Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1966, p. 11

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llnpull Ilmln nalmn Mumm 0mm Maw 1w Tn mum ama mum mu mm In urmmv um mumI 114 mum hm hm ma Ll ummunlr on Ilmu Imm In Lu runny umvln mm 7mm nau mum Mun LN 70 ITodfl an Hum Nun 52le cpuln KIMm un wa vnlmnl er uollm nUnm nnhhy 11 Anon no iJm ALmu lOulllhl Sflmu 41 IJO hump cum Alhm fllufl 00 the noun ummunlma llFunny Campmy 430 snmnn HTmny Shaw mu lumln mm am Swry 5th mu Dmn tax IINmn IHunulyBrlnno vmum Mum llHtlrl Berton 30 2w1m1ow on lefl Lfiummu sumu 7Vlndnvt on World Dmenan bMII Mm 11mm Mlm 41 upun 1qu v4 5mm oumm unm nrfmnm uuui LLEum 1mm xu Janxe Whinqay 0m Phlm 1me1 we mm ma mm BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON likely to develop Ihls ailment as men and in woman usually sum helm aft 401Mcr In mm 1119 wurso ho disease varies may progress steadily or here may bu plateaus or perloda In which it gets no mm in fact It may even improve somc whnL challnerglc agents whlch enact the nrrvo ends in such way as to reshro muse one Some of these must be taken several limu day other are longacting type and an taken once or twice day Al the present state of know cdgc must be regarded as an Incurnhle disease yet can rollable which lmpoflnm The cause thought to be latent between the nerve ends and lhu muscle llhrcs so that lmpulsm to hum are not trans mltled ellmlvuly lo tho mus clcs Smrdl muscles Involved first and some ol the lnlllnl nlgns urn In tho Inna The eye llrls draw and talklng and chewlng can become exhuustlng The gullct may alluded maklng swallowing dllliullt Ul tlmntely larger muscle of Iha llmh may become Involved The pallnnt cannot huld hla arm nul for example and use the hands become an eflort anklng partlcularly on slalrs my WWII This not the km or fatigue that comes from everyAdnyac uvily but an abnormal wealL ness Somcllmcs tho pallent is not lircd fin lhu morning but loses strong he day pro grams COURSE VARIES fiyasfhema am is con dition In whim there abnnb ma muscng gxhautstgon VP mm menprobably 50000 cues mom or loss In lhuUnlltd Statesalthough hero some lndlcatlon that it By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dm Dr Molnen Pleaso wrilojbmn myasthenla grnvls T0 GOOD HEALTH JShw wnk 3431149 hue anlmh 4mm unnuoy 7way sum Hm Mum Icnunuy Ilulfl mu 41cm nmon uLw am am TUESDAY NOVEMBER MORNING Myasthenia Grqvis Is Not Too lemon TELEVISION PROGRAMS Vol TUIMM MONDAY NOVEMBER EVENING um Nnvmlnr nvmmn Ma Lulu um um l1mllfllfl HIM mmn anm Emuv Lam Mv nmuo Ilnlm LOmwml vm lMl Momn mu klmmm lldell More my 1i m5 Flulhlmrlm IHIH Ill lMuml Junellnn Lnunv hm 11 nvnlll IXIII Foole mam muun 1Ufilnnl my Amrk Vnn hm vIrmn mm mv Con Ilm mu 00 Idunvndl Lrum m1 rm 6Hrcn flmlhr nun 1wa MI nm Aml Hm 9+ ITnlonln mm 1250 lllnn muun INHC iNmm Mllrh omen tlnu Guldlu um ummlm Md Illllnl Drr tuna thu Much lConclnlnllnn srmmxy mm 10mm lllllbflfln 1Domu ma 04v mm nuomxn nm 00 harm of lmflumul 1hgpmnmu mun DHn¥lywm1 ray My mu rm cTh Lucy Shaw IAndy unmm 7H lltml llGllunnn mm 730 11 Home JDon Mem mumn ma 7lwn Hum om my Show unun may nun I1 lTm tnun Ruddy Run IImduma llDIMm 7Newl an by WildMl Skin cancer commonly dos crlbed sure that Isnt sore but doesnt heal but it can take many arm which why 3v keeprqpaflng 9m ugvke Thu doom go Is so busy halo to bother Mm with some thing silly Id appreclato your opinion Im Mn Prelcr lo bother me eh Well dont mindbu ncllhcr would ywr own doctor Any doclar vvuld rather be bolh cred 11 than the ward lhan let some Hula dun develop Into sogqlhlpg Ablg This dont want to bother lhe dncior story usually really Im alrnld to go find Hm ahgut ll Mtg Have sfich mm fooked At TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282 Delr Dr Malnm Haw doe skin cancer slnrtl have small lump on one arm that 100k Ilka lurls pimple but Isnt Ilx about quarterInch In dlnmeler he been here About two months and mm to bugrov1ng slywly Extenslvo march 15 conllnu Ins and the Myaslhtnln Gram meulonlnc in NewYork has done much to faster to aeamh and lnlcml In lha dis ease There has aka been consider able Andy and dllmslon on the N10 of the thymus gland flown Mum thll removal of the giand helpful The consensus In younz women under 30 who have had thediseue or shed llme may be bummed me most from My proccdure 9w $11th 9er Is Rs chasm howam to mid than In whlch Improvement un llk Tho majority of the mvla patient comma by medpquons Dar Dr Molnar Docs nklng me much any cerlnln vlln ulnjgmvnto an ulcenMn No none or the vitamin harm an ulcer mm tom ll ll ITunlm Inmlny mum Imum llMIHY lhulu IIUHI Hm all ll Ulllfln 4mm Hm 111 to ormu In mm HDnnnl Nd Ml mnrm wand LT mm tTn In huh lN ml Hmlul om And Mum Ile Hlml M1 Ihl Ill Nllhl 41 11 III mm Qrmm Maw Ynur It on 10 01 1130 vTnnlm Shaw sxuunmk 41m Show unnu mum tNvu lllmmlrl 1Mnm Im un uumh 94mm Mml uMmuy Th to WORM IIlrnl Inm of Our um rmmu 1valyud um MM 1030 Hum Clmm FM In mum cm IMovh 1141 um um 110 810 zNzu Spechl iant Plln Chllltnn Hun Annur 71 VIHIY AFTERNOON 100 Mn Jonu 7Pnylnn mm Hun Cmdn gunm 1090 1100 New wadu sym armm an anmh Wul Ind ST PHERSBURG F13 CPJFormcr Canadian busl nus excwflvo Frederlck Scabome 69 died here Sunday Mr Soabvrne who mired our yam ago and chlnlod hll mldonm to St Pctersbmg was president of Kimberly mark Canada Spruce Fall Power and Paper Co of Can ada Funeral service will he held here DAILY CROSSWORD GEIS 1101 MONTREAL CBThu Star says the ventilallnn system In the city now xuhwny has turned int heatlng system be cnuw or basic null In tho dulgn Tho newspaper says the Ian system in the cm was set to draw It coallng air from un we the very last deal at tho Mould mulch between Ital and Gm Erllnln huge nu lenco watched nnBxid sons mu us Know and pucflvely RuskWest for Great Britain ought ranks leln donnn and Avmlll NorthSouth mum Avarclll bocnmo declare at slx diamond on the bidding shown and wound up going dwm hm300 mintsa result Canadian Dies In Florida One the most dramauc hand In world championship IainJ ml one whlch occurred York In the semHlnnl round or lha World Bridle OXym mad or 1964 on Apulmmt numn 101wva Dwut Arm In miionlnx laTawInl 11 mm ullon 1° luv hcnlo 2L KIM null 21 Chmlmu noun 21 Anmr mm no qulo Dlmlnu 11 MINI ll Ahlrunf OD hlnll Will 0111 10mm Mm Not compoIr 1mm um 29 Judy JDGI H6 xAflJ VO Thu Mddkm Welt Nam ACROSS Exclnmh OpenlnpleIdece of Emma West dozier North5on vulnerabio um win WEST WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF aw CONTRACT BRIDGE mu ram xcuu 803m Altman vs Lem 4x 0311 Htllhl film mum pm wllh hlrulplrll nmImn lnronn XLCIIHI vm IHTIIIIIM llvn lrmmun DNIIVO Mn ByJAY BECKER Bun HUBERT 20 IImu m1 1Tur 31 ll umy Ilumun 31 Olhlr wln 301mm llUn ELECT PRESIDENT REGINA CBJohn Kyla at Toronto personnel execu tive with the Bank at Nova Seo tta has been elected president at the Federation of Canadian Personnel Association The as sociations threeday meeting ended Saturday FREE PILOT CAIRO Reuters United Arab Republic murtty authori ties released Sunday the pilot oi private Swedish plane they detained Saturday Earlier the Egyptian Middle East New Money reported the pilot was forced to land at Luxor when ruspician were aroused about his cnurse The agency said he was thought to have been phala graphinu military installations on tho lied Sea caari derneath the trains Friction of train wheel and metal brakes on tha tracks hnwnvar created constant temperature readlnzs up tn to demo Instead ot It the Erlllsh EastWest pah had doublbd slx diamonds and dcfcalnd three tricksmo polntsu eat Brllnln would have gained 12 imp instead of and ou1d have defeated Italy by one Wat Nonh Eu South II Fan Put ll Pm Pm This contract went dawn one 1oo palmsdue to the unfor Iugglklrgnppdxmlgn The British leam drua shva profit mo polnu on the deal worth lnlernatlonal match polnls to them but thla was no enough overcame tho ump lead the mum had piled up before the 1m deal started The final score 01 Ike match was Italyills Imps Great Britain Al the other labia where the hand had been played earlier the BNth NorthSath pair kmhm and Gray phylan galnst Forquu and Game ar graimttivoapadmonflflabw nu South cards and the world hmw Italian pair playing the Roman Club system did wan to reach the skin Three diamonds by Amen was In ukhu Nd In diamonds and Beiladonnna our club responsa identified tawny 19 We klnzl 9331 6er break and Ihe Ll Mmmllln 99509 230251 40 92 going vnnmnz1uou BUT HES acids mo FAR rms TIME wuua I5 mum oawa was sun Nor cows mvnuc

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