Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1966, p. 10

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Lohrr LulllndMr Jerald Dalton MIMI Judgo mm or hll qulpa nnd wllu clams hll Lulu unhuwux 7V InIl IIIYVIVIHI munhcr ha lehcrwnx Ilmlverl warm Irm uon no Twonlo HM Llllnbelh Lnuahlln PL lhl Hm nfllrlnl hnwllnl leitnr nr lhl Unllul Churdl ur Inuan Fart Lnududlle 11 Hum NM 10L llslcd by lhu Amcrlrnn Aumnl Count lha uldul living tollua whrmnm In me MnmmIF Mchla pruldent Mnrlflmmn Structural Slrel Ca and Nov Ii Tcxlllrl IAd LDurInro Mumn Mmm hlnunCM1ln Dnln 111 on of unfldl oldqgl mm Tohyn Smlnn Aukl nIklil Aunlvlnu armor Monlml Jamn lorrlwn Fraser 87 former chalrmnn the board Grccmhlclds llud sun and urine ltd nnd ol ha flrndnrd tho Assunm Co lly THE CANADIAN PRESS nmmvllleY NJ PmII by III who pulnmed and told he 1er vimmin labia years NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF Thirteen can We Cum dlnn anlannl Railway lmgh lraln um dernlled Thundny as tho lrnln pinned under Ih Ellznbgth Way ipllilnd lnln an album llcld ullcn 9m ppxgar spll 0mg Th rélnhl mmd r051 Sur nIn to Nlnlnra Fullx curry In mln con and Inna pnru Officials uh ml was aha apparent cause of mu Icel cm finite Lnku Ontario Cloudy and cold mm law snowflur Es Chnnce of snowsquans Lako St Clair Luke Eric Soulhnn Lake Huron Western Lake Ontario Hallburlon Kl lnIoe Windsor Toronto Lon don Moxuy cloudy and cold wllh few inownurrlus wIlh norhwcsl 10 winds Tho wealhcrman ls lorecasl lng nnl much channu In the ln cnl weather plctures Unfortu nately ll Is to remnln cold wln dy wllh somvl snuwllurrlu and local snow squalls Vlnds wlll bcoul of lho northwest Al 25 The recorded lnw The Ex nmlncr Olllce laslnlnht wax degrees The tempnrnlur ll alm was domes TORONTO 10F Forecast kxund at 530 am lnloe Windsor Toronto Lon don Moxlly cloudy and cold wllh law inownurrlus wllh norlhwcsl 10 winds Nlngnrn llnmlllon Cloudy Ind cold with low summur rlns Chance of mowsquulls agaln near Lnku Erle lonlzhll Vlnd norlrhweslrzo VSyhopalu Namrnjor chnnaes are harms for Saturdayll P9 afild 3219 ww Report Split Rail Caused Derailment Immhu Inn 4le uillh nIIIu Huh my Mum mum llnlut mu Mall Iannl anon Dum 4m and may llmu mum in My II lomplm Inly pl All Mumu Al BUILDERS BARGAIN CENIRE Na VMwul waited track DISTRICT WEATHER COLD windy weathqr with scallmd Lumime ls ex reeled over mm Ontnxlo oday and Saulday Mva Cold With Snow Area Forecast USED ll 1m on num nun 0mm Opium ny leaml Mldma moonw DEATHS WBECKING MODERN NO ETC human nu Ill unltlo 11 Common public count commlum mnme criuchcd an unnnmrd sort Que BImvflld or lhe prom ll mndu on deal wlh lhu lcdbral puvcrnmcnl Mourlce lulud IndSher hrcokcl uald the ddenco budget mnuId be cut by It least 40 per mm Solltltor General Pennrll unaln refusal Io Elve tho Common lnlormullon on lho new lnvcsllunllon ol pos alblg murky leak In lho mlucsd ml Opposllon Loader Dltlenc balm mon no answcr la quosllon on whether coaslal maps had been annulled lo loggllnptm Nnrlhcrn Lnko Huron Snulh crn Georgian Bay Snonflurrien viih incai rnowsqualis Ind cum 11min coid Wind norihwcsi near 25 Nnrlhern Georgian Elly Iii gomn Sauii 51 Marie Timu gnmi Vhila River Cochrnne Western James Bay North Bay Sudbury iiiasliy cloudy with occasional nnwflurrie and few sunny interval Continuing cold Narihnlsi winds20 to so Cluudy wllh tame sunny pcrlnds law snowflun flu and cold Wind southwest Faxcent ltmnenlum Low overnllhl huh Slimthy Wlndsor 15 sf Thomil Dnvle Fullnn PC Kam lovm mld unlor mllllary ad viml have been cut by he Itmot dtpnrlmcnl ma mmhrd only by banana ro pume and Miller lyp mrm FRIDAY Nov The mmmonu mm 11 conllnua drhale nn ln trrhn buwly The Snuto mmdl munurnm unlll Nu day OFFIOE near Lake Omar lo tonlzhl ngdynorlhwesl 1110 Index Industrial pm dudlon rosa li wlnll in August morning lh down ward trend of mo mvloul hm monlhs It was In nouncmi Prlme Minlsler Pumn cnld he and other cablmt mlnlxtcrn are consldcrln ablllhmml price re virw board Parliament At Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS THLffiSDAY Nut ma the Prairie regions will have colder anther wllh vadahla clnudlnrss naln ending this evening is forecast or lho mmINrM Autumn Mm In 1mm III US FOR Ind lymml Mal Mnhlno and Cllmlllnn 01m Iqulpmnt HwyIn fan tlll Mummy SIMCOE USED Landau Kllchener Mount Forest Wingth Humlllon st Catharine thus mud Figures on the m3 indicate expmod high lempcr nluresloday wrcpholo Murxumosj 3mm Columbia find PIT Minna will cun If 67 is your year to move up to luxury car your timing is perfect Chrysler says beauty each time you see it Chrysler says luxury as soon as you step inside and experience its elegance the richness of its appointments Chrysler says quality in so many distinctive ways Chrysler says 67 so beautifully If this is your year to move up move up to Chrysler kphmlvflufim huh flu94 cwva There was small nlrlm nl llbrary Iflnlr when report of one membu told of an fidenvor 01 some of the County Commit tee to get he local llhurlcs gother and and out just what the alternate suflcsuon In sup One abate was lhu holding of raivpnyers musling in whkh both Council and School Board would acquaint lime oi the public who cared to attend in learn how their money has been spent and what hw go for 1165 Md been bmdnd pmiausiy ln Councii but no date in yet set such meet ing Ii it was put off unLll he auditing wnn comploied it might be more mavenicnt or simuth in be submittedziitrw over any such slalcvmenc nub milled before the tnd oi lho yur would nulurully only be partial summary Soma membcrs of Gouncll ex pressed the oplnlon that such meeting wauld Ml be beneficial to mtcpaym and the nunl auditors statement gulmdh be published lhls wmgld sulllcl the public unlll next namina uons whlch will bu at the end of 1967 HERW AFFAIRS By Innlsm Code wn called ln to sgsslon hurriedly on Wednn day moral general matters were conrlderedi run emgeh to require lmmed Md at mm INNISFIL NOTES Meeting Discussés General Matters JACKSON MOTORS llMITED 100 I40 Indian 51 BIIIIO 0M Ion lo hos Voperillnra public library sonch 1n the township nypnn or Funnows Mlss Maruam CWBn of In nlslll daugmer of Mr and Mrs Frank Cownn who has been selected as Queen me Im mvm gm most Interesting talk at 133an at Scum Simcoe Plowman finkan last mk Sh was commondcd by Deputy Rm Eben Sawyer ing The suxgcsllon coming from MneldemWnl Ihac all thu library commllloos oflhe own shlp meet and have County ofllclul presem lo oulllne the county plum or aimmm viso plan whereby the service can be continued Rem coch nne staked Hunt the Coumy Canmuee MWd meet men wqck am he would make it qudled Mr Eadie lhe provin clal rtprcscntallve as saying no library service would be cut off For years tho loul grant mndg by 019 munlclpnllly vfor llbrarcs has been A325 donn pofllnafllse outlet tho Conn ly plan not adopted M15 Mm Sloan who wu present an another matter wld Gums memberg that Churchul llbrnry had been ndleedlhal lholr ban would be plclwd up ncxl trip round by Lbs CouMy Book moblla She Also advised that lhe annual grunt 91825 hnd no on recelvcd lhat hunch hls was pus lbs meet CHRYSLER NEWYUHKER 300 NEWPORTCUSIUM NIWPUNT MOVE UP ENJOY THE Ihla has net bet melvcd by the mince mn had any mmbcr Cwncll submitted his 93mm story Plum he Ooundl olfice sat and ct her dcpoflmcnla hawe been air mm become pm of the mini the dendllne or waiving mam111 the Home ant 01m Anotharmmer cm In or dismlon at thu 51min meeting the Historical ComA mum mrdslina SQmp 1dn and Miss ery Slnun ap polnled by tho Centennln Com mluee to collect nnd pohllsh thwflcnl review or ramlllns da velopmenu happenings and In cldmu um have occurred In lho lownshlp since the farmer Msmryllwas Wbligstlod llye mwnshlé Centennial Your In 1950 The wmmluee has bgen worklng on Ihls since In inccp Um in June 1065 and has amassed considerablo amount of material However many who promlscd lo cwpcrnta In mpnih that have elapsed slnce than have still no handed In Lhelr mrlcs This lncludzs all members of council Rcwo had hmn personally request to write message to he tens llle lpwnslll whlch 10qu togpgélrby his Inletu When the story appeared in lhlscolumn ths week hut lhe am NWWUM been 5a mflifitlndwmbcaskcdm He néopy Die talk the Histnrlcnl Committee records Equmy DELINQIJENT WAY OF LIFE FRENCH MOTORS Barrio lTD 75 Brndlord SL hull Onl lo BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER cil Look It seriously enough lo ask the mamlea Committee whlchil Canlennlhl proch Ind lubommmee under Ohllr manultoben Cown 101er with Mn Dwight Ncluon 1n nppolnlee he Hlxlorlcll Oom mlflm which had been Mn pomr lo add to their me L13 to cm out In the and meet In and uplnlnwhy 1ha dend 1huo1he Chairman told ol ha mount of work that muned alm the mmeflal melvod and Ihlt the maurlnl new em needed in size 1h numb pa ea or which lemmlvo quo ta on had been obtained that in order lo no Into rlnt 11 wt noccsgnry to end llne or Iho receiving of Cwncll wars told um they cw null and thelr norm how war It was an that In mm Hard Bound with Jack 576 Shel Gonuinc Loaer 450 rnoxm Order from your Bookseller THOMAS NHSON SONS CANADA LIMITED IhI Bible in achievzmenl of the ecumenic movomenl sign of the new Ipiril mung Chrmlnn named lhe Second Vuliun Council In the World Council of Chmdies For he lint time Cuhaliu have an Mildniiy approved English mnsintion din tc¢ from the admins Saipluni languages the Revised Standard Venion best And mosbnocnrnia modem amiauon lnla uglish The Hbly Bible cusruMEF CARE WARRANTY PROIECIS AUAINSY DEFECIS IN MMEfllAlS AND WORK MANSIIIP FOR 24 MONINS 0N 24000 MILES ON THE TOTN CM AND YEARS 0116000 MILES ON THE POWEflvTflMNSUSPENSIUN SIEERINE Nelsons Revixéd Standard Version Cdfholic Edifion SAVE ON GAS 1m worlds rcmrd for econumv is 16u7 mllca to single gallon mended In ms by mmflncd m4 Camold tbs them delinquent aimid net him my special Drivilma the deadline should bu extended lil tii Nov 15 Alter November 15 ltlveiy no mm or til can be accept mm anybody Ev ery weak or month we have mentioned in this column the withth mortimty was wainbe armrm amt name and that of their recorded tor posterity in this supplementary townshp history which will bring township ree gIrda up to Outndnl Centennial enrt

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