94 ARIICLESEORSALE Girls OF HARDYGLENWOODPRODUCTS We again otter directly lathe public our dlsoonllnued 1060 Items Lemon radio black Irqu Ina Buï¬giflggzaFM Lawn and pmduction Seconds There is an attractive but Meghsel ï¬gmlmmmf mi oodon and the latI FAB serv ere $3131le et lowermiiuian wholesale can rm cliavnom tuba Ind ilru Malia be viewed bdwcm and Monday to Friday at 19A Bmck Street £2501 n°°1elwhone malï¬ï¬flï¬e on tweet ot Anne Ancanouc neuralr IllAnon ra Our regular first line products are available at ccllllat condition snow um mmfl f3 ROBINSONS HARDWARE die umo oririnIi miles on ï¬iflï¬PMI TRANSPORTATION Milld mm and STEELES CHINAWARE TTIEYBARRTE EXAMWER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 661 10 new WANTED LUFKIN RULE co or CANADA Ltd reouires MALE AND FEMAL ASSEMBLERS Mia have ram mum my mm Four to 123eveiiingshiit permanent employment AuroilorIVE lo HELE WANTED moron cans FOR SALE rm clinvnoLIrr lnr Isle Vl rIdio Ibo lose Volkswagen Both in good runnlrr rreIr Beet otter TIIIpannI mAII dIyI INDJALCON Sultan WIDE Vim PERSONALS SAUNA STEAM BATHS Massele and exeche comm RANDALLS Healer Studio Ind MALEHELP ACcouniani Wanted With minimbile background experience Capable of taking cum piete marge up to and including monthly iinandal statunonia Ail company benefits Salaly conmnomata with exper MALE II FEMALE lance Apply in writing to Box 87 Barrie Examiner tires wheel owner ll metlilic Tibial Pri vIII Toieo no mm as Roman tillriir 32 End Winter Dryness Install power has cuavnoarr sedan vs rul HUMIDIFIER Save Up To 15 of your fuel hill years to pay on mos HOME COMFORT PLAN For Information with no obligation phone WALLWI BURNER SERVICE 7281859 eer Tori EAu IIrro rug II IiEd ones while incluch cm mIiLresI reasonIolI price Tole 3mm mam STOVE on push buItWo em warml IrII inner Iiro girl Rd wlnirr son will lur ooIlIr In In new condition no TIITLEB DRESS or Ilib carpet II VI bolas Ionewnlgh Inger MECIIIJY II er or oaur platfarm Tucker IIer Inna Telephone mill IPACI HEATER In Darflfl work ing condition also uInLy chick ens 75¢ each Telephone motes aIsNa sum cleaned our Inu Irlru lvc Sp Drum rial II 12 SIGNS of 411W whita resorro Apt Tor Itent louse For sun on Tn and mum POLAROID camlrn light and met or flip Ibo Guida unlfonn Ind Iemrorlu alu l2 Telephone lam sun pass or niltrier Intermum rnsu men roads or clay IL can be land It Bob Sweczlpl Fm common Innuili Telephone um Auras or choice cnrlsurur Trm rvady to cut by an place or by Lilo nunorre Telopnon to run around won or mm main my IIrno equ size as brillII made must in um lor new any Ibo oominn anon minmom player Terr pnonI 12am cAn WHEELS OM month old Crllir Sir or Soon Ford muncl turn when with tires valued It so new vill Irenet any renun Iele ollrr Telrpaono snot be tween 1e pun TOP 50 or air nod quIliy loIaI lop roll three yard and urler 50 pt yIrd lour yIrdI and over 00 per yard delivered InMor In Izmir nolim nllzivnnzns by sirilcr wel coma rlli Ior Chfllifllll modtb Guaranteed yearr No down Iy men so per month Singer vzr AUTOMATIC cu Drycr or Idle alanim new Owner leasing coun try Cull or trlre Over payments Trlnpnnrir 72301 OIL STOVE Childs Crib and OJ Vacuum Clunrr All In nod con dltlon Priced to IlliI cltphunl 726479010 lull parliculan LAftDB luhlurlm Trunk Ilenl elouunz rim to womenI clothing Iu lo to 14 Telephone IIIIAIE lrrrlzlLAcx box stcor TsoI Recorder lilole cImrrI Cement Mixer with motor Quince type rook mm with own Trie plronI cum cm rAliTn Ior Auslln lood urn new ill At Ilrrl Lump or all richOnO mull scorcu iiNr Chlirlmu Trerr demo mile rm Tcirrihnnn mum Ivmlnn AA nanv cannrnuz Lloyd brown Ino whiir like new mmqu uonolmry in Tim smrii mo IM mliirns Tim oilan TIII noon Airmi rim Trmlrloxa rim linilre number or me mourn re noun io rim II nurl II no oil Nu down Irirni IR rilunlh 11 Singer nr Ilmlr llama ME marina pim wIinui dlnlnl room will immunolo in mm min And no mu Lrlnirr OII ronilnrnul lied mil Iwa brd lilomn llirilrn rulirr Vlclln uni cull Anoiy II and lrnl simu rr flLrlAIl AMPLIFIER yllu Oltl pinyincr run lunch Iveloll mmpirio wiln mrrnmilun unli Ind vlhrlto dell my liteI in harm IIII lir hunt NO hotter Imjy not Toirphm 12 lllDNl Mnn ch Jill Will IIIrrlnn ol rorru lllofll mom MW AlTDlATIC Vuiir IIIiI llnu Fit i1lllitltltld ltll liillii hill Ilnnll pill rnlmvrI Wu Juilll VIIV Ii Wilt Ilhll humour rim own at IAmN minim AL ilirlil Ir Ionr pullh lull minim irnm sell ml 1Tnlml lllliil rillllll II wnlirl nwninr II nirn Irmiu imlal lNIilftl firmplylmrlrl nomIin lint Irlrimr vIlIJ mini Irn rvrnrvl via mam Ilium linerle Iqlllrmlni pr inn III in out tunm limiir SurfsI Ilr lion anI lit lrn il lureu Iir turnu hul mi Oral rum and min lrnm Iio yil ramnii ilririn rlumMnI ml rum in mini vil Iivlm nliruii erTKNTI uni lruvinrlal alirict nun rim lilllwrwt $yowin human ll awl ii lynil yivlrlit Ill lllll lltlr Inimnl nor in It Flown WM huh lilill mg ruin rilvltr 14 run Iltiorh rm II rm oliflnll Ill mun mum yllill min marMM Illiwlin rum MANNll Mir rll IIIMM Faun veoerAuLEs Allrlli minim loin min mi MI in Iunilry in mi mm in Ore Income mi nlr II linim trio in Iiih Int nunMI ms iIini mm iIIIn In rim or In nth lrlr mine run In cw Trlrwm Hull II III at TREES AND SHRUBS EcoTcIl rINB to no It all mile north at 400 Tummy on st Vincent street WM SCOTCH PIN Chlllunu Tron Io IL on well promo Telonnonr Vic atomtr AnnI whim DOGS PETS uEAGLL run or am Tue Phone HEM mNcll WOOL pu black rerlalcred millh n1 or Alli dotIla lclcprione 1m Esnumr iil 1°33 re or We brclcn or oral Telrpbone use liter one D005 AWARDED Shaded Nill ood care Floor Girn Kennels lunwa II IIIwrnionI moire roonuzs lulnhtm rename nails mun rlIver mm 15 AL Io Irua Mi InnIII Ilrirtw Telephone ammo mm FARMERS MARKET FARMERS MKT MISC DEAD STOCK Highest price paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For last rerva PHONE BARTUE 7187751 Collect or ask tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 1N0 CHARGE 24 hours day days wk Till Foxmcad Ontario License No 250664 Nick Montague Prop FARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dc Service Case New Holland Dnvui Bmwn Beatty I76 BURTON AVE mm CASH TRADE TERMS iuLK comma or rate nun Cull mm min ItIlnIu ateel Telephone ii rlenurunr Ivy Ions LIVESTOCK FWSALE zl IVEWED anlunire Pigs or Apply marten crown il PONY Ton SALE yun nld IllIsomny prlced ror rurlhrr de iIlLI phone 150502 Alilston yLANm rm lor nir will IlIrlcd Trirphono Ivy mill alter um Italians IIOAIan rumed mined III miIII rrom IIIIrlI Trilphonc mam Dull nonnulm Yur round lIrIIqu For urine Wormltlon telephone 11mm In rioLETsIN Ilium Iona duo now iiomr lenr romplcte with amino II inn is war oio Ilrn um Thornton Tele pnun Ivy arr ll POULTRY CHICKS or III on year old Telryl meow mm rrnii Whirl Churchill line will iIncK brredlr pull III or IIII Ilre conkIrrII Ia wrrh old Tellurium mini IIIurIrr Scillll mamIII FEED SEED GRAIN cnn cllnN Ior IIIr It lam 030 rr ion rrlrnphone KIri roiun IlIlIuIIr Moonton oIlIx nuAerrv Or llay Ind sirw lor ulc uIli Intro rIIrohon an em morulnrr éAUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE ByronGraham Motors 1001i GALAXIE XL door hardtop Licence MORE 1004 PONTIAC IAIUSIENNH Cilstirin sport mnvcriiilic IA cum malls till liiiAlFOIIll 5T llnrrle 71le Our Mme means grunt deal T964 VOLKSWAGEN It Irrier hiiir tintIi one twin ll liirilce 11135 MOFFATT MERCURY SALTS Ill lnrniiri Iicrce Molnrn II ltlElA ti meats in VIAU RAMBLER IT LlflWAtl iii 726115 ITIIAVIAtlllAH Iuianilr on rmmir iii nmrlilre ilnI rriiihitim nilrush Tramom runnIiI rim imnnlA mm mm Il lm rir min In an menu in Him Vllvm IiiirnnIilr on McNIM min In ml mflrlnl ul ltlylr rrin nir mow iinn Am tiltl IMIII Iii MV flint inn Nil mm in uni rowMilli nrn niiu trio Mont mom pow an $1 eir Anhï¬ onuuc radio pod aim lnl minimum In tenor Teephonl mom rm Torus door zyilnAIll licence mail me runnlnrcpa dltlon ruli prise sun one am on for month cIII AI manly 7251 BL iqu com tor nle Automatic bill ï¬nish door In mull Lion private sale Telwhm all mm 1531 PONTIAC VB lulomilc dnor hudm loud nniflllon Ind nod tine $150 mum ms Ton drillin loi ale door urlioiérinli nii°oi£ II glanced Telephone mm Iner mm Ian VALIANT nd mnvmlhle cylinder low mllllu beautifully kept 11659 Private nit Teltphond 7W Ian CHEVROLET tour door ï¬rmIda motor standard mqu on In 1ood Me New battery Will lest114 Resonlble offer Telephone Harry 1382 Or Torn mm mm mi FALCON nriurr oluo coupe cylinder Iuionuuc wane mus dim radio vinyl upholstery ram mun telephone realm or reply gore tumor Credit PM arm use CImvnaLLT two door hard ww VI lutnmIUt custom built radio mechanically lrI AI IhIne Prletr IIIr cheap or quick sale To ï¬ner street Angus Im AcAOlAN ueaurnont Into matic Innlmhslou rdio mow um comprt economy reworked lo roll TrlrphonI mam Ilter pm errIouTn Savoy will drr riIneInI mow um rIelo windshield wIInerI block auirr merrily tuned enact runnln conditimi me Or at Iller TIII prion seem DLDIRIDNLR VII automatic In and condition deT Oedlll 371 cubic inch 50 fll but Dlisr Telephont mini between it Ind pant mo VOLKSWAGEN nelurr with radio whitewaih Ind wheel din New battery and new torIlia nm Ind body good Bern med II mnnd BIT 7737971 In VOLKIWAGLN deiuro rate in nod nndlurin Chevrolet lube and III condition Tel for be 29 be in Iesn DLDSMOIIILB lor IIIe auto matIt In nod clun condillen door IroIn III lllw tires ms or but otter Teie hum mam ror further lnlormation lost ronn GIIIIII XL we or rule excelleni rundluon with law mllrm IIIch Willi ml intlrior IlemnIbln niler will be Iccepted Telephone 7248809 1965 CHEVROLET TMDIII dour Imn vn automatic block In Iumri gold Interior 21000 willful miles lmmaculnll hithwly driv en Owned by local ichr but offer new mm Issr CHEVROLET sullen IImr lama mllu 315 ha vn Inrlne Iteerlnx perm arIIiII eu rome lumen lIcIi ly Lilu heavy duty mspcnrlon nII nIren Ir reulw ad or heavy work Can tow good aired lrIller Must roll lili tan lrodr can nnInrr comm and Ind slim 12a pin TRUCKS TRAILERS Im cllzvnoLET IInn irurli or IIII lloor Itlcli Ihud In condlllon lust rellnIIlied IrlI phonr moon ml clllzvllOler Ltmr ILIkI iruclr or lair Vd motor Illly iu lim In nerlrri Iomlilon AW licuounll llewarllone alter pm mi mun Is Inn Itylreide nor cyl mo mow Ina prlnira mu rom vr ion Itylrrior box roml rubber Ina pliMld Moo mil mi rimIn is run liyioddn nor ll ryl 2m cu In Iona rubber Ind palnlrd milu was um iiii Mr an In Ininnlrur radio IIrnen nlmr mm Illw liru Ioooo Irlni milu mnmmr Tnirk sat on nu nrnvrio CAR ACCESSORIES SPEED SHOP New Used Rebuilt Auto Parts CAST TOOLS and SPECIAL EQUIPMENT St Pauls Iiwv ll scum or Ilinliiii M010 ran ml not nu In Iron rnnnlllon tor uaï¬ia Iur me Ttltuhorll INilw Tlnu Or it and an rIrn tor mo VoIIII nu ll liminle tin In mnnim Trirnnm mam Inrr no on suowmomï¬s f° DARCY SKIDOO lioiiinlr inIiI Aral Scrvlre Iinll Hwnrt IMIJII OTOSKI an niiil llml VliliSTlIli ï¬nite and holvlrr ITIlOiiII TRAILERS RALII Iiizrn RUSSELL fllUlICll Mobile Homes Lil Grlicrni ilrnilalc 20th Century llomu Parts and Service raIlr or Torin up to Wm 30 flUlITON AVL 715W Ttiebhom m1 ARM tum TILANEronTATION wanted lrorn steeisund Durkworth so to been Ina reunion Sta dI vInI downtown balm after ï¬rm NURSERY SCHOOL crriLns ecnooL Collfer strut Ierlrtrr new vIeInotrI tor l4 YMT old in school taxi Mom only QnIurlee marinate Milan mbel undemmn cer Illlulei ulrloo III miids no load or 013 9lOST FOUND i0 HELP waNrEO TEACHERS WANTED MIDLAND Public School Board Requires TEACHERS ATTRACTIVE SALARY SCHEDULE MINIMUM LEVEL $3700 CUMULATIVE SICK LEAVE BENEFITS WtiLian Applieatiom Stating Qualifications Experience and name oi last Inspector should be sent to HARTMAN Secretarylhcasurer Box 335 MIDLAND Ontario MALE HELP OFFICE MANAGER ACCOUNTANT Applleant should have several years experience in all phases at accounting including prepar ation at financial statements Same knowledge of taxation Ls beneficial but not essential Good future potential Please reply in conï¬dence giving de tails oi age experience and salary required Dex I33 Barrie Examiner THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE hu veranda for ninth men Lw IA Ind 30 yarn are wire In least In brim luv succeulully complrire Grade De yen or better Ind are physically ContIci Lh nearm no II CI nIdIIn linunlrd Police ollu or mm In the commlIIIoner tinyI CInrdlIn IIounIed Iollce OLLIwI onirrln CONTRACTORS tor WAIL COATING Well csLibiisilcd specially mai ing manufacturer is reorganis ing their wallcoating division and will be requiring additional nggrcsivc applicators Consideration will be given to those muadore prcserllly op piying spraymi wall coatings or those wishing to onicr tiic IIcIil Write to Box Ilio The Ilarria Examiner MEAT MANAGER lor new medium lilo Ibod Market in Olliiin Mari rllouiii b0 Experienced in milling rind counter vmrk Good starting salary plus inmitim plan mi working mmtllliiru Wrilp nor Illl nanlo Examiner PLUMIIIIILS TEAM liliiIiIS liii FIlITiRS tor the RCA Victor pmlcct Midland Ont Illile rnic oi HIV 40 per hour villa in vacation pay App at Job Ilia IA ADIAN ICE MACHINE CO LTD llltlllo 5211 Miiilaml Oili TLAnnJiniil VInlil in our hml HAN Arum Irviu mull IiInm Auiirin inn in mi run nr rrlionone mun nIiurmm mulIlol Apniy in norm in limb nrrn IM Ann Oi limiin It Mm mm our Irrrnnimmn lnv retain lrrrn Apply to run now an llutlin ivIririm TI phnn illInn Ill nu 1m Am Ilnlvlim Illt uniIi mm mnn mil rnll litw lnipinymlnl liv iii mm mm Iliilt til ripii lerovmirln mi in iuiniI winian Iii nIriirlA er new rn nr um ii mu run imami th ammo In urnrim mum 11mm Aimlrroiio mamn run to in mm mI Irvmo rp rm no Mimi1 lile untruan r4 lllrn MM rumorn Actmti iIi Iinn In nnnr mmin rnrro int IM rrlaitty lnm Wm Iiin vaviln Mmm hr IthlmInl it box no harm IIIInnan luvlng pm Telephone mom FEMALE HELP DO YOU WANT AN INTERESTING JOB This is not the usual routine office positionbeing offered we REQUIRE AN ALERT YOUNG LADY son OURSALES DEPARTMENT She must be good thinker capable of working on her own initiative neatdresser good typlst and personable Please send your application to BOX 32 BARBIE EXAMINER IiIAIUIu LADY wanted or snack bar year or over days per week Emmi volition write to box all urnlo manuner ierTunz Baby Sitter rullllred ior AIIIIion home His In remme Arn iI time all Telep on £15 on CLERK do moflnu payable Ind daily banking Dodkheepilfl marli ine experience Mlpllll nr wfillnl to learn me Will Box liar rte Examiner ITOUIIKKETER VI in prelemd mun mid ul childrcnl We nilu QM WI and 00d home of LII um potion Turpin leim HOUSEan to look Ilter children month to run or woman to Cam In day Dst Ind Telephone TZMTI wAmuzse requlrrd experienced RTEKErredurIaIu shins Avril oy LernI Restaurant or hung eggwm name Telephono AND nnlvzrm Ilertaunnt require one car hosted and our kitchen helper hrIHlmI lmpluy mont our In given preterencr TIIIpbone mom or Interview appointment naylleld strut WAnnrzss In time unlronnI lupplild Ind aundered Colman bend ual to lull time an plbylci mat walking condi tim In rIeIn Inndcm more Ely United ctrr store to Dunlap SALES HELP AGENTS REAL ESTATE nIeI penonnel re eulrod lor new local olllcrl Ex pnimcrd onlerred but not on unUII time be Inlellirrnl Ind Inrrnlve Putter but lair Tialeer EMPLOYMENT warnso WILL mvr My me to anti or two prrrcnool Ire chlidrcrr Alln dIiI dismal Telephone mm or luriMr lnlorrnauon DAY can or two rhlldren dIy week ruistlred nunv moth er No il Highway nur hIlnoII Point Telephone mom nrsroyrinu runny nun RIO llllllil ll name II In car mi rrmniiy tmpioyed with con rlrutiion equipmrnt dealership In Idmlnlatntive clmlliy Part Ptfltncn In Service ram Woma ty training and personnel DevIL menu comlels rename ND Eiird Mn rrnurrl box No Ila rle summer For Want Ad Dial Service 72824i4 One call thats all brings you Texaco Fuel Chioi all winter long You roll In only men WI III II twin um On Iluln in doitmiu Ian you Ilorwml alil va ol lulcn lul Chit it on limnilhnul the hullnl sum MI uiI todayill ill martinibio turns SIMCOE PETROLEUM 75 ANNE ST 716M MEATN60 ta Kl =3 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS CREDITORS and others hav ing claims against the Estate DOUGLAS CHAMBERS late the City oi Barrie ill the County oi Simcoc Deceased who died on oraboui the Iwentleth day at March I065 are requested to file particulars of their claims with the undersigned solicitors for the Administratrix by the Twelfth day at November 1966 altar which date the said EL talc will be distributed having rcgard only to the cl ms at which notice has been rec ived BENOIT AND VAN RAAY Barrister and Solicitors 10 Wellington Street West CHATIIAM Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrlx To 0mm Want Ads to main help in will Vlnt Ad 10 In rorrnaunn about want Adlhhonl mull Previous factory experience referred Apply in person to Mrs hionvick DecisionSought 0n Pipeline Bid WASHINGTON CWTrans Canada Pipe Lines Ltdha asked the federal power com mission ln order prompt de cision on its application to build 5200000000 natural gas line to Eastern Canada via the United States Expanded gaslexports also are Involved Proceedings before commis slim examiner were stalled by the Canadian governments re ieetion oi the plan last August and subsequent reappraisal TransCanada has undertaken to guarantee that It existing allCannon route to Ontario and Quebec north at the Great Lake will remain the main sup ply syrtem to Eastern Canada It also has to get Canadian permission before it can dispose oi the 50peMent stake it has in Great Lakes Gas Trensmis sion Co established with Amer Icun Natural Gas Co to run the us portion oi the ads dltlon south the Great Lakes The power commission now has to decide whether In last the Canadian stipulation have substantially altered the situa tion mcriting new hearings and wiping out those completed rinse bctorc the Canadian inter veniion The next normal stage would be an examiners decision which has to be conï¬rmed by the full commission wiianr MONEY OOEE Handling charges for trans portation and slmza account tor about 20 per cent at the price of lelcvislonsst Lilli For triendly tempctr ent service and qual itybrend name prod ucts call in new at Bertram Bros 10 OFF ON CASH AND CARRY iliiiii no MATERIA SPORTS CALENDAR Public Service Contributed bythue Thoughtful Bullnen Firms LLOYD GOHEEN Touncco BILLIARDS 15 MODERN TABLES SNOOKETI POOL DILLTAHDS Open Sunday Alteruooru 7289051 50 Dunlop St 6m Oollciour Home Cooked OM COOKING Mull Visit the CROWN HILL RESTAURANT Shanty lily 72505 LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS Illllll rIillllIII cnilaa Ipiula Imevlnl Ilanltn OStump Removing ILII IlrmI 7mm SANDY COVE MARINE rimn ilIiInIra Inc Our rormir IIMIII null ImI it read um iiirni nlim Ill ixal ivriruill MM Vlllt The ROOM ANCHOR Wellington Hotel Ilunlnl Moffal Mercu Saiee Ltd ry iormuu Ilem Mata Come In and see our new el lineup oi Falcons Comcis hleteora Merc uryr Lincolns Couzm Angliaa Cortlnas and all Mercury trucks ll Es 718555 SMITHS Farm Dairy IIAIRIB LTD Quality our rrloe service our Motto Visit our Olin It It mutant 1dr name druvery DIII 72BSJTJ Saturday Nov 1200le 1th party looCurling Sub lrpminl LooBarrie hiimriiinckcy Nmim Ailistm at Barrie itslimit iï¬mr llodiey Imcc Allubnot Barrie Sunday Nov LiloIiarrie Fiycre at Wood stock lidlimit Minor Hockey Mitilzd Million at Iinrnc 100Ilarrie Mirror Hockey Barmm AiiLIion at ILTrTic Monday Nov Ti 915 vlimla Minor Hockey Juvenile Darrin nl New martial thintldny Nev It toolenbiilck llama Fiycni Thunder Nov to Iiirrie cllmi iatlinii lentil At Sutton Friday Nov III Millmlir Minor Ilorkryv Niivliv Luilu NO lllillliti Hume Iilmr llukry Iriwr liarrio at New imiiiit In IOilirllr Minor lllrciuy Milirrl min at Now lll1lllii ï¬lolliilic Mimr Iintoy iiintnlli Iinlll bi NN lirnrtrt Poloi Klein Texaco lyrtiailllnl II VOLRAWAUICN lnlI and lopin in at It Tiltin ltIirla AARRIE SIGHT SOUND TV ltIroo Inlerrom lnItIliatlen Ir Rap COLOLR FACTORY SERVICE tilinnnlml Ftnlre II Ii Kevin All Mun wt BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE floor Till uo qurI Dal Im ltnoltuil scum crrle Maple 1285861 CLEANING SERVICE nuldeallal Cflmmerrhl lnfllflllill 7287133 Your Dutchmen llniiollli Irrrlee RR Crawlnlfl hunt iS YOURS AN AVERAGE MORTGAGE You litre other Iuccew tul home ewnrn probably would not lo one day without fire insurance on your home and ear insur Inn The molt importIat lhlnl In tho world in your lam ily in youl And youre pmbabiy not adequately Innurrd Did you lnnw thll lnl avrry home that la de Ilmyed by in there are our ll home rim that rile brioru their home mortgage ll paid For eompirie by lnlllnhu ov run VHTIRTHATEN 71199 MIIIIK VERHTIIATIIN EAP MILIK LTD 2M HTEELH HT llAllfl KENS aA SERVICE IIA In II VIIan mllulu TirIIlr In III Muilul Showuu Iill GREEN CORNER GRILL Ill II ï¬l lll nIII in lie HM trlorIIr It Illlu oncogene rysiwvfllun omniviOvlvrnnht woe