Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1966, p. 5

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up lo next years council but he elk the work wnuld be dam next your when pmvision could bu made In the budget NEW PAVILION AllisWns cemomla byhrw covers $11400 whldl includes new mvluon at Rvcrda1o Park and floodling for tho ball dia mond Allbton wumil will mm 13 of mu cost and the fed emland pminoia gmcmrmms willshm he bahrm wally It anticipated The councillor anld his com miuce didnt have lhe muney lcn In its own budget ex Aplnlnod the manor now would be Councillor Dickey was asde View on pruposnls lo change lho Allislon parks admlnlslra GUTHRIE Slnfl Knark ed 1an by vnndnlx ho Mont lo wxuldcmblc climblnl to do large Hormhoc Valley dun MI be reassembled lnr dlrw lloxlnl nuldnpcu or malorlm musl be noun plr bocnusb didnt hear lhrm at all hul luuml It down In lhu morning uld Gordon CnldA MI nhn hm on lhu llnneshuu Vullcy road here Vandals Sought In Guthrie Area We are golng ahead wlth lm pravcmcnu to the ball dlamands and elller work and lt would have been nlce to do thk lnnd scaplng at the same tlme sald Councillor James Dickey4 chalr man ol the parks commlttee Hul when we were told cen tunnlnl money wouldnt be avall able we had to call it all or the present It was unlortunnlu ln way we land everylhlnu ur rnnged to proceed ALLISTON 5mm Alter havlng been Intelmed it would not qualify for centennial grunt the Alllslon councils parks com mittee has post nod plans 101 landscaping Anks the jam River here Simcne Countys duhy prin cess M15 Marlo Fisher at Holly Holt shown with three her county duhy ann ceases rSandm Downuy VI Boyne Landscaping Delay at Alliston Waanae ful lflgf Miae AMBUSH DAV color Shrvlng Hugh OBrlm Mickey Roomy COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESSES Thu len wn placed on um Caldwrll arm by hll hnmo lcm pnrurllyrlur anfa lcculnu But now that we are adopting fiveyear cm hr the muncfl the staggered system wlll hnvu lo he abolishcd to save annual clccllon expense 1th le mean the commission will have In all stand at the sam limo In Mun IMPROVEMENTS member of the Allislon coun cil or the past two years Cunn clllor Dickey polnled out many improvements were made mrerdnle Park alncu he was thanmm He gnvn crcdlt lo d1 Look lhls he ulld he showed clam or nine Inch screw naIIx which were rcmuml nb vlously nl cunsldcrnhle film This kind vnndnllsm no lunny or umuslng In any way and Jun hum lhe culprits are rnughl The Idea separate com mlsston rcpresenllng the Public Utfllttex Commlsston demo crnllc slnce the members are all clnctcd two mmmtssluncrs each year and the mayor An nppninlcd inward is fine when the right members we serving but the system inw ing the ratepayers inconlrnl is better he maintained This is ihn case whcn commiiicu oi the elected council is in charge The usual board setup has two councillors on but the major ny are uppeimed An entirely elected board would be more no capable tle from committee of coun cil In separate board It ts matter tor the ratepayers but wnuld think they would prefer an elected admlnlstratlve sys tem he said stntlng tn thts way the tantra rcmnlns wIth lho ratepayers lorla County Karen Stewart Polcrbarough County and Mar Uyn Benny Ontario County The cow was chosen reserve grand champion Holstein 1t NOW SHOWING 645 830 SII Mallnu pm Miss Caro arer Ilamil on was guest of Mr and MEL Mcll flown aver lhv week By MIKE TERRY REDEKAII SOCIAL pleasant ima was mle Friday night In the 100F Hull Lucky drnw winners were quilt Miss Phyllis Rownlrce pillow cases lL Craven Toronto lun chcon cloth Miss Randy Zimba Torvnto Refreshman conclud ed Ihe evening Mn and Mrs Earl Trace Mrs Langman and Mrs kn lelt at the end of me week or hulldny In Florida Earl Can patient In St Michaels Ilcspila Toronto 10 FLORIDA Mr Purchase Aurora renowcdjrlcndshlp here Friday We are very proud of our park he said in reference In its picnic swimming and nih or recreaihmal faciiiiim 50min Simcae pioneer museum in he lurmlr Aiiision Inir building which is located at the park also had In busy year Rlvcrdale Park was the scene of the annual wardcns banquet In August when more than 1000 mare guests at Warden and Mm George Mchguc leren resldenlk and organiza Lions or heir Interest and as slstnncc tail Jélry queennmia nah your male at Patelborough recent mam be erm Gm qofipeilnz for in In ginnnv nlo mm dullclomly diluanl Tlm uniquo llnvm nnd dunk11 nmhm calm am an origin mclpu IIMIUMM by IIIIIIIEII IIIIIIIER ELMVALE 0mm ALE Wllsnnl luv 92 vaml MI Met season of lmlrucllon the flmskatcm finish the season with their own show Mr Hill said Ihls would he held award Ihe and at March or early THE BAREIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1966 ELMVALE Siam with much interest and on slasm shown already Eimvnie inn skating club is oil to good start The iigure skaters have been allotted ice iime imm la pm on Mondays and 11 to on Saturday niiernonns at the Elmvaia and district com munlly cenire It was slated by Dnugln iiiIL manager Tim arrangements were madu ihlinygh Mrs Sinnlg Huiinin In nddlllon lo the figure skat here has been much mJn nr hockey activity The minor can be seen flu local rink on Tuesday Wednesday and Frl day nights The local hockey lea xua apexales on Thursday whllo With council which ellecl daroduofimhtaxesaiu time when most munlelpallllea had inclems there has been talk an acclamatiun Reeve Herbert Hughes for mer county warden heads the council with the unusual retard whlcll saw the gcrtbralrcslden on rate minced from 6582 Sn 196610 6460 mills Commercial ratepayers pald on 7161 mill rate year ago and this was reduced to ma cgoxsgown my AREA charmed Wencch bugtbs BRADFORD Staff West Gwllllmburya first noulnallon In twn year will be held on Sm Illday afternoon Nov and onsaturday Dec ll Vfir 05th Ire Irvin the gate was up mmnm dun Figure Skating Club Off To Good Start Rt Elmvale Talk Of Acclamqtion In est Gwillimbury ONTARIO TRADE CRUSADE Nov3Nov12 Holpyoursolf and your communityto proparity ahop for It Look fbr MndolnCunadn label on ovary product you buy or nak tho clork If Its Cnnndlnnmudo You will be buying oxcnllont quality You will also be helping to keep our Its DISTRICT NEWS EImvaln Lion club was ma terial assistance to the 15m skating club when it was first organized The club has been such success it has been able to look aner most of own needs There inc cmfimunlly splrlthere said Mr Hill who mived lo this village from Wye vn VI nddmon to Iervlnz ar cnn manager Mr mu operate rcsmuranl business In this vil age Mnnday being reserved for 011A hockey Hernia Rama who work an 13X Blue Borden has been busy wig hocfiyflnmqgemgnh Mr H11 and there has been much Initial Interest In lkallng aince Iha aruflclnl Ice will in stalled with parllcularly good crowd nn Saturday and Sunday angntwnn Deputy Move Keith Lanyard wu West Gwlmmbnryu other count representative while the mm 1101 In Orvillu Hughes Imhur Wflxht and Stan Cairns afJ Meredith clcrk In clecflnn will be for ye tefms again Beside the oouncll the school board members also lace an election Louis Neflly chair man and the other imam ln elude vaJune Brawn Jack Joe Gordon and Davis general reduction put West GwlI llmbury much in lhoapolllzm when munlclpal lax me were reviewed Tholmdfoxd High Mm baud rate was 1520 in mi demmdlbareawlfileuwcam menial rate was me These midonu in the Allbbon HM said two Mm Ray Hall of Gemng Ind Waller Hall Sn Erin were Sunday visitors at the Mme Mr and Mn Waller H511 MM VINE Sympathy expressed to Fred Viney nnd fnmlly 1n the dam of Mn Viney at her hwrne 0d 27 Mrs Vlnvy the tanner Ma bel mm was Mons ml dcnt of community and We membey of NWAFluA WI large nmnbcr of Mend and nelxhbm mended Ihe unml he James Lynn Funeral qupe Elmvnle Cllne Bawn and lamlly attended anniversary ser vlco ll Gulhrle United Churh and afterwards vlsllcd the home 01 Rawna alhtr An dy Bartholomew POSTPONED WI mombm please take note The annual fowl supper wnlch was to have been held In Edm valo hull mcsdny evenlng Nov has been postponed two Mela unkll Nov 22 ML and Mrs John De Gnr ter John and Harry and Mr and Mn Ollne Em and Larry alended the club banquet lnjlmvalg 99minch 111a genera township rnlq aver whichme had control WI 650 mm commmlnland only 370 mldenllal in oomparimn with 713 and 499 BNB ago rah or county purpose wmp from 1131 lo 1443 mllII but the local council took ad vantage of Ike economy effect Ied by the MM taking over assesxmenl costs ur the year and weflare or part at the your Mr and Mr Haroldsmuh mid Don spent the weekend with rambles ln Twang School am paid on rm 30m commercial und 3700 resA ldenlial ch GENERAL mm By MRS WANLESS Mr and MmEvexctt Edwards vtdlod recenfly Balm with Mrs m2 Gena 52W Mra Herb Crawford Nlaim FnIll Mrs Lioyd wllcox St Calharlnes Mn Gordon Hm men And Mm Norman Rawn Shayner were rcccnl mum on Em VH SWE NEW FLOS oconomv buoyant thats whoro your noxt rulao maycomo from Look foryourmorchnnta SHOP CANADIAN banners and dluplnyu Whon prlco and quality are oompnroblo SHOP OANADIAN It mean hotter bunlnm and butter living for you Pun GOVERNMENT TRADE OR FOR UAW ANDQVALUE mumuxnuummmmmgg By MM NASH Synwnthy oi the community ts extended to M1 and Mrs Doug las 6dede and family Mr Goodhands mother cited luddcn Xy heart attack two weeks ago Last weakend his brother also suffered fatal heart sen urn 17139 pupll ol Forest Hill Schno enfoycd Halloween dunno In dhursl community haH Music MfdfiuEsl communlt haH Music 15 guppjled bylu Invpdcru Tire KEITH ncled anps hnpm Miller weekend wen Sharon Gnlbrallh Doncldn anh and Sylvia Frankcom Sundny Nov at oclock Mldhurst Unlled church lho Menl Club of Mlncslng pastoral chum wlll hold their opening mecllng or the fall Everyone Ls welcome Ladle are lnvllcd ls guests Russell wlll show slide and glve common Door Prizes WIUKE WING YOU HAVE EMS 1H SVPERAEMH SHUT UP SW5 BARBIE TEEN TOWN at like EMBASSY SAT Nov 830 pm NEWS OF MIDHURST THE HURBLEYS RISING SUNS Ihis week featuring week Nov 12 feayuring Elfim and fish he made this September Mrs Gorley of Scarbah wish spent Iew days last wuek Vlsnur at Manlcllhn Sun dny warn her brutherlnlaw Ind lslor Mr and Mrs Ron Cook olflDamnscus Vishnu wllh hm lo DAnllo warn her daughlm and am lcs Mr and Mrs Coleman nf Beetnn Mrs pohum Ind Iamlly Mn and Mn Mc Ncll gll af fluronlo gry on Ihg Egrlgulgurnl gut Sunday vlsllors at Mr and Mrs Chnnnens Wm thelr chlldren Dr and Mn Chum mm and Inmlly of Windsor Paul Onkvllle Ruth of Scar borough LAC Michael The ter will be going to Germnny nuxl month NOW SHOWING Future al 700 Ind 930 pm By MRS MONTEITH Dreu Casual

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