Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1966, p. 4

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For lllll mum MM In lnuvrmml mu tnmuurd Mum nnumx nrulml hm wnlmwlly obgcrmlvl nmp III1m lhr convmmlnu mm Hm Mm ll Mxllnlnrulmy mmwm My 1M hinhl Imvlrn muurrun Lllwrnl Ml rum lumunll and Wm 33mm nr IlmluI lmhllwm Iml MA vllNl um hwh Mlh Mm Tu my lunirkr MIHI mm only man vmrl Im nnl nary mi vi chum ml mum Mr Small Ifimmh mun Wm an11 mm 1w 1m Mlncrll lhn mm rvy nlllrlnh Ir ll hmnlw ul llw Ham lnmnwm Mm mm Mr UM Mark lulvhl Iwcwum lvrlaHr paylmwnlavy Iloflylnn wIIh um irvlv In plau nl anrHH 11w nclmmv hrva Hwnhr Human Hamn Nrw fuundhrvl lrrk Han hm llayumwlz flrmennl AL Aim IerI Funk will Alumnle MIMI Fm Farm firm Aultlnll Unrulnn mm nu ma lnk Ah Im II an empuml mlvlim nu rm imm rluuu Barrie Northern Advance Nov 1006 North Simcoe Tcachcrs Associa tion met in Collier St Methodist Church President Wood outlined responsi bilities of teachers in and out of class room Dangers ot commercialism were ointed out and getting educated mere to make money or get along in the world was utilitarian adl Teachers were admonished to set good example for pupils ll Il Strathy KC 01 name appointed Crown prosecutor for Toronto Asslzes Barrie Board Trade reorganized with James Vnir as president New directors are Samuel Vesley George Ball ii Madmen it lienweod Michael Frawley Tom Beecroit and 1min Disastrous ire belieVed work of arsonists wiped out Mickie Dyinent and Son foundry and woodcutting plant Rain and snow pre vented blaze from spreading across liors St to Bail Pinning lllill lumber yard President Simon Dynrent was undeter mined today on rebuilding Rural telephones are an increase in Simeoo County One of best stage shows of season is booked for Fridav night at Grand Opera House llclln Bill star ring George llall it is full of good OTTAWA Mmflwrl hr Mum lchml xnvcmmnnl III unclw are lrlnmlvm lhrir lvM unrlly nu Ivtqulpll which Ihoy unuu Mn nnHlernl lhrn nhml mtnwy can mall humor Mme vulnth numhrly mlmr ln nculpnpm lnr luvmg MAL Comrnntlw bvluudy our HIM ml nrrk my 11mm mmnuun lllhnl mmrlinz In MW1P mm vnhmlnm 60 YEARS AGO IN TOWN It does not follow however that all additions to national power have been necessary or desirable or that continu ing enlargement of national authority should go unchallenged lilany prob lems for example those relating to education urban transit and neighbor hood improvement retain distinctly local or regional character Yet it is in precisely thoseareas that Washingtons roleis most rapidly expanding Signi ficantly these aceretions to national pow er are justified not by claim that Wash ington hassuperior knowhow or great er efficiency in these matters but by the Much ofthe centralization of pmlier that has occurred the article notes rebath has to be accepted as unnvoid la in the light of the social and econ umic changes that have come about in the last 180 years Many problems na tional in character clearly exist in complex industrial society of almost 200 million persons that simply could not have been foreseen when population numbered leSs than four million and was sustainedehiefiy lay farming As in Canada the threelovel political organization of the United States is he lng new and serious roblems There as here it is mainly inancial dilemma quarrel between the national govern1 ment and the other two levels of gov ernmentvon questions of who will pro vide what services and how they will be paid for An article on the subject in the monthly issue by the Morgan Guar anty Trust Company of New York pro vides an outside view on problems sim ilar to our own OTTAWA REPORT Walla Publisher Similar Problems In Mainly Concerned Iinance fly PATRICK VIKIIUMON ifiawiv Officials Criticize Reporting In House Published ByCanadlnn Newspupérs lelted 16 EnyfleldrstreetEnrria0nmlo DOWN MEMORY LANE McPhonon Mininng Editor MONDAY NOVEMBER 1m PAGE Innl Immmnr nnl mm Hmnnl Jury gunman nu Hm Hv hrmmnn uhkh lhrv lrml ha nrwqmplu llwznlmlly rrlnlml Um NP mimzn In Imlimlwhl um mall IIIIm mil in Ihn mm ml mrr llv Ir an cqu um um llnwvumn IhnI ryrmmNut Mmuwl by Uuir pnumr Thup mm vaml nul grdrd Ir nw IMI mull rvlv vulu Mr IVIIIMM do Indium dyaumlwmm lhnv nu but Human hmmnhm ern Ivmrrvlrll Frnmlrn Illher Ihzn mm My MI The Mllm mum Hm rrrnnl and wmIM ml nhuar Im lunpmllily by lHMnK Hm lmpHrn mm The Mk Imuhrr Mk Mull II Alp imam um um rel hat NIH Al rriticlml hr 11 mm In gmch runr ly mnpunlom Muuml Hm Iumh uhln nll Ill In In ntmrnl Hllllll nhlr Hm llnmu 4nmnwlu Hy lIvlr Ilium fun Ihry nu mow nllcndlng mul mun numlhr llurn nnyom rhn In Hu hamlwn Flro Hvrm Mr Ivflnrwl Mllrlnh hr Inumllm um IMWNFM mum nny Iwnim HNIF rm MAI lnwr fnr llvrlr vnumn 71w nlhrr Inn awnugh rlMNI Alma mu lvmhle Mrr ho prrnmlmm In mlhmly Inmmlnl mnmw In 1M Invited hy Mr tr LhM unique pum mn In prlvnlo dining 1mm mo senlal lho roanl flvirkrn mu Ivrml nml llm Mvnlnuhrl was muml ullh lhv IJHHL ImoMnJmc rmrlrncy mm vhlrh llm hmx slrcrrd ma IIUHFMHML music and pretty girls in handsome cos tumes Mr Kelly is taking over Queens Hotel barber shop litany local nlmrods are oil to Mus oka and Parry Sound areas for deer hunt Dr Wall win heads one party and Dr Hart an other Dr Jr Bulier is here from T0 ronto to look after Dr Harts practice while he is away Annual meeting at Barrie Carriage Col gave authority to directors for issue of $30000 prefer ence stockl Four thousand people watched Barrles Day of Sport on Thanksgiving Day which featured water events and road races Being in town to play at Grand Opera House famous Guy Bros Minstrel Band rendered selec tions in alternoon at waterfront Com modore Frank Jackson and Alex Brownlee presided tor motorboat handi cap which was held on course running from Baytield St dock to liiinets loint then to Aliandaie station whari and hack to Barrie twice around about six miles Dr rolt Barrie dentisi elected president 20th Century Club Grand Trunk Railway is said to have dis charged at least 14 conductors on Toron tolitonlreal line alleged to have accepted cash lips instead of tickets from tav ored persons This plan the bé only modest im step in solving the fiscal mismatch but it has the virtue that it would not extend Washingtons involvement in peculiarly stale and local problems There now exists the article goes on to says fiscal mismatch Th press ing need created by war gave ashing ion tight hold on such high revenue sources as taxes on personal and corpor ate income but it is the state and local governments that are being pushed to provide more and better services or rapidly expanding populations One pro posed remedy is Tax Sharing Fund Each year the article explains the fund would equal one per cent of the aggregate taxable income reported dur ing the prior calendar year on individ ual income tax returns Most of the funds resources would be distributed to the 50 states in proportion to population and tax efforts as indicated by the ratio of state and local revenues collect ed to personal income in each state part would be reserved for supplementary distribution to relatively poor states as measured by per capita income Break ly sharply with traditional granisinaid revenue transfers under the bill would belargely without strings attached ranka acknowledged inability ofvstalc and local governments to muster the fis cal resources needmi to salVe the prob ilemsihey face In short Washington simply is acting to fill void In filling this fiscal void however it is affecting an important new transformation in American federalism flaxnim ununo Wilson GeneralManage 11ml derhHul lunrh mrly In Imim anmlrcml unmlun mum my marine hm il tlmlux ml my rnusumrr In rmmmmlmlm any om vnlun he lumlrm uml 1mm ylny he Infnnmllvn My mm mvlnm mm Wain um wry WEN rlmhvu lmeInr rh yming In nmumvl Huh Um rulumn llln up HM IN All ill nut 13 tr mm rulllely lhn hm fillrmllrl JIM llull nuhimml lb mm In ha kumwuw um mm nplnlrm ol lmlnya in ml lllnmn Inn mum wxlhy nl mum omlml II lmwlnnl In like or UNI Al wrll mm In lllm Mall nun Hill In In lvumlml 1mm Tll INFORM 0l ILIIJHH They jmndrrrd Murer he nvcrnga mnnlwr nl Hm pululk wnuhl nut mm in Ivor of flu nunlflcnnl ovm uvugh lrnulhy IIbum he Inzumruu for mu nunimt 01 mm urncm mrnl policy lhu drcuhm ur rlml by Inrllnmrnn Ara nM lha nxflumrnlu unnrrulu lanklIrn mm lmpmlnul Hun ho lumtlllnnl rlrln mm II anon rnmwgu parllnnlrmmy rqwnlnk m4 mm Imd um mm In hum mum rlunm mm and 1an In um réfvonlnxv whithwmry mm nr hmr Tll INFORM Oll urn lo flwunhlcul he BIBLE THOUGHT um mum Gilt flurrir Exumtnrn Mr Johnsons from on his 17day our cl Nu Fnr lirul ln cludlng Ms nflcrnoon wim lho rank wall guarded Cam Ran my in Soulh vm Nnmy krrl tho drvmcmc clefilon mm gn or the banner hcadllnu lullml to cxcilo he volm They are xlixlurbul and un easy nhnH Vlrl Nam and most frmtrmlnz eel hnlr v01 wi1l ml hrlp that nllnlr one my or hc 001 MM he untllwm collnu Man Jnlmmnl own Hy nm meblknm by and tunic mmmfl Johnwn In Hm Iur Wm Republican mnrrmr Mark mmId nl Orc szan nlnnlng for mmlu um vncnlul Ivy Ilumlullunn nu tlnvlsh nnllAVicl Nnm Ilallurnh nml um doing luu wail HI hrmmrmlc ommncm Rm nIl El ny and lunher Mlh This lhlrd largest foreign war In Alemn mlory has not been sanclfllld Ivy nny dcclnrntlon war by cunnrcss1mrlsll pop uIar pnlrIoUc cause N0 EXCITEMENT LILL vm Nam $5 he problcm 100m in biggest In most minds Prcs idem Johnson chose to do the bulk H5 cmxpaiuing out here yet except ln Oregon and New llampahlre In war has barely been discussed as en el ccllon Issue Ncboily likes ho war but no body knmvs win to do about it IiBJ mm in galvanize he circ axMo into voting Democratic in onicr to shew Commun Isls Americans were brhlnd their Presidan and would not wnnkcn Vimed coldlr long way ram he balllcliedl it was sedl on argument worthy of some souihcrn ignunogue WASHINGTON Spccm Tommow Americans go to the poll to choose hclr next cun grcss urlcr nmld4crm elccllon campaign more rcmmkablc fur what was not said lth what 11w lmmhwl IIMI hmvlly Mlllkl In Um mo lnr lrxulvMnuml nll new tlnpalzlw In um Wm ml HM 11 AIuriMrd lrvru Mr nlm IM hm no 1MLHM lhnrln Hun MD Unhmlty An 1mm Mlmu 31 Mamm rm Hm Wm Imle umnnm II Mmer um mm 1me Mmer luIdlhm Azwldum In lnnvllnn Irvu xuxl All Ihllrml lilrunumw AMMriml Mm clan lllflll Iml 0mm apartment 011nm nwl lnr paylnrnl mum In mll Inuly Sundays and Mammy Monday urmrd Synrwripllm rum daily Ivy mnw rm wrwkly mw ymrly 91ml Wm 10v Ily mull llama mm mtly mmrlo nudnr lhmwdl Hi ymr Mad ml fililn mlmlu Il ymr MI mn rmla Ilrll Mn qu 111 rm U34 and mm WASHINGTON CALLING Yr ln Nrw llmnpxhlrr lluo ny GORDON DONALDSDN South Viet Nam WC1 Disturbs Us Voters SWINGING BRITAIN me man can put an ml lo ml Ind MI mum mun anlnu Gnvsrnnr Alumna mum Gear runnnt Iucml Mm ell he in runnlnl In nu mum mnan ny Iwkv he um Irma Ml lrnnrlul mm bun In Ahlmnn ml be In nm Ihlul pnly mu htle luv Hm llrfib lit1w In IM 12mm knm lhnl immo 11mm fur MINIMUM Imam nul mm 04 um Alum l1 mead lhmuflhunl lhn Nmh Mhm hue hm nnvrr lwel wu lhnn mm IF mm mm Mm In rvnlm ol the Mud nmmwnt In Hm dmy noun mm lnklna Pllm which my ml lur cver Io iwldwnlur 1mm nl eruhllcnn vklnry by lha mu lharn mum 11mpnm cnllexl for mu vlnrrmrm cvmnrvmlvn lu IVLflUDnisK muwn Dunnul wlu rnnurvnun negvegnlionlnl Iqumflmm ny om Wm mumm lmw mm mum nu mm on mm Im MAMu an mm wL lm Inn mm Inan luau Inl M119 m4 at Mt mtum In Cnllfarnln aclor llmnhl Ilennn Gohlwnlcrllo who nP wax lo the mum mu nvrn month In my ll dmnl well nIINMI Democrmlc Governor IM nmwn nmmflu In tonlrol the nntlml hluml ricth um ll lrnunn we run Md Nowell lo lllrry Zvldwnlrr nm mar play hla purl much brlcr hm Im not cauhl nm MAN The backlth ln Chlcaxa ls lulu1y whip Sanain Paul Douglas vtlcmn oldJashlontd Llhcral Democratic who Inc an ma er1 and undvumdly the has real challenge hL1 polll lml tamer ln Charla Percy tqually lllhcral Republican Douglass blnasl draubatk ls hl nfio In campnmi Pmyl 41 and lendcncy doddc but he also lam dlscanlcnl wllh lhe venrrahln ChlcuKa Dcmncral Ic mnrhlm operand by Mayor Richard Dalny dlscamant ullh Jfihnmn var Clvll lllthn Ml car more Nun rlau and xcnrrnl Nahum all whlrh milllnm nxnlnst the man who has lmn In he mule nr 18 year Otherwxse Vic Nam has been general malane nut In issue It we soon In pmdiet the client of Jhnsons lastminute sweep across the nallon and hls lolksy statics about lilo In the exhale From impressions gain ed on emucountry aux Inst work would say many Amerh cam dlsmls Johnsnns appeal to dcd Dumcratx on paLflMl gmundx as pure bunkum ll pn riollsm desire to scnd mm boys overseas and drop muro bombs Ln 2ch mules lhm he Repubucnns are he palrlau pany he biz 155m 11 ha Whllo backlash vote This has expanw cd from the discnntenl the lower mlddlctlnsl and laborers lhrcnlencd by the Nam revnA lullon lo grncnl discoMcnl wtlh evnrylhlng TM wlll nh vluusly benefit Hie pnfly out pman ncpuwcnn andldala lnr tho senate is lhn hawk of hawks retired SAC alrlorce General Harrison Thyba who figure he cauld and Ihe war In lany wllh sumclenl urlnl bomhr Ill hl mlV lh umotm 1mm lwl lmn nwnllwrd up AM III CH Wu In lnnrln mm unln Imldcnl 11min 5mm MM In Innm hi In uh nwwy ml Ihlll Inn HIM Hr lnhn Mnillrnnlll ulm le jml mriml lhp HIMI mu OI Ihl lth min Qurm mm ll MM mm In umlll mm Mp 1mm Ilvr gwrmnwm WI erpllm Hum mum nmmua MN 1m cmuIn Dunn Hulllh In Mbnhenl llmul lnIl miglluhfl rMflthrhlfl lhn Imu Um HHIIII In In RMrb Hwy My helmml The Il 1M bunn My mm gummwur luuuu In mum um rmlNl In put down ma mrl uMIIIon the mm In lulu 0n Frb 1M lmllnmrul pume hill mama he pm Mid1y Cnnmllnn lnrlllu IN uny nm qorrmmrul gun romnnny rnnl ol mmm and 25000900 um III In lnlxl In no Cnnmuln stl also uhlnl nullwny nlrrmly lan II am Humjm Ycl by um Ilm 131 WIII noavly bankrupt lhnl Hm nw rrnmvm hml In 1ch ll nmlhrr mac1m Allrr hard mm In lluuw Coummnl 17w IHHINDH In hm 1hr llm Ill 11th ml Mer IMAM In NW4 York uwru ll orlglnnl dimlan mined 1an KM mnm Hun mum mmk llallwny chWHNI ulth You 1th lele ler rnmpofl an lulnr Imn lho Ilmm He cannot law DXIIMTGW nighl becnusc ha lml up or clcdlnn The quesuan haw mum nmr er will he mull lnkn Mm lo the Prcsidlncy he Unilcd State In um In Mar land moderate Dcmo ml ho lhclr nose at lha slghl lhelr party candldma vr Gomncr Gccrge Mnbancy an unlctlmd mIlllonaire builder who runs on straight nppcnl the baddasher Mme is your castlePram 1t mans lallan keep he Black on 1110 black Jusl Hm same is Ihc mm Bobby Kennedy the aspirant to he Whfle House who smarhcnd ed the Dmermic campaign while LBJ was out 11151 Xhhby Irch hard lo rcsruc Hrmrn in CnllInrnIa and Douglas In Illl all Johnson touched those mus lhla weekend so cnn claim mdil or lha rescues II Ihry work But Hubby was mm mlguing as much tar hind as hr the hon Ham an wkh pistol and handing out ailhandle to White cus lumen likely In becomg Gnv emm or Gmrgia and another wlld mun called Jim Johnson is about lo take ovnr from Orval Fnubus as Dcmocmllc Gwcrnor of Arkansns The other great £55m whlrh may ml bu visible 1n the rcsuns tomorrow nlght but will he 1hch gll lhgsnme is Ihc mm CANADAS STORY Canadian Pacific Troubles Recalled ny B0 BOWMAN 11m urxrnumhl Inst mkr Iva muwnnl In ham Mm lnmld NH 1r lhcr WI nn mm IMHM llult Im on lrt UK mqu Inm gum ml Mm nwln vhltwlxmxlnl Dunn Ill wnadna up 1m manual um Inmln III lmuwmr PM nlrr mm Inu dwi I1 MM TIMo WM nu rmmrrauwl ilmr an llunm rm MM 1k nul gul MI mu My Ix Um Um umk hm hm urll Mm In rwry 0n Nav 1M3 he rnllwny nun rum lho ml met mm mm lhn Ms mum plum liauln lau um he Cvlum Kim about mild mm nnrouwr Amnnu lha xllsllu Kuluhd guuln on Ipcdnl mm Dnnnld hmllh Hnnlranl Hrmhvm Wllllnnl VAI Hump mul Mnjur Rune ulm hml Ilhtuirrul In 232621 My WIN myull did notemocl rum nJI hut wo were noLwlIllnx In give in mm namely rlendA nhlp underunndtng and mum or hm hm qunHLm Ind nuke lacklmt In MK 91 lime lemon mm you 1m bah am awnro an act HI were while man would not give up my favored noslllnn unless there was nn extremely good reason The grcnlcs hope or major change In lhe boslc status 01 the Negro Is to convince the Ameri can whites that it Is In their best lnlcrcst It Is my firm can would IIkn In wrllc In nmwu In II Mnnhall and DInp pninlld like you have been In mnny plum and spam all my young yum In VIII known as hr hospllnblc qu but chose llarrIe Burrlc dId 1M choose nun Inn what must pcopIo cunsldcr as mos prom Isfinfi career In Hm In flanII in world when ha impor iian xiiscience uken or grunled has the control oi lech nology amilha nopilcation science got out oi hand Ac cording to HL Nicburl in hi hook IN THE NAME 01 sclENCE tha scope at he United Sinies navalomen con irncilnx ior mench and devol opmeni has placed mim pow ers in nu hands of privaio or ganizations mostly iniustriai prom corporations Ha inienda his book an wamlnz lo the public against Ihellcred clique oi commotion and government agencies which are makinulmi political and economic decisions outside illu dcmocmic prom allocating Miami msoun organizing human eiioris stimulating economic activity outing liqius and pow tr an or of an enrllzr bunk Nuclear Secrecy and For elgn Police Mn Nieburz at most Assuclaln Professor Politlcnl Sclcncn nu ma Univer shy of Wiscnnsln Mllwaukco THREE YEARS 1N MISSIS SIPPI by James Merediih has been described first per ion testimony that demand justice rather iimn aympnihy Hu out In attend and grad uaic from ihe University of Mississippi ariathe pomglpiion Suites Armed Services with sense of mission mlhcr him an overwhelming desire ior edu catinn But his position well rensoncd iia gays ji hqvu long recognized Um folly yo ndvml ing change simpiy bacausu is right bccnuxo ii humane because it is Christian because it is In the Cnnstliuilon nr or any other nunpractigni Nisan BEAUTIFUL HARRIS Dear Slr INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Enmlner lnvllu mn rlhntlons to Ltllm In In edllor column an lhc ed llnrlal page when paislble mien Ihuuld be nsllicltd to 300 400 uordx And Ihey should be xlxned wer my uso pen name 11 hey Ile Ilre AT BARBIE LIBRARY Ab°uta ishélztfilfidfiliques THE NEW RUBBER SYAMP THAT NEVER NEEDI AN INK PAD 01hr filmrip Examiurr COMMERCIAL PRINTING l6 Dgylllld 25000 IMPRESSIONS TRY PEHMHSTRMP LETTERS TO EDITOR MHKI lnclnslnx wuuld like lo my Hurray ar lmuulul Burrlv the progressive cfly CORD hummus Shanty uly mpd YMYWOA ann Pork SL nceM Park Conlcnnlll Park Johnson math narrlo Curllng Club Mr Arena lime ski dub wilhln 20 mllcs Icvml chum Mlh Inc cukrlninmml service clubs loo numernul mtnunn Shlll go on mu rant on mm Ihcy not ln kilthm NEW USES FOR OLD CANNON BALM by David VlnDum mclun is not spool llllc mlghl lead you lo bellu but boa mlnusly desllnzd lo ihow how to add Interestand bounty in this home by unusual menns Same ho suggestion glvq pmcllcal xolullons of every day problem that are hm ln crusted In running their homes nllmcllvely luch pm lem as what In do In the way holiday decomlon how to rent wall and even celllnp In new and lnlmsllnz wayl how make use he prlnclplex of design ln honglng plzlures and mher muterlal or maxlm mm DECORATING WITH PHOTO GRAPHS by Vuync Floyd has dozens of dlllmnl lduun how to mnunl ram and duplny pholagnphs If you wunl plc lure on yourwalls you wlll learn how to mil mum and frame lhcm lo best Idvnnln you dnnl wnm them on ya walls yen will learn how lo put them on cloth In mnko curlnlm lampshade or vurlLly of clnlhlnx novelllu Nu peclnl qu5 or workshopnra needed Just some photographs nnd tho nulharl lmuglnnllva Idols vlcllon um lho oluUun must result In the mllulll lmnrnva men bath group concerned lha oppremu well Illa Mmdllh review the much of the proceodlnu durln the two yam he mush Adm nn Ind tho one hrllved at den Ole Min the lam suman and winning 01 use thavallempu to attend and Vienna forMcn the 30ch Me Do unio gum yogvmk have in THE SOUND or unit WHISTLE by John Craig bring us blck to the Canadian icene It in tha xtory oi alum nnvigntinn tn the Klwlrlhn Lakoslnd tho Valley of tho Trent in GentNi Ontario lt L1 book about the talletached NI Iowdralt vmttmmn Ind mo Ibout Iho tallstacked mallow drnit woodburnerl Ind also About lhopeopiu who came ln lhu Nlneteonih Century to settle the land drained by the hunt when the Stoney Luke was dock ed at Trenton September 19lh ma by Captain Bill Scoliuw than seventysix your old the Stoney Luke Navigation Corn pnnys history endcd and with it the history oi an era Tho author returns to the early 1800 and tho undue in Ireland to nnrnte thn beglnv mug of tho umigrltion to Can ndn which resulted In the settle ment of who was known as tho Newcastle Dislrlot Any student at Canadian will enjoy this very reldable book Hall ImamI Nu um um In pm 7mm 71M

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