£114 Sum Ironing lumperalurc an raln spread ovur liul mula or the second umuhL JayFrIdny has Hu dmxhsmn 1n nlarlo nml hrru In Quebechave rusullcd rum hesgor hr hm cnpllnls informal munu my Thu ch un mmk ln ru 1mm ur manr In ny In IIIIE Iml Mr Mnrllnl lnlkl Wllh Cflnfllllllll lvlll Ih In prryn mlun In 111 disruuluns Mm Hm rum Imd Huulnm um run lhlcnllnl Camp Rejects Tory flgonda HMO Kumrlhllul lllnmm Ilium lrnm lmln Illll Ilmmch vim um Immlk mm than an mer manml In linlhml ManI pl he Win11 Iry umluudnl MIMI Imr Mllnl hw men TORONTO IUJ Dnilml Hung lmHIIIuII inMr Illa llnmruho runmama pa Friday rrlmal mmml mw or Imllyl nmual HWHIIE In 011mm vav and Hell Inminn Ilu unllnnal umulu lot NW la 41 YIN Lllllll4 Nlflll lllfllll Ihlrnln In rlrc horn liumrml nut flw yrnu In Jlnmlmn IIM ml lbhltmr In lwn CUP Mn unmirm Mrmmlnlr mu rrpnrlml um llu mmILm Rtmrxulwnl mnl make my nmumnmum ml um currrnl Irulrily Imrltl fluid In Wm Inhl nlltr ML Muan hum Iluuln Nm 11 Hr Hulllr HUNG KONG MirVII Nov VIM Wm WM nth HI lune daumwl he ll INnavy 4de III nxxfllwr vruel Inllmlnl nlmk by UK Innllll maul nrral lro clul police In Quebec lald Frlrluy hru mcn cm dead 15 remit heavy Hund lng caused by rain which Iwnllul small rlvm flowing 1m has Law OTTAWA Cl Thu Cnnu mun IJn mln 1n Vnrluw and Moscow hqun dwrkqd ur Xr Mmliu ml at hldny mm xnnlcrrncn um xlxc It Check For Bugs At Embassies ncxday In lhn custnrn pan or he prov Incc and wmlnuul Thursday and Friday Thwuxhuut lhc Avalancho Traps 400 Workers Snow Causes Power Breaks Juanno Garvcy lonk lop honors at Anrds NighL held at St Josapha Iilgh 102ml Your No Destroyer Damaged LATE NEWS CANADIAN PRESS TOP STUDENT TAKES TROPHIIIS 259 Thu wan Icrn lxy lhc mornle nflnirl Ilmvarlmrnt Num Inlxm Ilun lur ulurn Cnmnllnm lhmnn nhlhmm Inlurmnnl lnlll that My mmmmlll umlmny ollillnll Mr polled II Null hr Mum Mr Mlnlln lcnrrl llmll Tm Sovch Mllrinll hm um unlcrcd nut Cnmldn 1n Mny 1061 or buyan hunrmmlnn lmm ch lnlu Gram Vlclur Vancouver pmlnl clerk 11w llwnnmrnl hm unlnnlfly 1mm Mvrrlcd um llw WHEN lmnluallun Inlu INAfled pul xmmz nl map In hull mar mink pm III mlm mul requlrr llw mnllnl Tmnmw um mum curily ma Ml ham no mm on his lAIL HOUGIIT FROM VHIHNCIIH Conlrnry la cclnllnm here he Ihmlmu drdnl 1m lhu mual counterMilan hy mwll In nndlnn ulllclnh Irnm Mm power llnu In ha mm Nearly 15 lnchu of mow mu parted In purl of Northern Ontario men 400 partum an hume Xcss mad were carried away lmd heavy damage was rc porlcd to homes Twn mun dlcd when their up rlunztd lnln hulc armed by flood and another man was drowned In Onlarla hydro mrkul lhclr second Hm night Friday as human In the Wclln Wm willqu power hours or more Schoo last night Displaying her lrophks Joanne ls Ihmm ï¬lh school principal sum he wEllnï¬d imi 111 mamExam consecu ZD lo 30 crew or Problems Chase LB To Ranch In Tokyo wt MI Um llnlml ï¬lnln ll run Mn In mp nxv It mmblu of leh VlI NM in 0an Inn Fonfllnr Fullnlslll Iknnlnl lmnncrnl who mm HII nllnl amuM muunn INDIAN Aml lho IrvMm Mu In mm IIIII mm 5mm mm LNIIIIMI May ingmd Inu lwhml The trial In dmrduIlnlo ro lnlunl flared up lull Nuvonmr Mun lhc iruk nrllmdnx Chunk circled 13 hlllmm ml LHINMIM hm In Mum aolrrmnrnl lmn MN ANTONIO Tu MIJIrhluul Munon hn Ihnl Ma Tum nmh wllh Wynn wï¬ Nu Thn Ilrnln mm In In llmu lrhrunr Mhm one nl lhl nrMylmnlmml hmurpn wu ml nn Irlal and Inn two nunth uuwmlnl Irnlrnrr Illunlly pnlnlmlnl mlmlnlllu In mm ATHENS flbulml Th Greek Inrllnmcnl early today ended yearold Hill In churchHula rclnllom uhrn ll mvrnvul hill nr Hm mum llon hllhnpn rlï¬lrd or 1mm rmd by lhu churdl hlerurch duplge nowfnmenl gnu ml ovpuxmon parliament rlnnl um dcpullu marlin ho AWlmmcnl on Ionmlln mm mqu mu nam lnnllnn nl lb hlnhum dle by lhg Ilryqychy In Tlm hill ulna nulhnrlwl lllo lvlrrnrrlly mm and lulu lllc lulu nl lun blnlwpl lrnm ml lrnm manr lo Ildltl ullmm ruan Irma wlll llurn mlly llm lllrrnrchy dul llnnl Smflha rvply was Irnnamhled Friday nlxhl lo Prlmo Mlnlller Wilson Mme nucssmcntwilh that 01 Ms cablnctIwfll deter mlne thher Drllnln Inks ac llon in ma United Nation ba lore he mi 41 lhlx year In hm mandatory Inncllonl Ip yllad nun Rhodmu or whclhcr il make Ilnnl wart before Ihn ml of lhln mnnlh In much Iomn nurnomcnl wllh Smith on canullutlannl Mule mull Iml report ram Salisbury lndknlcd Smlthl rcply wnl con dllnloryY Cammonwcnllh dlplo mnll bellcvcd ll cunlnlnnd coun crpropmal 11le at proton Inu Um Brllhh lnlk bcynnd In dcndllnn lnr UN ncllnn LONDON cumA Tho nhodeslnn lndcncndcnce crllll appeared to be nearing cll max lodny as Brllbh omclnh Iludlcd PM me mnlsler Inn Smllhl rcply In Brllnlnn can dlunns at ncgollnlcd unle mcnl with hi breakaway rc Greek Crisis Comes To End Rhodesia Crisis Nearing Climax Leo PallInk Sea nlorics And plcture on page Two pod rm lumi unwzh In Impm KM Xma mAk mum Mod dwlu 11 91mm In lhc am How mm wllh rural mmdlon lhl rummum Ill Md up W0 ham to to litMIMI In loouu um I7 Muncer Ind 11 Hmulrnm rim mlnu nMIuMI Utmomik In In lhp Hmm to mu IM mum we MM II 17 tent Mr Wagner 42 rcprumu the Manhattan ridlng of Vcr dun 1n ht ltzjï¬nluro He Will minute at Junlce In M10 1mm WASHING 1C HO ernn gain In pomd um votan lnr U3 mm nl ml mu ulllm nu lhc mmll lmul pu Iltulnrly Io Arm Ind und IIMI the Duncan piled uv In IBM Hut lot halal mom rnnm lhc Imam tHIVII why mlxed hag luun AM Im Hut lhc IININMM vom my run mound var lend b9 ï¬ll 51 comillutionnl quw Man of very mat lmpomm Ila Md but councll rejocfld the Argument nylnl it mm not um Ihnz contraveMIon In mulaunm mm to oonluvenuan or the llmplo reason that ha luwyn commu tln Run minimr of thc morn iovcmmcnt dl he Montreal Bar Amin tkm flned Claude Wanner 3x00 Friday and revrlmlnded him or breach ol ethic or com ments he made when he vm Quebec mJnlIler Justice nu had mad unsubnnnunled chum mm Judge mm Mmouskl In me In Camber AWN Mr Wagner hlmldl cum Juan raid ho wlll appeal the dxblpn 9n conugtulmgll inmxlei FLORENCE AP Thom Ind of relief worker mu glod lhmuzh Ilowl abbln flood water In Forence an Venice today an Ilnly two mu uum clue Iny crippled by thl wont floods slnco I315 mlddio at iLandstes Vivien wlndl and floodspurl of huge norm he battered Ill Weuern Enr Quob eclch um Mr Mr Wagner hlmldl cum Juan raid ho wlll appeal the dmlllon on comltullond ground In Quebec Su rlor 9mm ccnlenln he he Wnnutmwmmj Republicans Expect Gains HEllYER UNVEILS umrvma mus Claude Wagner Is Fined $100 Barrio Onhrfo dunll Sammy Nowl I966 Heavy Floods Strike Large Italian Cities 1her council 1n MIN Monrmh CPLhe mn TODAY Ann mam4 CM Non2 CllnIflMfl ll omluIO nlllvltH Dnlhlll HdlluIIIl Hum huml VimmIJ TV luaull Walker1 TheExaminer 5pm But Julia AN mm lb Tannin Cur nu Nun runny Wands mu at pub fluvial by the mike nrn muurnnu and Amnllrr down own anonlo bulldlnul when lha Irbnzo II wilch by ally em aym Halvllnll hololl In Ilmr hunlnwcl hnvn prl vale conlrnclon Twclvo wmrr wmplnl nation In he Mclrn Iren no bclnI npcmled by In armory flannel nnd nrllclnl nld Fri or night nn ndmunlo wnlcr luppl In balm mnln mned nn daymany yank Chemhll In chnrfn am wnler purlflcnllon pnnln and II Willa lreulmnnl plant hnvo rcymlntd on lhrlr john 79pm nio cnllrc Man mm nnly In city nl Toronto lwhcru the populnllun null about 000000 Surround lnl mburbt with 1000000 mare mldmu llnkcd Mlh Mulrorwlda Miler nyllcm hul hive lhclr mm urban collec Ilqn Iynlnml Authnrlllu 1n Flarcnce Hen alssanco m1 come of 50000 Mon and Vonlcn cared mmnse and lrrepnrnblu drum 41 Males cuilura MHCI dcbrlutrewn floods bo ï¬nn rocedlnl at dawn 50000 let worker mablllzcd by the government jalnnd local volun cm to provide load and the In ar the hmnelcu Harem want lmo ll mend dny wilhoul drinkan watch electricity or telephone Icrvlce Food Imyuw mop No thlrdfll Fiï¬cï¬ce nrcn wan under 10 act mm tom the Arno mvcr IORONN CF An Ide qunla pure Inpply wnlrr bclnl mnlnlnlnrd In Metropoli tan Toronla bu garbagopflcd II II mm al 3500 aullldn vic worker enlcml It lhlrd an tqdny LACKE WATER oak 31 llvnn In Italy Inna One hundred thousand Raglan were homeless Dozens more um mining and cured dead In Ih Eunr rean storm and hundred wm Murcd Dulrudlon was ml culabie gï¬trike Builds Garbage Pile ll clly hull Ilwcd truly yum mm gl Mum Nighm hm stavam Mar In in flay Mrlrn Imlrmnn William Al lm HIM Frldny Hm Um up pllcmlnn lo InInn he mu my wnikmn 111ml ll men ul In will move to pmcwlu unlm lrnzlm uhn umml Imldr work up not in mu pick 11an Thny demanded Monlmm hnur wnuc lnmm In mo year cnnlrutl Helm nfltrul can Inr an momrnl of II month In ndxhllon lhc union wanch Mom In lncrcnm Iu nhnu ho ml at hcnllh medical cm Nan lo 23 per cent rum 50 mm to pay pre mium Is per cent or week ml work ch xix pmons In their lives In flood or landslldc In lho northern nlplne renon Around mm the Tcnlhcr Wu mponed warming an mark and wwnxo cmplayrcl Enrbnla colloclon and um mnlmrnnnra crew went on Like Tlgundnxl leap snow closed many Al pine passes we hundml persons rmsz iklm wens rc nmtd stranded In tho Slelvio Im loading In Switzerland Clly uulhnrlllu Ilmck buck by unnlylnn lho Onlnrlo Ln bur llclnllom Board In lmvu lho wnlkoulfldcclnrnd llleznl Honda lnvadud vineyards around Harem home 01 the urnqu mnnn wlnu Tho nrnpn hnrvnsl ended about monlh use but damn vines and fruit ï¬rm was belinvcd vnsl Electricity And lolephano service were out In Ihc cannl any Vcnlm by um wax59 load then In 068 yam la IInndxliH when 1300 nsldo workm mcmbcrl of Local Cnnmllan Unlanot Publlc Em plvyccl Med to my DH Iho 10h In lymputhy with the Nb Ilde workcrl mambo Local 79 Many nmlllcx orcnd out lmtflnar that span chilly mm on ml roofs Carl loulcd dawn mm and crashed Into bulldings lulu yum nu va num yvul MailmanLi Ht Mom pay In The mm ln on by he xov crnmrm Many tummy lo nmy prlndyln of democrnllc Kmunmcnl Mr Dlrfmbnkcr Inld Thu day or lho 110an Cn mdhm Nnvy he lloyll Cnnn dlan Army and mu loyal Cnnadlnn Mr For lo Mr Dlmnbnktr hm lo ul lcnd the annual menllnu lho Novn Scolla Proxrcnha Cun mvnuvo Allocinllon Inld In an Inlmlnw he had Inked or lhu bill to bo mbmllltd la lho Common dolenco tommlllcn HALIFAX CF 0p mlllan Lmler chlcnhnktr Ind Frl day men Mlnlsler Hellyetl Mum lo wan unlilrnllnn lo am committee or lmmcdlnlu unmlnlllon In my ncxcmnbln nr nny npprbprlbio inrï¬mmii allrr lll lnlmducllon The NDP wllh lender Dough Inyinz thu plpcllnc duv cllXon II nn exnmpla of crun lnu canllncnlnlllm prncllced by the Liberals mm cw caucus mum to Northern Onlarlo Ihh weekend PROMISES MORE SPEECHES Va hnva In of Imakerl and lot of much In mnku yet Inld Arnold Palm NDP TimlAknmlnll In other Cnmmnn buxlncu OTIAWA CWDemure Mln slur Hellycr unvcllnd hl com lmvcnlnl bill to unify the lhm nrmcd mes Friday and mu New Damncmlc Party nn nnnnccd will conUnue lu hafllo In lhe Cummnm Ilnlnsl routing of lecnnd natural gm pipeline the United States Unplug In turn up Inhrmallon to back In argument or an all Canndlnn sccnnd llne the puny plant In usa lhn Interim lupply dubnlo next wcck lo pmh can oven more Thu uniflcaUun blll nyl um servicemen In the army luv and air lam mu be compu Iorlly rammed In he uniï¬ed Cunndlnn Armed Form Ind that tho prtllx royal will be dropped where IIII Dun uled or flu ON and RCAF Those developmenl make It certain um Ihe lwn lune which dominated th in ï¬ve day an Inlurlm money iup Ely dchnln In the Commons will nldk tho Ipollixhl Igaln next we Diefenbaker Raps Hellyer Deience Minister Reveals Details In Controversial Bill No Mm Thur IMP copy Pm Neluï¬bor lvï¬ Anny your dauth bell IL Man to nelihborl whh you would Iell that do Yuun day my daughler had lo Ilop hor Ilnnlnu lmnn bmule your do IInlnn nlllho llmu Mn Hellycrl blll ï¬lven Ink rendan lo pcxmil uhlluuon Emu mug sputum Army nomenclnm wlll bi ndomtd or all ranlu but Mr Hellycr Iald nny Han nllnr or alrmln disllklnl Ihll mly kmp hi old rank lmcnl servicemen will ml be lorcod lo Icrvn 1n combl cnvlrnnmcnll dlflercnl lhln lhelr prmnl and while It crnlll Jninlnx nflcr the bill be comu law will bo tnllllod to them whether mu In land or Mr unlll Severn mulllcn MP da munded that the MI Ind Allen lion lhll he minlllvr humb lcd lhu Home lhfllfl lhl Inul hauld be lnmllnlcd by lhl cammmea below ha pflnclpll of Ihn hlll is chd upon dhldunl nrmy unlu And In and nlr Inrce unlu will be Inwnd lo mo the preï¬x 11 they wllh Vnnhipu wlll rtlnln HMCS or ller Mnjulyx Cnnldlnn Ship Prlme Mlnlslcr Pearson In nuuhccd lhul lha Conudlln whom bnnrd now will report to Podlamonl through Trude Mlnblcr Winters lmlead of throurh Fl Minister Sharp Induslry Mlulsler rury said he US GanAda auto undo nlrcemunl was lnlen tinntu wrlllcn lo nllnw dull such tho Volkswlxen llll of auto to Smdebaker the lmporler because Ibout Cunndlan manuluclurm with out 1mm ufllllnflon would Iuflcr olhcrvdsor Solldlor General Pennoll decllnm to rap Opposition Lander chlen akern quel Llon whether current le curny Invrsumlun In re veulod Inclnl reluUunshl betwecn meoyeu lo mlnu depurlment Ind mem her of lhe Ruulnn ambluy Mr Hellynr told the Com mons um the uniï¬cation M11 wul be reform to tho Com mons dcloncc cummlueo afler 1L recelvos second raudlnxIp provul 1n prlndple DEMANI INVESTIGATION HERES ONE SEE PAGE THREE flul