Unlnllu llyulru llrwlmn Dam Fralrhzhl of llurw Ur Mu Ill Huh Ilni llmzuhlwnu rim rqulp mrnl IIlrr drnmnIrnmnu Imolund wmk on Ilvn Im mu vnu ulu hlzh 1qu SHANTV AV SKIN 1an wnrrrdlnz ur rally and lurrlln II Ilw lavm lva Irvluvn Ilrfl ll nmly nruanlvrd Ilmlr lnny rt Hv 11 MM MVI hl Nnr Ihl rnmlnz Sullmlny nt lnnmm IIHIHE ll nrlqtk Hf lIIIvm Imull 1w rlnh lllllll rnmmlulnnr 1an Hr Glrn llmwn HI vin In rrnluy when hr IM In Um urnnurmmlu rummllw momlwu Mu nu nll Hwy IIli an mlunn lhmumou lml Jul lulmn The Alma Mklns memorial scholarship donaled by the Staff AssacInIIon Base Bor den High School has been wardcd to Ms Lynn McElroy Two other eholanhip win nor were Miss Lynda Duty who received the nonden CIl Jun scholarship or art and science course 1nd Miss Jud ilh Mailman who was awarded the Burden Cillzcn scholarship or business and commercial course Now Pony Club Plans 0m Moe Miss Shirley Atwood has been awarded he chaplain scholarshlp hue and an 011 tario schnlatahlp Ml Judim UllyLt received the Trnm Un iversity and aka an Ontario schalarship Elch also re caived he congratulallans of friends here who extended best wlshes DISTRICT NEWS Four student accepted IMO the Roguhr omcm Tralnlnx Plan lhn equivalent of one lhu has scholarships nvallablu BARRIE Fme THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10 19664 BASE BORDEN Slat Two graduates at Base Borden District High School now ag lending Tron Unlvemty have been award scholarships MOONSIONE sum ll would be out the question or iedonle wjinance but the avemmem wanted to do it as regimgal dgyelmgnl mung The fourqea member who said he hadnt deï¬nitely mada up hi mind but was consider ing standing again was asked his minim about pmpasai create lake on the Shngcun River in the Immship as an Agriculture Rehabilhaiion and Development Act project Such an idea has been discussed re queniiy since it was brought up ni zone meeting of the Geor flan Bay Develppmcnt Asmcia ion 31 Elmvale recenuyl heard about he wggestlun but dont know lmmuch nbout said Councillor Ball An 31 al lake hall mile wide wank me With Councillor Morley Ball Me dogs Scholarship Awards Made To Students Rt Base Borden HANDLE HIGH Medante COuIchiillérj Discusses Lake Idea VOLTAGE LINE llnu nur xmlhury Eulnn wuu nwrlnl nhlrlvllng mu lnr rmlrtflun lmm vlrrlrlul llrll umund rnrrgunl run durlun REBEKMI LODGE VAUBAUSHENE SIMOThn new noble grand Dormhy Eye and other recentlyinstalled ol ims Mar cl Rebekah Lodge hero have been busy with plans for an anti term ILu INDUCTION SERVICE BRADFORD sum New minister of Bradford Presbyter inn Church an Heulslln EA will be turmnlly Inducted as pm this naming 45 YEAIlS WED ALLISTON Slam well known Alliston couph Mr and Mrs Hillnn Gallnugher mll ob serve thvir 45m cddlm unni versary this coming Sunday Nov 13 In my High School student are Malcolm Flnley now studying at College Mllilalrc Royal de SaintJean Richard lIodzson at Royal lloads Dnuglu Rodrigucs at Royal Military College and Stuart Symc Royal Roads Councillor Ball sald he had read about the Earl Rowe Park development near Huston whlch lncludcs an BSam artiï¬cial lake and he considered hr now Modem lake proposal mlgln be feasible Told the Rowe park de vdlaprmm ls dopaman of lands and lows develwmont he hlcdchle councillor said he LOLOR 10 WIN TWO TICKEIS DRAWN EACH MONTH TO MAPLE lEAF GARDENS POPULAR COHAGE AREA Orr Lake Which is partly in Madame and partly 1n nos Is papular summer cottage arc3 banked up behind dam 25 feet high at the nonhem boundary Concessimn was proposed and It was summed the dose ness of Highway 400 mum mean rapid development Most of the land which would be flooded was described as land growing Iged second mu umber pf imli Vcommmlal valne and SW New FLASH GAS BAR DISTRICT BRIEFS Mm MHIIIINH IlAlA ATTENTION HOCKEY FANS Flull Polroloumn le pvomnu Hockey Club Coloring Book WI NUW Ill 00 IIlvhnn mommlll urvlm wlll in lIrld ll Huynnr Mrmnrlal Cr wlurrn will In In In Imnnr Mlyneru war dud Vrlmnu llw lrulun ulm wlll nHrmI mIIIlr Irrvlrr ll HI mimnhf lVlIllnI ï¬lmh ï¬rming mth mu llv chlnn Hull IMO STAYNEII SIIH Hint IN lwlnz mulu hy ho noyIl Clnldlm IArJun hrru or monnranrulny Fvlllny EUCIHU AND DIIMV xxxmm Slum Arrlmiov mu being made lry limo Wmmna Irmunn for min and raw In In lwld Um Won mummin In an Mom In Nmmirr It PARK lMllJTlFï¬ 200D HMbDALE aaIIlJlinaiic community ka ms at the In Flipped this am In mmpwul maxim My reason All lmmlm Idan mulpmml And Indlililn ml dupe with no album vandalism VETERANS BANQUET UOLLINGWOOD sumvm cram nl Calllnmnood Branch of Cnlllnawood Iloynl Cnnadlnn Mglnn will meet Frlday avenan or he nnmml Ilcmemhmncc Day banqurl snansoml by tho Lmllu Auxiliary ll Murray prcsldcnl wlll be dmlrmnm Stayner Legion Plans Ceremony rcllrcd nller ser wllh the Domlnlan government In Inst 27 as radio lnspcdur In charge Um regulation olflco Kllrhnner John Allen Gcrvnl ls vlsllinz In Green Bay WI cnnsln ï¬lter which he will pru cecd to Florida Thu nallvo cl Wnubnushcnu and Mrs larval hope In vlsll Europe helm mrlng lll HOMEMAKERS VYEVALE Slam DIscus sinus and mm have been held on basic wanimbo color style and accesorlcs by member of the Wyovnle New Home making Oiub which is bonded by Kathy bcvnck wilh Terry all awrytreasurer upon unruulxlmiï¬oclgl tour to Villewfayaï¬l Winter Fan nl Torunlojhlcï¬q ylangci or vnni isqlnr chmgm Ine Sallows is recording secre Kary and Emma Thompson fi nancial secretary l7 Mm Hm Main road work done wiLhin the mmhlp during the past your concerned the new railway crossing bridge department at hhzhwayu 17min at Bady Sime County mod 22 recon s1mctlon lmpmved the border area thoroughfarg with 010 twwnsMp Marmara at Modonlc omde aka have served as comm sioneu of the Madam Tele phone system which has mumal agreemean with Plus Elmvale and Goldwater litward Robin son township clerk is secretary creamer Nomination day In Modem will he held on Monday NMm her 28 The schoois at the same hm com munitles Part of the township is included in the OrilIIa and Dishid Collegiate Area for 500 ondary stth purposes and pan Is In the Midland 3171 Distrid Collegiate Area NEW EADY BRIDGE Who benefli wlule the othéruugg bemg paid Im on 1m 1m movement basis by pmpexty owlzeq obtainlgg lhg schicy He like Hulsdale Warminster and Moon stone all have their own well waker and mails systems Moon stone was ï¬nanced when the mm take flu Madonle Idea up on similar basis Relerrlng 0o Madame taxes Councillor Ba painted out they were up someth this year but stressed ha loco rate under control of the council was re duced full mil Reeve Dalton W730 mm Aximam councillor Boyd m1 Ier and 11154211 Brandon also ca vpemcd to achieve this pur cqmwnm wnm coma T0 rLomuA WAIJHAUSIIENE stntxmust 39609 ï¬re Mame IIORTICULTURAL TOUR CREMQRE Star Crec TECUMSEH EX REEVE BEETON Staff Clerk of Slmcno County council Fred Hunter was rceve Tecumseth Townshipin 1948 and 1919 us has been county clerk over 17 years Dulcer commanding the For den training aids Secliun Lt John Finley 50 is shown receNing his is sion scroll from Co LCE Elliot PRESENTATION AT BASE BORDEN Mddo Tn Your Momma Spark ling White ALUMINUM WINDUWS Comb Stovm Scrum Re noldl Horlxonlul ALflMINUM smmo Roy dHorlxonlul 53423 $869 CREEMOIIE CREEMDRE Staff Miss Pansy Benelle president and members of her executive are making plans for meeting the Womens Institute hall on Tuesdny NW 15 at pm baso commander LL Finley resides with his Wile Marguer ite and yuungest daughter EIIznhcth at 15 Quebm Loop at Borden Canadian Forces Photo IIy minty bu Than leal Add 10¢ Sim ounnannuanannunnnnu MANY MORE PANELLING VALUES NOT ADVIRTISID Hill 4x7s 41 83 MAHOGANY 73 PREFINISHED MAHOGANY Lou Cnlol Add 10 Shoe $388 Imlll MM VEEGROOVE 332 $318 Asked if he didn¢ think the mwpayers desired Ihe annual amï¬ng emudimm such as usuaEIy given at ratepayers meeting at Hection time Reeve Davis pointed out the nuditors 51mm was made available annually to any raio payer wsldng to see it GETS SUPPORT Other members at the Esa muncil suppwriui vae Davis in his stand think the rale pnycm apprbcinle ï¬ne saving remarked Cwncilinr Morgan MIKW at Baxter pointing wt it saves the annual elation ex ponie every other yearh the council and school Rushes were eleetod year ago or twa yeam except in polka viuage mm Angus will have vote within the police village boun darlcs only or its low board of trustees Rem Davis said here was no mave 1n Essa to change back tn oneyear terms vcd one com plaSm about rwn year mans since we adapted It three years ago that shvws the natapayeru must like It said Reeve Home Davis of Essa Wyn There Longer Council 513erm Preferred In EsSa IheVXOiEurwrm pmldts bet SUM ml In um uzh In mu Im GEILIHG TILES 116 Vinyl Album FLOOR TILES uum Ken Blanchard pointing out the Essa ommcll had allow ed policy of mmblnlm mono my Wllh pradlul wmrmmense At Its November meeting is Essa councll approved grant to Lha Loyal 1m Blue moda llon of Angus amounting to 25 per cent at 1966 was NEW UNIFORMS Purchase of five sets ol Inl form or Lhe Em ï¬re brigade which has its headquaflcru at Thornton was approved The council also appmved reim bursemam of Mike WON to Illa amount of $65 fdr atmnding the 0mm lrerschooll The Essacoundl will ham Lu next mount on Monday De wnbchammenwmwm year with usual datumy resolution congxntula uom lo Gave Patton andhis Ivy minor baseball learn which won the championship was passed The Ivy lntemwdlate team which won um provincial tide was mmmnded 31 er continuity observed Goun cfllor Fred Ross Angus yfl gm council boner mm 50 get thlnga donefl Rather than minim the has been much madman or the chem suggested co Imm an nlumhawl liar Ilul MAM lenll Chmill 12x12 or 16116 Doublucoal WMM Cum of 64 Sq Lu Tlun IOAc Foo WHILE IT LASTSI HARDBOARD nod 18 0qu uFLouux mu $61553 SHEEP THIN OUT There were 545000 sheep on Canadian farms early In 1966 compared wim 2000000 in 1937 prwaflngalwwm 11m An gus Police Vfllaze only mm are Mervyn Mllson chalrman Ed Guergis and ML liamGibbs with Sanford Rage auxnary mealng on December 15 summing panimlar 00mm up spoclal meellng could be called saxl mane clerk 1111101111011