Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1966, p. 9

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R°Se11¢1e9fi9f 311313 Help Déféht Eskimos Farrnll Funstnn who an snauntcd his Intention to win The Bkimos made one mare Sespcmte hld Randy Kcrhmv Mod to htt TommyJae Cvrloy with passes but Ed Ulmm stepped In to interrupt nnd th nipeg held on to the ball until the tint gun am an sudiindralh Eastern Cnniaranuc scmHinnl nlon Winnipcg6 uvmiipng in sumléndeath chcm Contcrnnco sLmlrnnnl Nluflllll Lrnxuo 5L Lauls 20 New York 17 Pgllburgh lfi Clcvtlund DCHDH 10 Chllflflu lfl Vnshlnplnn 10 Dallimore 17 Dalia 23 Phllmlrlphla MinxArson 10 Grcrn Hay l1 Lnl Angdc San 21 Amulum Lrnxur Sln Diego I4 Kmnnx C1ly Houston 11 Oukluml 38 Drmrr l7 llmlnn In Fuflnln Miami Bullm Cnnudn ErrIm Shcnmnlcr lr Ilulilux Plocn firomiaily iobhnd ho ball to Cooper who grabbed it oLtheicgipchlng pqlan Plncn did tremendous Job in exccullng Ihc short pass ummm Armstrong who had squeezed he Eskimos into the off or the tint time since Cnmdlnn LNqu Hugh Hamillan lShcurqu Mn dulh Jamimall 5L SI ilnnh ny nIrK cnurll Agniled lnn hum vllrr lhllmlclrhlal Timmy llnnul remnml Mlkulh IIJ nnrl ynnll or nmlnltmnu Sunday MHI nu anlnnrll hmumli 14mm man mu Ipnrklng Hm nzlu In In 2021 lrlumph nwr Hm heavilymum MUM Imu lvyyt AMnn Mnrlln rnn mzk Iml In runl ynnll Inr mm mm 11mm null Ham Ihkrr lduxl II NH um In In In In nllhnuuh hp Englrl mum nuIy ynnln Ind mu llnl dmm nn nllrnu Ilruwn lwump um in player In NH hlllnry mm Mcn 1n mum nu khhuu nmth Mlnnunln VIM warn illlh lrlmml Ivy mn anv lrnlnnl rluhh mum mmva mn my luck 2M1 lllh IHnKh Flvrlrrl drlvnlrd luyn Inml mum Inn mm Clnllnnll Ilmwrrl New Mk In Ilrrn hlvllm Irml uwr DNIIAI In li umwl nml IMHI Innu Tnlh Inunrwl Wnthlnultm lwlnkln WINNIPEG CRThe mn filna of rookie and lhenlut calls of 3101mm qumcrback Kenny Plocn provided an 81 yard Lhms Sunday that enn rled Winnipeg Blun Humbug Into the Waslcrn Football Con lerence lug After Roscns ru hunk Flam Folltd right for suven yards then began to lhrow short passes lnlo lhe cold northwest wind which was gusting to miles an Mug Fargclung bone chilling 2th flour tnmpnmluru 154w ans cheered each of slx con Mmllvc completionso Rustn for 11 yards Dave Mimcy for lo Roscn for 25 to Raimcy or 1510 Roscn or three at ho Edmonton anc yngj line Plocn went back nnss tolled kl under pressure Mar all Starks file Eskimos abparcnlly Lhinklng Plocn was about Io run muvcd away from the man he was covering flankcr Billy 0pr FUNsz sconns Tim Brown Runs Propel Eagles lllnewlmv flan anrlsr Wu Iflmmni 1m Annrlu Mm ilIJ Mu Drlrnil Hmu viNI Chlmm mm In IMO qtgmlofl Saskaluhcwnn Roughrldcrx In the first game or Ihe bestof three final at Regina Sunday We were in an ldcal sltuu Lion said Edmonton coach Neill Armstrong rclcrrlng to llm Thumass swtcp lull past lflnnipcg defenderth Mln Hick and Norm Rauhaus or 21yard lnuchdown that M4 monlan behind 98 wilh flh min utgslclLl play The nd st nt our batk but we couldnt stop them HITS 0N SHORT ONES The Eombém bent Edmonton Esklmos in the sudden dcnlh semiinn who saw Hm mu action In 10 previous games run kickoff from his own end me the Winnipeg 1de fine surfing the scrlm of plays that led the Blue eraox Dy HIE KEN PLOEN SHARP noiuxu IPOHM Dallas Ml nlfln CamIn Srnlnr Jan 12 PM Allhur Julan Mn Mummm CANADIAN PRESS SUNDAY FOOTBALL RECORD Joint meeting was held re ccnlly lay the fwndalim ol the Mn which will bring lo gclhcr snowmobile mmch under one roof lormal organizaliun meeting or al interested has been slnlcd tor Vcdnesrlay Nov 16 all Lhe Yachl Club sinking 6p Local dualcrs various make of snuwmobilcs are phoning In with ma inilinl stages of the new vcmurc Plum call or mom Lions and social functions sud Ultawa SI Lawrunre Bishops ll Collage Milllulm Illuman Cnntrrrncn SL Marys 55 Dalhnusln Francis 39 Acadia SI Dummna 15 Ml Alllsnn liasltm Canada Srnlor Mnnlrml East York 41 East York Mn snddcndrnm snmlnnnh liaurm Canada Jflnlar Ilramlnnl Mutual NI Snowmoblilns one the fast est ng recreational and compcuhve winter spurts in North Amcrlca are organiling lomlly an clnb level Enlhus 1359 in his span am Joining forms with he Barne Yacht Club who have finialLad their olubhuuse or yearround ity safaris and conkwts along with U10 possibility organizing racing learn or mmpelilion in such events as UN PLaycrs World which was held In Barrie or he first me last February in ccnjunctinn wilh the Barrie lelr Carnival The local hroim win probany nmliaic wilh Lw naLloml assa ialivn cI srwwmvbllcs Canllntnlal Lcnsna Norlnlk 10 Monlrcnl 10 Philadelphia 30 Charleston Wheeling Tomnlo 10 Brooklyn 20 llarllonl Orlando 25 lllrllmund Vcslun Iixlcréoxlzgiulo IIgnry UBC 15 Snikalthcwan 40 Albcrln mums lulcrcnllulnla Munlrwl Laurcnlhm 16 Vulrflgo arrgqujo Loyola 22 Monlnnf llnnl Mofilrenl in Auddcndbnlh flnah Dnlnrhrflutbtc AA Wtle Ill Tarnnla 21 Mch pugcna 29 rmly louzhdnwm llerl In Item nu Hnmnl Mymd hum lhen lrll Mmqu 177 lwlnm mull Hunk again Muln lourh llmm mu lhrm flhlflll In my Iau Inn mhnlln Inlnr ankrnlan mmnlrlfil In 1A mum or ynnll In 35 mm IIHnlduun HM In Jlm lhHHm III llvtl mulh tulnrlrr Irl up Ill llvovma an ynnl xllm lur llm wlnn lumlulrmu Illlmn ulio mrml lhn nlhrl zklnz lmnlnhwn on our ymd nm nml Im ux mm pair Hrlll uu wilbcn completed 15 of 20 pass attempts for 151 yards Boson caught six for 71 ynrds In co nlrnsl Edmontons Randy Kerbow completed only am of 17 aunmpt or 48 yards Coffey who kickcd convert and single at the Eskimos other points caught two or 29 yards PERKINS TRAVELS An Perkins chargcdfinrough Edmnmon llne 12 limes or 71 yards as lhc numbers col My Cnnnfllnn Jnnnllo nnlpculgfl Ulmcr contributed Angie Norm Winton two convert and jingch It took us long time to so throuxh their mush defence They never seemed to give up Algcy just kept comlng he 5a we elxh Season rwln nimgv dcollar¢d another Ploen throw or touchdown Kn um second quarter as the Ember heldlfl 81 and 9d quarter leads Bud Grunt Whmipog coach and general manager said quartnrback experience spelled the inference snowmobiles Start Club llunr llnlrrnl filllmpoo Ind Glyln only lhvbm Ir llleIu In far your lull II he an mm lhnp ml TM Dunk llnn SATURDAY Canada Junlar Mnnuml NI In luddtndcnlh JOE GALLES BARBER SHOP mm mm nmn NOW MONTH SPECIAL He was brought In the Camr dlnn Football League club by head mach Frnnk Clair as his assistant when Clair look over The combinallan yald nu In nsllonal liLlc In 1960 Last year Smy the logical successor in Canr hen nxmnrs new Hm head roach was an the way out after ollawn failed to win lhc East crp Cnnrcrcnce title Homvcr Clau staycd and the club finished In the EFC lhlsyear nparlmunl Friday lwo dnyl be fore he was In scout the llnmll lon Montreal EFC 5ch inn Hamilton Wfln nnd now menu 013m In he EFC final He sum respond lo trrnhnemv but suffered 141250 unglay llu call snflde Dlll Vcslwlck spurla tdllnr of he Otlnmu Jvumnl rcmllcd qu he was really gentle In low The Krlnym really luvnd hlm So dl Clnlr Lnlrr ho wuclml high school noumll ln Cnrlnnnll and nl Xnvlor Unlvmily hrm ho was 1an lo Ed Kluslux an lnlk an the MU Im Wm rlmrlly and up pronrhnbla No wnlknl amy unm mlhrr llmu drive lo kw mm OPERATED MEXICO CITY 1Aluxr Ilamln lrll rye he nmy Carina om ml mu Iurlnu 0er mn 1ruvmln ighwrmhl Illa hum Inn Innmh um murmlwl on finhlnlny Inernun llln rul mu ml hranu prawer AM hul lmnmu lnlwml Dotlurn MM Hnmm vmuM Ir MW in mm 0qu in Jun HM Ilnmml duh lur turn mull OTTAWA CWBil Smyth laugh lnlking defenslvn coach or Olmwn Rough Riders died Sunday three days after being taken In hospital with an nr12rlal blood dot Doctor sald hln hem dum agcd by childhood bout Ihgmgflc Ipver gnvcpgt STRICKEN FRIDAY Smylh had repulauon or scaring rookies wilh darn xnnant volto hut carried all ML lhn pragllco Held Thnrnvrrnpnsne Um more qulnlspoktn CInIr Smylh could In lough anI did Smyflls Icalh was mo second lrngcdy ln mike lha UHnwn club In In wank Jnmn Mrcrnfc rty club Item and or mcr manager dlcd lnsl Snlur B1 A1 NOT DAM M1 11 to we pnylm cnctr at Nnrn Dame and manual Smylh but llncmnn plnyrd our ycm wilh Lu Angclt mm ha qu10 Mamie MI be held Il Inlrltkl Church II In nm lrxlny nm body Hm ill ha mm In Cin tlnnnll 1hr bmlnL 16mg mo mu an mime Ingecmllngo my gowng Nnnlfle hurt lhesulbbarn Esklmm cosung them 91 ard or men Inlracllons An Hegel use of hand call helprd shauer their only other threatening march in limqnaflcr The bhénimg vmce this Cln clnnnll nnllve has been part of Ottawa practice Ecssluns men 1956 VIII wllo mm In mlnwn nflcr nyu lonk Thoma Edmontons only re maining groundrthrcut alter Trent Waller suffered con cussion 1n Ihe mlrd quenchMt or 49 of the Bkimna 109 yard on the ground Edmonton ha nine first dqwns Ottawa coach Dead Rt 44 BILL SMYlll Dies Suddenly 726M Shearwater Navy To Face EY Argos m2 mm EXAMINER new woman Paul McKay scored the third Tvronlo touchdown on six yald pass from We Woznluk and converted 111m Gar land scored twice for Weslnm an pass and plunge Ind Robln Wearing got ma third on 31yard pass from quarter back Bob mael In hair only other meeting lhls season Buccaneers downed Shenrwaler 1913 The Bum went through thu AFC schedqu without defeat Quarlerbnck Bab Cormler wax good on ten of nllcmplx and hit halfback Can1m with three touchdown passes Navy ulncd yards rush Inn to Buccaneeu and had ya lhrough ha nlr lo 105 for he nun who clicked on live 01 16 pass attempts PORT ARTHUR 1C1 Si Jame Rams brusth ulde Purl Arlhur Mustang 120 Sun day In ruler ho Cnnndlm un lor football final at the laurlh 519mm yur Pulllnx out of critical Allun Hons wilh Inur pm Inlucw llunsv the Rams never lulled n1 they but he Mustang or lholhlrd xlrnlxhl llme In he Vcslcrn Canada nuddenldcnm llnal They held qunrlcr land 40 and nm lecm Danada cham nlan will bn dccldtd nexl Sun by In dash bdwcen awar walcr Navy ma Mlnnflc Fool hnll Canlcrrnce and Toronto East Yurk Arno 111 University at Western on lnrlowas robbed by tumble and Queens Unlversllya encg merrily outscored its of tame he Onlaflwuebec Alhleflc Aswdulan clmed its 30m ombalIVschedule Salut ny Tho Queens delence oul scored Its olfmce 1342 in heavy mud and snow on route to vlclory over McGlll Mmen The win left Queens Goidcn Gael mm record tied for first with the Blues Andy Szandlner scored two um quarter touchdowns for Toronto both on plunges Mus lungs came back with pal lnle In the second quarter to finish It half milling 2120 HALIFAX CF Shanna ler Navy trlpped Hamax 13w cancer here Sunday to wIn Iha Atlantic Football Connrent championship and lhu mm to meet Tornnln East York Argus In next Saturdays Enilom Cao nndlan mnlur Ioulball inaL University of 70mm Blues edged Western 2120 allot Tor ontos Jlrr Kellum knocked the ball from the hands Western halflzack Dave Gafland as he crossed he goal line The um bl marred In quarter march bywmem tom awn gonlli Queens and Term met In Kingston Saturday in the series playofl In regular phy West on ended with 14 record and McGill was winks in six mm SCORES TDUCIIDOWNS HéfiSs varsitv win By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ji M5119 Qt Lh5 rr0£E is LEVECLLL rihmx be Maw Wm red bargain fareg mm Hnmmon now lac IIaInsl Ottawa Rough Riders hm Sun day In the first encounter In their two game total point tries to decide the team 10 mm lha Wcslcm champions in dis Grey Cup gnma In Vancou ver Nov 25 was game filled with frustration or Montreal whlch nubnnhed and outpassed the defending Grey Cup champions but only lwlce penetrated lmlds um Hamilton awynrd line TORONTO CF chk le trick scored all 10 points In leadan Toronto fllflcs In 100 victory over Wheeling lrnnmcn In Conllntnml Football Magus nonleslhnre Salurday my Tho vlclnry was the ninth In 12 mm or Hm llrslplnre In whlle tho lranmcn mlIcrcd lhgl up straight sclbaqkl kid In men 1102 rush yard unlncd prlur lo he can lul curled 15 me or 16 Md nob Morgan replacing njurtd Joo Wllllnml cmch In tlmu for Its ynnh Mitchell ended the WM wlgh we canveng tor WeslenL In Kingston Queens camr linebacker Larry Ferguson and delcnslve hallbnck Guy Polvln noted nlne palm each whlle oflensln backs Doug Cawan and Ron Clarke each had Lounhdown Fuguson blocked punt by Ron Banla on he McGlll 254 yard llne and recovered it in tho and mm for touchdown He also kicked lime slngl Potvin scooped up ufibie on the M06 14 and streaked into he end zone to scare He also added hree converts 11AMLTON CF Don Sulhcrin th allllme lop scorer or we TigerCall roared out of the defensive backfield Sun day tn lend Hamilton to 24 victory aver Montreal Alouellcs and plan Enstcm ball Conlcrnnce llnal TlgerCnu won the game wllh thgl davqsmfimjdmge Montreal roiled up am down while holding 115 Tiger cm In eight Hamilton mm 11ng only anu first dnwn In tho enUro iccand hall our own and kicked canal and Hrkl goal caught 10 pnms nr 170 yards Including ZIynrd pnxxnndrun play wllh raoklo quqn bapk qu ldnson Limerick Leads Rifle Victory Candin PRIS Spam Edllar Devastating Sends Cats mm Fmle mu tha Méhéueg couldnt laryout money wlll take you on Rod Durgnlrr Boys And there are loln extra loo Complimentary menln when you travel by Alsopan or parlor cor Low laws lor chlldrenAddllIunnl navlnus when you sham sloopan occommodnuon Illa group and pnrlylnro dlacounanhosu Irothoroalllnvol burunlna Thoworrylron bnrunlns Enloy lhom now on last comfortable CN lrnnsconllnomal and lnlornlly lmlna Call your Aulhorlred CN Tluvol Anon or CN Pnaaenucr Salon omco Indny By BRUCE LEVEH Enloy 1homandu and lhouaunda of worrymo mllon right across Cnnndnal bl salon ptlcou Go now and see how lnr mnr manna II lnln mu rm l1nlnmnu Dnvnl and yank and kicked two converls Willie nclhcu scared touchdnwn set up by Sulh crln lnluccpllon and Ted Page carried his own Intercepunn or lho only oiher Hamilton touch down Mammal hold scoreless until ho hum rt Cam through with lauthduwus by Don Lisbon and Locke both on line plunge lrnm clam It Pom Kemp cunvcr lad 1h George Dork Mnulrcnll 2L yearold quarterback went all the way whllo vclmm Bernie Fnlnnnyoncc Tigercu lnr mde Ihc bench nnc paint with Montreal dmm 200 Ian chanlrd dcrislun We want Fuloney THREATEN IN FOURTH Tho clnsnst Mammal came lo pullan the game out was in he lounh qunflrr when with the scum 1014 Sulhcrln learned wlth halfback Bobby Kunz film drlvn and put lhu gamu nu mm Kunlt ran the allotouch down klck from he Ilamlllnn 20 In lhv Monlrml Lu and mm plays later Sulhcrln kkkcd his lhlld Ilqltlngal sll sxhowlnn Mnnl m1 nhrnd 300 yard lo 177 iurpriscd lhn 20312 am Thu hit or X68 mama and along the grnund lo 95 or 81 or lho Tlcnls on upcan Ills mdm an Sulhtrlnx Hynnl field goal and followed up leh Hclhoaa louvhdawn Sulhcrln convtrlcd hm kicked MI Jlynn Huld goal In make the ncnrc 130 at cnnlaln SulherIII the slxfoot ZWpound dclansive halrback from ohln State who came to Hamilton seven years an after brief service with New York Giants and Plltsburgh Slcclcn of the National Fonlball League Sulhcrln who 1ch or second place in the EFC scoring taco this year has lilclirnc scoring Inlal 50 points with Humil lnn Sunday he hammered out 11 poipuuon ligld goplsql Hn Quarterba Joe Zugcr kicked an 82yard single with 66 seconds Ml 1n lhe Knmc min nirorflamilton Tmch Cats delivers Janing tackle Montreal Alnueua pun DFEIVE my I3ng Jwu xL Thu end zone currns In lhcrc he said later was hmlm trouble Lenin my arm louse tipped lho ball will my right hm wung up with lhu It and held on One omcial nbaul ll ccl away said made 11 The olhrr nne ruled came dawn out bnunds shnuld hmn had Th was no scaring In lhn sccnnd quarter bul ln Ihe third llamlllnn stretched its load In 200 on Pages touch down converted by Sulhcrin Sulhcrlns 14yard field goal followed by Zugcrs hnaming sInqu ended he scoring In the lira quarter Sulhnrln cut ln from ol lhc receiver and lnicrcoplcd Bark pass carrying lhe ball rum llm llnmillun as lo lhc Monlrnal 20 Two plays later Zuxtr lull Ile lhca an Cm goal line for we lunchdnwn Then in lhe Iinal quarkr Sulhcrin ell buck lulmlhe end lane with Gibbons leaped up nml lnlcrcuplcd again but om dnlx ruled hr came dawn oul olbmmds lb and of tho lrslqunglc Mmrcal wilhln our other early ler Mammal halfback Niko Gil bon was Sulhcrins vicum vhfoughqu the game Sulhtrln didnt lh tum speciallst Ed Mam 11 during vtslerduy ailernoons Eastern Fnolhall Conference suddcndcalh scmlHnnl gamu llork siding hi tha drcislng twahdmvns cam minules of each In the Inc quar jfldflfl Halifax Tqronto Wmmpeg Vancouver Onowny conch lmval nod Daronln Dnyl Barrie to diunl rm didnt see mm at all he sahl Page ho lntcrccplcd pass on ma Monlrcal lLyard line and nan for his score In the IhIrd quar lcr mom arm the game spoke the nlhtr Interception hlch rnsullrd Pagesluuchduwn as Cach Darrell Mudra of Montreal blach the Ins on bad errors polnling to tha Inturccmluns and um rumbles nhich Ticau rccnvmd finrk salt lineman blocked hIs view nl Hammons Clvlc Stadium nihy Rev anklin former Alouclle stand ready It lam male Kumz needs nsslslnnce GORDONS 7289228 mm firing Your RENEW Problems To Us all m1 nlcmml mum unrk v0 vmm how 52200 220 s21 00 54200

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