Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1966, p. 3

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Val Bmckcr sclcnunc adm ory dulrmun lor um branch said in an Interview today Lhat and contra wauld be place More chmcnlnl mum nan Idler ml or own ymrl ol llvEmz In kpmdom cmimn mm In 11 hospimL ho said they need Mam Mwm they can be MM lo mlabllsh and lhclr new mmnslbimy la Wgmmnilyz Voiwlum lmm Ihe Harrie munch will man um Cum nxvy will mdnUzo with he ex lemLs hy mum ndlvlhm mm 11mm and card pardu Inf Dmm Barrie Branch 01 the Cnnadmn Munlal mm Maximum looking for rrunrlcn In whkh to ambush 1m Cross Centre So far lier soaqu hm been lwilkn lhry hm dmcd down In nflmhcr cl 1mm lull they lurk Hm mm ho luy lwlr Buiin on the signal iwx start iighiing up two iongdlsiance op gamrs unpiug their headsets and hurry over to the infurma am ammms console They Join the lhrw girls aimndy on the console and sum combaiiinz the flurry of incoming information calls Two minutes later they are again niuggéd in at the long distance board lhls um 01 year the girls signed lnlmnnllon wpew slump the 11 Telephone switchboard on Hayfield ln genie handle 3500 call each ay Any limr during lhr day the Puree girls regularly on the In ormallon board can be swamp ed with scrlcn of calls or in formation nr Barrie one at he 12 local lawns served by Barrie lnfnmmlion to lnlormnllon from amide areas or by lhe need to internpt calb Inlgmpllng rum lo the op nalvr cutting Into lhc line when cude Intnncclly dial numhcr dials number that has born changed or disconnected or dlals numbtr lhnl has been disickonncclcd vilh rdcrcnce at ca 13mm Pamnn 711m numfiéf call stark cllmblnn In April and reaches peak of woo In July 1124 belore Answer Variety Of Questions During Day Local Centre Sought By CMHA HAM 99 BUTTER 64 GRHPEFIIUIT 10 lEAN SllCED COOKED BARRIE NO CREAMERY U5A NO WHIIE SEEDLESS TUESDAY WEDNESDAY By DAVE IENSHAW Exlmlner Slat Writ BUEHLERS MRS RITA HILL AT INFORMATION CONSOLE Pewle In wan served by nar rln Intormnuon oflen 5k the number of the store ow the tumor theyth1nk the informa lion operator is located in their lawns Mr Bruckcr 51mde Dial flu mm um mydxlaulc cllnk but social mm whore rxwlicm mfl xv ha ground undrr Huck It Rain Gum dam or In unite mmlrrs mu 00an me lo have It upon 14an Um day and MK evening In help mmlm Hm 10mer ol HIM ui mnmlng In nnclrly Sumeumu there are 10 calls at lime walling on the wer aims Each day they have to men an average of 200 nunmm changed or disconnected Campany studies have shown that thhlrds 01 the number asked for are In Ihe customers directory and It Is actually ear in In point llme fur custom ers to me lheIr diredary than in call infomnlinn After pm there are many can from uhildrcn Whats Bdbbys mmbcrY and In tearful volts mm Kim is mommy uoming hm UNUSUAL REQUESTS EmcmMy during he summer months there are call iike the Iollvwlng Operator nn you give me Jae Smiths number you know operator hes gm muage on Lake Simcoe Wllh chacdul vulcc km inho in Iheir eyes the oper Mars cape with hose dllhcul lies and strive lo provide their awn quarter and cannot pay lame rant Requirement or the centre nrc one large room ham or three unnllor rooms washrmm and making IaciliULs for light In lrethcnh nm mm will In In wllh me Barrlc Pndxlmric Cantu under Dr David Clalk who ha oflcrcd he If needed Dr Cka WI address an open mocllm lhc Dania Brand of mo CMIIA lalcr LhLl momh In the My Illmwy llaiL He will speak on mummy wchlnlrlc mncn the new lele directory comes out Inforrnanon directorles are changzd our firm year Lul esl one is dated Oct 15 so According to Miss CM Wil son chlef operator very 2w men asking for Information are looking or date but Ihoso hat are soon find mcyve dial cd um wrong number It considered that custom ers are getting slvw service 95 per ccnz their calls are not answered within lhat Hme LUSAKA Hallow Zam blas two Mmer mlnlng com panlc announced Sunday soc ond rcducllon In Mined metal produdlon Io lehlxd of nor mal oulpul Th Mle Emurm N1 nnnnunud Oct lo bwausn shortage of coal Impofls needed or the relinlnz prims very cssentlal Inn service to lhe public The campany L1 tough on its Iniurmnllan operators An ans wering lime recorder shows the number of calls that are answered in 10 sccnrrds When Incoming calls can run mm law per mlnum lo 50 or more they Inca difficult as Miss Yllsan sald he Informs Ilun operauon cwld be close to 100 per cent 11111ch the cus 10mm demandnd ll but rm would go up to pay or the in cmased amount of cquipmcnl and numbrr weralnr that would be required Tinre are nu operators strict ly on Monument survice except during the summer months when the number calls more than doublm and high school students gar trained specifically for the Full lime emplome are ulna or period at 10 la 15 days as longdlslunco operator some are crosflrainrd fur four or five day 50 lhcy my be called upon or Infonnauon duty Each tun of cnmr mlnml needs on can In Min and Zambnu mm mines nur mnlly produce 1000 lnru day Impvm mm lhu Uzan ml cry In Rhodcsla have been ul mm by rallwny nqulrcmm Illa rnrh reth tnr trnxslng the Rhodcslnnlnmhla harder mun bu rmlnml Ivy one lravcl Hm lh omcr way mrmmrnumms Zambia Mines Reduce Output The Canadian Armed Forces Give it some thought thinkoi excepi lhull dlunco lo gut ano nil Wo In In Bmlo on Wnlnnday Nov Emorgonty Muwrn Ollln Bmh F0 ul Dulldlng l1 noon pm Coming your way soon chance to do exciting things chance toget more education chance to go places You gal all Iho opponunllloy and lnaIlcnuux you can LL 111E BARBIE EXAMIN MONDAYIN0VEIBER 1m Two fatalities ware reported in lb am over the weakend aquadim mm was killed allvwlra single vehlde madden Saturday night on Highway 11 hall mile swlh of anwarcamu Police at Bradan said the ante dmve in Illa was shuuldcr of the highway where it struck few guard ram mu km dildw om Ihc mp 01 privale driveway hit me more guard mils and aided upsida down in Iarmara orchard Mr Sun dear of ha vehlcie dlod York Dmd John ScmkilL 200 Phyllis Ave sale nomrpanl or rhn mm which was proceeding south on Highway 11 when the driver lost conuoL County llégpllbl Nuvmvarkel ai midnight SaturdnY Lhrce hams nfler the accident Ambpsy mu be held today nmcm cxmsn KenncUI Henderson lomntn passenger was ndmiLtcd lo 10 unto hnspmal suffering from lumd skull fuming wear smash Saturcay on lighway 69 at Cmmw Road 19 five mill souh ol Vashazo oliixgedwiih circxoss dxiwimi Drivé Vscoond our 111 valved Gordon Senske 52 128 Djxon Weston hi5 been Sum he mm HmItc turc mm in 1051 IV has an poured More more than 2000 nudicms Two Killed In Area AcCidents Winner of last weeks Night on the Town contest Robert XL Locke 163 Grove St East Barrie Ho correctly ldcnlllicd the name of the business in the pub zle as Mlddcls Auto Body As wlnner he and his wife will sham lhn allowing prlzcs halt style compllmcnls of Rubys Benuly Salon onu lndys casual dress and one mans suit cleaned at Colly Quallly Clean ers lrcu trunspnrlallnn or the cvcnlng camplimcnls of Allan dnlc Taxi C0 14 cumin mm Fendleys Flowers dlnmr or lwn um Conllncnlnl Inn he passes or two vluw 11 movie at the Roxy Thcnlrc and enlLr Inlnmcnl nflcr lhc show at lho lCavlllncnlnl lnnx Charlie Brwn Ll Second xlm In llle1ravLl and Advcniuru Swim sman by he Kiwanis Club of Kcmpcm all my will be warned nt Conlral Collculnlc Auditorium at pm Nov 22 Ilamaln Wllhclmstn 11 mm her lhc Lo Angelou Adven Iurm Club and rim of unr it hi mhcmurm will nah min Um lrnvclmflm cntlllrd Tho Scul of Mex Mr Wilhelmxm nlsn mdu he 11m nlvmya gnu Info lhu mm lemme mxmry he 011 In order punMe ho fitwcr mu nn mHthc Jour nvy Lo mm in mi lilm he 10ml lhe mu lento on Journey to find lhc lfnndAol Slrrrn Mndrn Night 011 Town Contest Winners Mexico Will Be Featured In Travel Film In City Nov 22 page Vincent pm FTYNEWS Police at Brechm who Mm nwd total damage at $3000 said Lho Vincent car was travelling mum on Highway 69 when the 9919 aqu finned Lo 5101 lhg highway Junwon nflu mg east on Ownly Road 19 WOMAN INJURED °91S°l ml min Hp Police at Blmvale who asl kmled damage at 5800 sold me Was auto was proceeding south on Highway when the driver applied brakes to avoid jeep whim was about la make leIt hard turn The cm entered um west shoul der Ibo road and turned over No dmrgcs were laid following me mishap which mrmd at 1055 am Audrey Wm 21 of 101 Eeclca St Barrie appear to be In sat isfactory wndnlion She suffered haunted scalp knowing sin mavehiolc nccidenl Saturday on Highway 93 hair mllo nodh of tho Lake PM Ofllce hi and run HODMBM was reporled by police at Summ Saturday night car owned by Donald AIM R11 New Wdl was slmck NI unidmllllcd car on the main street mwdl Damage Estininmi zit Mr Davis said Ihn nppllcn tlan Ior student aiddescribed by same mum ns havlnl bean dzslgned by sadlst has been rcdcslgned and new arms will bu available in Jun puya mimondll of the Andes grows up 10 40 Ice high WATDRIDO Ont CHThe provinclnl government study lng ll student awards program and changes will be made In eluding rcvlslon of ma present nppllcallun arm Educallon Minlslor Wllllam Davis sald Sqlurd nd conference the Canadian Unlon Studenis that om ycar of university aducntlon casts enlario univmmcs about $1400 sludan am student cc nre oniy nbpyt Govt Studies Student Awards HER REACIIES The worlds tallest herb 9w mixiim wmimmm Some 800 area curling officials ml special guests gathered at 111 Barri Curihu Club salut day 10 wllnem me olfldal open ing the hiding $140000 ad dlllon my council Friday night gave official appravai In $250 re ward offend cariicr by the Pui iic Wnrks Cammlllee orvinlar malion lending to the arrest and cmwidinn oi arsonleu who it is bciievcd burned the public works garage an Victoria Street ilniivween night Presldenl the Ontario Curl In Association loss Tar lon Hamilton out the ribbon after local ofliciah expressed Md Frank may who asked il lhe reward was mum ms mm by Md Jerry anyone whn will talk win do Just us well or $150 or 31000 Aid Jack Gamer asked where the money was suing lo mm mm but runMd no rrply prééiaeda mi finial 35mm mum mun cw Council Approves Reward $250 Open Addition At Curling Club You get the quality you expect from Kulsor Aluminum Sldlng and Kalsordoulers fmimmiwi 1MWRMWOMj You can Ind mlmmm Mn and make you homo lplrlllna MW whh Kalm Aluminum lldlno Your Klm dulu will thaw you ulocdon oi modmn colourl Ind uplaln lb 20 you land oblo nuulnln which udd nluo It you Mm Whm ll coma Io Aluminum Siding Aluminum Doom Mndm v00 ml lM QHIIW mmmmmmmmww pow or contact centre KAISER their appreciation ta Lhe addod curling dub om Prusidem or represenLaUVes 01 lull Film mung 0min bah men and women were mum the occasion Med WNWan Wu Spenken included Simcoe Nurlh may we maps BarrlevMaryér Cookewu mm Fred ssn 3140000 addition III dub Salary wyxyr1udun are Noiman WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER mums AT pm noons OPEN AT JACKPOT $20000 LEGION Loglon Hnll Com Miaséégnndas haudflumshuuld Iasmsasgundas unudflumshnuld MP Hehgr Smith executive member of ma Oniario Curling Association Waiia and local womenl club pmsident Mrs idesan Following opening ccmnonles recaptlon and In was held arranged by Mrs Corby and her muniueq of the adel section of Ban Curling club tastes as gum as Lguudfluglshuuld Club mlxcd curling prevailed nx nho avonlnz Emmi by president Ibo local curlifll club and Walk exit utlve member ol the 0mm

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