Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1966, p. 4

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Barrie City Council has hoard the pros and cons on iiuoridating the citys water supply Thu time has arrived to make up its own mind on the question without recourse to further direction from the general public Such direction could take the form oi vote of tho people but it is 51 ficunt that no mention was made of ebiscito when the fluoridation dcbnto took laco at council sessions The city hers huuo full authority undeg thqltiunidpall Acitofiprove orro ect fluoridation they should accept responsibility All the evidence to date including that from dentists and other ex orbs over whaimingly supports fluofl aiion Op ponents of treatment base their argu ments largely on suppositions vague fears and the rights of the individual Barrie Examiner Oct 20 1051 Bar rie Collegiate Band dlrected by Al len Fisher in on Northern Ontario tour to demonstrate music in semndary schools on behalf of Ontario Department of Education Featured performers were trumfiet trio of Emery Rowe Ralph Loug eed and Miss Jane Perkins saxo hone 2th of Don Bates Don Wiley ari nter and Ray Cutler Miss Joan Fisher was Elam accompanist Pro vindal elec on was due Nov 22 in Simcoe Centre Conservatives ain chose George Johnson of Min ng while Liberals endorsed Charles New ton Barrie Capt John Henry How ard former training olficer Grey and Simon Foresters on duty with Cnnadlnn Fumes in Korea telephoned to Barrie from Tokyo where he had been on leave Victor Knight ehalnnan fund campaign for Victoria Order of Nurses Annual meelln Barrio Boy Scout Association at Co or United Church Hall with George Frlcke Jr reslding Barrie Collegiate senior ootball team beat Midland high school 330 Local stars were iiliiiet Salter D3115 Stewart and Pnul Borysulk Fiycrn lost to Gait Black Hawks 53 in junior hockey Kenny Wharram mmmraxxzumuamumumumx mumgm mama 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN SHADES OF MEANING Printed Word Like other communities all across Canada Swift Curmnt Sask has found that she ping houn can be as controvers ipl nu cht as you am likely to ting Aqgl his fill the why you got youx mouth For lnslancc tho merchants who want hours restricted express their dingyva of night opening But the ngllsh language cannot surpassed when it come to shade meaning and tho local Paper the Sun says it proton the phrase ovcnln shopping bocauso it connotes the we are and inlcrcsbz of the consum Walll Publisher Council Must Make Decision On Fluoridation Question mafliflEmma NOI THERE ISNT CHRNCE OF US MOVINGTO SWEDEN QIMPIIIE OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Puhllshed by Canadlgn Néwapnparl Llifiludf 16 Bayfluld Strut Barrlofl Ohtuflo ecz rluBHdauonind DOWN MEMORY LANE McPharIon Managing Edltoi mum ocmam 29 liarmum Toronto woman Anne Burton of The Ontario Citizens Rights Associaiion told ublic meeting in Barrie that iluorida on neglects an individuals rights and results in disease but her contention on illness was strongly denied by othm who spoke it is significant antifluoridaiionists make no mention of the common practice of adding chlor ine to water to kili dangerous bacteria is this not socaiied invasion of rights oo H19 10 WRWI uangerous DHCICHB this not socaiied invasion of rights 00 It is quite evident that the yms and the anus could continue the argument indefinitely Council must make the de cision and delay is pointless This news Eaper believes lhnt fluoridation on the 1515 exgeri opinion and the exper ienco of at or communities is good thing The council must MS not without present laid on Mane basis ha wind in town spending his spam dime and mm dam at one the many In dian village sites being excava ted in the northern pm Sim toa County During that time he compieb ed University Western 0n tnrin summer mum in indian nrcheoiogy and ended up not iong after as an assistant in inmlnr in an nmn mm was Galts best Henry Angas Shanty Bay named consultant for Can ada by Underwriters Adjustment Bun eau Champion General Electric team was honored at banquet or Barrio senior softball league at Baystairs Led Min ets Point William Garner ma pres entatlon of Aneloff Memonrl Trophy Plant manager ohn Mitchtnson express ed appreciation Players honored were Manager Gordon Brown Ted Hardacre Bob Muilion Jack iurnbuli Bill Ray eraft captain John Snache Steve Hin es George Miles Larry Campeau Frank Hutchinson Bob Plait Cam Cripps Bruno Favero Charles Franklin Ward 81 outstanding violinist and orchestra leader native oi Barrie died in Cal ary Robert Simpkin elected preri ent Stroud Federation of Agriculture Ral Snelgrove manager radio sta on CKBB was first donor at Royal Victoria Hos itals new blood bank George lolloway elected charter president Codrington Home and School Association Regional convention of Canadian Lilo Undermith held at Petorbom Attmding from Barrio were Harry Reid Warren W11 ar loo Jewell Tom Tattersail Art Jo nston George Fry Len Sugarman John Goodwin Al fred Hr Harris Charles Anderson Harold Husband MANS POOR RIVAL Central Press London Nature is fur better designer and architect than any man Mans most beauflful strongest and most vcrsalllu constmctlons have come from cop lug Ihmgwhyhthp Intq Frapk 9y erght bullt factory based on tho prlncl lo the lllornln Glory plant and why trend in arch tectura ls toward smooth curves and away from the sharp angles whlch never occur ln Nature But no human nrchltcct or on lnccr has produced anythlng yet to rlv Natures ultimate tn strength without weight the walnut shell Wilson General anngur 18 By DON HENDM The old and the obscm lwld special melanin or non Chlnnen diredor Illa Slmcoe ngMy yuswm Mr Chlnncn who has held he post since 1962 says the work pmvldu him with the greatest sailsladlon when ha is 811123 Wu rm like to be handed plea of muerlol whose Identity hm no idea about and try to work out whatn might hlva be 194 ho 10 experience In Winn to Inc Identify od thl first In the amheolvgical or Dr wnmd Jury and more recently in the int he now holds BORN IN BARR fifchanneh in mi Addy to 9mm WPW Ha wu born Battle and attended the Old mm Schhfl mg panic piqtdctollmnte During that time he compleb ed Unlvmlty Western On tano summer mum in Indian lrcheology and ended up not iong after as an Bsslflnnt 1n 5lr1q ln thssano course Nuw about 12000 ylsilou lrmn ulmoa every country in the uwld see the amt nn nually 1m plow went through Incredibln hardshlps parflculnr ly those spending their In win rr here As often as not In rule shelter And mndq hdr nyln one dune his arm love museum work partialan the common 01 marmrahllla ol anfly Slmcoa county has taken over Ind now leaves little time for the other work 000D YEAR The Simcoe County Museum More Mr lumen look over In 1962 had good year 500 people passed through during you The boom began when Illa county took over opemlmu from the Womens Institute In use and moved the museum lrom old prcmlses an Worsley Street due or dcmollllon Io um um quarter on Hithwny 26 near AlldluuR But even lhmgh hm hu been an apparent mm in ln um locally Ml Chmnen would 51m llko no people here and Canadlans whala All more time to discover the nmonv dunt think Canadians my enlodugh autumn to history he be hoped Um dur lmz centennial your more mom will wake up to the It that hm 1s lot to be named was hand he usd Na there mm lo be so muc wage KlrlChnnncn wouid like In more hlslorlcnl not about glv on point at Menu brmht out madame Exmumrr OTTAWA Dcspllo lha ad vim Scnnlnr Tam Crcrlr that change in lho lendcnhlp ol boIh nld pnrllu would Mod for Canada and dcsrlle lhn onwnnn dglvn by Pnlyn Campsuppomd vldcnlly by Dlvlu Fulton Ind othtrl lo havn he Conservative ludth Ihlp rcvlowul Autumn ms nu no chnnn Prlma Mlnhlrr Peamn who hnl Md hll mnmtml ol lnlcn len now Is mum on lha olhrr Ink and lnlrndl lo rev MusefimeireetdxFascinated BYvThejOldfiAndThe Obscure OTTAWA REPORT AMlnrlml mid elm mall IM mum Dmmwh 0mm nod for paymem ol name in mall mm mm ml Elamlmy llnhdnyl mind Suhwrlpllm mm IAin hy urrier 05c weekly 100 yrarly Shula le Inc In mull nsz $1110 yearly mum mt Wt Umde year Mail ml Ihh 0min your ml Iidn Canada linthh my Mum yum Ufi and tumn MIN Unhwliw Av 1mm mom qua mu Mm an Cuwfian Dally Nowpm luhllflnu mun hi Cmflm lnu ml Amu 11mm Clmhuml 11 Oamllm chnlvdy wkl In flu pr midwiqu all my ITEM LL VMWR HIpr in MI paper ML had St or 1111 Almad Im at llmm ml aln Iho loch Mil MIAMI 0min nyrmucx NICHOLSON Expect Diefenbaker Will Keep His Post Wmfififlw ave lo be on your toes bocmue they ask ho dlmdest quasilons he nld SCHOOL TOURS This war abut 39m yam slm have maria the tax One of Mr Channcnl duties to nrrwo and conduct mu num Visils or school chlldm nudllbnpmotthejvbhe mullaflyucnlpys The general pihllc would benefit from weirMinx to 11 up local thwry he said As director at tho local mu mm Mr Gmnnen in chum of the design and Arrangement of 11 displays and Acqulxlng new um or exhibit The mun display section Hku the head an iceberg There much man behind the scenes for showing In special display an special oc casion or when enough Items are whacked In mm com pmhendva mm Hawover hem stored In that way no usually brought out for those rcqunsflnx tan through publications or particu lar relics of bygone era made availabln to museums mmuc BENng Mr mimic hwy the lookout hr nw malarial and sporde good deal ma Cnnscrvnllvu Lander John chrcnbakrr whose lendmhlp has yet lace lhn polcnllnl chnllnnxa parly convvnllan In Oluwn In mldNovembcr hits no lnlonllnn ol rulKnlmz In incl ll hu now been om rlnlly announced lhal he will Illll be Ill Iho holm Mum next monlhn canvcnllnn endl lnr ll 11 lynxn prnclnlnml lrnm Con mvallvo hcudnunrleu llul lhu annual mccllnl will con cludo on Wednesday cvtnlnx Nov lll um 11 hanqucl mm Early lcndcr Inlm chlcn Her gum mum Tm GETTOGETHER llciwun 20m Ind 2500 Con umuvu repmcnlallvo cv cry pm Cunndl are nwed la unlher In mum on Sunday Nov or lhn aur dl pnrly mmlnz 1111 In Inc 1M nnnunl mullnfl lmnusn lhn gnyl tnmllluuan tnllrtor mrullnx in he held with ynnr llut lhcro has not hem mm Ilnm ha Mormy mrcllnx In Frhrunry year an Mun nnn he xwrlodlc lump DIrl mam umle um wnn nlul xluwn nm will In Inmv vlvlvl run mm llilMi 0m Mowr uh mil mnfllnl nml IM Nnvrlnbrr nnxrrvalho inlhulnl And Ihm um mm nlmllnrlllu maln leml leader thrmiili Conlcnnlnl Yuma Hum mrcllnn will hm re nulhwl In mnmulnu Ollnwnn tlualoau Muvlrr lnlel lmvll mmlnv Ihn drluulu will Ira mlll lnln mum lllo Himal hml walkhogan New In IDNHIC lnpll and lhc Tam Irrv Ilm Ill have nubw The Inlal uwndnun 1v puny nan by dawn on nu rnnvrnllnn all In hum mom Ihln Mun willmul rmllnl he dnlcgalu Ilmu nu umh The Luvsml mrellnl wu nmnuh mm hllhhmw Hum nnmmha lulhrvln will Study wer on hy luau ROSS CHANNEN however resent he 15 mark ing an idea or Wm Day display and um doubt le1 em up With new ex hibll Although the same them km mgr11x eum has peclnllzed In clowns and has hdd swam 5mm shom de pitting he mm earlier days waer the ear cancer xlvo wear Ind ear on the old galmenu has hrnughl an end to um and Mr Channen ls nnw ntlmptln to come up with an other wrmivn way to than on display Tho cleafim of WW dimly always problem he said You have to consllnfly change exhlblu or people will feel that they have seen all then to see unfinmm and won When ravulllng Mr Charmer vlsIl every museum he hapv pens across Its an excellent way to pick up ideal he said Frequently mLet tomo body who has en nblo to solve mm at the problems you ha been wzsfina WW wcra prepared by upcrls beA Inrohand and circulated lo all dclcualu and he Liberal menu war addrcmd by fromlnznl uncrla auch as Eng andl Barbara Ward Tho Com lflVflUVCl willperhaps rightly rnly on ha lnlrulxenca and Idea party mrmbcrl AIIM To All IANIHHHIA uuunm sewMy le Ammllnnn luau lmvllnl In Inln lhI Smith Vlel Mmuo army Nflmn My thma dnllnlm II Hm sum VlelnnmnI In HM Thulmlny III Iul IHRHIM hum III Inv cmmm whNhr an unan would be mme ldenuryinz and checking Lbs wgenngy 91 Items Thnt is far mm the will hawavey young he tum Anyth nz back beyond 1900 is considered by Mr Chan nen to have pasihflmc museum Kine bu that Is not an inflexl 10 me More modem item in EVEN Heidi are bdnz colledcd or tumplg electrical apparatus from early In this mnlury Mr ChafiznJEork In iho field was choznlzcxi when wns named lns wcék n3 sécond vmmldeut ol the Ontario Historical Socleyn quugn 55c lion at oonlcrenca In nnrhé Thr Liberal mccflnz wan ha In lruly npun pollllcnl mccunz cllhrr old my hm aver held In In rccolocllon ll open In flu rnaxgcc pela 1m Comrvnllvu on Hm nlher lund minim nlI molu Ilnm In 170 Iubmllled la llxu mquUnns rommmu In nd vnnro lhry wlll lhm be up proprlaldy meldul wllh mnilnr molmlnm by hnl tommlllte which mm In ul In flue van hu manna Aurh mnvrn km by ummhl or play down my mnluunn whlth In onulhrmn lo the lrrnn 11m in lhu erdlvn turh In an mo an democracy unlu wrrn ncrmlurd i0 mm min mm In at In the Workshops approval hm were Ultn rahrm lo lhu nppwprlnu mnlullonl tnmmlh nnd nlmluctd in plenary mulnn Ihfi m1 omrurn mu hm leh up ml 00 hrzrl TIIE CUM llElN mutlngu lnrhnxu Irlmn Mlm hm lmmm lrcnrllulalul ll many uhm hn mnunenlnl 1n lmllnmcnt llml ammuni luulnllnm mvo II gulda In pallry may nu rnnlldrml Iy Inn parllnmrmmy lamlmhlu lull mlmnly nut nulnmnllcaly MOMM VIhl Year Ihere in been the prospect that the party might finally get in bl rum TORONTO 111a Pramsslve Conservatives are now having their Ontario annual meeting And it will be quit contrast to tha meeflnzs the other two parties 1M PG dont believe In 510 Funouts hullahaloo that lhe linen andtha NDP hnva hegn urgsgr Thuy helluva In havlns the truss mu and listen rather than telling the gnvemment and tho vaxty leadmhh What it shmlld do Thu though Conservative meeung nominally In or threa days nnt much time Is dlevoled to mual business us 50115 QUEENS PARK bulk am acuvlly centres an banquets and recep tlnpandspeeches And aside mm the election officerswhich mm time to time can anus Hula heal ho bulk of Iha buslnm done at the sessions can be Very Peflultlm Usually then wlll In num ber of resolutions of the we belleve ln God and country varlnky which are given com placent cmlnmllon and um will be all Snldam ward spoken ln anger or nnlcncy MAY BE RUMPUS pm Thu Jesuit bull bouts sccmlyln the aim of mm home and lhcn arranged for lens or the Iroquois just ouuldo he pal Ilsade was palm of honor for lha Iroquuls In em unlll they tell nslccp and hen lhc Jesuit mu away in Husk mall bouts Hndissnn 1th formed path nmhlp with his brothermlnw Chnunrl dc Groscilicn and hey went lur trndlnn in lhu Great Lake and pnulbly Hud son Bay htIr mimics hm hm rumble 11h lho unv unor and they lost lhclr llctnco Than Hwy Wm lnrlunnlo la meal Sir George Cnrlucl who has bcrn descrle mm allhouzh he hrld hlgh pomlnn In Inn admlrnlty Canon look hrm 1n llrllnln when IhuIr Ilnrlu ur lradlnz ltd Klnx Charch II and mm llupm lo financn nn nxlmmlan In Hudlan Ilny Thu memlvm ho mm muhl not pmnnuncu ha names Iludlnun nml Grosclllm tnsfly Ind pm mt new hm lllh the Inn ol hull ll Illl not open you win down at Mum and mm yml and blmlnl thul lhm Ihnll no In room mm la mqu ll MilM mo Canada land advanlure and Canadian who may have had more adventures than any nne was Pietra Radlssan HI mother and father Inn Franco in 1651 and went to llvo In Tmls Riviera Qua when Hem was small buy nu 1115 adventure camo when he was out duck hunting with some other boys and was captured by band of Iroquois Fortu nately one of the squaws had just lbs an about Pimea age so she adopted th and he went to Va In Mohawk villnga In what is new lhu mm at New York Radlsson lenmed gnod deal about Mohawk custom while he was there and toms the language On Oct 29 1653 he managed to escape and made his way In Albany when lhcrn was Dutch settlement From lhm ho was lakcn In France and then back In lrolsamvlcrcs wlgcre horalolncd Ahl vampz Radissnn was laken nlung to help During thu wlnlnr ha lanrnad Ihnt tho Irnqunls plmmd to mum the mm mm an um hler ho Iraquolifipcrifiidcrd Um Jesuits lo establish ml Chrhllmu nuzM In be Mlllnl In nlvo nll llc um and mrlu all Ila hnn ImmLmL CANADAS STORY BIBLE THOUGHT Expect PC Meeting To Be Sedate Affair 112 Marriv Examilwr ll nymld FL Pierre Radisson Led Life Of Adventure By DON OHEARN By BOB BOWMAN nmmmhl IIIIIUM DIV pus With both the other parties having had nounoverlies over the accountability question it has hem ieit ihin topic might work Ii way into lhu PC 5e Iiunt and bring an wme argu men However appear aw then 15 mm chgnc of thh Apparenlly there an mm 70 or so resolution in go before thu meeting but none of mm as pnuctglflz or Accquntabulty inn sun mi from the flogr rcclly approached through mm to havethe party ad the policy regular leader ravlew which the when hive The chances dz appemd particularly bright when puny whlp John Whlla publicly ndvo cnlcd ll short Urns ago However than In chum of the manila at time of wrlllng them ls ltlle prospect he gunsllon will at helm tbs endhrmd conngmon Curd nullMn ll AV whlle agonwhen writing about the NDP than WI mElqke my copy Thcre was comment abnuz the NDP and agriculture in which mean to speak of k6 relation ship with the Onlaflo Farmer Union Inndvmently his appenred as an association with FAME To the render this must hm appearcd numense I0 and Ihcm radhhu Ind zoosclggrry The Hudsun Egg run utmm ol nrulmn that Ii led lo the formation he Hudsons BayCn any Ilndlssonn adventure not end then He warkcd for the English the French and the English again He wn always In and nut of trouble OTHER OCT 29 EVENTS IBMFirst Canadian conllnA gen for South African War sallcd mm Quebec 1925 General election sullcd In Conservative winning 115 seats Liberals 101 Pro urculm and Independznu ZR Labor Howevcr Mackzntlo King formed Lbcrnl novan mcnt wllh support olrplinm parllcs luoflnyal Asgard xivbn or railway from Lawrenca lo province llne lmCanndlnn schooner Elna new demand Amcrlcan Colum bln in Intermuonnlchallenge me woman 0N wmzau BrlUsh nmlno rdld fund is provding 10 um to our rum India dcmonsuaflnx eco nomlcml nutrition with Iocll Knolls film be lmslock market trashed AM lillln vleMllo ymlr llrlimu 11mm Ihlu year by hum your Mahmu Unnh penum nllml Thll Chriumu Send PERSONAL GREETING GIFTS fii MY

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