Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1966, p. 4

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Wn II la yulounVyMd pmnlv lln uvnmmm ludeh lhll lmmv unmflhml hnl rvrulm flu Mylo know Not long ago it was generally believ ed that passenger in an nuioxnablln involvnl in an accident had it butler cimnm oi escaping injury or death if he wus ihrown out of tho vehicle on im pnci Police from their ox cricnce crash nccmx begun in Will his assnmlr lion find many mum in ma conclusion HIM ii WM less lclhnl 10 b0 lrnpned in side rather ihnn liunwn cicar onscqucnl lthtilllll Into lhl Hold xnrrlcd on by Cornell Universlly con flrmml thclr susplflon and revealed name donnlln prov the Inllncy of earner beliefs In brief MIIIIIHNI In Dmninlon Auln umblle Assoclnlon lhnsu plonuor re searchers give lnfonnnlkm vhlch ha 11w micl lemlrr nl rmmrnl would pvulmlly on lwrll IV In hank mum am he mmhl 1thle my mm kn plum MI hum Thla mnln mung run It llm Imflw Mlll wrvvhq um Ihu twnflnn In puma II on bmml 1va la bu An Winn fly DON IIIMIW HHNLNN Nul II lhrh uh Iho nu lhlnq wHlrnl kmlur huhl drum Ind mm Ihm plum lnr rlwwnu BUCK FEVER Imlllihfiklf ml mtzlwxwfiirw Now they have me nth plan in buy existing dwell ngs spotted throughout the communii and rent them to families with low names The Barrio City Council earlier in the year appiicd or assistance under the latter scheme This week council was informed that federal government loan of $270000 has been made to ma Onlarin Housing Cor wration for low Income housing pro out This sum viil assist in the ac uisiiinn oi 20 dwoilings scattered roughoul the city Providing decent housing for low in come families has alwa been problem fox the nverngg onmrlp Acormnunlty Both the federal and Ontario govern menu have attempted in relieve the sib untlon financing lmvcost homes in several orms First are the detached and semidetached dwellings or families and tho elderly QUEENS PARK Ufie flaw rimming Value Of Seat Belts Willi Publisher Baxrie Housing Deal Is Boon To People With Low Incomes Election Office Is Active Again Published by Canadlan Newspapm leltad 16 HayfieldStraot Barrie Ontario McPherson MannglnszdRor FRIDAY NOVEMBER ma PAGE 11 In of lomunl lnlnl Around hm hm MP Ill lam lor lunlnl an all him Mill plwllon nu run ml Mlurnlly many prvnvla mum In hm hm Hm He wml 1r ml hrn prmul ll pmvh 1qu ha dnunl hm WI mm 114 MHth No II wuvo MY MM pm you dont uh mm llxml mum Nam Why mm than mle 11mm run null nmuwl laxll hr Man In Hw wlml Yum Imk Ivr mfivily In mun plmhm mvplm My lnr lllrl um mm In Um gov mum plflya winkAl hud qflfl thanged thinking on this vital mntier ltesenrch detlnlteiy showed that the chante or inju or death in an auto crash is Inullipied several times when passenger is thrown out the vehicle Statistics divulge that the rate of fatal tiiea result at ejection mm veh icle is up roximntely it per cent while the rate or other accident causes sleep in vheei instrument panel and wind xheid show It tutnlit rule of around rein per pent in noel ents covered ihcse llndinus imvu prompted nulo nmnulnclurcrn lo instilqu ways and means to keep the passenger IN the cur loiiowin rflsil and this has rcsuiled in lilo most universal use ml bells and Kim Installation ol openprool door iuichm on vehicles The purchase of the houses will re lease capital whlch presumably may be used for construction single lnmvllf duelllngs Thus houslng standards In Improved or the community as lxlhole and make Barrie better place to ve lIL scs vlll be thoroughly rcnovnl kept in top repalr the Housing Cor porallon As to the tenants who will be selected because of low lncome this will give lllcm an op nunlly to llvu at hlgher standard an they could afford on their own This bulllln morale fac tor ls good both from the citys and the tenants standpolnL The city of Bamc wlll be responsible for only per cent of any operating losses The remainder will be borne by government agencles From striqu busincés standpoint thi Is goodlsic fogthe city Th9 hou 33 7H Wilson aéndral Manager AmllIu mum mm comma cdgbrm fiumo walkn ll ulll be In Hm Ipnnl other mm viml ll wlll In In In ML nmv we lm um Hm an nnrlo olNlhm mM Imam on what hmm will lhn Mml PC Iudrnlmn Tum II at lead one mm In lh wlnrl Tm clmhm nflkc ll mm Down In unlu nhm Ihpy kmv the hall hem And other mwllu Um II lho buimln nl um Mn ol may which plum mama In mm ItIIIWnuwlonmrln RUM rug qum mu CHON IIINIHID glh Veéféd InyHHbuse 111m 11ml Exumlurr WW II normllly confined to cm at contempt of PHI man or pmflannmmam in Mr NIImtI one he wound WM reporter of wrldng or the cum mew paper Le Drall an mick which was scurrilous Ind which Pmth an 111W motive in hlm Ind was Iron dLr tonlon 919 mu Specifically iiie rnporiar Housed his wrlth by ruling that when Mr Nam ms at ucklnz Defence Minister Heli yet in Parilnmem or commin nndmlrnil evidence hem the delence commutes ol the Home anoihnriadmirai mum mlndad Mr Nugenil Aiutegy Ind Ictuaiiy culled light to him ir9m he ylsiioynaliery Mr Nuzent denied the ac cusations but 11 motion Against the reporter wu lup pnrted anifi by Ms own party And wu don min Med ECHO 01 I90 Had the rcliortnr been sum monzd before the bar he would have bun the m1 Cnnldlnn at an In IMI pom m4 lo of Th1 Modded Im of Hilton lid IM but on mum Wm OTTAWAWhen Menu Nu uenc Conservulve MP for Ed montonstmhcom moved to aumrnon oumnibt More Lh hnr the ow commons ho was echoelnl one PINII mam Inclent pmflcu Ind W1 TM emphulm Parllunomn pmlllon the hlmsi court In the Ind wkh Ml powm ol lrlll Ind punishment And yet it com with tho unuunl makeup that In mum to euwr um bah mom or Ind Jud and jury 111a pm cc lunnmnlng cltlm befm the km mo llava mull chfldrm In your nrlzhbnrhood loll rupee for you became you canl tell them lhadllerenu between to and wad We noncrnlly prclly my Fron have ImooUi Iklm loldl hIVI nrly 1H3 You mlm aha In Mer ultd IA Ind out Hill In nr xllnnry In In mount nllural dlplomnflc compraml he lwccn rum lndlvldunllm And me Im Thu Inl lwo IleIChl On um lor Mott the other he mm 001 ll hnru wllh olhcr Iflll In IIPIL Hnw lh lnnuuln mm Cnlhallc Dllrxx munxlne IF llnnl bmnlk pnclry hung loam Auuxrlud Wu elm ma IM 0mm Mammal 04m mud or laymen cl pm Anew Indy 5mm and Mammy llalkhyl Wed MIMflMM mo My by union 55c ukly yurly mm mm 100 fly min 01w yurly 0th me mom umrwdl ywr Mail ml ulrh mm In your Ink Can1 MH fence lam SI ym UJI m6 i001an Inmlt Ollkw HI Unhqu Au Turmn allxwl 5h MannIII In WM Imdr meum 11 NullI III 0mm Dally Nowmm luhlllxm AAnlukyn ho mlm Im ml AIM IMom ol v11 llmum Im II Muoiwti Mod In lo All armam 1111 nnlnblus Any lrcnnmcr can praich wllh air Iolule Iccurucg Susi whm every star heaven wlll bo at hallpnxt eleven lonlzhl He can make no Nth pmdio on about ynunu dluzh IMPdamn mum Adams narnLEs nIFlEn THE LIGHT TOUCH How often do on mallow Well you robnh Iwnllow to time wh In down qulck druzxtnra unch 31 38 mm an hour We 1y lnz down mun lllllnl quietly or reading and 76 lime an hour Mule 51m lnz If after mum lhl llcm you III In willow at last DMD youre definitely nhnornmlJ SI an in bin of bl lruc Drivu cnrdully Dont mm on yqu rllu chlel rensnn um many rellred ptnpla unhlpp In that only on In nine war en maku advanca plum on haw hel chnd hla llma Ilur logylng ill 10 By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AWThin mlmmls mlth never Imw ll gldrxl open th mull Polklhre Hnnxlnl Irllc By mmck mmouou Things Columnist Finds In His Mail lll Nlll mln mum on Om AIM tun um 1000000 IMMI lulu the 000 km MullLI lmoln An rum la Imkn junllro mor tlrlllMlAlll Jun Jlmuu llermnrt Ouubecl milor null plum mulum nhlrh In mil Md Ia 1mm ol munklpnl mull III Inmlllnnl Immu Irlrly In Ihv Mkqu Ina pm pm llrlnllnl In Quake lllhll nlmnl II lulrlnln In ho lumhmanul lllhll ml menul Illuullu pcnunl TM nlmml Irdm ol mpmk III um ll ll poulbl llml llu Pur Ian lavrmmml whllo Iccep lnl Canada ll Can nnllunll Inlhcm wlll win In um 00d Sm lhu Queen lymbul olr our membmhlv In In Cammonwullh ol MCI Ihl Quun he had TlIlI would In In lllnllul ulml wu dnno wllh lh Nu counlry can Im nnlhcm or Iln nn Cam monwullh wll nu comulllnt lL llul In Any um ll ll noman am lly In Accept lhln naw lllouclllly rluhl lo ulnlte lhnl ln lnln Hnullnh Cnnudlnn m1 lm ll lcnl Hwy an hp Innlnl la allu llul Clnllll lavmlln rounlry uhlch uhnuld tlvl prrlmnu la lhnl uhlrh elonu In lnnnl hlnu ON Hawem Prlmc Mlniner Sir Wlllrld Lnurler proposed Illa mm tlnn whim the House passed without dlnenslon that Mr Mm 3141c hadljplul the bound mmnEMe uld cIsm and commuch breach of tho perm the House undezgn rhu marine dnce Can erallon The most recent on occurnd yem Ila when ha president or Mon real uufllles compnny Mind in humor quesllnn Nor parlllmenu commlmo Ha wu udl My comm PnrllmpM rand wu com mlll A1011 nlll Pullman wu promued l5 week lmr Wham was mun compelled to um out the Aentenu not disclosed In Ihu olflclnl record rho most Imolu cm In CF radian hlflory wu pomp that mourning another FrenchCI gildfln Jwrnnlhl puma Ctnq an The murder dllmed me he wrote wlhout any penIona unl mmlly and only in tho Mm IMHHL Some MP urged that he be dlmhrged ram before an bar polntlnx ml Hm the chse of Common In Landon no Mr nlllu hld been summoned bo luro Iha bur Inc 1319 mm on the mm mklng an mention perlanal coxlion gins In Unllcd Klnudom um rluhl Io nlul ll Imlnrlu Mlely have requenlly done no In In put here II Ilwnyl Ilmq la Imh Amendl In mo he wrote In an Mon rell amp LI Pm In nrklo ultlu Toronto MP Perhaps the mom dmntory comm he mud wu that be his bu principlecell mm ht one dashh luk He balm to nhool f1 lying hypocrlzy Ind mm 3mm yummy Am Manual Lo lluolr In Toronto lhonlm they lhlnkinx rcplnclnu Gad Sun Quecu wlih CA Idn Thlx and mm Ihlch It plmun lo Ip pluud God Sun lhl Queen II In chMnlly relpeclnhll nn long when Dy In Cnnndl 1le with from enterin When bnby lmflu deep It communlcllinx with the much Itll zlva you though you drink wa lrom nln bum lhu contnlm Iron nut You thId be buried mm can becaun Gnhrltl will blnw hll horn from Hut dIrchan Ind you da Win hear him dont you Women mlth daub mm 105 perfume behind their earl If they knew Hm ptrlume al lrad molquilm even marl quickly than don men lrgun humawfll keep lo arm lhll It nlmdy hr Ionled lo lllfllhtl rounlry II MI hymn lo lhn Queen II no ha royal hymn II II nnllnnAlA Anlhem ol lho Thll ulccllnn ed an runem mm from he chh pun Cum QUEBEC OPINIONS Thou unplml llbln brim nu In pmum mlnl mmlm lhw Anoinch my hull will om my cup runnclh or Phllml nu God My 01 honurlnl HI awn In In huur Ind My lhnl km Impul BIBLE THOUGHT 0m plan was to capture Nova Scotla which then included New Brunswick There would he an tovnian orce at 1000 men our armed lhip Ind eight ironwork it would soil from hiachial near the Roosevelt Campobeilo International Plrk recentiy opened by Prime Mln ister Pearson and President Johnson up the Bay of Fundy to Mina Enlin Mier capturing the on Windror it would mm to iiaiiiax gathering lup part from many Nova Section who were sympathetic yto the American cause There ware only 390 loidien in liaile at tho limb and most of them wars unfit for There llllla dnubl now that the plln would hm mended Once Nova Scou hnd been captured would luve been poulble to put blockade Aaron the SI Lawnnca and mu It dlfflcun or Britainlo mu what has Wad thI calgnrq of the Hm The mend propels In no exnclly naw 1m quullan of In ombudlmln hn bun lm topic of many ankles ln ctnl yearly It It lmpw llbll not lo look um Ivor an cmflon Inc you In mlallu hm bunnumcy and vrclllmlu Emn llnlly lhl rule In ombudh mnn II Ia pram the cfllun In It bunnumcy Thll hnvlnl been Id when one alumni lo ndlmlllu In omburlmnn Quthec or In Clllldl he hmmu loll In conjeclmn Will ha ombudh man In Alngl ndlvlduIL or will he hnvn mlny hcndn an nal lhc jumhlo Indexn prnvlnclnl relHan Mlle lho ml In npolnlmrnl up ombn omnn chumd wlm relcmlnl lhn uxlly lmnulnnblu tonmcu brlwun Hm mlom lnlcnl Ind pm vlnclnl Iurlldlcllonfl Guy Connl Speaker md Mmmn la the artery uan the by lg Uh wu than dip urged No sentence Wu Inn While an cIMrrm he not been Invoked hm or mlny yam Mr NuueM unformtd worth Malls Men by lbnl brlnaim to not III the Home Com mon doe Indeed cnloy eexuln frlvllem Ind um Inuoumu who avertaps Ihu undl of uh comment can Ian publicly unluml or l0 dolnl By BOB BOWMAN Game Walhlnslnn blow In gpporlpn Imupluge angdn Nov 1716 He conslaered two plan but mad the man chulca budsman who reapomlblllty would b3 la uudy complnlnll ol cluum who 21 £th have been lho rkum oi An Injusllcl II lho hand of pub body INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Enmlner luvllel con Irlhuuonl In Ila Lellln to In edllur Nlnmn on lhe ed Homl pun when ponlhlu lcllen Ihould be nflflcled to wordl And they Ihnnld be Illfled me my ulna pan nlme Ihey lie CANADAS STORY LAM BE Blew Opportunity To Capture Canada LAM Bs RUM NAVYPALM BREEZEWHITE CAP sum 41ng lanlqualfly dunlbumlnl ml vlqn hullnl mvlco Dont cry buy Sunncu Heating Oil mum DELIGIIIFUL Du Sin mnllnlll mm uyumy chimed Barrie Inn in It tell munlrwrna to ow heartily Idlmm wllh thn My hunbnnd livn chfldrennnd moved km in Ju and llnd Bmle dellth pllce in flurrindlnl the lgller mm who 59 loyaleg We hlve dune lot of my plnu here Ind hlve found Ihe mrekemrl and mm mm emuleave nndhelplul In our Ichooll librHK Ind medch proreulen we Ive been more hhen milled Mm he yea first at bean that two evldom 0m neluhbaun welcomed ul like old Meade end recenuy when We Joined the church we were quhe over whelmed by the lrlendflneu the people They eeemed as Inxloue tn hike our hllldl Ind Washington chaser lhu plan unsealed by Bonndlc Arnold win lwopronacd nllack on Quebec and Montreal Arnold lcd one army to quebcc by slruullnl through the wild Maine and nrrlvcd early In November Gonoral Mnnlnam cry led another army Ia Manl ml and captured It canny Then he went on to Quoboc help Arnold so troops to Quebcc and Mont rcnl ll wmca Null 01L CHI ladny Company Ltd Mny 50 Bmla Phono 71874 flldlu dlpntrhrd truth SHRIEANT ammo on LETTERS TO EDITOR do hnvt one lml orde Thu uldewnlh Ind llwnl no Norm Coll flan ll med with unch bl and wra an em Thus my mum rawn than by poms of the linden Would be Ilbla lo Inc Ihm lulubum Perhapl than they would um twice helm throwinl junk on ma roads It can hem dim you hnhlk loo often uan hrakun bottle on th orrlldawalk welcome wrwm Roy 1sv nunmnl dunno wkh Mr Mmhnfl when fly that ya do 103 lup boycott LI or two ransom Only thou mum to do In em Ind the ml cum hllh prim Ind hoycon may do mm hunt Ihnn zood The Innocin ma becaggo lhg bpyp mum mm um Wm Whllo waltlnz to llnd um ml cause hllh prlcu tuna thll we Ivon buylnx thou pm duck that mlrked higher price lhln may worth Alslo that yin pncugu when Ilyl that wu do 11 NM New 0035M lbw lag 1mm than Ihlnfl at are clung the upcg of 9u own gully In chense at than much crib Icizcd convenient tooth lhlnk that we are mmnm in deed In Canada to have muny Illenl helper on lhl lhelm Few peo In would blamu houscwllo and my molhlr or hlran household help once week Why thn mum hauler lhu cw dallnn we spend lame llmes on prepared oodll Mull wu alwuya 1ch gullly whpn we buy cake mix or bag wnshcd carrougr FDR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL wnm Wm Am mll lop 72M Al um huh um Hutu 0K Johnson Travel Sorvlco fly Your Ilncml SILVIA KEN no Feel Barrio

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