Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1966, p. 24

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1mxm 5qu kw UmmIly 730 44mm mm anm m1 tun umlml mm Mum llml lk lynm ml lmm mm Ian um ALuL KIMmu mom MRS An Ill nl Ilmlvlrn LINII mu Mm flabby ll TAI Mm 14 lawn Lamnu Fulumfl 44m Lu unmmnu brhunh In Hum Nun LIIImIlm Mm mum mm mum Lun In IJHY mm Mum vumu Iluuk my Impairment hearing is most unlikely but the other symptom can occur Goiicr is an enlargement of the ihyraid gland in the neck lhut there are dtfiercnt types it may shuw swelling mainly on no side or on both it may be nodular or smooth it can be toxic ur nontoxic the swelling may be Just in the ncck or some at it may be nut 0t sight below the upper part oi tilu breast bane U41 in Urhmly 31 mn On tnlru show in Illwrnul hurl 9rlmum 1mm Tenimn Tm not lIwoody Wood mm 500 IWnndy boarkc ILAnluln 11 lmlly 11mm uuk rem rur Immu 530 IIA Mr Thu uh Hop mu llnm All Innan 1h mm wum mku Uuulld 3Cunlmmmnc The sum dorm 114 Low Lucy uuny Campanr JNllan an 1mole llllldrn In 5m £30 anum Ill0m 4er Mud BUFFALO AIUHE BUFFALO BUFFALO TUIIONTO ll HAMILTON ln loubllul cases medlcalinn may be lrled or lime to llllhcl it promises success in severe cases it is usually best to no right ahch vuLh surgery wilhoul wasting time my i4 month 51d daughter Vuuld it be on strong for her or or her mmMm No no harm Io lcclh ur lo lhe child and ynu an estab Dcur Ur Molnlr Wnuld there be any ham In using toothppslc lo qlcanjhe teeth or nnnslnxlc gnitcr may cause no symptom except bulge toxic goiter though usually presents such severe symp toms extreme nervousness rapid heart beaL lnss of weight excessive sweating pos sibly prominence of the eye balls that the patient uses no tirnp In gplng to hts dpclon Usually large gallens in be rcmnvcd surgically holh bn cause of size and annoying symptoms Some types of gol tor however can be controlled and slighlly reduced in size by medication The swelling can impinga vn the Wham or mm mm sense of difficulty in swallow ing It may aisa exert pressure an the windpipn incrfering somewhat with breathing and causing Irritation and hence phlegm in the throat By JOSEPH MOLNERKMD Dear Dr Molnar What are the symptoms of goiter Does It impair hearing Is there dflv icully in swallowing or seem inxeobemuablemgetnlm breath 01 air Does It cause phlegm It caught In the early stages can it be treated without surgeryTMra T0 GOOD HEALTH DNul Ind spam Gpiter Unlikely To Impair Hearing nlunslmv TELEVISION PROGRAMS 3m WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER EVENING umm mm 910 Dullntu HIUI IMolv mmm Mun llNlMl NOV l0 170m wuk Mm Comm wllrwl ummm mn hm umu ppm 11 mum xJmmm aJupm 05mm n1 lluun Lunm mummyqu ITurumlo er 11mm 14mm mum II In no 1h 11m znu Vlralnlll txml In sum 7lllmm LAM 111mm snnw nun 2lI IInlml IIluuelmu mum Andy ul Imam 75uxmnum hm um um Mn 4qu canname nme flaunt ng unagu Mm lludrll Mumu 01mm Hum mum nm 1Iun yum cIUIcr Spam aunkun Flown Thoma lflnlmln llTha Monmu II undly mll mm mnun L11 um mm NMnllmI xzmn Am 74mm 111 Tlll Mm llMaue 5mm Underwrm Mo xrnmnumnn sIvltmuy mum ollumlcy mllbflllu find HM 1210 Ml nulmu mu WI 31 rV IMII 4mm MORNING up Arm dnubt that ynur mothers menial problem had anything to do with the hyperacuvily The cause Is nu clear but subtle hraln Injury blth suspected Yes hyperactivity ahan ls nugrown Drugs nlher ghnn Iranquillzors work holler My Iconage daughter brought this acutely to my aitenllon alter visit with mulher When she remarked Gee It seems to run in his lamily have Wed em since there hope that my son will overcome his hyperactivity Mrl in some cases have not told our dado that my mathcr is schizo phrenlc and has been in and out mental hospitals for 15 years Wnuld this have any bearing anmmu recently read an arllclé on hyperactive chfld that fillcd 1hr pauern so exactly that took him to mn family doctor and the EEG was ordered Tests shnw his lhymld nor mni dont know what caused his trouble but he on lung dose lranqufllzer to try to eliminate tha shorbclrcuil my and rccducale the thought drculls No in spite of all the old tales Dear Dr Mulner We have just discavercd through an EG eieclro encephaingram or brain wave test that our 12Aycaroid son is hyperactive iie has been problem In us since infancy and my husband suggested many times um take him in psychiatrist which didnt do Thu fishing useful habit Anyway you need only little bit of logghggsle 1m wrung Inihls answer bul dont lllink solll promley hear from dentists any cell 391 what my say little smile of tnolhpasle If swallowed wont do any Jlarm nnd wont harm the loath Dear Dr Molner Is 121 true that parsley and garlic pills are good qr cnnlmlllnz high blnod pressureYP Vprlll II lml Dulll um Nulll Mn mm All Ll mu 41ch rm 111 Hm Illv Hum Thl illl Hun Mum II IImllnl lllnh um um um um urn my Lilm4 Hvrlrl and IM butt TM mm mm nu nurtur um unlldlrl 14m Ir prmnlu In CnnflltI l1llomu Imd nun Mo I0 lhun Ilmln rm mm nw II IIWII Mn nMm mum uTm uflm nun mm SD aInmm dClawn 15441 Mer 41m mu Show thnlllunl mummy tNul Summlry 1mon tlmhenan 90mm unm lmm lnlfl ch led hzrnI 1630 Ispom 30 zlrunlxm Show lnm cup Hm urnum 74wa Gum lAnnlhvr wnA lm Inn 11 In Tm Axuml Illvlwllll OW1rl1k m1 Mum JFullvll 460m Pm 74mm Phce um uumnNm Wulhor ma smu 1200 mm 1m Dmembr my Mm lllvrn llnm IMO AFTERNOON wm mn mm Mmmr mm Eula HM Grlmn MAN II Thuln All USMC om ante sponsorui by he ladlcs sothall mm held In Mm lull Oct 29 was 1ng altcndcd ahd lhc ladies were we pleased at the interest tak The library has now new sup ply of books Iar all age groups Rcmcmbcr ho houra Friday to 430 730 630 pm Mn and Mrs Wilfred Stewart attended the Inncral of the lat Icrs aunt Mrs Marshall Atkln son at 10 Sim Lino Cemetery number of Insliluu mem bers and Hands enjoyed bus trip going In the County museum at Midhulsl lunch at Lakevlew Dairy and isilln In Hillcrest Lodge the home for scnlor cit Izcn spnnsorcd by my United awash of Canada In Orillla the first Iablc the bIddlng went as shown and South beams declarer at our spade West led club Declare allowed lawfmm dummy and East play ed lhe which held Mr and Mrs Frank Lillie dud family Brampton spent the weekend with their molher Mrs John Fenian ongra ulnunns In Emerson Curt on winning stereo so in the sweepstakes at Gilmnrcs stare Opening leadAm 11 clubs You get all kind oi queer re sults when you play in team of mu match For example take this hand where at om table the contract was our spades while at the other able the contract was seven spadesand the hand ended In lie Mr and Mrs Ward Noble Scarbnrough visited their mvfll cr Mrs Mervyn Nuble Oct 30 DAILY CROSSWORD MINI 10 MMIIE null Umva ll qunluy 20 VIMAII 11 Narmw mm lmlun 11 mt pm vmmk nkknnmc 35 Turn Immnl Enllllh jauiiul mu mum la Ill 460mm mun IKN Brlln lppanlul 101mm lulnvu IJ Appor llnrml 1L nuén luhXIn ml FUN 19 Antlnl wzsr cc 1352 The bidding South Wat Nnnhllut 14 Pu ACROSS KIH Mhellled Soth dealer Ncilher aide vulnenable NORTH HAD ITON APPRWAL FROM THE ANTIQUE mo xl rukrr 30001an Ens Eetumdlic eight ol dla By MRS MAURICE REID up hum LEFROY 4m vmm um +AQ4 3A9 p15 mar 14 our oaa no soum Amman lnlml Uhurwl Hull 15N7 vim ll In NH Lake Huber otl Luvuu Inljoruy 50mm tMnnnn ll nply kmulmr or IlulaM 101m fall CA ll By JAY BECKER HUBERT mm my man 31 mrmnr 101mm 20 mm Hawa yur nhl nXmon 21mm Iron 741 mun new JO Aulhnr ll 11 Mllx Mrr 0110 Olson Kcnora uucn ng the Progress ive Conservative canvcnlion In Toronto had brinf visit with Irlnnds here Mrs Damn stcr returned home after spend lnz lhc summer wilh he 01 mm and will be at the homes of her sons Neil and Sandy in Barrie fur the wintnr Corporal Harry Clarke and It of Chaumm NB calla on his cnusln Mrs Brutc Mill or and other relatives over he weekmd of Oct 30 wm nn had against sewn spadm opened he king of dla munds South wok the king with Ihc ace drew trumps conceded diamond to the queen uni wnund up going down one50 polnlsl By MRS ALLEN MILLER Weekly euchrc names go of lo good start Thursday Oct 27 with tables The secund evening Nov 3159 had 13 tables number of young people enjoyed hnuse warming Han wean party at the house Mr and Mm Douala hchasler 5ayner 0d 25 munds Dcclarer played low and We wan Ihe trick with the queen West returned club and Apart from hls relatlvely weak dlamonds North really had all no values he advcxtlsed though he mlght have seen it to pass six spndw when South bid lt Nevertheless themnjor blamn for reachlng the grand slam should be allocated to 517th South wwld have gone down two had be taken econd dia mond llnesse at this poIM but mm what faie had In More or hlmhl warm up with the ace Eventually he lost he dIa mend trick to West or damn one 49 mm Atthe second cable the bid ding was far mom spililyd It went 8th made vary doubtlnl two bid lull as the bidding do velvpcd he began hope hat his path had some such hoId In as live or six diamonds to the KQ an ml the ace clubs In thch case grand slam was far mm impmsible South 25 Pl PM UTOPIA Inlulll 1Ampmr mi wvflrr am amtmm Mum nhhr nwum Il 70mm humor Vlllm Nanh Pu WEMAVEA mimewary msmmomam MAY BE UPYM IEUT Dog Eat Mmtrrn sourH SASKATENEWANS ARE FIRST To HIT in uterus En OCH So nzsr0fl nifixnnn ZOCD 00 wamvm answr mmnm msnrALcomam MAY 55 Mom uwowa 15 me Eurpongv f5 YOUNG MAN HAVE WU THE QUARIERED FDR vow mouam AM EVER sup YOU mum our to COLILD BE DRAWN 5ND now mar ur mr MN on Mill IEEKR Julle IV mx we amen or rm aw Ar FOURVILLE Iiiwm

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