Need Uniform Yardstick For Detecting Impairment Barrie Examiner Nov 1931 Rev it Beverley rector of Trinity Angli can Church appointed Archdeacon Sim coe County Pratt lnnlsiil lost valuable silver fox which escaped from ranch But it was back in eoop next morning having decided to return after night of freedom Edmund Hardy organist and choir leader of St Andrews Church announced concert later this month to feature two former local art ists baritone Wishart Campbell of CFRB radio fame and Reginald Godden len ist with his keyboard partner cott Malcolm Seven patients died in fire which swept through dormitory at 0n tario Hospital Penetanguishcne Su preme Court in Barrie packed daily for trials of two men charged with murder of liildland woman another from South Simcoe charged with patricide Only 10 men from Barrie will be allotted to unemployment relief work in Northern Ontario on new TransCanada Highway Kroject Barrie Womens Institute card address by Mrs Kate Aitken oi Beeton on The New Woman CNR local superintendent ll Cavanagh stated proposed cuts in passenger tra service not official At Sasos Roxy Theatre mighty movie spectacle The Birth of Nation featuring 18000 people and 3000 horses At Garretts Capitol Norma Shearer in Free Soul with Clark Gable Leslie Howard and Orliila Packet and Times The vast majority of us have never rid den on the back end of motorcycle or the front end of surfboard yet here we are pack at middieaged teenusers swing the talk the dress the tastes and tie ehavior ot handiul oi mopheads who do is there anythingi more iuil ieroux than stylish matron mlninkirt booln or deadpan makeup Is there anything more pathetic than bank President writhing about in what he be ieves to be The Monkey Can there be any ho for mature adults so cnught up in cnmp lilai they spend their lels ure watching the televised lnanitles bninlen lniklng rnrs witches monsterr and other inninuies from the world at kids comic slrips Granted we llve ln an ugly ago an era junkyard seulnure pop arl kllchcn xlnk drama and my lenlm nslllonl llul must we also be nssalled every turn by raucous rhythms of hlzarrc hcnlnllm ln televised commerclnls Munl we be forever luran on endlessly ngogu llllul our whole soclely be geared lo lho level of the adnlmcnl lllo hlp lnlk Iho narrow in the polnlcd loos lho Hnwrnmn rmummx vou However the Sault Daily Star to 015 that check made by the Dom nion Automobile Association in several Eur opean countries provides perfect illus tration of the wide difference oi opinion amongst enforcement agences about the point at which motorists ability to dlriv loompelemly becomes impaired by co ln Austria driver may have the cqul valent of three bottles of beer and stlll legally drlve In Belglum its flve bot tles Denmark three bottles Finland three bottles Iceland bottles Swlt zerland three bottles Sweden five bot tles West Germany five bottles 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN When is drinking driver impaired This ucstion has dpuzzled legal minds for on time an no dniinite answer segins to ayg bgengile T0NT01110 linlnrln Ill lir anl Tnulul haw mm mll In hrnr mnumlmry warm mlurullnn In Um ulumll Imw In muulrr ulwl Mnr lhr lmlrrl ulll Iiml Mlh Hum womlnl In mm um um lmlnllh Atlvwnllul rnmwlwry lll rlauu unuld mm Iu II lurHIIwHy lumrvmu mm nu Inn Man lnr klmlnpp lm Th lrpavlmrnl n1 Mlumllnn aislnl num nltwllnn ul lmhm Ilul II In mull only Hnuvl min mm ml hMlUI wImaiiuu mm MM ml Iho avauI um Irull Wane Ivm dni human QUEENS PARK Walk Publlsher rvlninly 41 My my 1112 38mm Examiner Expect Slow Moves Toward Sex Education ON OIHMIN ADULTS SO CAUGHT UP HIIII Vin In lhe Innm n1 Mumllnn OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publlshed byGanudlan Newnpupm lemd 16 Bnyfluld Strut Barrle Ontario lsher WIlson DOWN MEMORY LANE Mthmon Managing Edltor wansrgun NQV 1m PAOE1 mm mul no Wm hr Um ImMnl un mum armn And by mud In um kill mmth la uma War lurm Aml imlnrlm MnM lumu may Irrlnn in mm Imlr Inl IlW1YIl UTIJN ll urn an mllllne nl Ill Ink mun unalnlny ml rrwndutllvl mum AM llw mum Mun mu nllcml ml hm mod Mum plmlm Wm Imn Ihnmih Il may hr ll mm nullity lho mnnnnwnl wnl mu mn rompulwn Aml mflilrllm mm mom 14 all mu Th nhoo InaKm mum rrl rum uuunwunmmr NM It might even be inferred rather loose ly of course that the standards Judg mem of culpable impairment bear some relationship to lhe degree of austerity or tolerance which ha come to be regard cd is national characteristic in each of these cases Isnt ll nboul time we ï¬rcw up Isnt It llmo we loll 0H dms ng and lalldntg and danclng and behaving llke our chl drenl lsnl ll time we rccognllcd camp and 0p and Pop for he adolescent escapism hey are nnd left the dance floor wdtldngn lo lllc truly young Isnt ll time we loll the nlghl mare Jungle ol lho adolescent or the ln Ilnllcly more rewarding world of the adult mnlum world at onto more dlg nlllcd and loss formalized Lionel Barrymore SimcoeForesiera Regiment Iplan Military Ball at Barrie Armoury ov 11 Major Gordon Long man announced Alex Milne Sons mens clathiers began Going Out of Business sale Rev Black of Col lier St United Church addressed Barrie Ministerial Association New neon sign over Simmons Co store greatly enhances appearance of Barries main St Des ite fine play of goalie Jack Walsh anies box lacrosse team lost Tߣounty League matches to Aurora and Bradford this week 109 and Jimmy Simpson John Dobson Les Hook Sandy Ness and Biondy Wiles listed as best players for Barrie on offence Barrie road race team weakened for an nual match against Orlllia YMCA due to Kenneth Houghton having appendix re moved in Royal Victoria Hospital How ever Lloyd Partrldge Lloyd Delaney Bart Simmons and Joseph Hipkin ex pected to take up slack Final football game between Barrie Collegiate and Col ingwood will feature great kicldn duel between Bill Dyment of locals an Jack Portland oi shipbuilding centre Barrie quarterback Maury Stransman with fine passing may turn Lidoin favor of coach Alex Cockbuma team President Crom ton Lewis presided for Monday mor ng assembly at BCI After Henry Sims and Bill llare described Saturdays football game against Oriilia Principal Girdwood made comments kooky dances of the junkies and the surf ers the blackjackels and the beatnlks Are we all teenaged swingers Who are wch klddlng On retlecllon one sees that we are the vlcllms ot the copywriters and promoters the kingmakers of our tlme Thls rela tlve handful 0t huckstm and hustlers ls obsessed wlth the cult of the adoles cent and the lmage they have created of the ldeal North Amerlean adult that god In whose llkeness we tancy we all are made ls that of an ageless swlngen an eternally arrested adolescent doomed to llvo the lrenettc llte teenager un til atlll gamer tmglng he alnks lnto the wave and ls bur ed with copy of Play oy tn hls hand cool eat of the Penal generatlon In Norway they get reall tough on elbowbendcrsn driverw is rated impaired on an intake of more than two bottles of beer gets 30 days in jall and oneyear licence suspension And If the Norwe lan refuses to submit to police in test he loses his licence for Anyway its paradoxichi that as these figures show driver ie aliy sober in one country would with aif the same alcoholic content be rated unfit to drive in another country iwp yeam flm Nme mm city In lhe munIry Ilul Iho pmhlpm II in chunml ll lh um projth Ith Ill run he dun ll Ilu muln out mum at he Mun Not on lluIIIl wllh romplm um mural hu Ind numn Ilfll IL Thur nrllun ll Hum pawl Mm up mm In luuuun Am lhn Illlnl or any mlnn mmhl In on In Irmlrnrr Inhnp lh mull pullnml lvll Inlulmlllon mm mm ml of Ihl 101 nl tonlurnu uvlullln lnnlylll Iy um Ihn vnflvqul mlnltlurp Dr Ill rm luouilhl ml MI Ihlio lflllll In pmlucln1 you ol low mun mm General Manager rmn 1m flip flunk Exumlnr IiiHA1 HKM aimmumummxzamamn muanaz The vurpm ol lha soder In cncournne and extend inu mt In an accurate knwlcdgo of tho art and menu of hml ryl Irmoryl lqmily Emory qu to Canada It prlvnle an xnnlmlm In no way ofllclnl does not or Induce pam 01 the College of Arms In Enu Xlfld whlch II branch royal houuhnld But with Ml Kndmendcncu tho Ioclny no lo ymmalc howled of hu mm and even to cncauuzo Clnudlnm la uqulrc arms lhrouih lhl lnulully osllblkhcd procrsm Thu young soelety only 19 eelvcd tta ederat charter ot tn eorporattnn recently yet today the mmberlhlp has readied E1 representtng every provtnm ex cept Nbertu nnd ts expected to pass the 500 mark qutekty Farmer gavernorccnernl Vn ten Massey hnl accepted In poxttlon at hunerary pmtden dry nnno lnmfly Male and ldnadmi guerch thymine Mnekny Ih nrlmMo Can Idu Archb Ihop Howard cum the ncwxpnper nub that Lord Thornton of Heel Sennlor Hormnn flurry Mac OTTAWA An lmvmsm numbcr of dullnzuished Cana dxam from Ind near wh md In 01mm or the Inaug urll mount of The Heraldry Soclcty of Canada La Socleu Hmlmque du Canada on Oct Tllr lull ilnlc of rlllrm mu rlrcled the inaugural mm lni and Includml Cnnmllnns Mm have mndn llulr mark every Held The honorary vlcerpmldenu lntludo he nsllllcultnanlv vv mm Onlnrln Hun Kc Icr C51 ronimé Du WIZLIrKNUWNMl HEM Sennlor Hormnn 1m Muc hmin lmmtf pmlcnl OTTAWA REPORT Manlw ul Ill EmHun Dally Nuwnm lulvlllml Anxmkm ho Mmflm Im In mm 1mm Circulation 11 Omanl Im in ehuivnly milled la the hr muwkn 01 Ill new dl ln flu Dip ml Aulharlud mood clan null IM mm Depmment mam ml or plymml 04 man cnh Dally Sunday And tummy and rurmd Mlhmmlm um daily vy mrrw 05c umkly mm ymly fisz mm 10¢ ml nrrlo um ymly Marin Ilz ymr mom Umde ym Mn mt hl Walk IN WM fill lldr Canada ï¬rmh pawl plum 1m UAM and 1mm mn OHM HI Urdurally Au Twyla mo CnUumrl Mammal M71 m7 ufll lomln s1 Vmwm M7 la mAuWal Im MM uni ma ha In 11de thud IIy PATRICK NICHOLSON AND WHATS WRONG WITH THE MODEL WE HAVE Heraldry Society Drawing Interest The on 5L Jam hr key to Mwnlml Once ell lhm wu nmhlnl Io Ann Manl lnmery lrom mmhlnl Inlo Mnmrm 5n Guy Cnrlcton mummm mm mm In ledl knw lhln ml wher 0an down the rim lo Idem Quobec lhl muluL Jun In no npiuml wily ll wu delemkd Mljnr 0mm lmtun who mum lulm plloon ll Ramh layHuh Ind 90 Inmllnn lellI under In dn minim Thg or he out lhnmh Summer girl inbrr Ml nu Mud r1 Chum My luuhrr down he Iver mm KIHm hawk Curldnn In Mantra lry In In rnlu lam mm pnmllh In New mn but lb mllIIu wu llwl 94 Inner who mod mum III III ham In brlnl In lhll mm and ml 1mm ulw nrml One 91 In MM flnlnl lec Cam In luwml the WM mmly m1 urnd hll mm not In Imam 1hr call to Arms 0M mill mlluln an under ï¬hnrm mum at Mammal Med In rm lhu lawman and mu Mnerlum ALILI tnlugurnl meetinl Ibo memhm launched the new sn ctety with In appropriate Ihlva titttr was drnttad and 114 patched to Prime Mlnhter Pent son to protest Iznlnst the now crnmentl declared Intent to re move the cell of arm ot thu laverelxn nt Canhdl Item the post mica bulldtngs and Imcks Stnca both the pmcnt and tho tmmcdlnte past nwcrnorgcn ernt nre members at thh cttty thtl may unk as ths llru occaslon tn Clnndtln hhtnry when prtme minister has been Cmndn wn nurly churtd by lhe Unlled sum urly In the Amcrlun rcvoluflonary war on Nw 1773 the or 51 Jun mm 51 Johnl Qua on Iha Urhnllw River wul rup lurrd by Gentrnl Montgomery Trn day In Genml hub dial Arnold who had mmhcd an Irmy mom me MM Mnlnv wu Imlexlnu Quo her rorlunnlrly tommuncl llunn wt Ia alvw um nellhrr Montrcnl nar Quzbec kntw whnl was hawmlnu each olhcr or murnle mlxhl hIVI crumpch tompleloly mid Dr Cluny Mncpheunn Ngyfoundlgnd and others The pmldent Alan Eeddoe wall known Across Canada II ho mnn responsible lur llle cw nflun ol the beautiful Books of Remembrance In our national war memorial chamber In ha Pence Town hm Amen the membErl are ConnorGenera Georges Vanler Capt Mlngomcency lrurn NS Col Frank McEncmen Tor nnto John Matheson MP of Brothills and omen ADMONISH PEAHSON CANADAS STORY US Nearly Took Canada In 1775 By no BOWMAN nu born undor mu llltulo Ion olmlnn In mum Oulumbll lml pmy Tm mm Ihwln or my two 1m 1min MI mmd Fan mry My mum ms Hm punmu mln 1m Mnnlml or Wlnnuu ImV meIM mitwl In n1 hnd Mn In Wolf Army II min Quebec in Im hm Slr Guy Culolnn Nw Curldon ID nrdrd hlm unllnr Im51 Nullom Indium lhnrlml 7th Dual In rthi lands Qudwc ImW Mmmll II ptIla mm var LAde Ammbe of lhlr llm III RpmI mmmuu flrlflnh Narullmmlu Aunt VIM promu lnMoru nu lo Clmfll llll Clllum 11 Manl MIN mm or Mle Unl nrllly widespread Interesr ln hunldry which he detect across Can ndn There up many Canndlan lumlllcs which are enllllrd lo cam at arms granted in past generntlon In England Scol land Ireland Francs And other European counlrlrs But the In Iarcst mend beyond lhm dl Melly concerned and Include upmlully mnny slnmpcnlleci or who Mudy heraldry on poa mo slumpl iiir Nunn uxpilined in me that the warmoux dbunm Canndn inmper frequent gem erli main minty mi this it Mil ihcrtiorc bu the policy he socifly to irnnmt most of its business mil in ciudlnz monthly bu din to be distributed to Ali mlmbfll and periodiui journal oi mum length was drlvm back 01 Nov 13 he Amulch mlrchrd hmuzh lhn umu Montreal lo Pint dArmcI uhlla mm of lhe 0000 inhnbllnnll chhed Gonml Manunmlry pro clllmed mu he hld come In llbrrly Ind murhy Ia thc prnvlnco of Qurboc 1m Con rrnmu Cmndlanl who my porkd the Amerlun uuui won mum And rovlled thwth upolmmln nu hum have niwnyl dellnd unlon and mnlvu the map nl unlon In our own mm OTHER NOV lVENHx mm mu Uqu Ill wide 1m rommnlon plm In mtgl Mumuw omnin Idmonlshed by two nu llvoborn Kovernorrmzrnla or his Heyor which come he received no mandate lrorn tha Canadian people The secmary lb hernidlc wclnt Hr Norran Nunn old me he armzcd at he all BOYCUIT Dear Sir would Ilka to commenton the boycott the lupcmurkeu WE hthefllIdle It By want to do She told me to buy ll 1M WHMJIOMV Well or my own benefit went lnto two In mum And this what ound wt till curcl pink ulmon war as ccnln In llttle county store the um can 39c Intan was 190 lnBar rle lnthls llule store It 69 Em IN lie don more and bulter be lb more in tho llttlr store The only Mn round wlfln the 3am prlce was mllk We 11 know thanks overhead ln country store is about on third what lt ll In the super mnrket so Why do they charge thnt much more It ls no won dcr that lo no to Barrla tm mm ln these lldles who tell us hmucwlvcs to buy at the cwnlry More would do well to slt down Ind take good haul look below they boycott any More So again My ladle try buyln at ncurncr dare kl IhnÂ¥y1l chqnza lhelr 1€£L3QJSR€W£22 Muld llkn to extend through the courtuy or your newspaper my con nlulutlanx the boy cngllnz omqwivqs olBarrAIe In my estimation they have tremandoun couraxa to Itnnd up in public and announce to the whole nation that they have been extremely ioolish and un wise ln thelr mopping in the past They have publicly an nounced that they have been easily led by pretty colored wrapplnn by wild promise ol rlche eyond their wildest dreams ln Ulu blnzox hnrro race contest and many other prolualonal gimmicks They lhop at Iupermerkete because they did not want to take the time and trouble to shop selec tively at lhe smaller stores they buy ready to eat meals because they have no interest in conklnl whatsoever Ind last at all they are gracious enough to admit that they have creel ed their own monster by their lotion ip the put Thou Ihull not bu fluid or flu term by nllhtx nor or the um um lllulh by any Pulml 9h Through thzlr actions they no wiltan to admit that they have Illowed tha mm of food to flu chactlcnlly and they hm quite wllllnlly pull the price asked without qucluon Thry Impk Our meloux Lord hu pranA or our prolccuon well In our pardon He no Imld only helluva BOYCDIIINO STORES Dear Sir INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Thu Enmlnu lnvlle un lrlhnllonl to It Lellm to the edllnrf column on ed llorhl Plle When paulble mm Ihonld be mlrlrled 00 lo no word ml they Ihuuld be Alxned Vrllerl mu um pen um Ihey do Iln BIBLE THOUGHT Eh Emir Exumtnrr amIELb ST BILLHEADS EUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY LETTERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS EUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY your unler nu nnl mlnd by pm plmo nhuu THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOUR5ELF CARS AND TRUCKS Tnuuniyoixklm 511 remaln Hanseme And Copy Wlll Delivered To You Homo hy mm BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR CARRIER MISS YOU COMMERCIAL PRINIING 7282433 without nwnnj the pa Elven to their husblmfl wlthom milling that the nmu chat mm the 1m ln lhanm Iwm movement up the pm lo Mild my menu aclure The hounwlle his cum mum and purchased the most exotic food In the mall exotic wrapping and meandered homn her placldly accepunl lam New Ilmpiy becaun one houaewiie In Ottawl auddeai realized that she la paying more or her and than the ever did twenty year ago and decides to make an Issue at it the Barrie housewives realkinz that at lust housewives are involved In new issue rise up in arms to rapport her lhey arent too Intro what it they are Involv ed in except that they know housewives are In the new They havent hotheredto read the new apert properly for yeart en thereioru have lg cpnceptlan oi why price are the present level All they know is that they are in the news at inst and It make quite change tram their usual hum dnlm exlsiences They havent been educated in how to Ihop this has been proved at both their meetings as theyre Iaulh inxiy called invariably they led oi the track at their origin n1 Intentions by learning much which is valuable Io lhem but which they prefer to more about why the ecanomic Iyrtern of Canada ha iorced the price to their present level instead ihey proudlyatand up and liaie tn the whole town that they new er lhnught to laoir at weight helnre or In cheek pricel or to rec that the more ardinarfly packaged gaoda were cheaper even it they did have the nm or more in them And that why have tre mandnm admiration for lhesl housewives Pmonhlly know that ll discovered huh not about myself ld discreetly change my way of Ihapplnl certainly could ntver do what they have dons and puhllcmd sn widely Very truly ynurs Idchva shopper 7266537