Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1966, p. 13

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Jr Goaltender Is Sidelined Larry llnlmu who rcpllrrd McDIMo Sundly ulIl plny gnu or lhr Ilnwh Inr nl Iran the nut mm mm THE SITUATION was so desperate that coach Sandy Air was forced to switch his strategy in midstream Rookie Mike Dubcau and Jon Weeks took regular turns on dcicnce and Corby Adams was reinserted on the left tank for Lorne Knawlcs and AI Stilt With tha Garner line left intact Air went with just two iines flthe final stages Er CATIIMHNIZS TlID lr McDuHo rrgulnr nliemlrr lnr Hm Ammace Inlhnr lncl Incl Hawks In he Unlnrlu Huckny Alxoclnllon Junlnr flu wm bu nul nrllon Inr hr nul 10 day duh letlnlA Mn xlu nxflrrrll mnlnnl MI ll Ilznmrnh lam hIUln nm rulml hm Humlny nluhl an lluo nah Irtralul Turonlo Mm lnm bl Clippers Top Quebec Aces QUEBEC CI Sdlinkvl 5mm lwn mulls nml nsxlllnl on nnmhcr Tuwlay nluhl vall inx Hnlllnlnrc CHHKH to II The ancient Woodstock edifice is exceptionally short in length and the presence of that ominous brick wau the thickness of the boards away at one end al most acts as an extra man an Tonights game marks the quamvr pole of the reg ular schedule and that final playoff spot Is now six points away With Woodstock hero for the pm It tum contest Flyers must prove themselves 0n the Ellis side Ilycrs could return the complement as NS NS first visit to Barrie Arena and they viil have to cdju plannlf attack mime yiggar ice surfaqc mu Lin v55 mum Flycm are well aware what they are up against The first period will be the key if they use to produce their first win of the year The locals also face tough task over the coming weekend Saturday they are pm guests of secondplace Gall Hornets and Sunday they meet Butch Martins Guelph Regals at Barrie Arena However the physical ap the strange new ice surface was no excuse for Flycrs lnoplness during the first period Certainly lhcy rallied as they nonn ally do in the final stanza but Iivegoal deficit ls next to impossible to ovemme against club wim the ex perience of Waodslock TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS IHOHII 77AM FOR SEVERAL YEARS Barries senior clubs have established reputation as dangeraus thirdperiod comeback threat However this year the final frame eflorls have been too little and too late No less than will of 30 goals have been registered in the final frame while only three have been recorded during the open ing session These figures point nut dramatically that Flyers have failed to move in the early stages and con stantly find themselves behind the eight ball In Sen yior It cfimpany it is essential to play full 60 minutes 0c In my Drillin mnmnon mmw mm In the Grillia Toronto Guelph and Onkville out Jugs Flyers had territorial advantage which could have resulted in early leads Breaks play an import ant part in any game and none have come Flyers way yell The mostrstarfling example was in the last home outing where Drillins veteran Ivan Walmsley per formed with class Sundays outing at Woodstock was different mat ter The first pcnod was embamssing to say the least The Athletics have always been tough on home ice espedally against clubs who are new to the Perry Street Ice Palace The locals went thro completetrans formation as hardworking executive attem ts to create stmng entry In the expanded loop or to the start of the long 40game schedule Flyer man ager lim Shofl explained that the basic am 15 for Bame to have competitive club against the estab lished teams and catching onto one of the eight playgff be wguldmalge successful season Up until last Sunday Flyers were on the short side of the score seven times in row On paper seven defeats do not look so good However Flyers prov ed point to the skeptics 1n the south some who be believe the Barrie club is in the doubtful category Flyers were certainly no pushover Four of the loss es were by the scant margin of one goal and air were two goals short The other threegoal do wit came in the dying moments after forcing defending ampion Guleph into an overtime session Flyers ave also matched strides with the favored clubs in Ithe offensive department and our men among the flop 10 league snipers bears this out GORDONTS 7289228 HIE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NW MI mm mm mm In WHILE NO ONE can realisficallx expect Barrie Flyers to be world beater In their first year of reg ular Senior competition the situation after eight straight dcfcgats cap le tergneq critical Problnnu In Us HEATING Bring Your Flyers Must Erase Opening Period Blues SPORTS COMMENT By CHRIS AYLOTT Dy THE CANADIAN ImISM filnndlnfl Chicago an hm unb llrd one palm lnlnlx Ullman Mm 1L ml limitmm leit Auln Ullman leil Bhutan Omlry Munurnl Glnmmln Nrw York fwzlrr Dylrml mum Hum mimic minutes Schinkcl scored the Clippm lirsl and last nonh nml got an nxslsl an lhlrdApvriml goal by Vxllln Marshall Jim Ihrlcu KM um olhrr goal on Hubpnrlod paycgplpy The uln Ml Dnlllmuxu In louth place In htEnsllrn Dl vlalon with nine palnls Qucbm first with IE Gm 11mm nnrM he Quth you Amcrltun ankcy Lruxuo vlc lug ovcr Quflgcc Arcs NHL LEADERS 0mm by Drum Wlmhoualni Closed Friday November 11 REMEMBRAN CE DAY Cnillnxwd Onll Woodstock Gurlpll Kinxxlnn Onkvlllu llrlltvlllo Tnmnlo Ovlllln mum min leslork ul llnnlu llnrrlo Ilrllovlll ohm 11m best cmwd of he year was lhu Oct 20 galno whlrh Queens Unlvmlly Klnmon man 1115 nvrr Vnnlly In Tor oulv Prentice mld flnl Studmls mm bmwmi so v1 mud xx per mm with an Tnm are 111mm playing In Hm Marlllmos and lhcy aver age 3000 spcclalnrx name We chd the St Franck St Marys game ln draw cam city 1le of 5m In i954 gvcrngo mm to he pubilc Vol Nut year he numbmvol 0a nndlnn unlvcrsnlm playlng loo yau oxpulcd lo rm to about TORONIO All REST Three games this weekend Queens versus Taroan at Kingston lho OttawaBishop gamo 1n Oklawa mi the St Francis Xnvlora Marys game in Halifax aro minded to draw heavily Ihlrtyflght loam phyed an average at eight games our or Ive nl mm at home Across Canada this year compared th learn last year and 32 EXPECT CAPACITY Blll Prentice who runs the CIAU information office says altendama at why same could surpass Ihnt nf plum mlbau within six yearn gym 11 52W mi exuded lo raud1 1000 000 withln three yum and gate tempts rllmbm nearly $2000 ODO he said Figures released he Gann dlnn Interwllcgia Mhldlc Uniun today show that 602000 an Mlendod 152 unlvemity football game news Lhe coun try an paid £0000 the gate Vilh univérsity enrklmém ifil creasing fan appeal mounting pd mam 31nd bnuer gamesulhe TORONTO CF Calicgc football In Canada has set time record his year In attend ancc number of games pdayed mg Ale regcipts The RCAF Midget Juvenile hockey league opened their snasun last mm at ha Enr rle Arena with all six teams Three Records Set In COllege Football SENIOR STA MIDGETIUVENILE HOCKEY LEAGUE OPENS llrull Unlvers estem 0mm in London drew 3000 10000 mguiafly lhk year the Univer sity of British Columbia aver WWW0°9 S3319er morq than 11000 heglnnln On hand to drop Ihu lixst we was pm McGibbon chief Mach the league and organizer of he league Ihree year and alsn past president UnXcrlly ol Saskatchewan Ilnvmluml mm null Wm manna lm hlmmn ll muknnlnwunm JOhllh mu mm than mm My aim bum car Iqulppod with rum Clnadl Untamed elegance in lugury mews ear GIundmd CDWII hoodlum buhlnd hundnom dl cullarlm Vacuum nowmd doom Ill concul Hahn upon aulamnllcnlly who llama mum on Mgrgury Gaufifiulf loaded with standafd features that are likely options on other cars II MA MIME had my mm of 8100 and an average of 5500 Album at Edmpmon draw 3000 In 5000 while Manitoba had top cmwd of 4390 McGill averagedujust under 75000 game Purpose the leagus to provide recreatlnn or buys In the surrounding area Games are held every Tuesday night with lull slate of action Blind1d Con III In lnhln 1v nquonauwpclm Mow101mmva MOEFATT MERCURY Ml AND IEnVlU yeamld outfielder led 121 Enlumorn sweep ol the on places drawing maximum no points to 153 or Huhd baseman Brooks Robinson and or first baseman Bong Pnhefl But man who wan the NI version with Cincinnati in 196 accomplished um eat by gaining the 1966 AL award with out dissent mm the 20 voting membm oi the Ensehnil Writ er Asociaiian oi America NEW YORK AP Frank Robinsun of Balumore Orioles unanlmausly was vod the American League Mas able Player Tuesday been the first player In baseballvta wlvn the award Injoth leagugs In the 39year history the nwml nn nlhcr player has been able to achieve the dlsuncuon In hnlh lha American and Na £1033 lgaggles Th College Bowl which bunc fits the Canadian Save the Chil The Hawks who won be On tnrlo Intercollaglnte Fontball Conlmnce WM perfect 80 record will mea be winners of Ihls Saturdays Elnenm Con ference game between St Fran ck Xavier Unlverslty of Anu gonlsh NSand SL Mnryl mum The selection rummlt tee picks the team and well go along with them Waterloo coach Dave Knight said Tues day night Were Just happy to beJn there WATERIDO Onlu CH1110 Goldan Hawk ram wmm Lutheran University dont care Mm team they meet Nov 19 In the qulegeflawl they just ham to buplnylng Frank Robinson Wins MVP Award COLLEGE BOWL Waterloo Will Meet Maritime Champions lhoso nro slnndnrd Mk your Mercury donlor about Couanra onllon Illll Va anoint Cancunlod dual howmy Goquumlal lumIl nall Floormounted In ll Iwov Wood othd moving wheel namely cunlml oulnldo marvlaw mlnol Couvluyllnhll Indoor Ind Imlmmml Inn Ian box ll hl mlahlmoll Mmlup moulding Check Cougars Standard Features Knight says ML no dlsay pointed that his team will nu meet either Tnmnln Varslly mun or Queens Unlvsrslty Golden Gncls of Kingston In the bowl game Varslty and Queens mem ber bttho Ontarlmouebec AthA latte Association and rated two of the toughest team In the cnunlry were bypassed by the selection committee Although hes worried about the size of flu Nova Scatla team he my he may lhrnw few new wrinkles Into his Ience We may have to throw lha ball In and wave so prfilly lair pnssjng olenc dun Rind wfllho phytd In 5mm We dont know anything about them In field In poor sandman unr small back cant cut II wet well be dlsadvamnge If they are bl lenmfi He on his backflold per lnctly balanced 11 built around fullback John Watson who scored 42 point In confer enca play and hall Murray Mark will who picker 1p Aindlinish is worried Ibout the Lyn1mm Knight In his iecand year can at Waterloo Lutheran gnumwnenrol hardhHUng not WALKWEL SHOES 38 Dunlop mun CANADAS FINEST SHOES FOR MEN From $2395 pr ll am ns md wmfho pllyed in They the 5mm must Varsity Sladimn know mm Job Knlghl said Lnixht In worried Ibout Whomever we meet will he lhn lumen second best In Canada WWW dont know unny Some co nmlnk Vanu Is £11 field In sum gm mm in Puddud wlndublold plllnv Curvvd Ildu window mm mlnhl molnl mmvl From Immmlon dug Ilmll nnwvllhlu hymn Ilvnyn vlahllldt Iglck undavhood lubnglul InIuanon HI whnlbnn 1001 ovnlnll lunam dual mildqu poryur gym24000 miles FordOICanudn MoroComprohonalvo 3Polnl NowCarWammly 05 your50000 miles on powmnlmlullnn munmum Ind whulu mam iai onlhn mill 71 They Alberta thought they were using us far wannup game Knight recalled But an Illa field It was 12 men against 12 and anybody had chance winning Meanwhile Waterloo Luther nna 2500 student are extolling the vlrtun ol the Golden llnwks They point with pride at an Impressive 224 exhlbltlbn victory over the Unlverslty of Alberta lasers to Toronto In last years bowl game Knight lee many Canndlun have tha mistaken impression ms the OQM made up of Ibr nnto Kingston McGfll and th Uulverslly of Western Ontario we major Canadian college league and feverybody else In small tuna fill may have been tru Ilva or In years ago he sald bu schnnls bigger new the coaching mu L1 bigger and mam cmphnsls placed on football athlellcs No lugue ll completely suveflorl They the committee must know melt ivb Knlghl said Whamuver we men will he lhn second hes in Canada anyway Some pcopln Lhan Vanity strong cam than the Nov Scan winner Bu cant ted they are my dillerem than any tbody else

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