he Mt mun omnmlllcu um Mummy hum the ex mlrnm cum Pumhtmm wd Hwy Wald nerd tho Iddnz nil ID HLIlle mu lllmwny £00 law mum MAXI of IIJML Mr 1K nwy whlmunl ll WM mm mdn rwfl wflh MI mulchaim nmlmnlina Hm um mm llw munly umll Uw midi mv mm ma 1mle Mr lmnwy mm we Mnmr Illiwl Camvhcll nl Inmill nnfli It mm hr nhln If Md or SHIP me inHy nnd mama llm muiy Mvnfil main Um mod lhlx unwmnuy hr mixohm The Hall Commission erred badly in failing lo mess future medical requirements and in not nrcssinl the great difficul Iy in obtaining qualified scien liiically oriented doctors ha mninued Dr Rynani was ailical he federal gavcrmncnis plan or medicare flhkc Sm and Slumy my Rd when sum highly volatila gas averflowcd No fire mulled 70000 IILOIL To relieve the dodor shortage he recommended med10al schools should ha in opeyation all year leachin streamlined courses see no good reason for doctor In study um brain in detail it he is not going to brain work after he gradualas Drn 11de said Optometrists should be given short course on medical points not Included In their ear lier studies at no expense to themselves so that they could be included in mediml care program Dr Hynanl said He noted IhaL osteopaths and chiropractors are recogniled by the Vprkmens figmpgnsnlion Danni but no Included In med care plans They should not be Involved In one km not he he said do mizihink it right Ihat he federal gavcmmcnl can Firemen were mum Inst night when propane gas over flowing lrom mm threatened to catch lire The fir VdLparlmmt said truck driver was Humming la Llnks nccu Lhe jugular The Orillia doctor spoké last night at the annual meeting vi the Sinhcola District Medical Co operative we are In allow specializa tinn at lhe present rate may leach he studan material he will never see or use again he asked Dr Rynanl said five now me dical schools should be in oper ation by 1540 if the need or new doctors is lo he met He noted that optomdrisls oslcopalhs and chiropraclurs are not included in medicare Rcduction of enhance require menu at medical schools mold help improve the quality graduales Rmrd MP for Simon East law Barrie audience Ins nlgyt Top stndnnls dont necessar lly make the best doctors ha said And marks have very lier relation to postgraduate studies Dr Kymurged Okla medi cal schuols mam erase classification of studth Firemen Called When Gas Spills Urges Greater Effort For Plowing Match LOW Enfmnéeifiequiremm Could Mean Improved Grads llom lulMXn Innw Iuvkn mqu run 51min hum CONTRACTING DE PT DENIS SHEARD lTD PAINSWICKLONTH mums DIAL 71M Despite Indnmmhh weather Huron County kw sane 50000 paid ldmlssiom and 70000 all low poile 00 Mr JrnnLy 1n mmtmiumz Hm passxbllfllm or Simme Gounly Cookawml Keill llolflmm Mm mwcsmlul Mmlo at 01n Idmn mnpdlUm In MliAI 01 mnhin 1m mink has been hr qurnly mmliorwd nlwg wllh David Murrny Ml Larry MW Mlnrslna William 11mm of nmmlm ml oUmu The Unto brand mum held lhl all the South and ms Slmme lnndws and AM the Wm mid CMm Bmmc hmuch im 1hr lnlcmahonal ncxl ymr There am will he romdeliom lar lrovimlnL Canadian and In lumlmml annulus and cmmy wmpcllon nhouk all In m1 mum In mhhllnn l4 arrnnhnz lhc pnvsjrmn and mm Mich cludrd ddlly parade nmund llm Mn ily Ume wu much 111ml Mng mmiml lnr mmy Ihmrrnl mm of flu mam Mr Ju nwy mil Seafmdln exwlcnm whom1 Hm nml of umml lrc In Ammo mer nlmw Smtml Inmer dull pawn mu warm vulh pnrhlnx In nl prosldrd rpm The 51mm County Health Unit mnf start Joint classes for pmspocl ve father and mothers Unit Diredor Dr Soon says In Octabtr report Dr Scott reports that prennul £13559 urpxpeclang mmhpuln cenlrcs have bccn wdl nucndtd Una ML Som hgcncios ln he pm vlncn he nulcd are already carrying on pronram jnlnl cfimu or both lather and MUUII PLAN 13 it Winds today the fed eral gavemmcm states that lhe insurance fund must be admin islcred from 01mm and oper and on nonprom basis by public authority make lhe provincial govcnr moms alumni no in wayr qt og 11511 he said Em the provinces nww have control health matters under Simcoe East addressed the mm mm meeting of me Simnoe Inoperative Medical Services at St Georges Par Classes May Be Held For ProspectiveFathersflndMothers In In mm manoequ Mlllvalllrhn Lthlnvll rumn mm Ml Luvu Clmm um ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK Al nn mNAnn MP for mm nnulm In llw put it holds acxub hm was charge for narklng Thu is something or Um mmly cammillecs xu whluh new iuyd Pridlnm of Sunnldalc overall duirnun lo mmklu WA pmpcr ornanlmlian nml nullidm numlanls puking can be doubled in the namu rpatc wiLh Um right manning rumy polnlcd out mm wayannlhu hz nmlcrlak mm warrants separate mmlllw Um dusmcl dlrrctor sugxmmL mnplmdzinr Ulolmporlaxwe of rnrly llckfl sale In pmrmllm MA Ml OBTAINED to am or llwve Van dso Md van MMuu ma lmnl mdl nu wnm lrmrrr Mum wirw rmlug In palm etc wcm uhlnlnnl mm Smlurlh ml mum Dr usr hrw 11mg will be amumml um rm Inoqlh Codlrnnc lnLJll bib Iho nlflldl nu Mumw mm mull armwl Hm fly the pmunnt will lmlmt llw hum Quwu wmlml phminu mnlmu floats lradull and other numdiom mam mm lann machle dsphy In uanh ekahnury nnd wrlh tmwlhnq mum to lghlymo cam mmunl cable dlscasc wen maxled 36 mumps 33 chicken pox six irr oclluul hopnlms our moashs one whooping cough and mm scarch even The health um nursing ser vice made 154 calls during 091 the report gald Dr shon ma lhcre no rmmablc increase in Lhcse dis eases gm this time of year and should be 1m um yayk he said Ram province should set up plan Which 15 felt to ba best or that area And the federal government should accept these plans While mildly divergent Lhey could be develuped to meet the needs of the pNVInccs and bcneceptable la the people he sand Such program might be wmmy matador hen an an experimental basis in tha near future Dr Scott said he13fi5hN9r1h America Add Bffiynaixl Dr Kym Talking to Mn Rynard isflar lsh hall last night Holding gins presenlcd on behull of ghe Capgmlivg Ere Mrs LAMBS LAM BU BS NAVY PALM BREEZEWHITE CAP YIYCM Ummnhmn hm dn and mild Slnh wlll lry la rnlw maulbreaking 5111150 or lhrlr World Servlco pmxrum In narrlc lhv has 5N goal 11200 ma TORONTO CW Ivnn and hczul Unlmlun ruynl mmmlulon lulmr mum um lunnrr mllco Um Supmmn Cuurl ll Cnnmlfl Ml npvn puhlic Marin In Tumnln Jim 10 NAMED DIRECTOR At the 20111 annunl dinnu ol the Simone Cooperative Medi cal Services held last night at SL Georges parish hall Bar rie Bat McGraLh personnel manager at Copnco was e126 710 the board dinodors of In mlunrul Thurmny Mn mm mm hmrlnzl nlsu will be held Ohm Klnulun Vllul Inr Londrm Hamilton Sudlmry Mu lnrl Allhun Alhmlnunl Marina Mill Iva Irlmhllrtl lnlrr rlnumslnnvrn rcqulm them IIn HIM Band To Hold Public Hearings vey Whiteside right president of the SCMS IleflI licks all Ill Rnh Smm uumxaim 0m mw wilh an ablctllvn or rnls In 200 to help In flip Sets $1200 Target For World Service Project Parks Superintendent Mm sav use whovwns criticized by the Barrie Parks Board Tuesday cvcnlng was warran defended today by one of hi emplvyees Joseph Van Gm 5a paths foreman said remarks direct ed at Mr Savage particular by baard mangbpr Charlie Mr Sayage had beencrmdud tor ham he may other city interests He was advised by Mr Griffin 90 crack 111 whip ovcrhIsJnen and maka Ihem rkaljge was boss 11 51mg 1h bestsup lanndeyt hxjve ever umm mm mm Imu Mr VanGaalMid lhavebom eql 0311130360 01 the bow rm ghmyémfiéuylmnmwfi Mr Savage he hold was no an office superlnlendenl He got around in the places where the work was being doneA result of his conscienflous el Barnc parks had immov cdv immensely over the yeagl In personal relcrence Mr Van Gml he and hb felluw Vbka resumed Mr Griffins mmark about flaking flu Mp dont believe Momma like that shmlld be made at pulflc meeting he added mm are dying their bust and there mmcdbobflceawhhmflmn Honda Um hm Rudd vice cum my Mmmanx rhnlnnan InIlvw Cammlllro mcmhru lmludu Mn Kay Slnwnrl and Mn Klmle Lullpulm mm tunme and mm Hum vwka Wmkl Sor lcl help YI nvmrnl 1n Icvml wnyl nlrl Mr Arnulwnu No4 lmyoflnnl Is llll finding of Iklllcd North Amorknn mm uvrrml Ira mm Iofrrlnrics Sum ol lhrso ltchnltnl gom no lo hrlp hunch mm mm on IpndnUmI mnmu unanI ln mm an Inca Iradmhlp has no yr pun devlulmfnll Ipch ll bran devulmml Iuch II My mu mum mm Mr Annuwnn nM 59 of hue lrntvrunl ucrolnrhI me bl Imhowl Jl mm Superiqfendénf Begxeivesglpraisxel Fme Employeé Cily pollen are Investigating he heft of 2000 bumd lee of gumhgr mm Steel Street build cu said lhu lumber valued at $240 was reported missing Thursday but cauldhava been stolen any Mme aver tho last lopnys Whmnnlm Mn Mmhnmn prmich unnmmud lodny VAlSuIIfldLX mvmllxntlnn 1h hon gt egg repurleqsqlln Iml wmk lelhllmlnnu Bowl list night Police Seeking Lumber Thieves tnbllshmvnl branches over seas and the trainan MW am in boys wurk fin91ml Ed ucallon and work with slu Vnim 5n vlc mmry nle North Collegiate entry In mum Bay Drama Fes dvai which trpened in Midland hafnium was well raceived by Adfixdlculny Ian Felluwx Tor onto The play the first of Thousandvolawnsfl In comb exposition of commercialism and nil 12 who all to undemnnd Emmy hurtnnhy The annual event with nine district blah schools pamclpab ing will run three days with Ahree wesentatlom each night Perfurmlnz St merens ngh School thh year pamd patmg schools at opening alum waxcomm In Orulla who pre sanded The Counting of Marle Jamin St Theresas wllh Shjlength of Lava and Banla Barrla will present The Hunt ed Theatre tonight whlje Bar rie Genital Culleglgte will per form The EpHogIle from Shaws St Joan Saturday Commenthg on the plays lol lowing their pmentnunm Mr Fellows said of Thousand Clowns the wax well de livered and hape the company will so an and do ha ml of the play They are capable dolnfl this an or much praxrlmx that uvcmau mm yu Hum zulvpon Most ol Um pro Pram Me llmlnd award lrnln nu london He Md lhe audlence of about 200 that the set was excellent on first immlon but append little clutteced upon clam ex ammaflm Tho promm help In the can mucllun of new YMCA bulld lflfilly nllhuuah ho lumh lrom Nonh Armrlcn nro uwnllully lnr pmmprimlnz purpom um mmcm mlnlnu he lurker nharo ul the monly llnrrlu YMNWCA mukfl their contrllmurm lhrouzh lho ulo 74 1sz Album We 1mm cl nick McFadden playing NILk Burns held My own Iomnldnbly against 01d manger members can 33th 19 Mr phylum Lhe hirrld micMimi child added lhcm He said Ted Jnchnan piaylng Mutiny Burnslgxned In fig 4m mm Dunn Mcléille St Jossphs magma Its Shop Canadian Week In Barrie Nolp Vourul and your commnnlw Io pwlplvllVlhon lor It Look or alum Canadian bnnmu Ind dllplnvl Ind look lor MadalnCnnodu ONTARIO TRADE cnuaADE Re movad well was the wc had cod depth of value law ML Fellvw said that Dung Tomllnxon phying the par oi Album produced an excellent dash in vnlce and manner wlth Murray and presenud good bombed perhrmayul Susan Orr Sandra rendeh ed clear performance bnl in the oplnlon of the adjudicator broke dawn little Ino siren ufiusly when coming out of her Willem Mg Fellows said Hle efgectwax 500g was hnsL ed by Bards North Cullegim other school compollng In this years mammal me 0min Last FinaEma won Sdml FRI Is analtar mason why most people lawn Thats why Seagrams VO is the largestselling CanadianWhisky in the world That great lalwl on Ivory produc you buy Whon pvlco Ind quulltv In oumpaublo SHOP CANADIAN It maanl bum buulnm nnd Izmir llvlnn lot you Nov3Nov12 fl©fl© Park Street Collegmt Brad lani and Pcnelanzulshene Sec bmiary School See 1m Plumm la mum at mm on ouer IzIlmz nu muu AUTO INSURANCE auu rm mum Amman 1mm 54 Iliad mm taste

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