Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1966, p. 1

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fRevportDaoust fIs Recovering From Coma Say Bonaventure Pile Of Junk ff 1400F1fioridatibn mwm will lw munitnr Ml cl million not CAPE KINNHIW HI AP The Innr owner unco ma ulmlulul In mm In Jouruoy Inward the moon Sunday II to pwogrnxm rmsihh Aitu or unltmmn mum No Uvnnl Ammaul ml Space Admlnlflrallon roponul hxlny Lam an will fly In lulu Tm rumh lu begin twwwk ml on Mow dmx II mm RMMMM finialgm will mllnl nr my pm but mu rnnlnrom nl Io um Ian mu wlll be Mavlm m1 Honda1 132 3511 HAWMSWLWRZAW lmldm Juthn hm Iurgrry Ihnrfly Mute U8 Nanluilv In my Nuv II In munvr mull Imlh mm hl Ihmul ml mulr pnlulul dilll In lhe mu 1N1 Ivy all MMW yIHIHIn Inlnvw TORONTO CPIA strike by 3500 Metropolitan Toronln nul alda dvlc wurkm that larlcd Thursday appears likely to continue or at lensl week MOSCOW Houlrrn nuuln hm laundqu 1pm hbornlory Tm ncu Money nnnmmm lmlay II mhl lhn lnnonpherlc Inbor nuny Ynnlnr Inumiml in Maker with Ibo help nl minimll room In nlllmdu lo mlln Mcnnwhilc naval mum laid the nflfishbullt Nb marlno Ojibw stationed at mum only nine Jnnuury wm ha lied up for nboul mvrn wok lor cxtcnslvo renal In Kc legungag The Royal Navy has mu ha lubtnnrlm 031d Ialllax as Iompomry rvplnmnem MlAWA CHTho Inward bl Rm nonawnturo Canadn IOID airman carrIu were 66 urlhcd by ddmmdmz xourc Thursday as pllo Junk They sald he Brlllshbulk cnrrlcx wlll be In dryde about lnslcnd ol the planned 11 monlh or mmlr and ml the 100mm shlp mlgm have been will to UV solaward ll rdil mnlrncl had no already been In to Davlo shlpbulldlnz Co 1m 0w He was no longer on he crlL an Us and he spokesman said he could regain consciousness today Nn negotiations nrc scheduled betwncn lho Metro cxecuflvn commlllce and Local 13 Cum dlnn Unlon Puhllc Employees and nu Inlk are expected unul Mxl wank IDflnd Your No 257 MONTREAL CF Jnll bmaker Andre um many repaflcd an th road It rc covory alter daylong bulflo wnh Loam that tollmd It capture spokesman St Luc Has pilal when Dnoust was taken unconsclous Thursda aler hls nrrcsl by provincln polico sold lhc convldcd bank robber was showing aim nl snapping out of com and re covurlng mm the Heel on and nn apparent overdose barblturulrs Dunusls mldnlghl capture westvend mole cndcda us mnnlh series 01 nunbaule and escapades and Dams mum Expect Walkout In Toronto To Last At LeastA Week wmnmnron Irv Russia Launches Laboratory Launch Lunar Craft Sunday WILLNOT CAMPAIGN The local rcvresonl garbage Johnson Facing Surgery LATE NEWS zrumlmrcmnumr hour Joinmm plumm um um kn hmth gm fim In MWI llnxunfl Ibo nur my name Hum polyp ml In corml In Inrhlunnl hunll arciubn An mlfiuu prhmévfi In rthlkm In In mum IIIOIIT ll pulij lu Hm ulynnl Mm Mann Iny Ma mm hum In urrllrnl uni lws In that the Mamie acts In qumdqe unrdscs will not be Industry Mlnklfl Drury In cm the Common Wain day that repairs or the non venture will cost more than 13000011 Mend tho orlx Innl cstimllo at 06000300 1M flamme mnt at out of drydock unlll Septemher 1061 lnmnd April mix lnnlly pllnnod hn enlv been to 10 ahead wth mm mm althouxh tantrum have not yM been let wgu cos 1000000 Salmon uld there has Ilsa been haul in he deform do palimam over whdhcr Lho Planned program or our my planned program or our new djnmvgn My be scrappog Gnrblne vmlchbunn plllnz up in Toronto appeared In be £113 only lncnnvenlenco or the 600000 any resident re Bull of mu slylkg Thu 12 suburban munldvnli llu Moira whcro nnolher 1000000 persons live have indo pcndcm than removal mv icea and an unaffected nIexln lrrulunnl Ill month after Ms June es cape Dnoust was nneslcd In NH Brunswick but he escnped from jall there after ilunlnx 11 mm wlth lead pipe The hosplla spokesman said ll hl condluon cuntlnue to In prove Dnousl could ho out has llnl and back to cell ear next week collectors Ilrccl Khulnlcnancn men and water work Ind sew nug employceg pollw guard Wu at tho door the lnlcnslvn care unit when Dnousl WA bclnx kcpz It was from the same hm pllalwheru ho had been taken ram lhu pcnllcnunry or Iron mcnl of an Injured handhut he made fined hh mun rum fouryear menu or robbery at unburan calm popululra credit unlon In 1965 ally eluded raids by police who muted to put hlm back In the penllcnum coll he led Juno 16 hAIInLnl hm dlflh Eh flarfiPiExamimr Memo Mlninlrr llvllyrr hl born lln lnrlnl Norm all from bulk Conltrvh tlvo nwl va DcmounUc rnrllu hut Emmy Mlnlxm ruln IInI been drunlnu mp pnn rum Ianlvrunvul nlml plpellnu Illnclu Irnm Um DI Jo haan ML hummth wuh umrlen shout he lllm bl lhq IMflk mu he Cnmpflld Wmlnwfnyjim Tm mm may tml hll umllnx newt Ila m4 flu worMIvm will Ink vllm In In ll mm Mm Ii munlm my Imnl lmlzo Mum In mmr In Ilw mum of um pm on Hm rIIH we my mm umin mar mm wuld diuwm mm mm to lnlcrlm luppli mm Mr chance lo upon on any loplc Ihty ch00 but nlncn lhn do bah Ilnrted Monday it hnl Muck malnly In dclrncv nnd lhn prawn cunltrucllon lhmuxh tho US TrnruCanmlu IIpo Llnu Ltd lecnml rmwcll nnlurnl an plpcllnn Ilml Im chtury Ihll iuyrrn uld Jvlmmn mud Ma nwllml MHMMIKM In Iha White Home HIMan rmm Thumlny hllu lhcro wnl no lotup ln Ihn nllencmallannl nxrmnuu Dolmen Liberal and Cnnservm llvo nponkurl nllendnnre In the Common Ilarlnd dwlndllnu lhm appeared lo be llllln dnnlcr lho dehnlo would run on long enough In lam Inn luv rnmnnl lno llnnnclnl crlall When lln next payroll come duo In tho Inlddlo ol lho manlh 881 mofioy hfll In linnncn lha overnmcntn November wond Ill OTTAWA CmThu chano Inlczruxlon dlupula drnxnd on ur tho auth cumccullvo dny Thundn ma Commons can llnucd clung the $17 THIS LATEMODEL car was one of twa dammed Thursday IILcrnooon when high wind INTEGRATION POLICY HitlerType Purges Used Fulton Charges GAlEFORCEWINDS snow ASHONTARIO firm mer mntmw In mum and drnwm wu Mlmu Truhm er DI dun mud wmrmlnn Im eulnr Ml rmnlly and wvrnm Eu murmi ml the dado hum Hulda mnmmmlul mr my Dnvlo lullan PCKamloopx led lho allan an defence whllu Alvln Hnmlllon PC QuAp ptllc ltd he plpcllne delence Mr Fullon chlrud um tenlnr military Idvmn ha LEADS ATTACK Thcso bnluo line were maln lnlncd Murlduy pawn Wm WNW NW bélnu 19de Vén Mnio Unlverslkv Avmuo 111 can Slurlrnll Bul mm lh Buirlo Ohmic Candi FrldayNov4 1936 TODAY Ana Linch Clly Newt2 CIIIIIlltdN ll ComlrIO DIIlllcll lulhIIl Ndflotllll KnuthH ll Tnnlnl anmenAl TV Untlnlnl Vulhrrlo The Examiner HERES ONE 1m 01 MI Ilsa lnImII TWOWEEK REST Anni lhc mnmuw um nmuum nmdnnl Impnth ume the ma Ihnl han dled II bluilpr mum mt lb pun blldlnfl Bu nu Mm Jnlmuml all nddrr ml hldnry pinn In Whom mlum wtrm lion on 1mm Ilium flu uvln Adnnrmlk Imxr fur num IlAI Johnuni Mm HM Ilme In mm mu pop Iron my UnaL Mildlva 111fivnfMlon of lhg Iqgllm her IV rkfinnnmdml 01 min whim fihfdvllll Fulton wn envlnl llw lmpm um um lam mlmm men had tho 9mm TM um may homxl Hie inn Mm MI um cvrr punt ehxywfm mm qmnfloM wlrhad lmih $1M been 1de rnlo mulcth onl by bunnnn republlc and lllllerlypa purges Mr llcll yer had llrnd or mud the early rcllremenl ovary unlur Idvlscr who was crvlng ln 10M whcn hll pnllcy ol nrmul force lnazrullcn was llnt nnnuunccd Thu lormur Conxcrvmlva Jus llca Ind work mlnluor de mnndrd lhn lhu Commnm dc fence commluco ho allowed lo tunvcnn and cull any dulrnd wllnm lo at tho lncln about me maralo Ind present lec Ilvmn Cnnndnl delenco lumen 11 Conscrvallvel hm been rmlnfl lor mmmlllco hourlan lore lllo Common live up and rendlnnapprnvnl ln prln clploln lhu unlllcnllan lash llon Thu governmenll pmlllon II In drlay cammlllao heurlnn unlll nllcr muml roadlnn Dnvlvl iron 1lrVlrlnrlnl lormor navy rnpnln Inld Mr Fulton wu enylnl llw lmpm were on parkinz adjourn uw demolition pmjoct CP erephota About 100 the crashed Into the camp In the first 51an And another 201 30101le during Imnd harrnxu Hound dawn 15 cununlllu Wm descrle BM SAIGON meme VIM Con xucmllm rninrd mom lhnn loq monnr Ihclls on US Infnmry brllmkv band do In Eiho Cumbodlnn border curly Hr ny US milknn spokumnn mid more won two lunch in about three hours on ha mm leM lrlanfiry dyad camp hm mile on Tuy Nlnh City nln NAVY Mk lmflnl than lmrchlll Mal Mu um Mince1 lily lldl Arml on BRISBANE Australia MP Roller snip sleamtd today lo ward the U5 submarine Tiru round on not 300 miles oil the northeast cons of Aus tralia The sub reported mum of 50 men was injured and lhu ship ML In In no Immcdlmo mixer nlo Hru was reporlcd lodged on Frnderlck Reel In an Com Sen duo ml Pork MncKIy and about 75 mlm the Gran Barrier Reel US naval nulhorlllu 1n Hu wall laid tho crew made an un wmssful ullcmpl to non the Iubmnflno nl hllzh lids Ihorlly nllnr mum115557 Thorn US Amps wcro cx pied Al the mm nhoul noon Al lcnsl hrco death ware ul ulbulcd lo the mrmy wenlhcr and fourth person was re ported mlsslnz In Lake Ontario Wlnlcrs Hut snowstorm swept into saukhurn Onlnrlu Thursday on wind uusflnz lo 65 mllc an mm mm eastern Quebec and the Maritime were drenched In heavy rain that caused rlvcr flooding In Onlnflo lhe we arc wind and mow camcd wido Relief Ships Race Toward Grounded Sub Viet Cong Launch Border Attacks By THE CANADIAN PRESS Winters First Storm Snarls Traffic Power Stormrtlnlul deaths Includ In Iva In heavy mlmwrm In NawEnzlnnd mum II Inn 31 In le Ilnlu Mall of Ihe In InIIllu were In IrnIIIc ntcldznu on mamcovcml And Ity Muir way ImI Iomn loath wm mused hy hum mack thla Ihgvrllnk mQW Snow mullsand hlzh wind mnllnund curly why In no up per Ind mlun Grout mm Thu llul duprcnd annr annwnorm n1 lho lemon left as much as 15 Inch Hum In part Kmlucky Ind Iho mow all Ioulhwnrd an far Ulrmlnzhnln HUFPALO NY CPMA crlnpllnx Inownorm Hruck wldo nrenl ho cuslcrn United 5mm Thurldny nlghl nnd only today and quad Ill fury lnlo xoulhanstcrn Onlulo Culd weather perslslul even In the deep Ioumurn slnlts Tembérniures were froman in the flood ma and Inowfluh Hg werq pxpgclu lodqy Tho Prairie provinces Quebec and British Columbia received guly paineranownil aqd winds were iéneral rim 1°71an ryesllo lhq WcsLQDasl gogny lhe eastern reg an Que bec at least lwo death were blamed on heavy rain that caused and on numerous smnfl river flowlnz Into the St Lawrence The deaths camu whm two cars plungcd Into blz hale lnrmcd by flood water Lngne rurnl yond The flood have also mulled In evacunllon resident mm at has lwa communities and darnan to house and olhcr hulldlnzl EXPECI SNOW TODAY Turrenllnl Fain lalo flirde at Saan John NIJ caused cun spread blackout Ind powerlint ilreS Up to 12 inches of snow fell in some areas disrupting highway trunk and weighing down power line Vhlla the Niagara Penlnsuln was he hardesthit area snow fall was widespread lhmuzhout the provhwe storm estab lished ov mh or snowlnll marks with 113 inches at Wind sor and 128 Inches al Sudbury Storm Cripples Eastern US Nov MdrrThahloc Par Copy lGPlgn yin the norm wm power lullnru lhnl llmpomlly dluuplcd nloclrlcal fllVlCI la upwards of 15000 cmlamm In and um Nlaxnm Fnlll My phone and lclelype Iervlco to the ma nlxo Illulod hrlcny wn water urvlu uhcn clrclrlmlli parId pump wm IKL Slnlo pollcu nld randclmlnl oxmnllum um hampcmi by gfimcruul Ibnndancd Iulamnv c1 Near Belluvfllp lo yelr nld McCullen ol Colbeurna Ont was repnrlcd mlxslng In leI Dmnria pmvindnl Mk liter and lwn othar men had la mde by an RCA hell umig Shea the ImullJmlln by were mrchhu nr McCullen capsued Then were 20 Gm Lake lrclnhlujlanchond In the St Marys River on Saul Stl Maric riding out the Mn mmc through lhu Welland nal wns hallcd al pm EST Thursday allowing In maxnoon blizzard thunder lighlnlnx Ind mow Rahal McRne 21yearold Nmnra Falll common worker dlcd beneath can creteblock wall blown over by 42mlleInhnur wlnd alnn Hmvlm Inuw wn con llncd lo narrnw be along lh laulheaslern lhurc Ah Erie In Ncw York fills up In sown Inchol ol mow ell nonh Minuflnla Thu Nlnzm Fnlll Iron hon Illa brunl the Item will lhrce Inches wow reparlcd In Um my and up In elm lnchu In mm Nlnalrn Counlyl rurnl muons Record low dayllmo temper Ium lnr Nov Wm recorded In mm mm Onllrln cellalian ma CPM entln run 5mm between Ihe my and Mnnlrenl Many pull of the mute were threatened by hlgh wnlcr In the mm of Maine Regular service was la resumn lnrdghl Twenty 00 Wave In Lake Erie near Port Dover 0nL am $50000 ollshore drllllnl rig from lelescoplnz lay Ind flonlcd ma deeper water PAGE TWO

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