Began Career AS Postal Clerk In Old Post Office Building South Simcoe UCW Rally At Newton Robinson United Church Mixlohnswn recalls she Inï¬ded um mm the main street when flue was being 0m dawn The Dnmo mu mired mm the 1mm dwartmcnl 01 ha civil service Friday her bidhdny aflor 46 ym service BEGAN IBZO She began her mm In Do combcr we when she was 19 you aid The late Mr Crew was the postmaster than and until ma whm the post 0mm bogging 139 QM mice when Miss Jahnsmn began Ming for the post office the whmsker was mspmsiblo or flu paying his mm start and Mr 0mm was exxrvmcly gm omu with his employees she sand By EILEEN DIXON mired Pas OWN employee Miss Gladys Johnston Mul holIand 31 still has fading mm when she talks about 010 old pea 0mm building It In Bil building that she began her career on Dec mo And she wrked mete un li the building was him dwn Wu all mew It gm lnndcune the add Godn peoplu at work In wnr ship and ï¬tness was he lhcmo the South Simone Unllcd Church Womenn Ilcgionnl Rally nl Ncuion Robinson United Chuniyhlrs Cobaurn MI Mrs Knmhaw was chnlnmn of momlng man with Nglsknllon 12 mesh rqwofgulby pund Howl UCW Much lnlcmt Will shown In report of Um Wnsngn Hooch cor lee house hum The Wny 001$ flvh 01rd helped many young sham fallowMp with mhm CHURCH UNION Follawlnz lhu mum rL part by Mn 11mm and Im nm mxm by Mn Struchnn PM 1ch greetings mre tmd by Mm HJrkwn prtuidcng Simon Imdmwnl Now an nnd bxpcrlrnm that would mull mm unlon ol ha Anglican and mum 1m chm Im rmnml by Mu Im COHM HENDRIIBON Home Hronmulli Noah ï¬lmrou Counly Man tll duh mum Mlh Auvkulunl ml llnmrmnkinm hm dam Ihtlr pm In Ilcllnl lhwlr nmlllu pr pnru lxrlr mm or CMcnnlfll vnlunlnry mm III In Muqmrnln my MI Iml mm lymmmv hr arm runnan Thlu mulvl have lnrlvkkd Mmllng flowm ur nhrulu pnlmlnn Ilw will Unwind Hum mu 1ch ml ml vnlnlml Irma ll III In In lumHy malt th Um Iub nmnlm Inklnl Uw lnlflnllm and mponlllullly The wlnnm Ina Mva HM llnnv HI ML lln mam Harm Twit In mm lunl Ham ll wu an 10 Ml HI MIL mllurnl ml Hmvmeng Iuh member 11 NM Name We wllimnnll nru quulml In an muwlrlnl all wk Udall lll T11 Ilan HI Uni Mmlnr In Hm had In be lnmrpmnml oarderlnleflePoaol MmmhflaJdanu 15mm Gwyn left mm gude at rudim uxwmxï¬mwreï¬mxpost umdlmputybauatfln 4H Awards For North Simcoe Farm Identification Competition name the Lom $1ch mm Gm thorééuie mw 50 wndwdTor 1110 19 yea Arm um Miss mm ï¬led Brat expand from our em Noyce Ibo figure farmer allow mplnwec Miss Ella mm one at the mig inal our also attended the re gamnmt dinner pany on Saw TWO CARRIERS micro Wm only two letter amSm then One man was responsible tho eastend we as Roam Allandalc rhad 1h mm past who and can WWW 113 mile Mm W0 tha Gamer his picktmmclrnuummm ofggo bows mo recalled scr who had nttcndtd General Council Mu Mnekcnllu wok briefly nn thch and Mrs Shillon 1iernuro ammry lave pru vlvw ol the many book of erod In ho church library and an display on tho lllmlum labia the rally vaxicty qflmm She 11m Miss Jdmston links about all the letters the post oTlicc handlm today she cant help but mm 11 to the mm when mm at tho emple used Mm luncheon mvrd by the Nmuon Ilmlmon UCW Illa Iernoon session began with Shanna led by Mn Donnld ny Mu Orr sun min bo loro lb 0er mvlco col dug by M5 Irn1lr mary Mn II men 511 Mu Fnrr myrtth on mum Lodge mm Mr mu spoke on eré IIan 011mm church wo mtn emuéwn umvlmkihe ol lmnx Mulch mu dedth by Ilrmllnnl UCW Inn and llnsrmnry Vury Vnnry $71 lmmh um and Mom mum lillmnle Wu Ml Hm Jnnlra ml Trny kmdl It Bank Ammth or lhemedlnz wnl extruded lry Mn mes 1M 1th all com $1 In wunhy rwlu are 11 Rampmn 0m Minn Mnnh ml ï¬lmrnn Bihllwnw II Wyrbiltlgo Trrry Hull Vycvnlr laul nwl Allnn Ilnmr Ian 1m Wyevalu Jimo TnyA In 1le nldwnlm Mervyn anhwrn 1m Hmm Ilny mu Jlm Fnrney Iul Ianr All Mu club mnnbcu In mnemlulnml nn llll pmllrnl rmvtrllnxllun pmw lnl mm ï¬lm 1m lhl Con lrnnlnl MlllllNUMMT ll MOHOW lAIDNllnlnl Ilrl my Id uhmn mm Khm chrv Haml in 19m Ibo nil um MH vlmln Inmll mm dict mm lrlmll WWW lvmnlmm mm mmpawr nwrlut Rum ny Cam dealt wan no llrm lpkcn 1m Myflmt job was on dye Mr and mini Wife mm entutaimd an ape home In her hmor to Wheel all the mail mm to the old Bernie Mon mm vulooatedmlhewhollhe oldpastollim bulldinmlnnm whmloan May the nmdï¬ms nannm Web WWW BORN IN VESllM Min Man was born In the mndï¬p Vupm and mended adml at Mlneslng Ht menu mowed to We In and tho My resided on Mary 1hm was time in knew the name of every meet In 10 wwn and where was lucathButï¬1mluscdlado gm deal walking and U10 awn was main maï¬a she mm mm is mm in flamin df eight mending threa aim and mehmi They mm mm guns at WV W114 dimer way mumy mm um sm mama my Ono mason ol the year Ms 1011mm doesnt think abefl mks mmldng Is the Christ mu rush In furl she say she going in make special un 1N yom to fullvw tho Mel and mail Nady mm opngméiï¬ Mamba nflm mun ww Im nflmd fldhh Md hm who ll minim hm wu idlun Hm acmélflo nnd mimhflu In 5mm at man an In omnnlw mm no MIL Tho mm hood Vutm Wanm mum NW minMm him nhimnl um imm 1mg xjku awnm 01M her For Ihn lun well pnmd look III NuSorvko Cllppulou ngh 7281 UNSHAKEN On Clonnm Money not problem any more Rick has good job and hu art logo overtime cnuse hed rather work than com home guess should conslder myself lucky Some Humid men dont want to no ll lomonow ls your birthday your horoscope lndlculns that you now Ire at plvoul pulnl where reullznllun of not only your lmmedlalc but runny ulll rnnla goals concerned In tact an of yesterday you on Iercdlun excellent your long cycle Whlch pramlse grullly lnz upgrmllng ol your career and llnnnclul setupl ln lhe former cunnccllon you rhould moku torulanl prams be lwocn now and Dot 20 ngaln durlnx lho Ins week of Janu nry In May most pralllnblo pcrlod of boll employer and employee throughout Augull October by whlclr llma your Soplcmbcr and he llrsl hill of preslln mould have rhrn con II rnbly mo YOUNG This time in which in emphasize your originality and Kpiriiof enterprise Try lo iin 1m Wieind tasks in the foreman and don let unex pected obstacles nu you Ii minor rcvlsinn of plan could ioigc any probiemi Thls llttlo ltem gave me the canraï¬u to write to you about snmet lng tlIIt hlll heen bother lnz me or long time My husband likes to sleep In my nlghtgownr Ettore you get any crazy notlom want to make It perllxxly clear he ll normal In every way We have two children and get along flue to gether There nnthlng lunny nbaut this guy He Just like the teat at ellky fabric and tha loosenes of nlghtlnl bought him mans nightth or hls hlrthday last Aprll but he didnt llke It and went right back to mynnlghtles When suggested In few women friends that Ilwy ask Mr husbands to try their nightgown lnr canan they looked at me as LEI had gone slink ravgng mad Please tell me why lls all rlzhl or woman to sleep in her husbands pajamas but ll man slcnps mm wlle night gown he L1 cnnsldered aomu klnd nun5mm Im tho and Dear sauce your husband wants to sleep in army shoe mph hIIslness More lo the nat blnb éréind ILielcrlï¬ï¬ er husbands neeplnz up man who preiers hi wilea nightie to his own pajama is plenty odd in spite of your in sistence ha is perfectly normal Consider yourself oxtuna that his oddities stop there Whm ï¬nance are con ccrnul you can expch he ï¬rst 10 day Deccmbtr to be ex ccllcnt also lhn flm lhrce week In January the um 10 day of Frbrunry lbs in wcck July midAusz whtn you may have an unupcclnd gum In luck inflhmughoul neu Ann Landau read in household hint cnlumn re cently than wile bung her Ielf mans pl am because Ihe ducovercd were much my cquorlp than her own Deu Ann Ludo Rick lake name and have been married for our years We have son hree years old Dont tell me the reasun we are having trouble is because wa were married on yuung allze that but Its too Into do anything about mm was 16 and Rick was Is Our folks tried to parsuade us to wall but we were smarter than may By EmELLIIA FDR TOMORROW Séï¬loflér Ind Oélobu THE STARS SAY ANN LANDERS Insists Hes Nonnal Despite 0H Attire LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS100 DOWN 100 WEEKFREE DIVIDEND CERTIFICAIES THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCIOBEE SI mmw the my Mr and Mm Ed Hodges who soloaud lho new wa 1M mmler limitl od in the Mmm Iumu mm by Mr and It mm who won ï¬mt prim for Lhuir dim The mph pm vidod WImm for guests as lhcy wwemd qumtlm lub mmod 3mm 51m hi hi Can this marriage in saved or am Rain In be just another divnrcee at age 2175 WW Dur Kids who get married loo young as you did ind after the ginmar wears oi um therar more to making life lumber than teenale kicks Now that you know man riaga is not one glorious dream but rather he diiiicuiz business living with another person youd better grow up and accept your role real dperson in real world Conn ling might be very helpful The YMCA has superb counselling prnmm Get going and good luck Ynuii need ii Confldenlld In Need Per led Emailck Why wast HSTV Noghlng Expresseg con mm Paperpmn windy dam the mm or the maxim Mn cuman in dame ol Russel Mina ho my sistcd byDavId 13mm Tom CORWUTEIIS luv about something Either im too heavy or his shirts dont Inok right or am making his mind stagnant because cant discuss current evenia with him Current cvenL are da pressing than days and hava Io many problems oi my own that dont want to read about arghodx aisaa home but they dont want In wgkï¬hhu Prizes Given For Best Costumes At Halloween Party Saturday Wm WM 930 PM Ccnml Colloglno Audllorlum HCKENI Mum $20M Huduu 0100 Mel vallabh door or from any member ol the club or am 7113M Presenting BllTHE SPIRIT The Damn University Womans mm In sponsoring Tourlnz Players Fomdallm pronnation Blithe whit by Noel Onward WED NOVEMBER 2nd Surrlng Tod Follow Pmducod by Donnll Swmlng smaller of amlwmgn CW1 0n Prvrvylnclll Chapkr Ontario IODE was Mm John 0m md RR Norwoodwho re celved two or harmy en titled The Pied Piper 11 Dow wood Park mmmm Wmmmmmm burn Isllngton for flu story entitled Pearl of Greac Price WmAF JMexglon 31500 ooper Wentwonh SL Hammon or the story enmledi Spring in Berlin and Mn Jen Atkinson Kecwuun Ave New lo or he nary entitled Brief Journey Mn JUL Cameron Hum gm mallmun the 53m tony mpeduon 00mm ee announced the results of this competition In the semlnnnual meeting hold at he Bay Motor Hold Owen Sound The Provlmlal Unplu greatlyxlndtblcd to Dr Roannan former Dean Men and Professor Enlllsh um alure Unlverslly ol Waterloo Waterloo Onilrlo who Judged 1h stories Dr Roamnn ls Dlr color the Creallve Writlng classes at Doon School of Am This is the lmhcunseuuve year mania have bacngivcn for short stgrles written by Can ndgian citizens mlden Kn Um WM Party Wm Mr and Mrs Paul Email of We who married Mn and David mam Mr and Mrs wgm worn mummmmm Pan and Mr and Mn Jmn would of Bunnie Prior tn the my Mr Ind Mr 1W VM Dmibomehe AW rm hep W91 Iha Anni larynxj IODE Announces Awards To Authors MWMtï¬pellal mmw unmade Gilisms Bazaar Bab Sale and Ten wlll take phee NW from mm pm un der the auspices Angus Unlt ed Church Women Arrange menu at the annual oven be hald at the Angus Unllzd Church were compact Ihe reguInr UCW meeting on Wed nesday evening at £11 home of Mn Cecil Westnvtr Angus Rail call Ind Thanksgiving eflng was received from 13 members auendlng the session Mm is W051 1d the 11$ Mrs Leslie Rose reminded tho members to bring their used stamp to he November meeting which take plan the home ol Mrs View Mc Master Mu Hodan wlu In charge devoflans at the NW vcmbcr union mlonal perléd omm Inggxcrclsgg by pres Adlnurï¬mem was human by armhmenb served by the Im ess WILL MEET PEARSON VALEHA Mall Remem Primo Minister George Bor Golwier IMI Sunday or May Mr or Canada Auntall and HP United Sinus Christmas Bazaar For Angus UCW 111m classic sweater for size la qaglbe Quickly In variety of way BHCIIN STEHKSTEIIK ROASTS 79 BREAKFAST Front Quarlon of Beef Sides of Beef Hlncl Quarter of Beef ISO Colllor St DYCKS CLASSIC SWEATERS WQMENRASIZI glinnun Iiniliï¬iï¬ï¬ up mm ma 11m um mm mm ma mlunhlt Hannah uvlnl nmuan mm by um nun on To menu2mm unmmnmuuvllnnnfl mm Kmnlnnd mmummmm nun mm cvnxx unm run um mu than mu nunsm unam unnuy um ml ha Imllmu pun mum nu mm nm lludlzhn nutcm Ill munnxr mu mm mm anum below In wllh cllhcr Hahns Canad lunn or the Salk lonk or Pn um hand or he lwml look on needle slze and Both the cardlaun wllh chalca of button or uppercd closlng ncckband or cullur and the neck pullavcr haw easymung raglan sleeves you would llke the leaflet slm ply send stamped rellvad dressed envelope to tho Ncccl lrcrnll Department of The Barrio Examlnur requnsllnu Classic Sweaters Leaflet OllVETTl UNDERWOOD lid SPECIAL STUDENT RATES Sllu It Senlce 51mm Show Cenln 7153421 FOOD MARKET STUDENTS 7285339 RENTALS SALES 39 lb 49 lb 491 59 lb