Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1966, p. 7

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EKempenfelt Guides Looking To iYeaI 0f Progress And Activity Guldlnu is back In full swlng mm but summer And look inz Iorwar lo ynar pm gress and ndlvlly The only ob stacle cncounlared has barn 1h perennial xroblcm of scarcity ol cndm on should be enough maple lnmcmd 1n hc umAh lvand lrulnlng at their dnuzhtm 10 make lhu mncclessa Lone lnlerastcd and willing to votunlccr low houm week to 1211 lnlercfllnfl and challenging Llnsk Lx asked 10 call msm or mums Thq cnomcnl you wl1 dcrlve from work with alert Zhuhuslmlr Guldu and Brown lcs will mmc than comncnsule or the unidim lvc lfl mm min or my Guldm be hdd ml the Medical Ocrps Lecture Room Army secv 95° Eerie on m3 31mm EXEUCTIVE The Exncuilve oi Kcmpcnitil Divisiun met ihe hmne bivislan Commissioncr Mn 1v 1m Gmcey with good mamm Jnilon oi the variou guiding vicpmmcnul Dale were wt or the annual pnrado on May pending thn npprovni ni lhu Cxly chocolnie hm lo be laid Jnsi wuk In Jnnunry and lint 110k of February Ind lho an fimni Division dinner on Nudny Jun 1901 InnNil had permission Mom Runner company wiih MIL gnyro Moiwy Capinln and irs Pal Wm 11 LinuiennnL The divlslon exmuiva asks le1 huldm nnplny am my and pallzm within our local agency Wlflklfl More when nnlm nrn nnl nvnllnhla nn uhrdulm nw Ilnll doing wnmlrrlul 10h lm no run lml over lho Ahipmrnt lup mm Torumu ll wan decldrd that um gnflnrm depot would bu ulna mun lo lha mnny pr who want nod uniform Tar Eulden and nrownlu Anynne nvlnx unllorms to 11 asked mnlm Mn Barbara In Snnlord sum mmz Pomona bflnxlng uniforms In In bn old nra nlkcd lo be nun ll ll nNMth unlinx he ullcr nnme nddrm nnd hnno number In well lho rko may ex and the xlrm lilo must me new requlrr Inn unflorm plow TEM AM HAMml Annunl mu mum and Imko In Inlrml pm ll uclhlllu or lama dlmlrll luflu rnlrnln will In Md Trlnlly Farm nil Call an Sniunlny Nnv 12 pm Innlslil nlllrlcl on Salurdny le ID ll sum nmnnmllv 7mm and Allnmlulo mum ll 5L Genrucl munh mu on Nov um 410 pm GEORGIAN mu ANNUAL umn uni held Al hum 5L llnllod Chunk on 0d 29 wllh rralmrlnl lrom Ill dlvl uv unmw from In nul EM lmlo Im um um mm pl my we lwhm Illlv IIle an em lama lulu null nub Mum By LILth GRACEY JOI GALLIS BARBER SHOP mm mm mun NOW MONTH SPECIAL Thlrd llurrle Brownics may cd ln costume or llalivwecn pnry with all ha lrlmmlnxs lnandwichcs llnllowecn cake Ice cream and milk Third nnrrio Guido Company had liallowm cn party on Vulncsduy with overyonu in costume Guuu In cludcd Division Commlulnncr Gmccy DLML1 bmmisnimicr Bollon and the Brown lender oi 3rd Barrie pack Mm Vm Gibson Mn lletn Adam and Min Mnrxnm Wlnlcr Juno Cunningham and Dlnm Bewick wm ma huslwu ALLAN DALE DISTRICT OLD IUNR WELL WIN TL puny Inuquo nun rollcdml wk out mm Muckmwnor perruulun tun muulovlnmlm uhvn lhc hunflnl mum ovan In Hu kMrhrwan 11 our nwn Imp fwd mm plumnut and 24 lunmlln Ilflfldflll Last Thurmny evening 1an Girl Gnldo Company hcld Ihnir Halloween party Each Ouldo and Guidcr and guest dress ed In wstume Commlm sinner Gram n1unded and Cathy Wood Susan Swan Dm his Lynch and Sandra Steven son nnrncd lhclr hosies badge Gulch enjoyed names slum cnmpnro and refresh mcnu Slx recrulll of nnr rla Company were received In In great slslcrhood Guide on Monday wkh Ca luln Parry enmlllmz Patsy Herr cult Why Fisk Judy Mlxrlmon Doris Day Pnhkln Smith and Susnn ncld Gown 1th hull Urutmnnl Crown and Apple on board he momlscl Carol Mnulwm Valeria Calcndnr Md bound thynnlds and wnlrum ed lhcm lnlo Mlnnduln Com pany anlllu of the air en mllrd nlcndcd Guido Hum 14 Ilm In llndulc Compnny hrld mm in ll Oman Purlh hull Md lenderl Clpuln Prom and IquL Crrwe anemia Tm orhcmnlnl bnmnr wru Hm mnln loplc guldo ml wnrk mu dluumd and the molhm mu Inked la nicaurnkr 1th ML Imldem of mo lnrtml mmnmm In NH Vernon Mnr In mmnry Mn Muflhown Mrl MANN nml Mrl Moutoth In In tho lwo rm NRMIHVKI In the 14ml Amp clullnn lrom Allnndnlo Com WHY slam Kompcnncl Dlvislon we Ihu hoslu and Alusknkn Divl slnn was in charge at tun tlmc Gum speaker was Major Arch bald MacCorquodule lupcrln tandem the House nl un cord who mm of his work and training with dellnquem bvya Bimini NORTHEAST DIST Commll Ilnncr Mu Dalus Leo pinnrd wing an Elaine Simpson 01 154 Mllndnlo vnck Ind the flew up to Allnndnla Guldo company and Llndn lme Sumn Parker and Gilly sum wnlktd um Mmle CENTRAL msrmm Owl In Iva xixh breast develop men hnd begun 11 ago clxht because vllumln has an cf tel nl Increasan ho secrcllan ol tuxanon Hm lemnlo hor Wnonn Bennn mid lthytwmchlldrm hnd nor mal mental pblllly and normal Min appearance and their mothnu had rucclvcd the lam doinch vilqmjn Tthr madam In sum cases had received two Anglo dusts 200000 units of vitamin as mommendbd 1n Germany at he I1th and nlnlh month pmnnc Somu chndrcn him mu celvrd zoom to 600000 units vitnmln durinz lhrlr Hm year life woman ngnlnu rlckds DEVELOPED EARLY NEW DELHI IndIa AF Babies hems can be severely damnwi If their mothm aka too much vllnmln during pregnancy In West German phy llcjnn wqmeq Thursday One feet la narrowing ol the Aorta the great vessel hrlnzlnx blood ram ho hum Just above ihc aofllc vnlvt unld Dr Moss neuron cl the Unl vcmty ol Gammon This ob strum tho blood now through ha quy Ho dEscrlbcd 58 case such heart damngo the nah vmld court WW Dr neuron salt 28 ha chll drcn with hum Injury knwn wprovulvuhr aortic muesli also had mental rctnrdallon and nnc1n nppcnrnpcc Inca mlymc mm mm turml In nix Inmllm Ihowinn lnmllinl acnsluvity la vllumln ha said Homo childrcn in both mum died of Human In their hrurls which occurred In her we buMc lho nmlu Timur are n060fm Mirna Itudcnn ln ma Unllcd Sula hr day lwlco mo murmur lo yum IIKD Ilium ll ukh hie hlldrtnl dlnlc the Unlvmlty bl Gu lluen Babies Hearts Can Be Damaged During Pregnancy Membem Beaver Robekah was chose elmMum lhcme for Mrmml tea and bum Vnnd with the HM provldnd by the woaahmmn um mum at they was mmtnplpfwrlatu Wed mum lm hhmwd with MIMI 0mm baits and mod 11m wired 1h stars at the mi Odd Follmu XML Comer 51 Md and mm time was med In the wall deumlmm Mmflwm received by Mrs Gme 1mm Noble Grand M10 was am in damn decmunl theme Convener at annual event was Mrs Elmer Grecnsldcs In spite ol the Immm mn Umr Mm Eldan M1 who work cd in lho kitchen with Mrs Frank Jam was ploawd la PEOPLE AND PLACES happened to mention to someona just theother day that Christmas is right around the comer He scoffggi and replied Really Ive heard everything now But Isnt It true No sooner do mo children buckle the normal school mum than Thanksgi ng rolls around and quicker than you can bat an eyelash womona groups begin holdin the annual round of Christmas teas bazaars and ba sales Martin Van Hamel who ra ccnlly Ichlmd lnmo In ho MM 0er Europe wlll be lho mlo dunxnuso In 50mm um 01 prmnmlam by the National Ballet Canada Men pvrfonm In the Col Mlmc Ccnlennkfl 0mm in Centml Collcglato on Nov 11 The Conmu being laid uric hut mu Kin WALKWEL sum Chxistnias quqar Heralds Beginning Of 3113 Season ll Dunlap CANADAS FINEST SHOES FOR MEN From $2395 pr T0 APPEAR HERE By EILEEN DIXON Na mum WM whip uploun mnlnq mul Ijvu wlnoon hlmllomko It mun Iomclhlnq Spw will dofl Ibma chlllod Dullmv EpIMlng Vln nm on ubltJMdlunulowhI Mlmvmmcm do an hamburgn Mme mum av Hm AMI cmle And my whoI NIll wily can Ma no ol not hmdmhhfl 7d lhmy An owIlm Mame pawlmama amode hon dmwm and IN my mum 74 ran Almfluhuuldnmwlm Ntu rimMm wchmlm chom pulm Mlnov II Duldl Ilmnm Chlllod ll do wonan WM mm otlnyllnd I91 towl WWIIInd lull Mum IL nnlda curI Ca mu dlnlnclM wlno at counW Idul whh mm hambumm mm any UM Muol lnv hamr Mm Dclclom Ih 11mm bunny Invllllw Vln loul An Ilmknb wan mm mm Ind mung on on new hm won ammo and mu mud all that man than 195 perm had been served the me To mm Wm In dimgout Mn 01m Lama who also filled In bwkkecpermmlm Mm We Alison and Mrs Norman Wt convened lhv bake bio when vanlad selec Jon homo Will we null nbic to sum Mn Jmtln mg In that ol the ddlcuemn Mrs Ewell Robinson was In charge at the lucky dmt Christ mas cards were on sale In mm Mn George unwdcn In keeping with tho utlvo Edward Ladle Omit wlth male volm added will be one tho mu mu on tho Bnrrle Collegiate and Con cm on Dcccmher Lou Smlm and Luwnncc Adam will be the prlmlpal In My Adcrkl which LI produced hnmh the mrmy of lhe Bohhul Build Rmrvnllona can be made by phonlnl 1791 lown wine cellar 1W And wo Iva In an mailman Briqfits WM man plmm whom an Ihmg ulkv album nu adl Mm Voul on mum monk you iii Nan Pm Noble Grads nnd Mn Harvey 091a Auuwg Magma We ywiaflm The Ontario Promulvo Con Iervulve Assodatlon annull meeting and election ofllcerl held um 39 1ng Hotel mom was Allende several Banla Ind are real em menu the more than 1500 dele men Ind party support It lendinz were MP Simeon Norih Heber Smith QC Rum chairman of Ceninl Oniarlo Ad vixory Board Jack Gnrnor Vico prexldcnl oi the Onlnrio Inso cinllon Millet Sallcr Mn Jnck Duval president Banis Wo menl Advisory Councillor Cen irnl Dnluio Ernest Brwwn Eimvllo President oi Cenire Simeon AuoclAiiun Mr and Mrs Jnck Timinck Ind Vic Hr niwood Wnsm Beach Ken mpiinu Ind Sum Leo Eradiord Mr and Mn Fred Lon of Grovu St ullcndcd can ventlon ll lho Park Plaza Hale Toronto this week 1h conven llon wn held lor tho lnlernm llnnnl Association of Electrical Inspeclorl Mr Long Is pml den of the nssoclnllon Mn Tony Sasn will open her Mary ELIcc mlch or the Chrlsvxm damn puny planned by membm of IM Indies Aux Illnry lo the U05 01w Bar rle 1m ltsdvo ovum le ho held on Dec he nnmmcm wa made at he November moon of nuxuinry held last evonlna at UM burn Mn Eric Dew nup Vlno Crescent During the buslncs secslon rcporu were given and final nr mummm were mndo or lhe prpserypglnn he mg Inc 411101111171 airflow 1n BJHIO on Nov 25 There will be aller nogg 1mg uremia pcrfonnms XRAY STUDENT Ml Gayle mm will leave this ally on Sunday In Inks up mldenco in Toronto when the will bnxln lwnnyear course at East General lloxpllal finder of xray technology Mls 11mm thu dun er Mr and Mn Ken Tue er Tlllln Mrs Guer rFafzduuiémm ad ha art decoman parcel Lot Christmas and rmklni famy om ATTEND CONVENTION Auxiliary Plans Dessert Party DEPENDABLE nmvmrs oi TEXACO FUEl CHIEF rm CAMDMN HomI Hmlng Oll Sun SIMIIOE PETROLEUM 7282563 ANNE IT WE GUARANIEE LTD Wncs run 3mm nkmmim mun wovmim EpllONNNWW Vhava the most common word in Damian bushes lulu 30mm study of arm such More by Geraldlnu Farmer associate mfessor of mondnry oduonum It the Unlvetdty FNCI III RAWll REAL ESTATE 30 Elylltld 5L mm on of Ram terrl it llelnz lla 200 Acres dour llsh laden stream and small lake on pmpcxty and Noum sagn Rlver on ll boundary Ilnllmllcd polcnllnl til the fight developmcnl camp or mugs llo possibly Yes nn nnglera dream and only la Well pm All bulldlnxu ln excoptlonal mn mlle horn Barrie Sound Inland PM peaceful gran dillon 1N5 propert 011m lMurmHnn Call llavma NOW Wick Buuly Sllon Dunlap St 01d Jack mm the only am spreadlng round that sllv ary ml Iheso Ill py In days Lou of young women have fnllemln love wllh the ab lractlvo ilrosllng um lmvlsh coqucllish look done beam liftu at chkal your mue llrcd cl bclnx ordln nry park your up prctllly have dolightlul lmsllng youll lovn ll Vlsl chks for he klnd ms lhnt doesnt melt way when the sun comuup 72mm UNIVERSAL RUG co Collin sL The Thawcud Used The Most MW DRIVEIN Blyfleld SI highly orgnnlxed mumIsa rigldly Inspected or extremely high Ilandnrd of 100d quality nxceflcnce Ind cxccpuonnl vlco demanded by up company lhnlr M00 oullcls In many enunlrle throughout lhn world Acompnny ghnt hn grown Manhood Ill Allin llNH my the River Gnrdcnl so popular Wan mpposo lor many ransom 11 my Ample puklnfl and the lend loodl or lho quiet luvcly nlmosphcra ln lho dJnln room lnnd the mrll lnz varmy on ma mnnnl tho vary Mon youm the most Im rtanl nulmncr In the world lypc semen with the tub n1 are In his run he connryL Whatever Um othcr muons people back nxulnrly lo lho Girdm you can bd the null on lhe nest 1n food rpm banun to Sunday brundm AIM FOOD MARKET Some peoph law all mu drum thing but 910mm uvo only monuy AI more imam nro discovering each week 1th wn very evldnnl by the ume mmm to Ml 2nd Imnlvcmry Sula inst melt hen hey mid 18000 lbs bed alonul Mr Zaba lhnnka In mom who pnnlclmlmi and holpd mnkc lha tale huge mecca Ind wands an lnvlu Ilon lo 1mm ownm lo Mqulre Into ho mm bulk buylnm to sum pmpo lona sl Ila bcxlnnlnx 00d vendinl Icrvim In lhu urly 19005 MUST havo wmcthlnl molly ipcclnl lo nflnr OU their val unblo mmmcr RIVER GARDENS RESTAURANT lhll Ann chatlzd with the mnnnxcr of It filed 7th 72809 Supbrh lawns quality in line cur pofinx guaranteed the minuu you walk throuyl the door Universal Run They hnva double busi ness First and foremost he finest floor coverings Ivuilable and second 1y customer scrvlce The manage ment lnslsls um an cuslnmm be offered the bandit of an experi enced knuwlcdxcablu am If lhoy qulra mistnncu as to the best welsh and qunllly for um rcqulrements stylo to suit their dcmr and mu best vain for their dollar And lhui wllh Somme Alberta shwwcd that ll he Henfllldy of MJIN showed that mucus mu uonaand womanlon dum mmghe 10p 10 masthe quenlty used wands The new Hon was the pronoun WI wnlch lakes dxlh pun no wlnm wise and Winterize NOW The brisk rally mowing In that Jun im too early and ll you Walt ynu may not be able la be ur vlwl rim may when Ibo Rush L1 on Vilh lha Hm mow or when that mcrcury really plunch everyone will In warning to Giles for win ledzlnu 11m changes Fallluna up and my mhwr rqmln or mun In lop winm orm nncc Bob Rcld their Class mechanic ho many know NJ bushes and your car my EXAmNEIl my tags GILES BP SERVICE STN sc Vincent st mom PHONE HAM Ml 7mm

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