Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1966, p. 1

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MoNlIllAl lIIDAMvau handle armor lnlm Nnflnmle pumlnr Irl Quchpv Mud mlml Ummdlnn dluhmml mm 1mnl wvllidml mink IIIM lwv med lad nwlh weak In English In Hmhm Inlrvvww an rllcr dornlopmcnt Snmlny nlghl ll wan Inclllod lhnl 111an Ilnu round my hull could be romnvndlmlny In nllaw cily hull vlllro worker lo Mum l4 wrk 11m Mme work mombm CUIH hum 79 Frlllny rrluml mm krl liur nml alnyfil Ihnlr FOR In Iymlmlhy mlllkoul Thu grulcmrul uhlrh mmo KIM IlJN HlLJl pruvlnulnl ml Mom nuwmlmnll no In th luv injumflnn mu hen he Inwnmwnu mm In rlhuufil MM Armcr mraidm of Ike mum Falmllun Labur mid trxluy YIIAWA l1Tmlmlr Iml Iwn iun umhmlly hr lle Mr Trnnswl Mm ulml me at umflar Mr mka anuwu In Hm InkNwmI wan Mnmnknl lulay WAKHINGIYJN Ti6M PicMary DMM Hunk MM Inlay Ihut MM Nmfll Vlmmmrro ml blllnl mm mm ulnulmwn hum Mnh VIM Nam Hm xlangrr VIN Ml lnlmm wold In pumiwlly nlllllNrM TORONTO CPIA lrnlutlvc AMAmun that could mike by 3500 civlc rmplnylc rcnthrd early today Terms the Iculcmcnl worn not an Imunccd Locnl Canadian UnIan 01 Public Employccs 11m mem bml npcralc lhe cllya will and uwnge mks garbage ml ccllon and mm malnlcnancn went on slnkc Thursday nflcr cantratl nrgmlalions hrukn DH th Mrhzmlltun mmm nlfer The dead Included police man who was slnnod Mnlh by the angry crmvd More than Momhm of he lncnl to 0u lmlny on 3h xglllqmcnl The army was called lb to rcslure order uIlcr lice opcmxl fire on Lhousan of Hindu holy men who marched on Parliament chnnllugrmw kfllinx nur holy molhor cnrw NEW DELHI lCP Iive persons were reared killcd and al Inns were injuer via Icnl chums outside Parliament hm loday between police and crowd Hindus dimanding bun nn he slaughter wws Men Killed In AreaAccidents Onijweekend Transflir Expands Service Diplomat Denion Report Reach Tentative Agreement In Torontos Civic Strike Sees Govt Change 0n Injunctions Rusk Comments On Viol Nam mm mum at Dogcs lefl and SL Georg Church back ground in Venice the Italian canal city wen Med yam 101ml Year No 259 Indian Police Hindus Clash Over Holy Cow nixan 15 hum of 1am LATE NEWS wdhaLJM ParlthrM member of mu Cnnndun Unlnn Opcrnllnz engineer had decldml Sunday not In mm nickel llnu In up nl Icwnfiu dllpnsnl nml wnltr fillrnllnn plnnu and vumplnu Ilnllom mutt the engineer pnmd through plckrl llnu Mound nl lml one pumplnu Ilnllan Sunday nflcmoom One of group 01 holy men who spenthvadcd the crowd was kllled by the nunllrc The dead holy man wzu mnovcd ram nulslde the gals al the Indian news ngcmy The Press Trust of Indln while sev eral other look mm ln lllc ngercys garden wag bflwcnn Mclrn and the 1000 wnrkm In Mn 13 Haw mr mm lho Agreeman wfll bu applied to Icparnla agreement In be worked on lo day between lhu clly at Toronto 9nd ghu other 2500 mrmbm In llolh Mum and the city had ch nppllcuunm lridny Mlh lhc Onlurlo Lnbur Rulullnns lhnl lhuromcovlorrkm were on gaging In In Illngnl Ilrlko by lemma lo pan Local 43 plckct CL XNCITED MDBS Locni Via JT CROSS 7o policemen bro among the Injured whom curlew was imposed on va Delhi and surrounding Areas 1qu 313mg dalmatian day in we wake of mmial rains days vincc encc that ell the past Wm gargm hit waé Lhepnr of new with iu capital Marin the Eh The assault on Parliament allowcd lhe blues dnmnnslm an ever slagud In India to dc mnnd legal prMLdIon lnr Lho MIGON IAINA lam VIII mul um rluxlrll puumnl v5 Infantry lmlay Illwlnl may lhnmgh Un drum Jungh Tny Nlnh prnvlnru nrar Cnmlmllnn Imnl unrr lnflkl lug Iwnvy tnxunllln on name IIRV unlu llmlnl In uwhml In om nl live Iturn RM war The carrier rm mkrd hey nmrrd alvan Ihdr nn Ilnnnl munril nulhwrlly cm or mm nny Interim my lncrmu ruull 7700 mm In vnr nxalrm and 11 hallo ure lmpmptrly mqud Mmul 2m Mull Vlflnmnru IniViln aller by mum Mlllv In annual IN II rlnyllxhl Mle lry In Em ummu um umnmem ml ll mllu lmMMRII Wang NHL on me mllrnl canl liaulh Vielnnnwu twirlinan Inhl sunny MI 10 ball ml llll lldlrlll Mill unly lwo mlllHn mm mm Iwmlfil Euildlng housing In Ill India radio were set up in and wlndom governmch ol flccs smashnd issue In the dlspruh In cluded lhu unionx dcmnnd or wagn human 20 mm an hour In each ycnr of lwmyanr canlmcL The prose rule or unlon laborm Ll $226 an hour UllAWA Cmmm car rlcrl have nulhmllcd their un hm cxmxllvu to call nnflnnn mike cum my talk wh It odeml zwtmmtm break dmn Roger Decade msidcnt at he 9000mcmbcr Alter Car rier Union Snluniay nlxhl un nourml mu nmlonnl rrlmkm um nnhxvd 90 percent vole In lnvrrr of mm powmlng ht unllmnl cxumh or call In llrlko ban of meetings or live or more person was immediately clumped MmLJndllnrcapilul in mm tried to clear the streets of gangs of youths throw In Hones burnlng buildings smashing wIndawa and looting stares Dnmonstralors to am walls logcl bricks in thrvw us some haly men were seen plead Ing with bands ol young men to stop violence Letter Carriers Authorize Strike winds Venice licnto and Growth also ware hit hard AP Wirephoto by able mm Milan brml ol the rain and high Thus Vuuvpunllom um HEAVY CASUALTIES Viet Cong Eludes US Infantry Force UK milllnry Iwhrmmn lrwrlfil nlnnlulrly nu llIll m1 In Tny mm luvmlnrn Inlllo mlln nmlllml Man Mm nbom mm Amulznn lnlnnlty um wok In In hill In VIP unl ml mm at 1000 mm nnnmmml Inn Ivy Alllrrlmn tun ml mm by nthml Fumlh Vlmmnmn Imllnllunl Plot knflvnmm am Aim dug mluum any tr ay Ime In rml qumly not la mu Ibo taller dam CIIuIlMIt Commll mums DulhIIl Mullah Rpmn Thuer Womrnnl rvmulnuIl wmmru cumsr NHL 11 Rnilnn Ilmluman mm mom MINI have be The lcdcml governmcnll dil lcuklu mm lo hcnd lno 1m mnnlh htn the four Frte Dcmotmn In Chancellor Lud wlx Erhard cahlnct mlgnai om dillmnm on Ms mu budlct vaislms made at the last mm the legislature mm ht 9mm our udstloml Mr Hobart said um as mu Lhc failure of the led oml gavcmmcn to recognlzo the financial need of the prov hmofomarfioilhmbom mommy for the gnvcmmcnt ol Ontario tn undcmxko an lraumlve rmusmmro itsJL nandal position in the i4 obligation to pwpia BONN Reuters unwise election sumu by nxlrcmn rlghbwlnn Nuuunnl Demonms in cm today rnvldcd an ethn levm jail or the Drum governman already shaken by may polillcal crisis TORONTO OP Premier John mm said today it ha been decided that uddiflmnl hm mama not be imposed this time Ontario flw premier said In stale mm deem It prude not raise taxes until répona the federal mm mnmflssim on taxation and the Ontario mm mmoe on Bamtcln harvo been re celvcd He said bmh the reports should be nmflnble 1561an the new yuan hint oI pusofial mimic wer byzumbilllm Mtbcmpm RightWing Win 1011 German Govt No Tax Hike Ht Present Robarts Says Wm Barfly Onnrla aluldl Monday Nov 71 Ann Llndrnal CH1 NIH2 The Examiner HERES ONE REPORT 300 DIE IN ITALIANTFLOOD TODAY Students Rap PC Convention Thu Amnlrmn Innnll mm mmuuh Funny bun In Ilnm Jungle tulny Hw lmnlp Ill hm luv lluully llrlrmlnl IIMII ulr Ilvlkrl nml mlillrry Mimmlly lulml mum Thh rrnlnn hum uhlm In nlmnvlnltll hml Innmllnl inmmn ump nunullu mmqu 19 allmlllflfl Amrvlmn mum nwaunlly deuI Imam lhp omlnunllll ell WI mob um MUM IM Im In no gumlllu tenml mm Inr Swill vm Nmnx mm In he mumflung MM lhe Um Ixxllln border rnuulul In lhr ma ulum hnnl mum um mummy xumtny mumy mmrm Mind mm In nurt onfmyAlchnml Thry cxprrsml cnncrrn mrr llur luck nl llmu nml Inlrml film In Irrlmu xvliry Kun nlluL Thry nlm unounrul Hm drlrunm lnr xlvmklnu lm muth VATHNLOO Ont LIJTon mllLh Inn and nut enough policy Illxruulon ho Impmslon ll Unlvmlly 01 Wmorlno Iludcnll mn Hm Dnlnrln Imgrcuha Omnmmha mmulim lvr unto lall mrk Turnlyluu polnlcnl sclcnu llmhnll candurlcd poll nl Um cunrcnUnu Hy Frldny In 01 than lml huwlnl hi may on hair ubscrvnllom of lhu pro rulings thklmlrui Smly Ram 17 Ml mm be no dec lrioal cuginm and who pu lormed Huh dune More national television wdim Sulurduy Ilium was mmncd Miss Tcmagn Anwrim 1967 MISS TEENAGE AMERICA lourr dlyl nlzm wry mm nmllnlllnz lo cxpm Ihnlr lruo £91an on ma Quprrflloq flqur Thu sludan loll lho lend nhlxl mm lmlwtcn nnllonal Insldrnl Dallnn Cnmp Ind the force barking munr Jnhn nlrlnnlmkcr mould havo bun on llw nKrmLL mm in mural am moving of It lulu Umvleu him lamml Ottawa Sm day In rally 14 Ma um and onlmd so na laml bonus to be ulcclod cmdidawmlum Sandy walkcd on with duo to $3000 in all including ouryear collmc adwlarshlp AP wlre pholm Saqdy Iryrgl MI LETTER CARRIERS BRCK STRIKE and vil Inge In neighboring ml Aus lrln an ullmnlcd parlnn were dead am our day blizzard and lamnllnl rnlns my mid more than 000 per sons haw lost heir homc In lho flaodlnx the Puma and Chcpo rlvcrl which begun Fri dny nllcr nrrngllnl rnlns mulkml plum MN Dlh cam ml 0hr win Ind Mv 1mm imam Mur rw mu that film than 000 000 pcrsnns In the disaster nrea weredupcrntely In need food The Amnrkan British French and Swlu consulates In Flnrencc urged all main mm 1515 to leave he clly PANAMA CITY AWThirty ncrxons have dled and 49 more an missing In fluodl In cnslcrn Panama navpmmem omdnls Tho tlcnlh ml was Expected In In report mm In 1mm hnlnlud lllngu Mnny of he VlCUml um re rml to he rhildnn Crop and lmlock 1mm wm dcmibcd heavy Throughout thy skicken area from south Florence to north of Vcnflce water conlnmlnnllon and hundreds of thousands or drowmd llveslnck lncreawd the danger of epidemics Heilunv norlh oi Venice re ported an Weak oi mics Oiilciaix car typhoid Army team went Inin hardest hi arm in desirny animal emu sea with flamethrower Upslréam rrhcr levels all In May an billlom or zallnna of to pull anethlrd Italy 1mm Ihe chaos and misery of tha wunlrys wars flood dlsasler Clearing weather helped More than 150 bandlu were reported recovered and the esti mated death loll went to 100 It was lured that the m1 count would be far greater us military bases in the country sen men and machines lo join Italian soldiers paiice and civilian volunteers in re cue force 15000 he nluallon was em along secllnns 0f the Min Rlvcr In mountainous northern Trenla provlnca and In the lowlands of the Po Dclln FLORENCE Italy AP massive rescue force driven by ear epldg cd may Panama T011 30 In Floods omclnls estimated that man Say Situation Is Tense As Rescue Operations Begin NdMm ThmlOfiPfrCopy 14 Pig omlllve In ml MW mike ll was my wk with lubml manual haul hm IOI WWO nlrhnnl Man or whom Tuesdays mull may well gav trn MI thnnrc nl nnulhtr not at the Amcricnn pnsldcnry In man accused the president nlyn mwln pollcy In VIM Nnm and oneman nuvrrnlmnl rnnlrnry In lhc Amcrlcnn canslllulmn am he xahl hlg cumInflux llrpuhncnn gain ll nallml should no cncuurnne Con munhlln her mlm mume Army flamcthrawcrs were ar dnrcd tntn the Florence urea in lnclnernle corpses dxnwncd came And hotton to use ma he high water Vcnlcl flushed out xlnrving ml hlch hwndcd building and streets lgunLlnl food and nuacklng chil WASHINGTON CP The Icadlnu players read lhclr final line Sunday fur the US cun zmslnnal election Tucsdny which normally is expected In preserve Demonan party majority President Johnson frnm his Tcxnx much Mrurk at ha ha cnllcd second rau mlll no mk lo lurn uhilo American un lunnnism nanlnsl lhn Neura Hw mullrd while hncklnsh Into poliuml ndvnnlnxo that palsgns puhlic Illa Florence an Venice mud ualncd and Mck with debris rum waters that had mined to act deep Inr huurs tried achieve semblance normal lit through relch and cleanup opgraguns Professor Ugo Promch su perintendcnl ol Florences art galleflcs and museums said Ihe must serious damage in Rc mm ad imam In the Emilia at Santa Croce Among the damaged work In painting of Christ by Cima hue cmhAcenlurg ppm smog mirkud mzo government expert on 60mm hawks hid um minlogged in 1ho nationaLHbrary dron walcr Immhcnvy ruins and rampaging flood rushed sea ward The steadily raised ha levels downstream Worker 01ch lhmugh tho night In Show up dikns and earth levee at Ihc mnulhs the Plavc River nioth Venlcn and the Po Adige and Brenna rivers south or Venice Expect Democrats To Keep Majority In 13 Election SEE PAGE THREE

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