Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Nov 1966, p. 6

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minniuflim Min Addllon hm had muhbla mm In lhl Mm lovernment havlnl ylun mm um Huh In IN lo mm mu hhr lha Int lrmnlt mrmhrr ht Chll fimlca 70mmlnlun AM ha nm womnn lo hnhl tlu rank of Inme Minhlrr Sllu In mun Wlnmpu um rmlnnlv at he Unlmnfly pl Munlinlu lml wnl wllh Mull llrnnrh of Mnnlluhl uvrrnmul fur mm mm IYPlWl Jolnln Hm Drparlmonl MIMI Mu lt lnmfll From mu Iho mnml In Hm mummmt nl Trude um Comnmm In In onumhL In cm or vaen In lha Clvll Srrvltv ho dimmed by Min Ilth Addlmu mem ber his Clle 5mm Com mlmion and mm mum at he nul mettlnx ha Unl vmlly Womenl Cm be hrld II 515 pm Nov In lhu mm mm of Crnlrnl Collezlnlo er Hugh Douceiie was hu len Thursday awning or Col lee Plfly given by Xi Bela Pi Chapter of Bell Slgma Plll Sor nrilfi This iniormnl gathering em led ha EMS in Alphl PM Chaplet eligible to Join Xi Bela P1 to hecomn beilcrncquainled Milh ills member Mrs Larry Gilliiund Mn Gerald William ilra Herbert Thompson nud Mn Iilex ims were ihu guests Mn Bald brought Barblo dal auillis which xhe had made and tho members enjoyed Inshlon show Member oi Xi Mn in nilcndance ware Mn llugh Doucclle Mrs lllloski Mn Warren Alkin Mn Jenn BI icraby Mn xlnx Judd and Mn Georga Mlklia and Mn Km Donuvnn Mn James Robert Pratt ha former Carol Anne Smllh wax guns of hnnar at mmi Ihawcr pnrllc hrId rlor lo her marriage In St An rcwl Pu byterlnn Church Mlu MInIyn Bundmo Danie Win hum of mhccllnncoun shamr with Ihn brldnl armor cllnw cm ploycu of 0mm Hydro Ill lucsu Neighbor he brldo we uuusll at mlxrrllnmun nhnwer nl lhr home of Mn Noel Slvphemon Mu Cnnrlu Now lon Mu Ross Stephens and Mn Jack nuflor were Dolm ksm chlnn nnd cryllll nhowzr ll lha harm Mn anlnn Mn Alllrop onlzr BRIDAL SHOWER QFFEE PM First Woman Deputy Minister Will Address University Club Mm now Ihfillhhlmlinlhnn Guests at the sendformal dance any who were seated at the head table Included and Mrs Woods Mr and Mrs A11 Northover C0 of the Sea Cadets Cromimon and him Cromplon Alderman and Mrs Gerald Roberts Capt Harris Steele and Mrs Steele Mr and Mrs Gordon Hyslop slon The traditional ceremony during which guesis are piped aboard at naval celebrations was carried out at the annual dance party held last evening The Bosn pipes were pin ed Sea Cadeis Brian Shaughnessy and David Mars en Barrie Dance music for the party was provided by Bob Hunters Orchestra Milton Conway acted as Master of quemomw Lucky spot dance prizzes went ho Mr andMrs Walter Crompmn Mr and Mrs Ratchfmd Door prizes were won by Mr and Mrs Lloyd Johns Mr and MrsBerry Sponaglo and Mr and Mn Dan John THE ANNUAL NAVAL semi ormll dlnca party wig held the Army Navy Alr Fem PEOPLE AND PLACES Phologmphy by Ndhlnl min mm or Unimu lhln India puvmll THIS CHRISTMAS le0 Your Parlth MARI AN Lramnunr Cadets Play Bosn Pipes At Annuql Naval Dance IDJI Aha Ivlnbd he Department of Drunu Produdlon And lam hcclmc xtcullve nl lo the Dcpul Minier un 110m IMMM Mm mom Hulalm lwr duflm 0m mlulm Mb Adam II mlmwn of In lnunlm nn and ol the fiddle Saw lcu ml Ch lhl Advil my mmllm on My llunrnh Commluiuncn Ml duh mcmhm Ind lnlmIb rd Ichool Ir 1mm made 11 ml II III lnvlltd lo Mlm Illa mmlnm Tno bndu lo be was cud whcn mum and Mend mt lho home of Mrs Hooper hunk Ava hold miscel laneous mower MIL Ed New cum hoslw Ml nan Wnllwin mnld honor at the Navembcr wedding cnlorlnlnrd mlscellnnmus Ihthl at ho hum at her par mu Mr and Mn John Wall wln Sunnldnla nd Gum In cluded lrlond lho brldMlccl Ingl farmer Mu Harold Hm will cntrr lulu In hnnor of her daughter lroumnu an Saturday Ifgqgnoqq Now The Dental Aumanu Bar rlu gathch nl lha homa Mn Man Vaon mm Dr to shower Mm Hurt with My cellnneous ullu Prlar In her mm nn Nov 12 hllu Gladys nun has been guest of honor It luvoral ov enls cup and saucer ohuwer was held In honor of tho bride lohe Al lhu home of Mn Smllh Campbell Duckworlh St llnx loss at the mower was Mrs Dan Campbell Gursll Included mom bm And lormer members ha Earrlo Venture Club whlch lulu Hart member well lrlendl and lormor teachers of he hrldpelecl uincd nu miscellaneous shaw ar and former school mates of the um of honor mended this puny MEDAL ENTERTAINMENH Rooms Dmulvp 51 last ow nlnl Guesls It llle pan were welcomed by Command nl licer ma Banlo Sea Cadets Hm Ml exchnnxu WWI Thu UN General Amnme un animume nvcd Friday rervnunmint 47M cmnmll to mm nlmrd nl nlvenm llnlna th llnnmlnl overallqu II he UN nnd lplllflllfld axon dos Lmllmml rchml of mm mrxnberl pmlmlnrly lb 50 VM Union Iml Fram In yuy llwlr umunenu lot UN penu Ixmlnx omn hmv the omn man In 1114 two you nln The marriage of Miss Juno Thompson daughter Mr and lint William Thompson North Bay to Bernard Belu skny son of Mr and Mrs Belcskcy Barrie took place in London Ontiv Oct ll Tho newlyweds an residing at Quebec St Goderleh whom tho bridegroom mnouorvol Household Finane Company hoving receivod promotion from Toronto oiiiee Tho bride is continuing hrr studies in teaching at University oi We lern Ontario llurnn College London Mr and Mn Robert King oi Suphln St ictt the city it day or Florida where they iii spend lilo winter munihl inA veiling with trailer the couplc will visit Ihelr our sons resid ing in Woodstock bniorc leaving Canada at the WindsorDetroit bordtr En route tiwy will visit in tiw Stale oi Ohiu and Kerk lucky below taking up residents at Daytand Beach until Spring Roan up meat Camuth mlmdxood nl llmvbrmo Davy service In 0mm Nov IL Mn 5m cm um mu durlnl the Second Wald War 01 Who 1M0 EN ROUTE TO FLORIDA Mr SI ol To Lonm tin glen by tho MARRIAGE Em qulred Peter AH 01 New Ybrk Minn afternoon ceremony at Collier Slrecfi United Church Barrie EXAMan FINNull UNITE NATIONS AP goo Cromptun lpd hm Crvmflan ww are ihw have muting nests hm Locke Mr AT OTTAWA Mr nur Won Someone mull rnlrh th woman In lhu or Ind mmclhlnn In her home that has Moltn Inch your towel ar nsh trnyl When lhll ll dam wng hnl Iho may be 111 and In need hip ha conllnuu lo cal mulch her wry minute mn ollowlnl her ram room In roam when nhe vhlll Hut plum dont her thlldrcn Dur Ann ndrm 11m 1m ytnr aur pmnl dochlod lhnl we 111an la ha ha All Amcrlcnn lnmlly and tho key nm In touclhemcu We lhrru tunmu um ll 11 and 19 Our lulkl hum lhnl we all go plat nulher Th1 mm In llm bcnrh la the mnvlu lllulru ran rl mom menu It In embnrrl In far In In no In mm of mm plum ulth nur pnrenu hecn 1er runnjmz Inlo ha prob lam wllh her husband but ha my MD mnklnz up He cnusu we dont llko her llom all what lo d0 ller chlldrm lowly and Wu dont want lo bur her lmm nur home be musn Hwy wlll have In be old the mason and wed rather lilo than tell hem llulr molhcr ls McLWmlcd LATE EFFORTS II In lurl muma And dnd Icollnxl bmuu tit may an loin In my food Mi It It levrlirll my am Can yau Hunt of mm Tuf Murh Ialglhqrnm It ho lew Imall Hum like guest 0ch or an 13 Ironwole mwlmm the dresser drawer lrndlnx mm and chIr Several mom on the nmny am aware the problem because lhu woman has done the lame flung hair homcn 0mm hanging on In our purses and when whrn lhfl 14 around no bogy bu ml mud Dur Ann Linden mem ber of my hunbandl Inmlly has been xlcalinz thing rum our hqmo ur nycrn ycan You Must Catch Her Before You Accuse Her IN THE AIR FOR KISS ANN LANDERS 11ml Steele and Ca Steak 00 Squadron my ml Simcoa Fowler Examiner Photo Too thmrpnmil ilalfhnn liu 50 Jump to lg excth Ind hh wile has The coupie both vu ernn parnchmlsts colo brated their nnnkvemry with midAh kiss during durinu doule nrachute lcnp rum an aim nno DVH New Hanover airport In this mulhoaslern Pennsyl vanin town of 150 The ample from mommy Norrlstown P8 are par enu of three NEW HANOVER Fa AH4an llallman and We PatriciaK were ernlly up in he mr Monday over their Ilth weddinz an nizemry lu lrlcd to 1mm tho Illul llon but on dlyl Im sorely tempted lo tell her on WW tho 10man and nlrmzlh In be my mouth Ihm Plem hep Inashook Cecil 0m shook You In In holler nlllnn lo 1h your huh band on and emallml nup parl hm lhll Illle Ihnwdy you mlh hmm wonderlul pintn lo hell lhm It you don you all look or hlm ll lhl olflca My hulbnndr racrmry ll lo yum younger mu Immnr rled lo nanducrlpt chmclcr who probably bum her to denlh Shc hul no chlldren We have lhrear lm run my hul hnnd ll unnwnra ll clever way lhl l1 wrmlnl her wny lnln In She one hlm ll ham to rcmlnd lhlnxl he would do She drvpu thlnzl all ll llu lmulc lmllel barrel In or cochnll and mm my lor dlnnrr She lulu hlm how he lllm hrr new hllrda and need hlr help to remnvu dlvcr 1mm her llnzcr Dnr Ann Linden 11 In lava wllh my ban 11 year an while warklnl mercury in hb emu Now another unmnn ddnz exactly lha nme thin Iu wondeiu for Inmlllu to do mlnu together but you In NW mam nodal 1115 lthUmm Work on It and en by neceuny you will find yourlcll culllng on 111th out with lho HISTORY REPEAsz ellaru lo be In uHAmerlcnn Inmlly mun lmHka leygml yegrlZ ii Monday is your birthday ynnr hornxcapa indium in the next yur will embrace must propiuoul period for em emffies requiring iniuativn and team work will bu jmparlanl Dont try to do thlnn alum or you may run up Hahn mm resentment If differences do cur Inlve them In alvund lake manner my 1m mummy Homorrow is our birthday your horoscone ndlcllen um ou could benefit greatly by umhlm Job bushes or lunch vnnlurel Already plan ned as of now of early on week you amend cyolo which generoully lavorn then Inter am and you should we excep Uonally gratifyan mulu before your nex birthday roll around an the occuanonnl front you Ibould uchlovo flu recognition between now and Dem 20 Ind this would mark lull further pronm durlnd tho 1m week in January throudhoul the monlhl of May Augurl September and tho Hm lwo waokl of October Monetari interest will be ioverned elxcfllanb lwrcn now and Dec Illa In lhrLa weak January the 11m 10 day February the int week or June midAugust Seplcmbcr and October Do be conurvauve however In Inca February Ill Much 3nd naxt November No rpmllllonl No exirnvagapga nlerclu will be unv ernnd by good Influence 10 most 01 lbs year ahead with emphaxh on romance In mld January curly Apr early Mn and 1m Aumt on nave next July August and Septem ber for long Janrneyl You may however Ilka Iovml mm trig lhrnulhout the ym ch born on Ihll dny wfll be endowed with In busineu Acumen unusual cnurm Ind anatomy FOR MONDAY Mamiw grill day In which un nyl panclnry lnflnencu will bu ballet or Ilrlclly per Ional 1mm than or buslnm malterl Fina Itellnr aspectl hOWBVel one DHYIIB Offl tlvn pumm community and lamfly Muem 93 mm mummy Emnmn rqn froMommw THE STARS SAY SOUP Minute means 893 U5A FLORIDA WHIIE lEAN TENDER BUEHLERS MONDAY ONLY GRAPEFRUIT The nlr tlckcl and chew or expenm lurked lnlo 1pm cm rave wallet were pre sented in the unsuspoctlnz Mn Marcus zmhanrflvemry lunchan Nov by Cnunlm Alexander Tunis honorary pmlden of hr club Mn Mmul landing figure In tho Cnnndlnn cm 1min he Swoan Wurld War Salnfd lhn clul In m1 and be came Itmpcrnry mercury Irmum our yrnr Inur MRI AT NORTH VANCOUV ll BC tonWW Inch cm um hu MIde dulln hyper Iunlc nlmnn whlch he HIlnkI Ihould rnch 11000 mm HI your clllml lo hm mhrd lho problem Imm Ionlc fllsm Ind wnnln havl nu llmry ml by v5 Ilnnu LONDON CP Alter 20 year dovaud urva la the Canadian Womens Club In London honarnry sacreer Jenn Marcus fumilllr Ind helpful figure to Iccm Ca nadian lelrnrl ll making her first My ho mm The 350 member the club an ornnluunn dovmd In charllnblc nndArnlxlng wdl homoAwnyromhomz for Cnnndlnn women In London wnlrlbutcd to In special Iuné or lho Ilfll Mm Lloncl Chwrler wlle of he Canldlnn high commit IIoner prcsenlcd Scottishlborn Mn Murcul with sold mlple kn brooch Tha coupIu amhanuod vawn at Johnl Unflcd Church Alli an on on at 330 oclock Standards white chrynmhl mum And plnk cnrnllmn deo weddlnz lrlp lo Ih Marl lmM and New Enxland sum fallowzd the marriage 01 Min Sandra Jinn Kay human Ind Willlnm McIvor K011 Clint chill For travelllnx the bride don ned lhrca plm ml of dllk green Ind black lweud with black accessorm and corm of yellow roses Am mum pxmim 9mm Nommm Travels To Canada Courtesy Of Club Motor Trip To Eastern Seaboard Follows Wedding At Alliston new by 3mm swan MR AND MRS WILLIAM McIVOR KELL Mu KIII malher the brldt groom wn Wmd In III ML noon dmu of primal blua mp Ind 1m Her cor Wu pin my 011M Mum Mr Ind Mn Km 11 mm lbelr born 1m mumhfll The Dr Gem1a Ken Oluwn brother of he bridegroom The mhm wm Hamid Coum Midhum rm Robert Drybrouxh GI cr RECEPTION 1N mnnm The rmptlon wu held ho nnylhou Motor Hotel Dame Whirl llu muther the bride rmlved Ines Mn Kny than bmoadv drew In nmmdo lhldl luhlanbd on lho Allne comm ol Talisman mm hnnrrd her enumhlc mnwu 11 MB Janice Coum Mldhum mm the midigrown were own nyled on Identical llnu In the maid of hqnnrg dren Pm boxes mulcth wlm um lnhlnned Into huddreu for mu nmy ctr rled of uranium 1n HIM nude or anL 1h mm honor Mn Lur ry Bonn ol Ithaca New York won floor lenmh town of mid IKM blue velvd lnlhlaned on drylnulnu lo an bride he daulhlor flu and Mn Hury Ray of Al lmon The bfldomomc patem In Mr And Mn Ruben Kell Churchill aqwn or vum Given 1n man1m by Mr ther tho brIda thou floor lenmh lemma whlte lllk velvfl fashionzd on Em lro linen and mum an Alna skin mo bodlco Wu 1le wlm Inlay raundtd necldlne And lilypain fleem flouting unel lulu ell from tho the can murmured nrllholdlha brldcl xhoulder ngth veil imported lace The bride car rlzd cumde ol whita ennu dom and pink roles outed tho chumh or Lhe autumn Eda Rm June Shan owe med at lhe ceremony FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALI 0K Johnson Am r7 ma mnlullon 1733ch It lha mupl convention mks he Dnmlo lavammem to ensure um men be given It lent one yearl mum and mu 11 Marine be held to proof of need TORONN CH110 CeMrAl outlrlo Am Wumenl lnalL Mu Thurwa mad ruler confidential be glvnn to 1th nl mm In exproprinllan pr cadum It uk but no mm be wired to surrender his propeny until the expmmmm body has paid him at Inn 55 per mm Maw lho Mus The women want oxpr dal lnu bodlcs to NY Ill 1m ex penses lmmd and establlxhI men mule movlncltl ax mprlaklon agency In mndurd procedure and mnka cm amMon rate more Iallalacu mm molmlon called on the Maul Ind prwlnchl gov mena to huh on mm aemh Into Ilw auto My and lnmflauon nl lhe nowon may dole in Ill new can us also decided to uk tho department education en bylw requiring d1 hlyh 961ml boards to be oleowd Mad oi uppomod Mu John Hcmmn n1 wh urban Weston wax eleclcd mva pmldmn womdinu Mrs Mau rice Jones Glemnlm Mrs George Dixon Brampton and Mn lrwln Mnltby Laurel were ledcd vicepusldents and Mn Rwy Vcsllnke Bump iMlelarylrcnsurcr mom the worlds com moms domuilc animal num bering 1005700000 mm thekwal number at Inn not ma hnu lm nml Ammanul Consideration For Rights 01 Ovmers FINSTANTA HIRING Allnl 541 5nd lull Inlggmllun lhul mmmurll In InTImEarllaarinuld hm In Ramona Mum In Mur In imlnlllllll ml win Tu EAR mm mm lu 51mm 0191 In mam lay lam Nauru nm YOU and It full who 7ransis tfill himn llllal HAW lanICfl InnIo LII Chin Lamp 01 3qu ml Pldurtl Wlllullnds Bun 0mm bus warm AM 10 mx 269 Dunlap 7168231 SHEEP COVER GLOBE Van flgkemarkabla New hunting

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