Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1966, p. 14

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Ikl ILM NH Domln hu Ilmrml Slum mm nw mm lmln Irmlmllum mm mug My mum In mm mum Nu mm ucrk Ink urn numnnn mumhu guru larnml IN nrt purchase nl Imam unrlh in Amnu 11w hlrlml nhwr January 1961 IZMDS IUUMH Kilrnm prrhlrn of lhr Grrm In Afllmme fin 11er In Munlml Munday wan rlrmd Almlrnnm Mllzm umwl II he leunnl Inlulrlnl unlrlrnr norm Mr mm rrplmm It Ilrsidrnl If lmpvliul Irl In lunmlu Irllmmn hr Hum IN IN In NH my Mm rwnl me Vlcrv IIAIIIIM IIWMII Mun mum nl nmula lmu rm llflrl 114 mu hr lNw Mull Immlvru lmlmlmz It NHL plrlhlrul bl Inlunnniml Mu mu MMMan TM nvh 1qu llnr www 71 Hulk Alnrllran Oil 41 Tmmmv ml llnly mrvaI Mumle Inlwr IN Twmln IHYHUY NH ul vmlunlun lulallrxl lvml ml um vlv 1erle prortdlnu MIMI mu Ill Domin IIlYl Mm NHFURITIEH Mm nhMduwn in July Cm mum mrchmu oulshuuling mmiflm mm melln 1vach Hum mmnnl again In Auxud lllr Dumlumu Hurrm SW lm rrwvvla pun ml PLAN llllUHU Sir Vlmlon Churchills xrnml 41 um nmmsnkc Mill smlrr NIH wlrhlrnlug Imlu wlh NcMcundhml Pmnior SmnHv Mood Ihc ulr of Ihe pmpmrd Chumth Fall llytlmolrclrir dmrlnpmcnl In Labrmlnr Ihr prcmlcr unnmmml In SL Jnhnm MM Mumlny Tm rlr mwuy Mr ma PAY lNTElllZST The gnvcmmcnl am $250 000000 nhrcsi biII on muzslan Inn Canada Saving Bonds and has mallcd Cheques anunl Inn lo 5150000000 In rcgiskrod huldtrs an Oiluwa npnrl balnncc ll payable holdv tr cl bnndg uh mm clp ruupuns and 1nc lhrm cmnmi nl bznks and rm compnnm Ilnancc pnrtmon Mnlcmtnl qu mll 55300 mu In Canada Hunks mum MA nrc Md by IanHlunls Am In Lake El Clair Lake Erie Snulhcrn Lake Hurcn Vindsur London Mainly cloudy and wider today and Wednesday kw rain shmrcrs Ioday Scat lmd shwbrs or smmflurrlm In nhL and Vndnnszhy Winds to north lcrly go In 30 Niagara Lake Onlario Hum llnn Toronla Cloudy nnd cooler with occasional showers today and Ionghl Wednesday mnslly clwny and coolnr an occasinnnl shower or 5mm flurry Winds utmost 151020v bcrnming um In mmhucsl 15 lo 25 Wednesday Synops slarm centre dr=flirg nnrlhcaslwnrd lnln Quc hcc muse mas mid Arctic an nmr covaring most ctnlml Nunh America spill suulhward across the Grant Lakes Snow llurrlcs and coal 40dngrcc tcmpcrmurcs will give Soulhcm Onlnrio he firsl rcnl lusl of winter today This cold 211 II 111 cunlinuo across the me or al 1235 lodny and BUSINESS BRIEFS TORONTO CF Forecasls at 530 am wiomin Augmt mum IHIII luuhtr ha July ull um pl mwmo nmnndinu The vcalhcrman again May railing Iur those snawllur r125 Tomormw should be cold er and doudy Winis will be out of Lhe nmhwm ul 2030 miles per hour The recorded low at th Examiner office last nlghl ms 38 dame The lempim lure at 745 mm was 41 db grccs Novmmm is of to Mus my sun oduy wiul cold aIr covering most of Canadn DISTRICT WEATHER Cloudy And Colder With Snow Flurries H2 Ivrnn neur NIth ouawa Mainly cloudy today wlm scatlcrcd rain showvrs Wednesday mainlycloudy with few snnwflurrics or rain show an Fartcnsl emperntnm Law overnight hlgh Wednesday Windsor 28 40 St Thomas 13 40 Hay Sudbury Cloudy and colder today and Wednesday SnowIIurrics both days Winds west norlhwcsl 20 lo 30 Algoma Southern White River Saul Ste Marie Tim gnml Moslly cluudy with occa slonal snowflurrics Colder to day and Wndncsdny Wind nvrlhcrly 70 gm DMHMIM llllTTfl 11 Ol Iwa civil smnnL nl Iho dl liml 5le he mm lmkm gmd anmHs rllllly Eldrnnc mLxmKM WEDDING STATIONERY 1111 warm izxzuuturr COMMERCIAL PRINHNG Showers and snowflurrim are pmdmed or parts of Albcr la Saskatchewan Manitoba l6 BAYFIElD 57 PROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS LETTERHEADS lNVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS DUSINESS CARDS PRINTING BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR Landon Kilchcnor Mount Forest Wingham Hamilan St Catharines ananlo Pclerbomug Kingston Trcnlnn Killalnc Muskoka Norlh Day Sudbury Iiarllnn Saul Ste Kupuskasmg Vhlln Ilivcr Moosuncc Timmiru umlmmurr IIHM In Hm Min lrrhke mum fur Mullmmn Ihr Mullmrmzm nprru Hue Illhfl mow mvmhzll ertflmlm and all or Eastern Canada but Nandlam Figures ind cah famasl high tempera lumsA GP Wircphowl OBROCHURES 7266537 129l3l DUNLOP ST Because of Value Quality Low We 0m nl the old timers who in apcclud Ihrl work was Bill Reid at Craigvale who was one oi the experLa hack in the armor century lie says thatho was In plowing match at Stroud on the arm in lho village new owned by Maycs revantytwo year ago and was one oi the winners then He claims that he fools he had qulet Loam he could again hold plowior straight iurmw lie iain the age group where most oi his old competitors have passed on The late Walter Patterson and Gilmour Reeves and alhcra took an active part in local plowing matches but this was in lhe days of horses They left home at dawn and hauled their plow nlo mars my er lnlher nr son Th1 work L1 purely for show and wllhjaur funowed plows now turning over land In great swalhs and disc pm at wen wider cw cragc lha horse and hand paw In 15 just to Show whak used to he done Fina weather welcomcd no local plowing match for South Slmcoa held In Innlslil last week which drew Mr cmwd to tha arm at EdTlmbera on the 4th lIne There were some horse anwn plows and 50m splendid work whichfeemgd be lgepz Inllnlu wnlcr luvl Imlnu Euy lo mrl llghhd dill Pomlaln onnmtl lo Ind Md Aulomllle blank Iponlor Svpor RuhrSwlrl anlmnr 2Ipud V1 Ip molar Film clunl lulomlllully poled mm lnh programs nu lho dial umrhmo autumn lly llmmcx prupvr Hum mlvr omprrulurc and pmpcr wash nml win spatula mn Lupadty Imcom um 21 wide 25W 16 Mgh Arryllc extvrior Ink 120 volt no cyl 16N47060Fln WM Won 95 26995 16N47065FIn Cowman WM 194 17995 than wllh SudrSnvor Ior gmlor uonomy 16N57060Fn WMII 30495 26N5706$FCoppmom Wu ulul 28995 1999 SAVE ISM First WAS 19495 T0 00 manlth INNISFIL NOTES Fine Weather For Plow MatCh KENMORE WASHER liy Satlsfaction Guarantasd or Money Refunded 6Progum 2Spood SimpsonsSears This context or 1967 should be tell event in our lawn ship ii the cammillee chosen to handle it are given tree hand and the date or the competition such that our summer popu lnllon here to Join in it suggesicd Ihet Miss Innlslil he cmwned next July when the population oi the tnwnshlp are to gather lot UIB oliieini open ing the new Centennial Park She will attend functions and he queen of any pnrndes during the year it the prlle money is VP lo handle other Job well as to Iow Ron Fennell 91 West Gwl lmbury seemed to be one of lhe youngest conloslanln nt the match operaan ourfur row tractor plow an an attached hltch mnklnglhe finish himself land Ihal come outJust the rlkhl width to do final round on His father was coach lnz the lenyoarold lad MISS INNISFIL garch plow had an entry at lhcvmalch and It seemed that trncuon was me man essential part the oper ation human operating one of these lucked even lnrger than the tractor but turned oul nlcn work and the small tractor was an lggal mqthgle for gnyden on Wilson at Hm miles to regch lhe mnlphes $26995 SimpsonsSears but enough It should promote competition that wlll vbn second to none ln such beauty contests It may ho that he olliclnl sulcc llon and cnntcst could held at the lnnlslll Flcld Dny ncxt July ths tn the Mould draw blg crowd and with tho publlclty gnlncd for the Brlck and Rolling Pln Contact lt would become almost an lntcrnnllonnl event Wu would Ilka to suggest com mlltca selected lrnm the Mn clpuls and Teachers Assoclnllbn olour school area who hnvc My pupll publlc who can help to Interest contestants and pass the story abwt TROPHY PRESENTED Thn Runnerup trophy tor the second huhest score of the Ital llng Pln Contest wax presented to Mrst Norenc Skllllter at the tleld day commltteo meettng last Thursday nlght Her score was Just leet 1lnch below the top world contestant Carolyn Armstrong Thu plaqan suitably engraved was donntlnn from trucking company ln Oklaho ma The Chalmers trophy dona ted tor the top score of the 10 cal Brlck Throwlng team was also to have been presented to lvnn Roblnson champion but the donor Mr All Chalmers Sr was unable to be resent hav lng been called bar to work by hls firm who tound that ht re lllumlnmd dlll Pomllln cl Iub 5600wnll Olomml 00mm buib unlolm clam Topmounlod llnl run 5prlnkhr Inll dumpvm lullm Inlnlor llnhl Kommuvu nxrluslvu 5n Cal rllCLks lhc lcnuwmlum lm yuu nhuln the larger healing ax our clumn bmmw dry snmllm rlmnvnl cull In for gentle hull Ilch cannot vrrh ur tlnmnuo own dollrntr lnhrlcs Spcclnl nlr program Im Hurling Atryllv unn mcl llnlsh Almul 20 13 30 high 220 vull 10 Al 76N37060Fln Whllo Wu 995 V495 26N07065FCoppnlnnc I79 WAS 13995 T0 I9995 900 momth SAVE l500 We have had card from John and Chrissie Coleman who am hulldnylng on tho west coast They have reserved accommw Tho iilstn ricni Commliine have now vreoched Lho limit limo at which siories can he nccepind la begomo pm oi the supplementary historx being compiled to bring our township story up to dale sinco 1950 lo Ccnlonniol Yeah OnLy those stories which have bocnmcn tinnod to us and are in lhe pro cess oi comploilon can bo ac cepted how Cdnsiderobic work in prepornllon of the molcriol on hand still to be done and is pionnod In havuhu copy in the printers hands by Dmcm her great many sinrins have been sent in and many pcnpie who missed the iirsl book hove sun in Inmiiy history or his second one besides summaries hovinx been wriiien oi other 3va to bring the history of Innisnl right up In iho and ihc year Thu Commlllcn regrets 11 thcn nre those who may thn been Intending lu send In slnry but put all doing so Then has Ila llie In closing date and this nv vawnsn lllh ll Till BARBIE EXAMNER TUESDAY NOVEMBER placement was not keeping up wllh Ill 10 Mr Chalmers ls bulldinx now home an um 13th llne whim ha and hls wile ln end lp rellre The prescnlnllon will be made prlvnlely by Mr Chalmuruo mm at conven lenl llml Olhcr medals and lrnphlc whlch an he rewards of lhe Inwnshlp nnd llrms havo all been presenlcd lo tho wln EH LSTORICAL STORIES KENMORE SOFTHEAT $1 95 dnllnn on he CPR and VJ lcmu Vancouver November Flowers and green lawns wen still part of the scenery out hem nl Ihc time flung Thm ND members said lhey eshocked by new spoclnlvdetcnlion unit at Mon real Vincent de Pa penitentiary Thu Cnmmuns meets at pm EST lo ennunue dcbme on lnlcrlm supply The Sennlu shunts ndjuurncd unfll Nov Parliament Ht Glance Duuglns Harkneu PC Cnlgnry Norlh said Delcnce MlmxILr llulycr had tried to hldc lrmpnnslhlc actions by supprmshm cvidoncu tor be given to Common commit tee Mr Hellycr said ho had reason to suspcd fur month utter the evidence was given by Mler RearAdm ral Lyndymnru that lhoad mlral disagreed vilh chimes made In ll liy THE CANADIAN RE MONDAY on was Thu machian union an nounced inniniivn Nov dnie or strike ihatwouia hull Air Canada cpcrniionL Alvinrllnmllton PO QuAppclie said Olinwn mlssed 20nd opporiunliy to lay Iarm raiein inch on by increasing tux an isrs to provinces nunsv 728421 17495

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