Jim Selina 11 PM Muo was mmlm he mum of mm WM Martin Arc 40d JI gunk in NH rye try an Ulmvm lny llnmz mm Help youra and your communlly lo prmnomvthop or It look or flhnp Cnnndlnn lmnmm and dlwlnvl nnd look or MadalnCnnndn ONTARIO LQJ lmry Noun leml Ulurg flnto mum ompkryux pmuimc all Nb panl kaudcd mi gquy mum mummning bod Dy hmm but miLv tn mnnnun mm In HM M3 nvmwmz nn at Imusw on Hnlhmun mm pmml 03 ly leroM nani0 31mm convidul tumult In Dania mazmnlou mm ymtcnh Rogers presiding minister at ll local congregation oi UJclmvnhs Witnesses has an nnunred Dec 14 as the dale or he cimuit assembly to bo heldlat Ute Park Slrcci Col leninlc Institute orillia Assumth is being nr rallied by the Vnich Tower Bible and Tract Socinly for l2 congregations lrom Central 0n 1am and mll carry the theme Become Spiritual Men with Evhgrlasling Lila in View Threw Egg 0n Halloween vYouih Fined For Assault llu prngram chmux wlll bu Nada Sunday pm when the public nature lying Manklnds Grcnlcst Need wlll he delivered by Slallon gislrit supervlsor lnr Central nrl Norlllrrn Onlnrin Today we are living in the age of the great hminwash she said we have became group nl acccplnrs Mrs Burlvn said You are 1nd Lo believe Ihat sale low luuddc in water will flow Lhnmgh every lap hm ml is not pasible mo Mom of cIMHEIi med in Huoridalinx the water 1me of communities and con Mrs Burton said that as far She is concerned fluoridation isls haw brainwashcd people all over the world into the belle that the body is made up only of teeth She armed the closeness be tween Sale and not sale luorl dated water Oneandahnll drnps pull water is safa but two drum is not Witnesses Plan Orillia Assembly BRAINWASII The Oplimisl Club of Barrio hard the aanluoridation nr guments last night from Anne Buflm 1mm president thelolmarln Citizen Rig AS somaticI Shé cued sevena exflmples Says Fluoridationists Have Brainwashed People AL EACOTI president the OpLimist Club and Reva Joseph Moliloris right new TRADE CRUBADE deoo m5 Rom 0mm Um mart Hog meant it us Mo and did Mend hurl Inx myuw Ho named it was 1001M rank and whflo more mim njury own have been inrlkwd it nwld be withi ml autumn at an tun lo 9mm car Maximqu Mbon mm wm lnld Scllcri was mm Roy11 Victoria 1mm An cndorsalion of fluorida tion by medical or dental as socmlan has no scimï¬ï¬c vnl no she added Humhm Is Im ed as drug by Um Food nn Ding Administration In Ounw vuuwn Owr 170 muniuo In the United Slates she said have used fluoridated water and hnvn rejcclod hat one cent al the mm sunply of city was mm sumcd by mam she likened me fhoridmim If water to lakA ins Mack truck ho delim an mm 50 mflm mm As an example she cued report which mated that ol the 14 and lsycarold children in Branlfurd some BS pcr can sun had carits decay in their mu nflcr 16 year of fluoridalcd wa Itr What then is he use Mllunr Id she cemented When you hear that more Is nn report of harm from fluorl dated water shc mntmlcd it is not trucf EXAMPLE Mrs Burton said Standing In bandit 1mm Ihe fluoridallnn bnum are chemical and equip mm companlm who cheer on groups supporting Iho fluoridm No public water supplicsfl do not inland to let any government or cvuncil tell me how to conirol my childrens dict sha said If they want to have fluorides or children lcl than issue fluoride pills or clill drcn like they do In Alberta in dueslinn period which al Shn pointed out that even the prvponents say the pining stain ing and corrosion of teeth he cause of remï¬m be 11 fluoride poxible in some childrens teem Tooth decay is neither watch carried nor mlaglws she said 1mm am mim ways at preventing decay quucm raising of level of fluor ide in the wnler well past the rccmnmcndcd safe level est member discuss the 11er idflliun Issue after an address try Mrs Anne Burton canre llllvolanavnryproduclyonlmvWlum nylon and qunlllv ma comparabll SHOP CANADIAN It mlunl hamr bullnau Ind bamr llvluu for you Nov3Nov12 VON CIIDLHIZ HUME HADENJIADEN Wtsl Gor muny AlIremh Amulmn and Wm Comm mum Kendal ha burlnl Wednrsdny at former Gm Dlmrkï¬ vnn Chol III In Vrhrmndn mmmlm dn Mm drtlml AdDIl Illcrl nnlcrl In burn PM In 19 Ho riled Saturday nllrr long Hlnul The Ikli nnnaunflment said he simian lnanUy will be used hy mum of mnvalvlc nn lmnn lo conduct extensive transmission its Vin samiiie between nouchciie and Can ndm uisiinu Mirth simian at iiiiil Viiiazc MS Tho expcrllmnLII earth snld Iile will be built at nqurhdlc Que 70 miles nonh Ottawa is Med be in open linn early In 1m momtm cm Corr slruction nn onnh station to mt he use of communications halellllLs or ckphone devi sion and other clmmmunlcn Ions services 1o Canadas Far North was announced chnor day by the ECU Telephone Co Canada Ile inld he one at 18 subscribers Who have Isktd lar 0rillln service wiLhout toll charge uld the present Medqnte system provides ser vice withqu loll to Coldwucr 1nd Elmvnlc but than II mil to OfllIIa His place is only 10 mm mm OrIIIia and more Ihun twig pm In Elmvalc MOONSTONE Change in Medanlc Telephunu Companybnundule In allow persons Incemln Irons to ob lnln Bel telephone xervlce am being sought by gmup head ed by William Herbert at the lath mnmslon Earth Satellite Planned By Bell America ha it lfluaridallon is belng pusbed and hero no schmilk prool that it is bene Hula fII the people Want fluorides Im all or 111mm in public suppw she commod Big money is behind it Pm me these are he pmple be hind it she answered nRAsponding 19 nnother qua R45 nding to another guts fitm pthjmn mth lowed her address she answer ed query as to who was hiqd the profluorldauan cam pa Medonte Phone Change Sought prominent antifluoridallon ï¬st Exnmjnor Phuto HIGHWAY ll ML Dunn pointed out amtm adopted In Gram Uri Iln would alluw Hm elkmm Io be plum on probation with out mnrrlnx hl future with lmlnnl mm However Mr Men luld lung lsuMc Mbcn 315 III 11 um would have been perfrd situation In allaw prumlhm wim oul cmflmon Delcnoc counsd Bruce mm Wednesday obLlmxi six month suspended sentence and prnbfl on for dicm fllchnrd AI rod Vonhnlcl 19 RR Bar rle who pleaded guilty the ow SO John Aggy operator at Country Gallery Tena Cum on will be guest spzaku meeting of tho Barrie Art Club to be hnld Nnv 15 at pm In hn Public Library Hall Rencshmnnls at the evening fellowship hunr will be arranged by the Wives of the member of the Kirk Session and served by ha ienlor high Idlowship group 45cm marking he ran an nlvcrsary Ihc opening of lhe Essa Road Presbyterian Church will be held at the church Sun day ll am and p111 fellowship hour will follow Guns minister will be Rev Colts the General As semblys Board of Christian Ed ucation Mr Cole has spukcn at Presbyterian Mens regional canlcrences across Canada Thu chi directed by Bert Nurnhlll mun uy um aï¬chfll wnll sing at both ser vices Bruce Owen will sing Lb gching service FOR FIRST OFFENCE vvmvm mum mum mm Null mm ml mm mu mmmuu mm mm yau mm It ran lMlllm wa mkfl IN him nu mu1 mum mm lump luv mm mu Hmlhumwluyh mm uoh my nu ms nu um la ml mu mm vaI Wm mm mum mm um um ma mnn 1w mm mm Man mm mm mun an an vmmmmmmnmmlmn umm mam wAmmnnruuwu humm nm ml in my my mama Irvyl II cumw munNu Vnumnmm ï¬tmuimlw munthan Ann Human About 5600 bulbs have been plantnd of uhlch 1300 were led IEFJEe and Police Work has bean done by the park board will Clarence In dcanhg intersection due to blind spots anucslcd by cily manager Waller Gigg this was carried out Cadrlnglon and mm Blake and Dunlap Owen and Wellington and MuL roaster and Cadringlon with an calm sunmo Plan Anniversary Services Sunday At Essa Rd Church As its centennial prnjcct Bap ric Park Board has mushunl ed Rural bed at the font at Memorial Square an Simeon St side Including bulbs or all ting approximate casts are $504 Urges Probation No Conviction 1h CNR engine muvcd 1mm Kinsmen Park located an proximater 500 act from Vic tnrla SL between lhe CNR luck and the road washrooms hnve been moved from Kinsmen Park to the new site wherclhey have been novaled Top shu reports Mr Savage 13 randy for plants trees and shrubsn Chlpping at the parking lot was completed early October and lnlgallnn and electrical work nearly ï¬nished Three flag poles have been erected while roughgrading L1 about to commence 2ijk at Barrics Conlénninl Park continua In mm on schedule accmiipz row 2y mumdem Jlm Siva Reports Gbofl Centennial Park Progress mmv Human minim Fmlwnnl lhrn II mm to Mu dun lulle ll mummyqu MIT CLUB MILLER EQUIPMENT Mquiml Tho ulhnrn nmlrml Del 25 Monte mum had btcn Mam Glass ngrml that he couldnt luklarslllnd why boy with hlx prevluux recon would commit Ilh crime Mr mm said Vonlimrl could n01 cpraln hls mush Milan had learned his lesson and would nanr appear nxaln In Harrlu ruurL Court st old hat nnï¬nM was well bought by every body unlll he Slole 52 In look and merchandise 1mm Imperial EBlmnn where he was emphy ed Last week MacDonnid was ï¬ned 10 for being dnmk In public place and Canier $50 or consuming liquor while minor in cpnnccliun with lhe same in cidan MacDonnld admith pushing Butlers bu snid ho only did so after the man had mlled up his sleeves and lhrcntencd to lake on he whole gang Batters had 0ch com um bout half dnzon mm had blocked his way as he walked dawn Dunlap St near Map Ave Ile said one man hit him In the ribs and knocked him to the pavement us he auemmm to Magistrate Albllt Glass had ward the case Nov and re served judgnwnt The men were charged wilh assaulting Reuben Baum 68 of 196 Burton Ave nflu Reuben had on downtwn hotel 1n Barrie counWednesday Real Carrier 20 was lined $25 and David James MacDonald ll $50 in coxmedian with an gnaw on Garycnr old man Mrs carpenter Ion of Drury Lane and Greta Marmara Shnnly gay Rood Fine Two For Assault Of Elderly Barrie Man I001 17 MIMI BARBIE WOMEN TAKE DRIVING COURSE Slur Easy whisky ucxllm the Jun 11 Lynn Funml Ham umvue or lun ml nunIre Snunhy November pm lmennem Bmvnln Summary TOWN mile Mite At Soldier Mmorm llosmul om In on Wedmmy Nmm ma In her 67m yen Em Town or EKvaIr antmm of Mary and me Ill Tholmu Tnvmu an um 11 chrmlm Mn Prank Volllrk nmvh AIM at mun wllllm ul unnum m1 Marnm nu an mm or umvue ma PM MeltM ucxllm the June 11 Lynn Funml Ham umvue or lunA undra snunhy November charge camlcsa drlving against Stanley Craig R0112 25 RR Ban£0 was ndjtmmcd two weeks Rollo rqrrescnled by Gondon Mclurk was charged In connec tion with the traffic death Smgib Bigaran 15 on Oct 12 Chris William Bone of Bar rio Meivcd mrccmonm pended sentence on charge of 1th under $0 Buzzo remains in custody Mm his mnvicthm Nov on another chargelo be heard in noun next Wednesday was round guilty of breaking into Barrie Equipment Rental Oct 29 and stealing bnlery valued ï¬zz Hurry Ironm calllu mun nun om 1mon my mum are among 25 Mudenb taking Nurse 1n driver educatinn at he BanIr police slnlim Lonking an Hancock Imr rum Munu nuwmnhuo lnnmm to AUTO INSURANCE Its nice work muklng whlsky Ihul luslos as easy as Star But Its no easy Job It means selecting vary apoclnl whlsklos tram our Iivo dlslllloxloa across Canada Only Sougrnms has live by the way Than blondlng and roblondlng them to not Slurn ousy taste Is lho lualo worlh all the lroubIoVory may or you to ï¬nd out Nice and easy can um an lzubnlnuh nu DEATHS Sergio son of Mr and Mm Mario mgnran Dunnn Am was roiling heel across the mad when he was eruck by he eastbound car Rolfe Inld police he had turned to the on side of tho road to avoid hitting second child who was standing on the street when Sc ran in mm or his car was wick byran nut driven by Hallo 9n Swan 54 1m killed me he drivcr educator of the Ontario Motor League one of the magnate the course Ex nminer P6620 Never has so much been owed by so many to so few In rumombrlnn and rupee for dud War Horoos Woolworths FRIDAY NOVEMBER UNTIL l2 NOON BUSINESS WILL RESUME AS USUAL AT NOON WILL REMAIN CLOSED DOWNTOWN BARRIE MINE DIAMONDS Snum West Africa expofled 1356234 carats dinmvas worth 00000000 In 1965 The committee also acccplcd tenders from Hall Planing mill or malarial needed for the in stallation of portable cloc tricallyhealcd change house for the outdoor rink at Shear Park The commiflces policy is to purchase one healed changing house each year Costs um ho around 3600 1n the Rodney Sl Lakevlew Cresccn area havn indicated Lhey will set up cï¬ zcns committee to maintain tho rink which has been approved by the Barrie Public Schnol Hnanl Banlo Romcanon Commit lnsl night accepted lenders mm Ball Planing Mill or materials rclfléxlrcd to construct skalng 11 at Codrlnglan School Work will begin Immediately and should be completed In lime or the new season In mldDe camber accnrding tn commutes mambcr Ald JagkQarnu THE BARME EXAMINER THURSDAY NOV ID 1556 Gunman Codringtonv School Rink Is Planned Joell PASTRY SHOP FRI SAT ONLY We handla special Orders BISCUITS NOV II l2 SWEET TEA Fan of 23c 7289111