Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1966, p. 8

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YTMWA CMTho mm menll lexhlnllun lo cur hm Iltrrnlurn II In Inlmluud In Hm Kcnnln nu MIL Rolldlur Urnml Ponnull umme flmrldny In llm Crmunonl Nu Inlxl lenlullllnn Illn wlll In lured In lnlnt Com mrnuBcnnh tommllm lnr Iludy rlotnu In nnunry and Dhlnm It In nn Anxllcnn min hltr lrleml lo durlbulcd man about 700 Cm Indium In the Frog Luke Alla area all he concentrating on Narlhrrn 0mm nml hnl nlery nhlp one car and Momma mm print look chum distrlhulhn lo nnn Indiana He mum lo mm car loud remly by Sundly null Inr ha Kmnra arm and plum COW by Chmlmm up Mr Sham CNn yiml hm tnllulu box rpm lull Innun IONDON Ont CPITho In dlalu of Norlhzrn Onlnrln donl knuw PM Shun bul hll nnmo loan mould be popular one Mr Sh CNn yyrd foreman Hate Bill ii find wnlcr pipe boxAllke lower an endow In llrucluro cllher on nbavn round Hm up plied Ibo 1mm no pmcnl mung he lystem LI palIla ularly vn luabln In arclk anm fiem the 3mm onUy Imen fawn Isnt economical became hwmu are prnwlcd over llgzo um 13533 mm In the Mnler leulon at lerrllarlnl govern ment councfll any providlnu mm n4 Kids Indians TESOLUTE HAY NWT CF Providing newer and water services to Individual homes by uulldnr lynem wont become cammnn In the Nnrlhwest anrflnriu until Illa communllm became man cognpac 77 Iorm mndnrds lime when those who taught lacked washnnl cvmmlcnm when he lulura cwld be predicted with tome degree of accura Dr Pruner ol the On urlo Institute of Studies In Edu uflun aald flmnday the pro vincial tynem was successful Mevclvp nuannbly pnl Utilide Systems ST JOHNS Nfld CmA leading out edncnllonls lay nrovlndnl departments 01 education have been flow to meet changing mad and thou share their rexpomlbm with those directly auocl vasueasm SoméBdnks Mdv VOppose Terms llownvcr lempemtum av eraged only lo degree be low normal along the Ottawa Valley and only 03 of degree below at Toronto and Hamilton Central Onmrlowas cooler thin rimma by one or Iwn de grees while mean lempcrnturu In wulhern Ontario were nbnut two degrees below normal the report nld Northwestern Ontario mean temperatures ran about threu degrees 9an normal and much as Ive balow Slow Change TORONTO CF TempernA tum nvcrngcd below nnrmal tn mnxt lectlona of Ontartn during October except In tho Chaplcau Enrltun and Sudhury region of Die North when they were nor ms the weather ntflcn reported Thursday In 101 plane the bank would be required In hold our per cent of mm depoles In cash 11 per cent of demand 19 Bunk Ac rwislons under itudy would scrap tho exlstlni mdio bank must 0mm again um Canadian deposit Emmi WNWA Some dank cored banks will cm ol formuh In the new Bank M1 legislation dealng to make them more comm 1n the financial system Conservative El Davie Fulton uld mun ay He said the new 11mm pro posod or cash reserves will penlllu bank most active In assisting small limitless Temps Are Down NEWS ROUNDUP car of nlv zxmmrn WANT Ifnomc 7m 2m THANKSGIVING Tho m1anqu mama rl mm me lrrJ rrlnn 11min NHIIMHI an lune Mm any Mn 151th In the den and pm nflpun Im lull wrm nu by Mm on tr nnd Mn Mm mu mm by Mn Allmu Mm ll Dmln lulk an IM aim nl umwvlnq nml mum our liming mm or lulnal mums and mm Mann mu alm nmrm Mum nemth Illl MM um ammuqu Wk Mr 1de foam bad boy 11 Iho um Mn Emma 0mm 0mm 51 Hull and lumber of Allxn llfldirmn Md Hill ml Mm Hamilton Warn 0mm say The humum ol WV WI unnqu medium at the am 0mm SocMy m1 mr was the demon In new Irmldcnt homo Hikhman Two MM gnuml Imm zcr the Bank Nam Scoun was dawn to suwml Dr anl Ix Qudxv my The fumml Mu held Monday mm 1m Andcuon Funch mum and Interment was Ln Ewan CuminL Ho 1mm his wile and hm Muslim Mist Hm Pauline Mn Hay Adam Jam Mu Dd MM all cl lomntn CANCER PRESIDENT All ankle 1mm enham and dktrid M1110 mm mm POW mum Pro nmn The mWe were shocked when Wm learned KM sub den passing mum 9mm May mm 0a Mr mm was wall lmmm ho had been the lam Magicmg many ym and mm servim Almond he Ind been mm ha still had ho wdlmn he midway at ham and was laminar Isuzu when any unit Mu being done by utility Winn He Wm magma of World War VMm Jim lenders spending we of woe wi her mum Mm Crew don Midland wgum swim Mm Jim Vbénnan is vislfing hat coming Mm Wiumd Mich flson and Mix Della MoKlnlBy By MRS WICE ML and Mn Willimm Eliot spam Slmday with their nephew and Annaly Mex whim 11 Mom Road Mr and Mn Don Bowman ho lbw been in wwtcrn Cam ada wont Saturday mu Mr and Mrs Walm Ilwlbm on their way tn Florida where they will spend who wlmor months PIN which did midmblo damage broke out in Ibo hum of Dan King Sunday May hm Mmungtr shaman is spending law Ihys with her mudmmnu Mr mg Mm GM Mullen fir undMrs Harry Smith Mum spent the weekend my Mm Andww Amman postd Pubflc Service Emphy mnt Ac spelled out regula Uons for department heads in qfl£ghL Iggy langque but dimism jobs no or lowerranking employee with simple mny WAWA CMTho govcnh men ls more careful about job sccurlty for depmmw heads than or the ordinary unplvy ces Liberal MP Rene Emnrd Vaudnul Smiling charged Thursday nlghl Joint federalprovincial par llnmentary committee will be established to £0me gov mm to Mr Justice Pundmma Mn the 0mm mend to call Ivan hand as witness by subpoena ll neceua Mr Justice Landm vllla NMNNTCP Mr Justin Leo Landmvillo and hlesday he want Ivan Rand author reportjhm condemned him unlit to on the batch lowly More pnrllamenlary commute in Ottawa Public preals ML TmCall Band TOTTENHHM Erwd 2mm Lho 429 Bllko SI The paper My officer mm the mm security and lnteul me bunch ralde tho plant and 0mm of the energy mint and resources department Inst welck sealing of offices dll connecting telephvneu and In 11¢ The Stll say the algmflcanca of the raid was denmdedh by omdfllgoulfccl 71111 it adds malnlrwesuutora lwnd suggestion that lab ALLANDALE LUMBER voun BARRIE Anlmifimoowmns 48 Anna 1030M flle Slu uy an MM 111 at an mapqnnklna luwahaa mud 11511thng cvncum Jew Mic chum cl mmmw wlua hBIVG alien Into the hand of Illslaw 310m 197 Em Rd FOR ABIIIBI PRODUCTS SEE SEE COMPLETE lINE OF ABITIBI PRODUCTS AT Remmmindie Ottawa Mdph Dept Tolonw MbnumlJVinnlm AHITIIII IANIEL PRODUCISI Abilibl nrcfinhhcd plywood pantk are nvallablc In Ilw popular 4x Ilze made up cmfulIy sclcclcd flnlsmde woodL Fcnlullnu random plnnk flccl Ihcy have calor loncd mom Iinu an 16 ccnlru for contculcd nnlllng SIIIPS PLANK BURMA TEAK an urn umnplclc mum of AluiliM pnIEnhhcd plywood pantb In lhu lopqualily Cumnel nnd he ccunun nl am nu Scc lhrnl all your lumbcr or building supply dculc Excluslve SlllPS lLANK BURMA TEAK an unusually dllllncllve panel with loan line crossing lhe plank at odd lnlcmll or an nullltnllc Ihlpl deck pallcm ll uncut mood lhnt complcnmnll any number nlcxollc dccornllnn Mm The prollnlshcd mine of lllo pantl rcqulrc no aluln vnmish or wax nnd canlly clcancd wllll any lmuxclmld dclcmcnl SlilllSlIIIIMIIIIMII Illll beautiful furnituregrade prelinished plywood wall panel with unique planking effect BERTRAM BROS PBEFINISHED WOOD PANEL V£W BALL PLANING AN ExcLUSIVE HHHH Opposlllon DIden baker MM whether thaimn 01va GP Salkltoh General Pumeu Buln Muted lhumdgxmlo 1an the Corn mom am on an RCMP lmflanflon into poulbla murky leak In the mine dwmmamn mapplnl branch onlng ofl Ille able bmm Ilibcitcdlmlbu on say that the forefront ol the Investigation In clvfl man In llnandd dflflcultm who ammntly cnmo min the Influence Russian or other Iron cumin Menu WW dvil NOV Alumni Mallilvl IIMI Plodudl 40 Unlva Amwr Iumnln Onluln Iler und me Inc wpy or yum uvlnrlilmlnlcd lvnthc runumu he humlful Ablan Comm and Im Plywood pawl mun kc $338 that mum aim or Mad to the on should bu available Put Mn Funnel um he believed Mr Dldmcrl mm Justice wo mm million In the Mei power were of zonal water in which Rear Admlrnl willlnm handyman uld Rustin uawlen In con ducllnu demonic pm Mr Pennell ma he couan add anything lo bare mm Ncsday that an Investmuon taking place hen ed that ho oouhint all an Invuuuauon 72310254 7282496 7264 466 complm Ilno ofiloreiilé Brynn ROBINSONS Hardware Dunlap II 7mm Dunlap Tirgstoqg 5T0R5u MUNRBCH REFRIGERATION CO Emilie Drym on dllplly CLARWS Home Furnishings 38 Blylllld 72M 259 Innlllll SO barrie public utilities commission ALLANDALE HARDWARE McFADDEN FURNITURE 47 DUNLOP ST WEST 34 ESSA RD rm HoMELEss llIUANA Maxlco lfleuleu More lhnn 200 lamlllu were 110111qu Thursday utter are rolred through commu nlly oi lllrru woodan ahackl Willie Hrs br Idol hauled the 1mm thousand of local ldenu uncalled averythlnz may could from the pllh of the blue No lnlurlu were ro ported mayhem Thaimy MANcimfizn England RumourA Super Vcln Jot lg three 01 mm Immizxmmm mum 15 Blyllnld St CHRISTIE APPLIANCES Why on clean drym lla lha satu speedy odauvloss way to dry clothes It lots you forget the headaches Quito possibly you have several good reasons of your own or buying on oluc lvlc dryer But heres an excelen Hansen buy vlghx nowa doublebod slze ulcer to blanket complain with illuminaiod dial controlundlwoyeamuamnm This $2495 value is yours VIM whon you buy an atomic dryer at any Mom foaming lhu Hydlo Special FREE Electric when you buy new Electric Clothes Dryer Unlil November lZat all stores where yizu he Hydra Special display The COOP Store WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF lhc Elmrlc Dryl on dllp YOUR FRIGIDAIRE INOLIS DEALER Oh Emma Drycrl on dl Iy AND APPLIANCE PARK alter fight ram New York None of 78 pulenzm In the Brltllh Overm Airway Coxp mun wu hurt REBELS HIT PATROL KAMPALA 1de AP lllm Ullndl lwldlen wan lulled and iv wwndeddluln nn attack on In Irnw pana Wednudny nlzhl by mun Sudanese rebel om mm the Sudan bmdcr lnvernmenl spokesman said lhmdly EASY COME EASY 10 LONDON mam An counupt who Ilole £500000 Wm 1m Bum clutheslins And it eliminates rainyday dulaya In short an eleculc drynr leaves you mom has ims Visittheslomwhemyouualhe Hydra Spaclul dlaplay Tall them youve In lamslcd in more has limaund two ulncuic blanket This olltr lppId only Idsdam Omaro TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mzm 01mm from hll mplmrs mm mm on belting Thurld wn Jailed for nix youI court wal told that Jam and fihinlan 37 ID4 cnuncam or In enllneerlng llrm Ion ammo to mumI In nix yam EMERGENCY ENDED KINGSMN Jamil Reut mA manialog Illa tcl emergency we rn nu fin hu ended IndIll than ar ruled durum Ithm been ieued It was mined WW nudOIJ The mommy wn da cllr to help control rpm lucallyglmplud Int vlo enco HMO 72H 716653 72643331 7281422 7261515

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