Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1966, p. 12

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Olhm new Pops am an Junlor lebbclta nml Dunc llrmflo lcbhmh la plight but upon forward who Inn mm jmrfunnnl for the Junior nnadlenn In tho Montml Mum circuit Brodlo who was inauunnlo of Hnmly Mr wlth Whitby Dunl made Ms mm nplmrnnm In 1an uniform mm ay The graying vo emu nhowcd hlx Purim mu bounced fight back from heavy knocks shed out by In Col lhu llny and mu Mic Kay llo Ipnrk 0111 mlemo W1 goal nm two nuinll OOALKEEPER Ivan thnfloy wolliravcnul pm mum to Odllln from Iho NIH Old llmm Ila was Iomaflvmnl In Mont mm Colllngwood and his work TONINHI Al least dozen gas for tho mm run Returning for mother year with ummu Harrie Arm uuom along wlm Watson and Dam an Kon Thom Ion Gmruo Foul John Hall and hurt yoara An tral Mule ucmln king Buddy Home lml who in vmnm pm why In the MIL and WHL may be out of action might Ho lurlmd bad gun on he lnrnhmd from rnlnnrd high 1ch Wendy night And roqulml haupflnl lrulmmu Good hockey pin era are hard to find at ier iime of year Just ask chr manager Jim Short his assist nnt Aer Wood or any executive in the lea Tek ing the leap up to Senior status is omiidabie chore or any new team ii is ion at limes bui ralicnce and continued ciiori will ring law wins llycrs can achieve compeiiiive standard which ihey already have as all six games have been very close they could be rewardcd with one of clghl berth in the playoffs nl ihe end oi me long 401nm grind 1er is their goal which would make in sumcss out theirrookiu season Fiycrs mu not likely have any new faces for to nighla nullnf ngnlnsl rival 0dlln but there could be one major cmngc Young Mike Dubcnu who Is up Item the Pcnctang Junior Huron took turn us xlclcnccman durini Wednesday nights practice Look for him back the bluelino And new com Mmuon up front Former llnrrIu hmhnnn llowlo Farlycs joins El don anmn nml mn Rod Harrell on tho blucllne Valera Barre la currently on tho uldollnm wllh pull ligamenls in the knee nml lllll Nichol who rlny for Nmmrkm lluuklm lwo ucnnons back has won convcrlml lnlo defencomnn to fill in for Duncu Being rolntlvo of superstar tn any sport at ways lg hardship as fans are constantly comfaring them and ex acting that talent runs in the nmtly The famous onachm are an outstanding example of this aspect of sport However In this case the younger brother is far from being Chi off the family block While Brewer get full marks or effort be simply is not strong enoth for Senior hockey in the eyes of man poo This is one spot where another man Is no ed an effort to create depth to Flyers scoring punc TONIGHTS OPPONENTS 0mm Pcpsls havo made nlmmt as man changes as tho Flycra III GHI who mm 1an ng conch had no 1m than nine powlcynmtnl 111 919 any Inst Tueuh 1n ghnt 73 loss nowcmnm 1n the lineup Inst Tucsdn in that 73 loss to tho Inglvnying Comn vood wrzlnn Chlma From the defunct lldland cub Orfllla hm lckcd up lcronmnnn nob Fnllls lorwnnls George nll Don Spider Gibson and George Vcslmll Flycrs best production unit of AdamsKnowlesSutt ls showin up well along whh wleranVcenhe Bob Garner oungKnowles who lust season headed the Metro Toronto Junior field as member of lea ue champion Etoblcoke Indians hokds two 01m ulgo on Colhngwoods Hec Brainard and Dave cComb A1 sum who already has surpassed his last years out ut with Gal Hornets holds down fourth mace arm or nt back He is tied with lineman Adams and an Thomsonof Toronto Varsity Grads Efiéflférfifiicfiént éhrfiflseu from $17107 Etoblcoke jun flora also ranks among the eaguos best at this early stage with his half dozen tallies While Flynnshave scored mare goalsthnn five of the 10 clubs their 34 goals against is the worst in the league Th3 departure of sensational Jlm Couch for Western Canada Ml Flycra with bi gap After an uncertainsm1 Fjlycgs appqu 599 in thlsgewm However the state of the blueiine corps leaves much to be desired Conch Sandy Air has so far placed the burden on two veterans and two newcomers without success Captain Ken Robertson and Elmvnle product Stan Ritchie while hawin their of hi 1113 are de voloplng well Former Gnt Hornet Inn clater is still hobbled by weak ankle and Hewlmi Layton an other Marne grad who has been out of hockey for full season is stru gling to regain histiming and con ditioning While potential here is good the ques tignz és after six straight losses how long can we The same appch at couple of spots on the for ward wall where some improvement ls necdcd An overweight Jon Week is trying hard to regain hls top clm which last year kept well up ln the scoring race The tough redhead began to show signs of life ln the last two outings and ls sure bet to get onto the right track RIGHT WING on this line is another matter how ever At the start of tho year Flyms landed big publicity plym the pexsgn cg 20yearold Mqtro Jun ubllclty lum in the person of 20yearold Metro Juri or gra Jack Brewer Thu bl news here of course is that he has famous brother thommooi Carl Rivalry ReVived with Orillia Pépsis 3y CHRIS marr BARRIE FLYERS will atbempl tonight to em the DEA Senior basement when they play hest Bill McGiUs Orlllla Pepsis Game time at the local ice alace oclock The clash is big one for the locas as thelrcounty man who also are wlnlcss have played one less game As noted elsewhere on this page Flyers am holding thelr own despite the dlsmal 08 record Barrles rook ieludcn lineup ls prpmlnent lnlhe oftenslve race with no less than our forwards ranked among the top 10 Garner is bunched in fourway Us for eighth just fivonpolnas off nowlegrpglrce Wlngefrgqll rt STATISTICS tell the tale of Barrios blg problem which lie back of the hluollno mem as Iéfihe MErlboréJolin Mlllar is capablynn ing the breach between the pipes THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDA mm 1m SPORTS COMMENT All of Nonho scoran was con fined lo the Mid quartet Fred one an ho lo two pom with Ilnxlopo or and Fred Erlcluon Ibo VI lngl In from 1th on unconva mochdown WEATHER FACTOR Plum bofom the Innch am he loosen with good number bah nnrrlc sludcnl bodies on hand he strong wlnd had beorlnu on lhn Ammo Snow flurrlu and brink cold also were wnmbuum woodm lncon In another upset yemldny Sultan rimmed highl voted King City 174 to take south ern division honon The min game between Ceniral and Sub ion will bu pinned new Thurs day at the Matthew champa homo ilald Cmiml Who had established 84 Hrs quurier lead through Doug Youngs field goal were trailing 73 at thn hall tnculnr pm plnf in he lrd quarter ramlicd bouzfildosm 01 Dave Leo and Central grab bed the land stay The winners stuck Io lhe ground in the inn is mlnulo and sumch in ud dlnxlhcir Idvnnlazu Keith Money Acampurod Acton lha nonimm iiyo yinst out Dokmlvo back Bob mum WM the man of flu momml on two awash n1 ho poumd on pnlr loan hull nr key moved first film led dlrcdly Cmtmll lhrmmlnt lend early In tho openan qnnder Thm min arm the open nmo finally ran out on Bar rie Nonh Collounjoa senior low hall Vlklnzs ynslerdny mer nonn and their twoaemn un dclcnlcd mm ground halt I1 unlucky in tho W66 men sons most Impomnz clash Playing with strong wester ly wlnd mm tho ulhleuc Held at Nanh Co cglatc spir ped Barrio Comm squad rnJA led 1mm behind In the second mu to bounca Norm out of he Goorglan Buy Secondary Schvol plnydfl picture by 151 mur zln The name decided the cen tral delean 1110 and antral MW ndvanm into tho Iudden donh name for the overall 6m Inn my championshlp THESE FOUR hum foot in Cemhla mum of North nnrrlo mondnry school rlvnls ball players played big role yesterday nuernoon as tho clashed or he dlvhlonal un Central Connts Football Upset The worlds most successful idea in brewing comes to Canada 57 International BEER slam $1025 Try SKOL soon At regular prices wherev¢r beer is sold Amer Cemuul lulled to pale tmxc Youngs Hm llcld goal attempt was low but earrlcd thmxh the end zone for tin rle palm Hawem an illegal substflmlon penalvy lo NMUI gave Central nmiher crack and Yang leL ho uprights for mu Ihrcopolnlcr mm 25yard range Norm Wu in trouble agaln when punt was blocked nnd Central book we 30 yards way mm pay film This time the Bin led wan thrown nor big loss back no mldflcld nnd was cited to pun New look aver on lhclr own 23 mm the huvy wlnd At his point they last lw senlee key nltacker Bub Ballot was inlumd on an end mmp hear slddlnc and mu med out of uouon the wt of the day wllh bid lam Below Hm quaner was over Ocnmxl marked their my close again on Ion drive bl min on an and run was wiped mn by penalty and Young again Lrlod Hold 5035 The kick was or large and North managed to work the bull ml 01 the end nznourin Nofih my down We Len ml torlrtory again In they pick ed up humble on the Helm the anor 5mm and look am on Cmilull bi run North look over conuvl he game Um woond quaner with Ibo wind in fllelr lavar Their MA palm came Fmd Hana mica cullle mi Ion or single from the 35 yngyl Inn North swept lrln he 1ch sud denly with spodnudar lonz ulnar Quanmmk Pat QpSnn called an end opMn yhy when Sutherland flopped hack and bmmé backlicldcr The Intern pm to mwm ound Fred Erickson in tho clear on lhn end unbadod long bomb or 5mm mg ml run mam phy Tho wavmlon mgan loll short 01 lhq posts Ing kickoff Central was amid to punt Prom mldHcld wllh lho wind at helr bucks Nellsan pounced on looso ball and Con tral had rim dmm an orflhl 20yard llne by nick Stcphuu penetrated la the Comm Ihrce but bl du lensivo cllon held Lhe ham all leaving the scare at in Norm lam thohnUumo mark the bird gunner ha Cub IraI defence mmlnuod Lhelr bl wan long North drive from mbddflcld stalled the 10 And fumble gave the mm to North again at Ccnhals 45 TN op pammfly ruined only 10 yard and Central took over WM 10 Ihan minute rumalnlnc ln ha quarter Central quarterback Burke ed um flml opponurm la nu with 11w wind pmdwan the m1an www001 mum In tho ml quarter North up poured to panic and number of desperation passe mm In oumpflete Ycuml kidwd mother field goal mm 20 yards lnlu the wind penalty la North was ncwplad and Comm tried lwchdown npcepflnfl the first down In place the three palm Mancy clinmod the v1 any with tivcdymd and run glvlnz mm In elepoinl ud Vilmaer opum pm Young fired strlko Dam Lee who rambled an alone 00 loudxdawn lcrlmory mm the North 45 BALL CONTROL COLOR TO WIN TWO TICKETS DRAWN EACH MONTH TO MAPLE LEAF GARDENS FLASH GAS BAR IIAHRIE SHOPPING IMZA ATTENTION HOCKEY FANS Flash Petroleum Md piesenn Hockey Club Coloring Boolu mm Now In mu mo Punth of Hdlds Player Banquet Beliovo it or ml the Toronto Ariannuu won the senior league championship and prexnnling the trophy to captain Stave Carlo51K wnn John Mono Coach ol Am were lions Snun den and Joe Shunghnusy Heal team in the Junior division was the New York Giunu Boll conchcl oi lhe your were Mour icn Bcnuchesno and Gerry La Planlc Trophies were presum ed by Frank iinrgrcnmi st JaSephl auditorium was the scene in night oilha Knights Columbus touch Knol bnll leagua banquni and awnrdu Gum speaker was Gard Gow coach Bum Nonhh senior inolbull lcnm Gow told lha youngsters that rewards nru grunt in modern mieli for ion bnli players lie curred an in say that player dont play ior heir school or team but unly iur lhemsrlvu When asked what requirement ha wnuld wank in Ionibnll pinym he reviled 0n iy Ihoxe who would listen to and obey Lho conch limo win would iry their innitat And those who ktm lilmuelm in top physical condition lor loothall do Don Young 14 kicked ch noel whlle Rem Money 13 had big day round ulnuz and scored the cllnchlnn ouch down In lhe fourth qua or Bob Mbon flu men ed two key fumbles Ind quar terback Jlm Burke 10 came 01mm WWI his hm uflmt the war signal caller Examiner Photo Jml few irnnngn le orlhe worlds lcldlng hrwm fmm Clnadn England lrlulmn AInlen Sunkn Ind lnuuuuluol oucllur Mill lllc him If hrwlllu bur and and IIhl Hm null Ml the pol Mlh hccrdvlnkm lmund lhc uuvl hm lull mmhl he lvrcmd In lhr Innu exuding ulnndnnh Mhtmcr ll Mn wld th Iny Imd lho Imw Illcy gm II mum III name SKOL SKOI lnlcnmllonnl Hm And Ihe 5K0 lulu umkul NICOL hm made II and made Illfl wllh burdrinker mum to umld Its nlundy tm ullcr In mlmuln Ihc Murldu mml nuccmml Ide ln Inmlnu haw SKOL Iv hm lymml In Inldl Nut llme uu nmh up Illlnlqutntln II whh 5K0 lnlcmlllnull llm Mom Ihe nilumlm Imur Ipnvklln ll hlnm Ind lrue nfmhmml or SKOL Say 5Kllhe Inlflllllfilfllfi liter mm In fluid unrkr llrmcr irllllfll lo him ntnllo mum Umlltd by SKOI lmnmlloml Jmlltd axiom Montreal hunky Réulu Toronto Damn Ncw Ygrl Boston Snludlyl Game Dclrolt Monlrual NawYalk Toronto Bundul Glmn Montreal It Dem Tarontual New York Chkllo at Bolton By THE CANADIAN PRESS mum Leuul P1 KEEPS OUT THE WET An um bark tool used by pioneer 300 year ago will Inn 01 4o yam Dangerfield Molors Dangerfield Motors 50 Chevy II Eedln This car drivnn by um Bumn 014 who radio on BRADFORD 5T USED CARS ARE DOWN IN HOLE SOME AS MUCH AS Includlng 66 Billlrl v3 aulomallefpowor flur Ing Prlud lomr lhln Shndlrd Bllclynu I965 CHEVS OLDS FALCONS CONVERTIBLES As Our lot ls Reduced So Are OUR PRICES REDUCED HOCKEY lflfl BELOW CflST BONSTBUCTION SALE BELOW 1966 Company Cm USED CARS Brim Nuw Novor Drmn 300 BELIIW Sam mducld Up To I966 NEW CARS 63I 62 24 17 i4 Driven INVOICE COST 66 may ll AS LOW AS OFFER hw killed MAKE my EXAMINER WANT Ar PHONE 1mm eonooTuTs 7289228 Problems To Usl WI flu DH lhd xeemm mum work ymnx goth And not MM 50 HEATING Bring Youf ur 60 Com Mann Sedln AWL bucku whizva 3y Joe WW need In hasltnle mug Any remmbll Olm s750 500 up to 72M

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