Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1966, p. 14

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me one extreme to lhe othcr is Ian forecast far our awn Warmer with shmvcm or rain is we orch or Iodny and Tucs dlay md 1an moving into Northern Ontario should have limo 011ch on our weather con ginimls The lumpcraurre Ihe Examiner officeat run was 33 ogrccs under cloudy damp skim TORONTO CP Forecasts at 530 am By ALAN HOPPER Execullvp Dircclm llnnle YMYWCA Each week Monday lhruugh Saturday the arms total of tinytwo murals prugrams other han swimming The pr grams an varicd and are genr cd to the Interest and need of Ihe rommniy ighiy ne snparalc swim ming periods are also held each wrni and mi nll be inmnscd to 90 on Sunday November whnn th family swimming por Imd you under way Mu moans um there is swimming period or owry member or the family uhclhnr they be young or old bczzi nor nr advanced mu mrlstm lime lhu adult beginners pmzmm Li filled to capacity nnnlhcr evidence the cum4 muniLyx ncul CLOUDY wet weather is forecast for mm of Ontario Rodny wflh milder conditions expected In snuthcrn rcginns Northcm British Columbia and The program cammiilcc ls mm nnxiuus In ldcnlify special mad or members and should you have spoclal lnlcrcrl your inquiry is Invier because uhrn ilxtm Is in special lnlmsi amunu cighl nr inn mcmllm iho nmlmvurs In II he need by supplying leadership YI Ml TllIS The sum weaker mo No vombcr mcflin he Ys Momma Club an Tllrsxluy No vcmbtr Inn will be Mr Barbara ill from Port 0mm Mrs llillrmll rdmw mics ol mLr Also as nmkxl mm the following new Inrmhcm will lmludul lnln he Ys Momma Club Mvuhnus Sharon llnrb Ivy Isuhcl Mair Ihyllln lhy nnhls Mum Valley um Mar unrrl 11mm YI MEN lumluy ownlnx NtmInhtr pm Ilmnrr IIINHHI Lukmm llerurunl hky lmm hum Hwnkvr wm ho lel 11 mm Own Sound Hopper llu Nllllu Dimim mll hr lpr mn lMIw rillh Mvnn CL Munvl uh Thu Mxnn Club vrrsmlv Iy mm mm qunHly nl mu nl nuln hair Inmrtllalr HInth rndrlwnnnu ln rnlu PW lullurl In vmnmr our rm Iullwll mum In hnum DISTRICT WEATHER Activities Vary At Barrie 1m drpimnu nm 1i lrrnmlnnu Yn Mens Conven llun hvhl In Hawaii Insl sum Cloudy Warmer Rain Is Forecast Far Area Iw ud Imvlml um my 011mi mm know NUV Hulwr in nu ma mm In 5mm IMII ll uxmlvl Iw wine In lmk iuln Hue hmm Al Imlnl plan It WML umdll my hm gill Imd marge Ityuull II le mulmm Ihh rnr lllmNIlIlVN IIMI INK WOOLWORIHS Pardon Mo Folktl Synopsh mm cnld air is moving eastward from MnnlA tuba across Northern Onlnrio win snow cxpcded today In Southern Ontario warmer air is moving ahead at weak storm emerging Wm Nebraska Shaw crs accorppany rho warmer alrr Lake St Clair Lnk Erie Southern Lulu Huron Niagara Lake Ontario Windsor Lundnn Taxonla Hamilton Muslly cloudy and mild will cw shwwcrs lnday and Tuesday the Pralrics will cnnLinuc to have cloudy cool conditions but bail mild air umus for southern parts loe west coast Snow is aims at league This league mcedng every Wednesday cvcmng at Central Callcgme well sup ervised by flu Ys Mon Whu are acting as coaches and instruc lam The Aquatic Instruclon will sponsor fnshlnn show at the on Monday Novembcr 14 730 pm Ihrough Iho cuurtcsy he Walkers Slums Proceeds will be used wwards the pur chase of diving hnard lhal will benefit All mcmbm and pmmpanls he SWIMMING CREDITS During the months at Septem ber and October boys girls and adults passed suimming tests including 13 beginners first mini second card titth can two aquatic examinA or and minnuw badges It is nniimpatcd that the swimming schedule will changu little nnd there will be no set period for tmting rather swimmers will hr csth and promaitd as their level oi ukill improves The pluilmuphy includes much mom than merriy awimming skills it include the growth and Mum tlon vi the suimmcr so that he twticr undrrstnmis himscii and miter nnti has the mmunity to tichle his own unique chur iutor FASHION SHOW ring an uvidcnl nml luv vstnbllshml convcmxr linme Frrnrh program Inca wrrks nun fur boys and girls with Mrs lursluw vulunlccr nu hL Mrvicc n3 lho lnslruc lar Thu program has nuw de wlnpml Inln lwu programs on Thumluy Human and in ex lmmly M1 Allrndud CONVIIHHATIONM FRENCH cw sunny Intervals and warmer Tyesday Winds suulhcrly near Northern Lake Huron South cm Georgian Bay Halibutom Killaloc Cloudy and mild today and Tuesday Shawcrs today and min Tuesday Southerly winds near 15 Nonhcm Georgian Bay gum Southern While Timagnmi Sudbury Norm Bay Saul Slc Marie Showers lo dny Vct suuw and rain mes day lild iodny lurning cooler mesdny Winds southerly near 115 becoming nnrlhcasl 15 Tues fly Ottawa Shamer or flurrics tonighl Tuesday cloudy with In termiucnl rain Tcmporalurcs near or mm below normal ugh winds Farecast lempvrulum an ovLrnlghl hlgh Tuesday Windsnr 45 to London 60 St Thom 60 Mount Forest 311 Vinghnm 55 Hamilton ananlo 55 Ictcrbaruugh 3a 55 Kingston 3a Iain 38 50 Muskokn 33 50 North Bay 4H Sudbury 45 Kapuskaslng 20 Mnosoncc In Timmins southum Albania We and cold weather is cxpectui in the Marilimcs gums on map indicate todays expected high tefnperalurchCP Wircpholo There are convenient return lrnlns available every lay You are lnvilcll to nd your suggestions for name for lhls new semcc lo Name The FRAIN Loaves Barrio 1048 048 amand decision will he made Ducmnber 33m an NAME THE TRAIN co Manognr Norlhern Onlarlo Aron Cunndlnn Nationl Rnllwayl Caprool Onlnrlo Arrives Toronto 1230 1230pm has new Rnilincr service between North Bay and Toronto raw The south shoulder of the toth line at the corner of ti Highway and back as far as the length at the township property is to be paved It has been graded and gravelled to allow lar the appih gallon of asphalt This will env nhle parking of vehicles at both employees and visitors without blocking the front ol the office and Iirehall urea Previously em ployees vehicles have been park ing along the front or lhenillca with the exception of Clerk Groh who usually left his car on the shoulder Paving willnot only make or better parking but will lake care of the drainage that comes down the side during heavy rainst lhe aving may extend along the si oi thina store to the highway which may encourage parking for that bus lness at the sideol the building instead of in lrnnt where ve hiclcs create in halurd lor pers ons coming onto the highway This little job is Just an alter thonght while the paving equip ment will he at the township silcd putting asphalt on the yard ere Th1 yard which handles the tram of the various mn ohincs lo and from lhr shed new snlid road to keep operations going winter find summer The 110th side at lhc lfllh line shuuldcr was said to have pav ed surface but times not appear fully covered The number of ve hicles which draw up lo the township oilicc as well as those of employees makus it an obli gation to have good parking surface Thu 00er his work will erly be part or he llnnl surfacing costs or which new request for subsidy has been made The final iigurc for this has been revised to make total at $2193 which was authorized tol lowing matien at Deputy Reeve Sawyer chairman of roads at the special meeting this week The revision was In enver the additional surfacing and paving dune this year to take advantage at the special prices during price war between the supplier at asphalt ingredients The top surfacing was cosLing consider ably less than tarmerly durinu this period The Department of Highways had authorized pm cecdinn with the work on any mum at man in shapevln sur taco The annual banquet at which lhc Council are llusls In the em4 pluyccs he mmhlp will be held this month had been all um lhcrq was not hull ERIPLOYEE FIANQUET in he township which cDuld handle ihc number cnlilicd to al cmi this inwnshlp aiiair iiow orcr it has burn dncldcd in INNISHL NOTES pavingemcee ParliingviAréa holdit the fourth week of mnnth either Friday or Satur day The invitation wiJHze out before lung CRAWFORD ROAD the residents at this road htve tlttoncd to have it taken ova the township and committee to Cnunctt will report ontht at the regular meeting Rnad Sflp mism Cowan felt that the com dttton at this mad tn the spring was notsuchasmight be com xtdered standard which is the rgqutrcmcut ot the Department baton nyrogd may he approv ed to bccnmn part at the lawn ship system ACCOMMODATIDN 0K un Burton askcd the Council it would be all tight or him to rent accommodatlon tn contractors erlng or the lownshlp who de toymake Ilse ot Ill cabinsnt the lak during the time they are tn the ma It was agreedjthm this did not constitute guy violation of the Municipal Act Not many imnvi that there is Juhn Street inlnnisfii in fact it may he doubtlui if it isa street Hnwcwer ii straws on an old plan No 24 of the prop crty which the township desires to obtain in be the site of the new Leimy Fire Hall Th un CLOSE JOHN STREET f2 IanulanoulnculnDIIIIIIauon Nmivllt 11 Ml Ml fimnl Inman ndml Ilflmuh GUARANTEE used and unopancd street allow nnca is required in make the lot of suiiicienl size an motion in close his was approved from Centre Street to William slrceir and Illa survey be obtained or the property required Tho details have bani amended lo and Clerk Groh icois that no dimmin in making use at the property will arise FORMEEREEVE srnounb Counclllor Allan Todd ropnrlcd In councll the ho had vlsllnd cx Reeve Charlie Sproulu in mm wood Nursing Home and found him In be alert and inlercsled in local matters lle snld lhal vlsllnra were allowed at certain llmes but he loll ll host that no too many go at one tlme The lamlly have kcpt lhu farm work well In hand and the stock in lho fields looks well cured or ESCAPED BLIZZARD So at we have escaped ihe big snow storms that have hit many other parts of he prov lnce and calmly All the snow we have when this being vriL on will likely be gone when he sun gels at it Hnwcvcr by Monday wlmn this is likely la he in print this may all have been changed as sumo sugges liom had sturm for lh weekend could backiirc Sa iax we havé nut had real heavy THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER me llEADSSTUDY GROUP Lawton MannealY fur mer VXcepresldvnt Aluminum Laboratories le has been nnmcd directoml the $1500000 Allanuc tidal power study the deparlmenl of energy mjncs day Mr Lawton 65 will ME sponsihlunr be detailed plan ning and execution of he sludy of tho tidal pmvcr poteniial of the Bay of Fundy SHOWS LOWER PROFIT TORONTO CmMaple Lea Gardens Ltd of Toronto had profit at $829993 or the year ending Aug 31 compurcddo 929398 tn the sagne m5 Hod In an annua report lhn company whlch owns Maple Leaf Gardens and opcrnles the Toromo Maplo Lcals hockey club 5111 henumber nl sporls and onlerlainmcn allraclinns available during lho year de clined and rcduccdyrenlnl in cnmc Canada is sc £00000 wnrih of wheat ilnur lo Algeria which has suiiercd nod simri age allowing severe drought External Aiinirs Minisier Mur iin ilns announced Made from special binnd 01 hard spring wheai and soil Ontario varieties to meet Algerian tastes the trnsl We hope any of qur Illcnds who were an their way snulh were not caught in the heavy storms which blankclcd Ken lucky and other southern states vilh snow AID FOR ALGERIA BUSINESS BRIEFS flour will he shipped during It next cw weeks DIRECT FOREIGN AID Denis iiudon has been up pointed assistant directorgcn erni vi the external aid oiiico External Minirs Ministcr Mur lin unnnnncedvsunday Mr iiuv dnn has been director oi ho international prnxrams division oi tin finance department since 196 and director the World Bank since 1965 vulvlng the hunt and the uccoumed for 550 of 2252 deaths rcporttd In Calgarylas year Cnncercluimnd 403 lives and 170 people died vlolem or neck dcmal deums KEEP Xl ROLLXNG VANCOUVER CHA on mnvio film Is éhlppcd rum th Vancouver aflice of the cement lion department an gobd day says vlsnal cducnllon hranch dlrcclor James Pullock Its all films l0 lo 20 mlnulcs to be used as classroom teach ing aids 11Aan LOP TREES PEMBROKE om Hungry rabbits destroyed 15000 trees in single nlght in in dcpnnmcnt of lands and mm yard The Inc were really scedlingsenclosed In plastic lubcs for planting but they were several days su My Ravens have also been sad dcslmy planlcd lubed srcdllngs by pulling them out or the ground ANALYSE THE TOLL CALGARY CPLDisease In

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